Out of the cage

Chapter 1514 Chapter 3015 (Volume 2) “Center Migration” in Dimension

In the second half of the thirty-ninth century, the Seventh Plane War officially entered its second half.

After talking to his own consciousnesses that were affected by obsessions, the high-dimensional Wei Kang consciousness group now came to the time and space dam in the dark plane.

Now, the manager of the time and space dam is Zhenxun. After a thousand years of hierarchical management, the entire dam has formed multiple new historical torrents downstream, and "variable flickers" have appeared in many historical areas. out of observation. When the variables in the dam are perfectly diverted, the people who care for the dam can leave.

Zhenxun: "Hey, I'm back when I have time."

Wei Keng: "I need to use the plane elevator."

Zhenxun: "No problem, how much variable flow is needed."

Wei Keng: "There is no need for your area to enter and bleed and sweat."

After Wei Keng opened the master map of the plane elevator, he linked up millions of plane passages.

Zhenxun glanced at it, and then his face became very shocked. It was as if his boyfriend had agreed to come to his house as a guest. After opening the door, he brought in his backpack with the pots and pans that he used to live with, as if he wanted to live together. appearance.

These millions of plane passages are all anchored in the core area of ​​the development of the main world dimension. In other words, Wei Keng has prepared the terminal center of the space-time civilization to be transferred to the dark plane.

...Wei Keng: If a civilization wants to avoid extinction, it must have the courage to move its capital. …

All roads lead to Rome. Rome was not built in a day! In the end, these proverbs are a historical reality. Rome succeeds and Rome fails. Binding the rise and fall of civilization to one center, then the responsibility of this center is too great.

On the other hand, in the East, starting from the ancient times, it moved from Yin to Haojing, then Chang'an, Luoyang, and then the northern and southern capitals. The inheritance has not been interrupted because of the transfer of the center.

Therefore, Wei Keng has now formulated one of the ultimate goals of the Seventh Plane War, which is to help the current main world get rid of the burden of the "center". The Great Plains of the Central Plains cannot be a capital, but it can still be farmed.

On this side, after Wei Keng finished talking about his plan to move the space-time civilization, Zhenxun looked at Wei Keng and whispered: Your thinking is really out of the ordinary. ——As a tree ape who hanged himself on a tree, I am now amazed at the courage of the male grass ape to move.

However, Zhenxun still felt that after this "center relocation", the two of them would see each other less in the future.

Zhen Xun looked at Wei Keng and sighed in his heart: The tallest and most central tree cannot attract you. You like the vast farmland under the tree. .

The platform of the plane elevator is arranged like a train station. The two of them were waiting on top of the well of the dimension.

Zhenxun was about to talk about something, but he didn't know how to say it, so he asked: Where is Bai Linglu? Is she still doing dimension monitoring work?

Wei Keng yawned, glanced at Zhen Xun, and then began to recite the text.

"In recent years, she and I have been traveling here and there, and the situation at home has deteriorated day by day.

We two teenagers went out to make a living, supported ourselves independently, and did many great things. Who knew Laojing was so decadent! It's so touching that I can't help myself. When emotions are depressed, they will naturally be expressed outwardly; trivial matters in the family often trigger anger in the heart. "

Zhenxun was touched by Wei Keng's words, and seemed to see the sadness behind the career failure of this "boyfriend" who came to his house carrying large and small bags in recent years.

Of course, if the Black Alliance hears Wei Keng's words, they will definitely curse: This unruly man has been decadent in the past few years. He has rebelled in the dimensional territory. He is so prosperous and decadent? In the past hundred years, he has become more and more brave as he fights. He holds the strongest sword and tests the world!

Wei Keng narration: This is called emotional intelligence. When you come to ask others for help, don't brag about how good you are. Your happiness comes from the displeasure of others, and only when you are not going well can you resonate with others. ,

The plane elevator has arrived. A series of space bubbles spit out from the gravity well. Each space bubble is another world with different physical rules. The rules leading to each plane are strictly classified and differentiated to prevent wrong combinations.

For example, "in a world where biological evolution is super powerful, the concept of Transformers will not be introduced, resulting in the wrong segmentation of the cow's lips and the horse's mouth when combined."

…There is no good or evil in technology. If the person who masters technology does not have the correct goal, then the use of technology will become "Cthulhu"...

On the dark plane, tens of thousands of black holes, including the Great Black Hole of Creation, formed an array and began to share the same frequency band with gravitational waves. Then the quantum fluctuations in the starry sky were "man-made" and passed through the tunnel;

Relying on the arrangement on the dark plane, Wei Keng began a large-scale counterattack in the dimension.

Let me talk about it here. In the current seventh plane war, the "offensive" behavior in the dimension is to break into one's own "dimensional setting" in the opponent's space-time territory and create a new parallel timeline. This is the prominent "offensive" in space-time. department.

For example: In the "Tower of Blades" area just now, Wei Keng originally created the "inner universe" (as defined by the Black Alliance) area, and inserted the dimension setting of "God's Gene" to create a parallel timeline! It is the protruding part of the dimensional attack.

Of course, just like on a two-dimensional plane, the protrusion made by the armored group can be cut off by the anti-protrusion from the root of the armored group on the other side.

This wave of dimensional "offensive" by the Black Alliance was discovered by Wei Keng's "internal beta" consciousness group that infiltrated the game. When it was thwarted, it encountered counter-crossing. ——Parallel time and space can also be parallel time and space.

Just like a group of time-travelers who are dissatisfied with the history of the Ming Dynasty and travel to the past to establish the Elders Association, if they fall into a worse development setback a hundred years later, new time-travelers can find an opportunity to travel through the past and create a "Senior Council". A new time and space where all street lights will be hung.

Wei Kengzhongren: If you are the instigator, don’t blame me for turning the mold over and mass-producing the figurines.

...The perspective shifts to the other side of this plane war. …

At this time, in the two realms of positive displacement particles and reverse displacement particles, the headquarters deployed by the Black Alliance to "attack the inner universe" is now in huge chaos.

A large number of dimensional consciousnesses who were originally in the "system setting and formulation center" are struggling to maintain the core information of their consciousness after facing the huge amount of "quantum fluctuations" in this territory.

They were like tourists in the cabin of a cruise ship who encountered a tsunami and were tossed back and forth in the turbulence.

These supervisors, who were looking at a series of game interfaces a second ago, are now in the monitoring room with red light, and are horrified to see this originally debugged "plane setting" fluctuating wildly.

This is like the terrifying scene of the dashboard spinning wildly when a ship gets lost or an airplane loses control in the ancient industrial era!

They have been drinking tea in the office on the plane film, not strictly following work disciplines, and going to the plane to check the operation of the system in person - thinking that they can create a new parallel time and space in this dimension. Little did they know that someone had finished testing their "time and space setting" and then turned their system upside down.

…In terms of dimensional technology, the Weikeng Group is not lagging behind in terms of accumulation, but it is very restrained in publicity before using it in war...

In 3873, the huge space-time axis began to penetrate the physical area of ​​​​timequakes, and then, with a large number of "dimensional" rules, headed towards the wave of "God's genes" space-time attack group in the territory of inverse displacement particles, interspersed there.

On a certain time-seismic plane timeline, the territory administrator acted according to God's will and suddenly saw the turbulent time and space. As an "immortal", he saw this "universe abnormality" and immediately reported it to heaven.

Note: It is worth mentioning that the time flow that is now the most "fertile ground" in the time earthquake territory originated from the time flow operated by Wei Keng and Wei Qiang back then, which is basically twice the time flow rate of the main world. These timelines have now reached the 45th century.

The Chinese plane's concept of the space-time dimension comes precisely from the cultural settings left by Wei Keng's mission. Therefore, the Space-Time Management Bureau is often referred to as "Heaven".

Of course, although cultural settings can have a long history, cultural creators cannot monopolize cultural ownership.

Just like the Indians created Arabic numerals, thousands of years later they became the public property of the times.

In the same way, the Chinese invented gunpowder. After the industrial age, if China wants to mention that gunpowder was invented by itself, it would be to indulge in the past and be accused of being uninnovative in modern times.

After the "Shenzhou" space-time mission ended, Wei Keng basically turned the page.

However, history is history, and the "cultural" heritage left by Wei Keng's mission to China has influenced future generations' descriptions of the "dimensional worldview" in all aspects.

For example, time travel that is entered into the list of the Time and Space Administration of the main world is called the Immortal Ranking Class here. It can systematically classify the historical development of a time and space, and it is the Great Luo Jinxian.

At present, the "Wei Keng Cluster" is a big move that directly integrates the information of the 60,000 characteristic timelines of the time-seismic territory into other territories (the entire planet, star crossing), which is equivalent to reopening the "water, fire, wind and earth"

After witnessing the large-scale theft of the rules of his own dimension, the supervisor of the time-shock plane narrated after being silent for a long time: Such a big move would directly shake the "stability of the three realms" and would make heaven angry... - He didn't know that he Now in the Wuzhi Mountain of the guy who is moving the rules of the dimension.

Tukang, who was playing a big battle, looked at this little supervisor who knew nothing about the space bubble and didn't react for a moment: Heavenly Court?

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