Out of the cage

Chapter 1477 Chapter 2943 The Strategic Pattern of Large Industry

590 years after the Aegis Calendar, the north of the kingdom has encountered special weather in recent years. The cold air from the north destroyed large areas of wheat fields, which made the price of food in the north very high. Since the northern trolls have also begun to invade in recent years, the kingdom has become unstable. Although the farmers who fled to the hinterland of the kingdom were nominally settled, they were actually looking for berries in the bushes and making a living by digging tubers and other food. Compared to their relatives who fled to Tomorrowland, their lives have been quite miserable these years.

Take the Iron Stone Fortress as an example. Although the kingdom re-cultivated 6,000 hectares of nearby land after the war, these lands were abandoned in the past and were buffer zones for human gatherings and alien races such as ogres, porcupines and goblins. So the farm is often destroyed. Not to mention that there are no water conservancy facilities and the harvest depends entirely on the sky. Now the sky is not giving any favors. After the frost, there is a continuous lack of rain.

Therefore, when the Tomorrow Leader announced the policy of recovering the South, it would invest a lot of military resources (rows of mechanized vehicles in the newspaper) and agricultural resources (one after another Elf Planting Expert spoke). Then he began to compete with the kingdom for the hearts and minds of the people.

Even though the lords have the right of ownership (powerful personal control) over the people in their territory, when they hear that their old homeland has been restored, this feeling of longing will still turn into pressure on the lords.

So this time, the kingdom finally sent an envoy in a serious manner. But this time they encountered a fleet of bright lights on the Mingda River.

Her Royal Highness Princess Losuna, who was riding a gryphon, looked at this mighty fleet and murmured to herself: "What are you doing?"

Of course, the gryphon was quickly intercepted by a helicopter in the sky and landed on the hull. On the steamship, sailors dressed in white operate the steering wheel and control the rudder, while magic puppets transport cargo along the hull rails.

The atmosphere on the steamboat is more relaxed than on the ruined land on both sides. An Eye of True Seeing floats on the top of the ship's central mast, scanning the world on a large scale.

…Tomorrowland has gone beyond the kingdom system…

Under feudal rules, the central government only granted titles, and small lords developed the area in the name of big lords.

But if there is a name but no resources, there will be only a few towns in the huge fiefdom. It's not like this has never happened before.

Historically, when the kingdom encountered a war and certain dukes and marquis whose families were in decline lost power, the strength of the surrounding earls became relatively stronger.

The cities of vassals may be richer than the overlord's urban areas. At this time, you can defy the superiors.

If the kingdom to which the great nobles are attached is still strong, the lower nobles still have to abide by their names, but what if the kingdom as a whole declines?

Eyuan solemnly said to Xia Sheng: "The crown is currently declining, but it is still the crown. This crown inherits the inertial thinking of many people in this plane. As a subordinate, if you want to challenge the superior, you will also face other people who are loyal to the royal power. Noble crusade.”

Eryuan's development of marginal land followed imperial edicts but not propaganda, and was only semi-independent. With the current power of the Tomorrow Territory, it is possible to win a direct conflict with the Kingdom, and it is indeed possible to significantly increase the land and population after winning.

But Eryuan silently gave himself a reason to be "conservative": Even if our territory wins, what should we do next? How to fill the vacuum with new order? Directly replace it? It is too difficult to ask a small tribe to dominate a large country. And you must know that there have always been demons, undead, mage towers and other forces in this plane, who can come up at any time to fill the power vacuum after the collapse of the kingdom.

Even if it is not annexation, but gradual encroachment, tomorrow's leadership will still face many problems in its growth.

Tsk tsk, according to human beings’ preference for first-come, first-served, seniority ranking, tomorrow’s leader is still too young. Its nascent system has not been tested by time and is easily viewed with suspicion by seasoned members.

The kingdom is now opening the window of "doubts about the young master of the country" and will carry out many traditional investigations on the future leaders.

For example, Earl Brandt's family is now being instigated to try to support Jie Li's distant cousin, a mage in the kingdom who is learning swordsmanship, in the appointment of a new heir. His strength is only level three.

Not to mention leading the group of knights tomorrow, even Ji Xu and other time travelers shouted ridiculously: "Abolish the elder and establish the young, abolish the direct descendant and establish the elder." This is against the patriarchal law. When the upper echelons of the feudal system dare to do this openly, then it is This gave the powerful ministers a reason to depose the successor of the superior.

Jieli was very distressed by this because Eryuan did not want her son to change his name for the sake of the territory.

Eyuan: As long as Binghe is still alive and healthy, that's fine. As for Binghe, he seems not interested in the earldom.

Eryuan put himself in the position of his own child and thought: No wonder, because the Brandt Earldom is an agricultural area, there is no electricity, there is no magic movie projection, and there are no friends from school. Every time I go back, I have to be dressed like a doll and accepted. Aristocratic etiquette. He has a naughty nature, so how can he endure it?

It is worth mentioning that the most recent time he went home, Binghe ran away alone and then fled back to tomorrow's territory.

Master Wei was going to treat him to a meal of fried pork with a leather belt, and he went to live in the mechanical school again. Then he suddenly started studying hard and was admitted to the junior class.

He is going to Sun Island (Xia Sheng people) for further studies. It can be said that Master Wei can't keep up with his running speed when he picks up his belt.

…The fleet continued to move forward, and the envoy team was invited to Brandt’s territory…

At this time, the Brandt family was entertaining Her Royal Highness the Princess and her followers who had just teleported over.

The Brandt family mage whom the kingdom was optimistic about was still very young at this time.

Eryuan could tell that this young mage admired the princess very much. This admiration was not pursuit, but the consciousness of being a lower guardian knight. How should I put it? - In terms of modern people's moral values, this kind of subordinate guardian knight, but maintaining an ambiguous relationship with the mistress, is a dog licker.

However, Eryuan stared at this Jieli clan brother with sympathy: he had been domesticated in the palace, and besides learning magic, he was emphasized as a "lower class". He also liked the princess in the palace and also Twisted into inferiority and admiration.

Ever since he came out of the Dark Plane, every time Eryuan saw a young boy who lacked ambition in his early years, he hated iron and steel.

After Eryuan saw Master Brandt, he first passed the kingdom princess and gave him a complete set of magic suits (mage robe, artist mask, magic energy storage card, magic stone) and told him: "You must practice well." Magic, for yourself." This sudden and unethical behavior confused the nobles of the kingdom present.

As for Princess Luosuna of the Kingdom, she is only sixteen years old this year. She is observing Eryuan. In her eyes, Eryuan is young, handsome and calm with a mature demeanor, which makes her heart beat. It's like a girl from the ancient industrial age meeting a handsome and cool idol star.

Luosuna muttered silently: "Lord Eryuan has been in contact with the alien plane and has maintained a good relationship. Now he has completed the development and construction of the territory. Both Karar and the kingdom are paying close attention to him."

In every aspect, Eryuan is perfect. The talents of the ordinary political officers under his command are better than those of the great lord's political officers. As for his appearance and demeanor, he is as warm as the sun.

Please note that before the modernization of Tomorrow, education was a luxury, and only the children of nobles had the opportunity to learn how to manage the people.

In the kingdom's records of Eryuan, he was belittled as a person who was born in a pigsty. However, after meeting him, Luosuna sighed in her heart: Was Eryuan born a noble?

Eyuan saw the princess staring at him closely and couldn't help coughing.

When meeting such a superior person, if he were Eyuan before he got married, he would yawn. He doesn't care about his image, he plays when he needs to, and he just lies down when he needs to, but after having Binghe, he behaves like a model in every move. Well, he looks very charming as a mature man, especially to the 16-year-old aristocratic sister-in-law Liang.

Jieli came, dressed in fine clothes and stood next to Eyuan. Eyuan took the initiative to hold her hand. Jieli quietly drew circles on Eyuan's palm, and then suddenly grabbed the flesh of Eyuan's palm. Eyuan had no choice but to agree: " Let’s talk about it tonight.”

Next, with the help of Jie Li, they began to negotiate terms with the kingdom.

During the meeting, well, that is, accompanied by Jie Li, Eryuan agreed to the kingdom's food purchase agreement. The meeting was very clean, without any additional communication.

A few hours later, Eryuan was no longer in the castle. Instead, he put on linen clothes and came to the straw pile in the countryside. The straw pile in front of him exuded a yellow luster under the sunlight. After the busy harvest, It's really a bit lazy. It may be a beautiful thing to relax and lie down easily.

At this time, people here painted various slogans on the houses they built, such as: "Have more children, plant more trees."

"It's just as good to have a boy or a girl." Something like that. This style of painting is quite similar to the Yam School style in this world.

Eyuan also added a catchy slogan of his own: "Only by combining work and rest, and having a good rest can you work well."

Mr. Wei's own social management has always been the same: try to mobilize and complete the production of basic materials, complete education as much as possible, build upward channels, suppress the unhealthy consumption of the upper class, cultivate the grassroots economically, and on the basis of healthy development, demand diversification.

The Tomorrow Leader has embarked on the path of "breaking out of its shell" in the development of the current era. As long as it maintains a healthy state, it can use reasonable methods to stimulate the arrogant nobles in the kingdom to perform in the opposite direction. perish.

For example, now: Due to the inexplicable severe winter cold and drought, there is a food famine and a shortage of materials in the kingdom. According to the past, if there is no competition for territory tomorrow, some nobles will still distribute food and take care of their "people" just like farmers take care of livestock. , but now they no longer do this kind of business, and instead emphasize the kingdom's aristocratic order and this kind of upper-level classics with the Tomorrow Leader.

At this time, the kingdom already showed signs of weakness, but the great nobles were further divided in the "salon" culture.

In the overall environment of hostility to the Tomorrow Territory, some stubborn old nobles even believe that the confrontation between the Tomorrow Territory should be further strengthened, because even if they reconcile now, the Tomorrow Territory will not provide help to the kingdom. Some nobles even described Eyuan as refusing to save him and laughing at the kingdom.

In this concept of confrontation, the kingdom's radical nobles gathered forces in the Iron and Stone Fortress in an attempt to provoke friction.

After Luosuna returned and brought supplies, General Crow of the Iron Stone Fortress (who once cooperated with Eryuan as a Paladin) saw the price of the goods list given by his old friend Eryuan, and said with tears in his eyes: "He really "~" But in the depressing atmosphere of the kingdom's aristocratic circle at this time, even the Crow family of the great aristocrats did not dare to express: Eryuan is a kind person.

The next day, batches of goods were transported from the teleportation array to the Iron Stone Fortress. As for the list of exchange requests, it included gold coins, minerals, and even whole pieces of large timber. The Crow family pays great attention to traditional noble contracts. The handover of trade materials was completed.

In a letter he wrote to his mentor: The Kingdom’s fear of the Tomorrow Leader taking advantage of the situation and robberies did not happen.

As everyone knows, once this deal is opened, the territorial wealth of all the nobles in the kingdom will begin to flow out.

Eryuan has definitely opened up the market of its old friend, and has started to engage in the linen textile industry and the non-staple food processing industry of producing glass cans.

…Tomorrow’s Leading Traveler Consultant: The expansion of high-end capitalism requires continuous draining of the opponent’s potential, forcing the radicals among the opponent to take action first...

At this time, the Tomorrow Kingdom did not pursue the military colonization of the kingdom arrogantly, but adopted a more peaceful evolution.

Eryuan: The main focus is to control key resources through economic redemption, aiming its currency settlement model at the lower levels of the kingdom, and linking it to its own food, steel, and magic supplies.

As for force, it is absolutely possible to support agents.

Lying on the pile of straw, Eyuan mentally sketched out the territory division map, and recited the names of the owners of those territories: "Tsk, tsk, these young lords are very stupid in the aristocratic circles of the kingdom, so we can support them. The new order cannot just blossom in a world of tomorrow, it must make this world more possible."

"I will use decades to establish an era, and then when the tide rises, the party that joins the trend will overthrow the old one."

Eryuan also commented on the upper-level rulers of this world: "The mages isolate the advanced productive forces in their own wizard towers. That is a small-scale peasant mentality. It is too small, and the pattern is too small."

Eryuan swore to Jieli that night: "I firmly uphold the alliance of "humans, elves, and dwarves" and am willing to become the cornerstone of stability."

Jie Li said something: "Xilier (a royal girl from the Elf tribe) asked where Binghe went now?"

Eyuan: "Is this kid in love early?"

Jie Li grabbed Eyuan's shoulders and cursed: "You kicked me out and went to the Mechanical Research Institute for a trial!"

Eryuan muttered: "Well, when he grows up, the elf girl will still be a loli. Well, it's better to split the ball now and save yourself from being dumped later."

Jie Li was furious: "Are you deliberately pretending not to understand what I said? Didn't you just say you were willing to become the cornerstone of the alliance between humans and elves?"

Eryuan reacted and immediately pinched Jieli's nose: "Yes, I am willing to defend politics, but it does not mean that I have to fill my son in as a stepping stone. He has his own future. I only provide the bottom line. In addition, I will tell you something again. One thing, I don’t want him to be the lord.”

Jie Li was very angry: "Why, he is your bloodline!"

Eryuan looked at the blue sky and white clouds: "My bloodline wants to fly freely. He has a better future."

Jieli suddenly became anxious: "What should I do with my territory?"

Eyuan: "Your distant cousin, I think it's okay to practice a little bit."

Jie Li rolled her eyes: "You are not afraid that he will sell the territory to the kingdom if he changes hands. You have also seen how he treats Luosuna during the day."

Eyuan didn't care: "Boy, he will be deceived by girls several times. Tsk tsk, as long as he hasn't been trapped by the princess, I can let him know what to pursue in life!"

Jie Li asked curiously: "How do you know the princess didn't trap him?"

Eryuan glanced at Jieli: "When I say I'm trapped, it's because you and I have a lifelong contract. Your cousin is just fascinated for a moment and hasn't fallen in yet."

Jieli pinched Eryuan secretly: "Do you mean you regret falling into my life?"

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