Out of the cage

Chapter 1515 Chapter 3015 (Part 2) The furious “Leader of Time and Space”

The Black Alliance, which has always regarded itself as the time and space manager of the main world, directly broke through the changes in the situation in the dimension, and immediately sounded the "Tiangang" level alarm.

And in the inner circle of the solar system, the word "crazy" is given to the unruly people's counterattack.

For those who have stood on the dry shore for a long time and grasped the intensity of the plane conflict in the "positive and negative displacement particle territory", this time they really experienced the wake-up call of the plane war.

How to put it, as the victors of the Sixth Plane War, this cluster alliance believed that it was reasonable for them to attack the old Wei Keng cluster, but the Wei Keng cluster's counterattack was an act that violated the peace of the dimension.

After more than a hundred years of exhaustion, the Black Alliance issued a mobilization order to "squeeze out the last of its strength": travelers in all dimensions stopped moving and must be fully mobilized to deal with this war.

This mobilization order was very infuriating, because they had already used all their strength in this century-long confrontation. ——Wei Keng: I have figured out the size of your reserve team, so I fought back.

But the Black Alliance still issued such a mobilization order, why? Some ultra-conservative factions of the Black Alliance want to take over other parts of the current inner circle of the solar system.

You must know that a hundred years ago, at the same time as the Sixth Plane War, a thermal conflict was triggered in the asteroid belt of the main world. .

That year, Mars, Venus, and the Earth Alliance in the main world's solar system fought against the Jupiter and Saturn federations. A large number of light particles fought eight battles in the asteroid belt area.

At that time, the space-time department of the Black Alliance was the most prosperous and could command its own "space-time policy" supported by many other departments in the solar system. ——Narration: Just like two thousand years ago, the power of cesium controlled the decision-making of the entire Western world at that time.

But for the Black Alliance, today is different from the past.

Wei Diaomin: You no longer have enough influence, and you have found the wrong opponent.

Looking back two or three hundred years ago, during the Sixth Plane War, there was a battle for final control of the "gravity well" in the solar system.

The two dimensional groups compete with each other. It is indeed deeply related to the inner circle of the solar system and the line of consciousness! Involve other departments in the inner circle.

Nowadays, the main world's economy has undergone a transformation, and the Xinghai pastoral farming stream has gathered 80% of the newly born consciousness. The "woven belt" of the core of the sun is the information enthalpy industry that concentrates 60% of "regenerative consciousness". On the other hand, on Earth, Mars, and Venus, awareness of the development of dimensional industries only accounts for 5%, and they have become increasingly marginalized.

To a certain extent, "Farmers" and "Weaver Girl" represent the largest emerging interest groups in the current main world.

The Black Alliance is no longer the "leader" in deciding the direction, but now a series of new departments in the inner circle of the solar system are supported by the Black Alliance and have legitimacy.

However, outstanding politicians in the solar system all know that their legitimacy is based on the premise that they are not opposed by others. If they act as cannon fodder at an inopportune time, they will wait to be declared "illegal" by a stronger group.

So this time, various departments in the inner circle of the solar system did not follow the Black Alliance routine.

Instead, try to issue a "neutral" announcement and send warships to outer orbit for investigation.

As for whether it is qualified to investigate? There is no mention of the pastoral organization of the outer solar system.

Xinghai Pastoral only issued a public security notice: All voyagers entering and leaving the outer solar system will be investigated fairly and in accordance with the law. (Subtext: Unfriendly forces in the solar system are best not to come. As for the "spaceship" sent by the Solar System Alliance, it can create the feeling of visiting.)

Of course, when the Black Alliance was furious, the Ministry of Space Affairs of the Inner Solar System made a wise choice. He actually pulled out a six-billion-ton space cruiser and planned a century-long journey to Pluto.

This made everyone smile: In the era of light particle weapons, who the hell is using a 30th century space battleship?

This is equivalent to the fact that in the 21st century, a certain European country directly dispatched a sail training ship to visit Nanhai in response to Bald Eagle's "free navigation of warships". …

…In the thirty-ninth century, the atmosphere within the solar system is “peaceful”…

In the federation of the new part of the solar system that they formed, the Black Alliance felt the sense of blockage that "the decrees were not delivered".

In 3866, in the Time and Space Management Bureau of the main world, "Bai Huanxin", a member of the dimensional well consciousness on Mercury, came to the desk of the Solar System Alliance and directly asked: "Are there common values?"

Mr. Wei (a certain split), who was in charge of the cleaning robots in the entire area, happened to cut the screen to see this scene.

Wei Keng: Look, it’s been 1,800 years and the language is still the same.

Sitting on the robot, Wei Keng opened the spicy strips and stared at the red-faced Time and Space Administration personnel a few hundred meters away. He commented: When the conservatives of the Black Alliance asked this question, they meant that the mysterious The color alliance became anxious and started pressing buttons randomly. Overdrawing all possible relationships, trying to isolate and attack the Wei Keng cluster in the dimension during this confrontation.

In the office, faced with face-to-face questioning from people sent by the Space-Time Administration, the head of the Solar System Federation could only respond by saying, "War in the dimension has nothing to do with reality, and we will actively keep an eye on the dimensional situation." This was regarded as blocking the Black Alliance. Aggressive.

The envoy of the Black Alliance, who left the office, looked at Mr. Wei sitting on the sweeping robot watching a show. He was unhappy and increased the level three, causing him to immediately vent his anger on this "cleaner".

Black Alliance envoy: "Which department do you belong to? Is this how you work? Do you have any assessments? Do you want to work here?"

Wei Keng, who was sitting on the sweeping robot, looked at him and responded with a reply that stung him: "I am a temporary worker, who are you? You are used to being a contractor in time and space, right? I signed the labor contract here. It’s been three years. Someone paid three times the liquidated damages and fired me, so I happened to invest in a farm.”

In one sentence, the envoy of the Black Alliance who wanted to vent his emotions was so angry that he almost died.

But when he saw the rogue cleaner in front of him, ready to show his fists, he, a man of status, could only pretend to be calm and rebuke: What do you want to do?

Then he fled.

…the perspective returns to the dimension,…

The Black Alliance could only exert pressure on Wei Keng alone.

He Lanxing, the agent of the Black Alliance here, found a consciousness of Wei Keng who was traveling through the earth's gravity well and asked: "Why didn't you report this series of time and space actions of yours?"

This prepared to go to the front line guard Keng to come up with a report that he would return to the earthquake plane. This has indeed been reported, but the time and space control department of the Black Alliance has not been resolved within three working days. Well, this is their problem.

The representative of the Black Alliance then asked: "Then how do you explain the illegal plane movement and the attempt to illegally control the K investigation area (the area where the Dota game system sets the group at this time)."

Wei Keng's cunning people retorted: "Illegal domination? Then please explain, you are constantly setting up parallel time and space in the positive and negative displacement particle plane. Is this legal?"

Of course, the final result is visible. Those who try to wrongly accuse you know how wronged you are, and they just want to find an excuse to convict you.

Therefore, it is illegal for the Black Alliance to bite Wei Keng to death. Then the self-talking trial began: "Weikeng Cluster must withdraw from the time-seismic territory, the mass-energy alternation territory, the information display and hiding territory, and many other areas. And apologize and compensate."

Wei Keng sneered at such a verdict and responded tit-for-tat: I have obtained illegal guidance information on "echoing consciousness" in your area, and will use various inhumane methods to control the plane consciousness of the Black Alliance and transform it into Respond appropriately to obsessive behavior.

…The disputes over interests have even reached the level of war, and the old law cannot conduct trials…

A new plane war officially broke out. Although from the actual fighting interval, it was connected with the Sixth Plane War, this war and the Sixth Plane War were two different wars in nature.

Because the warring parties are different, the interests of the warring conflicts are different.

Within the Black Alliance, those who were angry even began to claim that Wei Keng's counterattack was to provoke eight wars! (In short, if they take action and Wei Keng is unable to fight back, then the seventh war will begin.)

In terms of the plane dimension, Wei Keng once again reiterated his position: "Historical development is the process of letting more wisdom get out of the old prison. In this process, all unfair factors will not be suppressed, but will become the final solution of history. This kind of solution can be a thorough revision that makes the wrongdoer wake up. Of course, it is more likely to use a war to completely verify right and wrong." (Hitting you is a historical necessity, don't tell me that "official business is on you" and run away. , in this historical period, your most important 'official duty' is to receive this beating.)

…This term’s unruly people are just being unruly, but the next term will be a different flavor…

October 1, 3873, in the outer solar system, far away from the cradle of the earth.

Standing on this farmland and looking back at the earth, the sun is already an inconspicuous point of light. Although it is still very bright, there are bright stars on the periphery.

The light of the stars inside and outside the solar system is now carefully collected by Tianyuan, and begins to compete with the dark star enveloped by the Dyson sphere.

At this time, a certain boy who had returned from the sun was looking back at himself on the sun, and was using the "Starfield Array" to "greet" his classmates on the sun. His name is "Finally Reaching for the Stars"

Zhaixingxing has just completed the graduation of the natural person stage. Well, it ended as a natural person at the age of 156.

Of course, at the end of a natural person's lifespan, the conscious choice of reaching for the stars is still in adolescence, a state where as long as there are no "correct" constraints, he will continue to cause trouble.

Now that he was sure that he on the sun could complete communication through the "imaginary planets" in the outer solar system, he opened his arms and sent a high-power signal to the sun: "Sun, Yang, that Yang."

Then listen carefully, as if there is an echo in the void of the universe.

But after a while, a signal came from the other side of the sun: "Yang, you are so big, go home quickly after school, don't wander on the road." This was the reply given to him by someone in Wei Keng's group, this generation.

People across fourteen astronomical units come crazy. The two people talking to each other were just talking to each other for the sake of talking to each other.

Similar to a university dormitory, bunk beds greet each other before going to bed: "Hey, are you dead?"

However, it was such a meaningless conversation. On the other side of the sun, the female leader Gao Xinjia (Mi Jia's split) in charge of Wei Keng's department felt baffled by such a conversation and wanted to decipher the "code words" in it. The result is futile.

As a woman, she didn't know that sometimes the nonsense between men lies not in the content, but in the tone of the response. and the occasions to which it was answered.

For example, Wei Keng, who works in the sun, sometimes responds to Xingtian Jun reaching for the stars in the distance: "I'm shitting." This doesn't mean that he is really shitting in the sun, but it means that he is busy with garbage things. For example, be prepared to deal with Gao Xinjia, the female supervisor at work, and wait for a while before playing the "Star Impact" game with Zhai Xing.

In the star field, Zhai Xing shook his head and muttered: Oh, poor married man.

On the interstellar field ridge, the boy began to operate his own "starry sky cultivator" to complete the accumulation of information enthalpy. After preparing for a round of farming, play a war game with the "native" next door.

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