Out of the cage

Chapter 1476 Chapter 2942 (Part 2) Returning like lightning

Chapter 1476 Chapter 29.42 (Part 2) Returning like lightning

On the magic plane timeline dominated by the Xia Sheng people, the Space-Time Management Bureau is now divided into multiple factions.

But at present, the moral atmosphere of the first-generation "Space-Time Research Department" in the Taiplane is very good, so each time-traveling faction believes that the Lord of Eryuan in the Tomorrow Territory is worth fighting for, and has specially set up relevant laws and regulations to control the "Eryuan" Role protection.

...And on the magic plane, various time travelers are currently participating in the construction meeting held in Eryuan. …

Next to the suggestion meeting hall of the Tomorrow Leader Center, after the huge mechanical clock in the mechanical clock tower rang nine times, the minute hand also moved to the ninth square, and the meeting was convened. At the public meeting, the "constitutional" agenda was ongoing, and the meeting was held in the form of playing a magic video.

Narrator: In the Xia Sheng civilization, 9 is a special number. Nine and nine are one, which represents the end of the old and the beginning of the new.

Eryuan: "Everyone, we have now passed the running-in stage of communication, and the two sides have enhanced our understanding. Our plane knowledge system can be shared with you to a certain extent, but everyone also needs to take it further and bring it into our position. A comprehensive culture and thinking about developing the future.”

Next, in the video conference, various departments began to have free discussions.

First of all, the scientific research department, Meshen Yao (Male): So far, our lack of knowledge in this dimension is still in "human life science". This plane has the possibility of extending carbon-based life into the inorganic realm, and the development of life can finally get rid of the shackles of "fragility of the physical body".

Comrade Meshen Yaku is from the "Carnal Gundam" faction and believes that mechanical technology is only an auxiliary in this plane, and the body must be truly adapted to this plane.

Meshenyao dissected the great demons that had traveled through time in other timelines, while at the same time conducting in-depth research on the biological attributes of the orcs.

He was sure that if he wanted to enter the universe, he would have to enlarge and perfect his body like the demons of the "Burning Legion" in this plane.

In this world, if there is not enough rune technology, the engine made of the best materials will also age and become unusable.

Therefore, he disagrees with the traditional mechanical faction. Of course, the Tai plane did not affect its internal quarrels externally.

And all plane travelers believe that Master Eyuan currently knows nothing about this.

…A new round of plot evolution begins…

In 591, 34-year-old Eryuan now arrived in the south of the kingdom. The entire southern part of the kingdom went through years of fighting, leaving large areas of the land barren. There used to be nearly a million humans in the south, but now, there are only a hundred thousand left.

As for the residents who successfully escaped, most of them are gathering tomorrow.

After ten years of development, the kingdom can only maintain the iron and stone fortress defense line, but the Tomorrowland now has the ability to recover to the south.

The Tomorrowland Business Organization has now launched a new round of contact plan with the nobles of the decadent kingdom, which is to help the nobles of these kingdoms build a more advanced collective farm economy and at the same time expand a connected water conservancy project.

Mu Zhenyao, who brought a tractor unit to support farming, explained to Eryuan: The core of any agricultural system lies in whether it can gather enough infrastructure capacity to complete large-scale adjustment projects such as water conservancy planning.

At present, humanity's old southern territory is full of waste. After several rounds of poor policies by the kingdom's noble knights, the population has suffered a massive loss. The Tomorrow Territory, which takes over all this, must complete agricultural restoration as soon as possible and save manpower at the same time.

Under this circumstance again, the land masses in the south temporarily gave up the "family" unit production policy and began to enter a collective economic state that lasted for twenty years.

Narrator: When it comes to large-scale consumer items, such as the purchase of a tractor, the decision is made collectively, and the loan is borne by the collective for ten or twenty years.

Of course, the local almost bankrupt knights and minor nobles exerted their last remaining energy at this stage. As the collective legal person and the "big aristocrat", well, in fact, they are connected with the Industrial Council established by Eryuan, and use aristocratic ethics to guarantee the use of credit and restore production.

The clear-minded Eryuan judge: This is a link between industrial capital in emerging cities and land capital groups in rural areas.

Bringing the perspective of the big aristocrats, Eryuan has control over these small local aristocrats who have been taken under his command. He has a lot of votes for the factory owners in the city: I can order (organize) them (rural landowners) to fight the orcs, how can I Can’t we organize the territorial “serfs” to pay off their debts? ——Industrial capital is most afraid of default when it expands. Therefore, there must be a stable guarantor relationship to maintain the so-called contractual spirit.

There are many surprises in this magical world, and now Wei Keng is like a stable axis, providing "easy" test questions for Xia Sheng's time travelers according to the "standard materialist history" script.

...When you have strength, you must show your strength under certain circumstances, and the same is true for time-travelers...

In the south, the bridgehead of the Tomorrow Territory, New Sun City, is a large base preparing to launch a big battle to the south. A towering magic tower has been built. Outside the magic tower, the gears of the forging factory are rotating with the rhythm of the steam sprayed by the cooling tower. .

Eryuan was wearing a white robe with a badge embroidered with silver thread. He looked at the magic map unfolded by the officers below, and used the optical force field wand in his hand to plan on the sand table and introduce the next step of expansion.

Ao Tian (Xia Sheng Traveler): If the kingdom now pushes its troops to a hundred kilometers south of the Iron Stone Fortress, it will be blocked by the orcs. The orcs have now established a large number of livestock stables here and have a stable base.

He clicked on the photo of the orc base in front of Eryuan. The orc tower was in the style of an octagonal building.

The main beam and column structure uses "cement and iron wood" concrete technology, and the outside is perfectly baked with a layer of porcelain by a three-thousand-degree magic flame.

Wei Keng commented that the orcs' architecture was crude, but very practical.

In short, the current confrontation between the human race and the southern orc tribe is difficult to break, and the remaining capital of tomorrow's leader should not be invested in this direction.

…The restlessness caused by the time-travelers must find a strategic direction to spread...

Eyuan came to the map and drew a line on the southern territory with his finger. This line was the Mingda River. This river wound around the coastal area.

Wei Keng said to himself: As a feudal lord, I naturally want to expand my territory.

Wei Keng's fingers traced along the river and identified the porcupine people, trolls, and ogre tribes in this side area. These are all allies of the orcs. Expanding in this direction can avoid direct conflict with the orcs and at the same time expand productivity.

Narrator: During the Warring States Period, the Qin State had the same strategy. It abandoned its struggle for hegemony in the Central Plains and instead annexed Bashu.

Tomorrow, the military department, which accounts for 40% of these travelers in the territory, has determined that the plan is feasible.

The current combat strength mobilized by Tomorrow Leader is 6,000 people. The scale of this troop mobilization is not large compared with that on Earth, but it is already a considerable force in the kingdom.

At this time in Tomorrow Land, forty ships have stopped at the river port.

These are the outer shell steel plates of Tomorrow's ironclad ships. They are welded together by the fusion technique. They are as smooth as eggs, leaving a large space inside the hull.

In the past five years, the traverser's industrial territory has completed sixty-seven thousand-ton river warships, using magic engines that are extremely expensive for this plane. On the power shaft inside the hull, there are forty-five sets of metal rollers embedded in them. The elements of the magic stone are just like the slave boatmen rowing in the Greek period, pushing the blades in the drum, and the drum drives the main shaft to push the propeller blades.

Now on the territory, a series of steam vehicles roughly the size of a Toyota pickup truck were launched, and the soldiers stood on them like iron men.

The 6,000 people mobilized by the general staff tomorrow are not village militiamen, but heavy armored warriors holding big swords, knights holding shields and carrying strings, soldiers carrying ice crossbows, and magic weapons. Book, a mage with a spellcasting device on his arm. The Xia Sheng people from modern times in the territory provided the soldiers with everything they wanted.

In terms of individual soldier equipment alone, Eryuan equipped his soldiers with full Vajra primary rune protective gear. During the military parade, when this group of soldiers took steps forward, they made a "squeaking" sound of heavy metal armor clashing.

After explaining the strategy to the officers, Wei Keng reviewed this unit that was loyal to the "ideal of tomorrow."

Eryuan, who was riding a white horse, walked through the square formation. Under the gaze of everyone, he used amplification magic to say to these soldiers, most of whom came from the southern territories: "We will return to our land like lightning."

At this moment, Eryuan is no different from the king who led the people to open up the land in history. ——Of course, it would be better if the white horse was replaced by a dragon.

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