Out of the cage

Chapter 1384 Chapter 2803 (Part 2) Men farm and women weave

In the second half of the 35th century in the main world, with the end of the "elimination of the old and innovation" (the fifth plane war), there was a revival of the dimensional tunnel in the main world.

Compared with the old system that had long-standing shortcomings left by Qin Tian's Great Emperor, a certain Tu Kang wiped out the redundancy at the upper level before "retiring" and left a rich accumulation on the basis of time travel, allowing the first batch of people to time travel after the breakthrough era. They received "dividends".

In multiple territorial areas, this generation of travelers quickly found the development path of human civilization.

The new team of time travelers who came to power in the 35th century after the Fifth World War predicted that there would be no major problems in the territorial system for more than two hundred years.

Due to the fall of the king, many branches of reborn consciousness began to call the shots, and the Space-Time Management Bureau became diversified from a single main world.

Moreover, the Space-Time Worm has now been recognized by Haotu and has begun to become a regular member, contributing a large number of talents to the team of time travellers.

The public watchdog system was re-established and became increasingly large, beginning to adjudicate various conflicts in time and space.

Due to the complexity of dimensional governance, the old supervisors had to leave the plane and start business again.

But here comes the question, where is the consciousness of the world guardian Keng who once illuminated the entire plane of heaven and penetrated many dimensions? Wei Keng's "heyday" in the 34th and 35th centuries suddenly disappeared.

This is not correct. Even the "residual" will should be spread across the territory, so it cannot suddenly disappear.

Wei Keng's sudden disappearance is inconsistent with the common sense of the plane. A powerful consciousness is reflected in the "changing power" of time and space.

If there is no stage to provide a "changing power stage" (space for tossing) for this consciousness, then this consciousness will riot and struggle to penetrate the rules in a small space.

At this time, Wei Keng's power to change the alien plane cannot be seen.

Kong gap: This illustrates a situation where Wei Keng's "main force of consciousness" has moved to an invisible place in the main world.

…In this era of hustle and bustle, it’s easy to forget where the heroes came from when the gunfire is flying…

The new team of monitors of the Space-Time Management Bureau are currently worried about the prosperity of time and space, and have no time to make detailed statistics on this "silent" existence.

But Kong Chuanxiao, who is familiar with Wei Keng's characteristics, understands that Wei Keng's sudden silence must be where he is holding back his ultimate move.

On the dark energy plane, Kong Chuan found Jing Guyu

Jing Guyu also unequivocally opened the coping tips bag left by Bai Linglu.

Bai Linglu left a message: The goal of "reaching the highest" must not be used to set the direction of Wei Keng's will.

Jing Guyu was busy embroidering Mo Ya's battle armor at this time, and said perfunctorily to Kong: Boss Wei will not waste his willpower on the lofty goals that everyone aspires to.

Jing Guyu glanced at Kong and said, "It's not interesting to accompany the geniuses with the appearance of a middle-aged man."

But Jing Guyu didn't say anything else: Wei Keng has extremely strong ideas in areas that the public doesn't pay much attention to.

The hole opened the record Qin Xiaohan left for her: Wei Keng will continue to strengthen, strengthen, and strengthen in some very basic and inconspicuous areas! The whole process is covered up by being ordinary! While others were marching ahead with magnificent strides, he was quietly changing, until finally, he completed the subversive change.

...Kong Chuanxiao had a crazy thought in his heart: If he was still here, the world would be unstable...

In 3503, Bai Linglu, who was planning a consciousness shuttle plan, was found by Kong Chuan.

Kong Chuanxiao repeatedly urged Bai Linglu to show Wei Keng's whereabouts in the main world.

According to the current published scale of vitamin synthesis in the Dyson ring, we know that the scale of the consciousness returned to the center of Mercury's gravitational wellhead every year is millions! However, these "Keng" groups did not appear in the inner solar system circle, but were all thrown into the starry sky.

As for Wei Keng's plan to build a dam by moving bricks from the sky, all parties in the main world are aware of this "ambitious" but currently "mundane" plan, and currently still have a conservative wait-and-see attitude.

Because just like the "dream of the star sea" described by other veteran retired travelers who escaped into the star sea, everyone feels that it may not have an important impact on the solar system.

At this time, people in the world are used to looking up and seeing the sun above their heads, but they don't know that the rays of light radiated from the sun to the universe are the whistles of the Stardust Farming Sea in Chapter 28.03 of Wei Keng Entering the Star.

Kong went through the gap to the Mars base and stared into space: the "star sea of ​​consciousness" that once invaded the city in high dimensions has now been projected into the universe silently.

But under the restraint of the powerful physical laws of this main world, no one can recognize this brilliant "starlight".

Others may not believe that Wei Keng's ambition is special.

But Kong Chuanxiao had witnessed the unfolding process of Wei Keng's consciousness in the dark plane, and now she felt that there seemed to be Tu Kang's "big conspiracy" hidden in the distant star curtain.

...On the other side, the plane elevator is also connected to the main world, and Jing Guyu also returns from the earth's gravity well...

Jing Guyu pointed to the starry sky and asked Bai Linglu: "For such an outrageous thing, he..." Halfway through, she found that she couldn't describe it.

Bai Linglu joked: "Oh, what's the matter? How many pages have you turned through the information written by Qin Xiaohan?"

Jing Guyu said silently: "What else does he pursue besides the stars and the sea?"

Bai Linglu was silent for a while and said slowly: What he likes is men farming and women weaving.

Men farming means working hard in the wilderness bit by bit, while women weavers find materials and compile them bit by bit.

Note: Wei Keng has now tried to transfer part of the Dyson ring to Bai Linglu, and veteran supervisors such as Jing Guyu have also been transferred to the corresponding technology. Obviously, in the Star Sea Era, Nu Zhi is on the star.

When Jing Guyu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, Bai Linglu said, "Would you like to join us? You and I also need to find an investment that is in line with our nature in this main world."

Jing Guyu muttered silently: "Do men farm and women weave? Oh, it is indeed him. Only he would have such a rustic wish." Ten thousand years ago, humans farmed and weaved, and who hunted and wore animal skins? "High Technology" of the Era

Bai Linglu: "It has been a thousand years, the world has changed, and everyone has accumulated a lot of mistakes. But in the end, civilization's understanding of technology is often the simplest part and the most lasting."

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