Out of the cage

Chapter 1518 Chapter 3017 (Part 1) Dimensional Outflank

For the Wei Keng consciousnesses who have returned to "Wuxuan Star" again, this is the second "game". But for the players in the "game" who are surrounded by strategy (low variability), the leadership has changed and, well, the rules of the game have changed.

Dimensional technology has reached this stage of development. Whoever has fewer variables will not be thick enough in space and time; whoever has low possibilities will be more likely to be outflanked by large detours in the dimension.

The "variable degree" of dimensional consciousness in the 39th century is similar to the physique of teenagers in the 21st century. Whoever is undernourished during the developmental stage has a weak physique.

Today's competition between will groups is similar to the competition between national wills in the 21st century. Strong young people will make the country strong. The "dream" system based on the comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, body, art and labor is far ahead of the inherently deficient obsession system. ...The behavior of "weak will" in the dimension is already as trivial, and now it is the confrontation of "core concepts"...

The third spiral arm of the Wu Xuan Galaxy is located in the star area, which is about the thirteenth year since the player Wei Keng hugged Luo Suna.

The obsessive players have slightly felt that this "dota" game is getting longer and longer.

Whether it is the Konoe space base or the natural disaster nomadic spaceship, the "righteousness and ambition" and "brutal enterprising spirit" that were once filled with them have begun to become "just like that" with the steady replacement of personnel.

Even though both the Guards and the Natural Disasters have begun to consciously reduce their attacks on each other's territory. Even the opponent's spacecraft passing through the neutral zone was spared as much as possible, an attitude of not causing trouble.

You can refer to the "All Quiet on the Western Front" in the European War in human history. When the war was far away, the bottom of the trenches on both sides began to reflect on whether "strictly enforcing confrontation" was worth it.

Yes, for most of the "led" local consciousnesses in this universe, when they cannot eliminate each other, they draw boundaries and separate countries. You build your "Benchmark of the Guards Era" and I build mine. "Silicon-based cyber planet of natural disaster."

For players who are used to ups and downs, this feeling is becoming more and more "unable to carry".

The "five-year cycle" mission phase that the black system originally promised to each player has become elusive with the sudden disappearance of the system.

All players felt that this game was too long, so much so that the native subordinates in their respective planes were becoming less and less interested in the concepts of "guards" and "natural disasters". Especially when there are some confusing voices around me: whether it is silicon-based or carbon-based, the core is survival, why should it be related to "whether it is sacred or not", and I am learning day and night.

The situation that players are currently facing, to use an analogy from the 21st century situation, is that a game that originally lasted for thirty minutes has been dragged out for more than ten hours. Then you have to wonder whether the game is bad.

The battle between the Black Alliance's guards and natural disasters in the magic plane is the confrontation between life magic and death magic. In the science fiction plane, there is the opposition between "silicon-based" and "carbon-based".

When "opposition" cannot be strictly enforced, the control mode of "obsession" becomes ineffective.

A Chinese person who is planning a rebellion: "Confrontation can make us stronger, but we must think about how to end the confrontation."

At this time, unseen by the two camps of the Guards and the Scourge, circles of artificial starfields were also expanding around the star belt in the uninhabited land in the past.

Yes, just as the Chinese in the 21st century always want to farm whether they go to the deep sea or space, now the Chinese in the main world have become accustomed to opening up star fields, and have begun to practice "farming" in every starry sky. of copy.

The belief in "farming" does not require "confrontation" to unite.

Zhang Kexin, the supervisor of this plane, stood on the new "good and evil" system after traveling through time for the fourth year, and witnessed the end of the opposing system of guards and natural disasters. She was still in the "offline state" of her own system. It was recorded in: I don’t know where that guy is hiding, but I can be sure that he is now controlling the direction of this plane, well, the entire territory.

It is worth mentioning: In the current dimensional encirclement activated by Wei Keng, supervisors such as Zhang Kexin have become dimensional characters, which is equivalent to entering an "escape cabin" and waiting for dimensional rescue. This "escape cabin" mechanism can refer to the collapse of the multidimensional "Pantheon" before the Fourth Plane War.

At that time, the main gods of those who traveled through the Mediterranean system lost the protection of the dimensional mezzanine and were forced to change from high-dimensional observers to participants in the plane.

A certain God of Destiny who never touched the spring water in the temple even had to fold a quilt for a cook for a lifetime in the mortal world. Zhang Kexin (Ms. Lu)'s experience is much better today, at least she didn't have the bad experience of "remarrying three times".

From today's perspective, the "saving thought" of the multidimensional planes that cut off the planes was also a "big dimensional outflank".

After determining the time and space nodes, the "Holy Spear" in the dimension directly "divided" all the planes of the multiverse where industrial culture appeared, and carried out a great liberation.

Now Wei Keng has also mastered this ability! Cut off an entire space-time to strategically annihilate hostile structures in the dimension.

On the dimensional waves, one after another the Black Alliance's "space-time capital ships" have been blocked by Tu Kang.

Each of the supervisors, like Zhang Kexin, is now being divided into independent planes, waiting to be exhausted, hand over all the original system information, and surrender.

…dimension dividing line…

In 3873, in the Earth Dimension Territory of the main world, the Space-Time Management Bureau was dominated by the Black Alliance.

One by one, the presidents were bewildered as they watched large areas of the dimension lose contact! The characteristics of time and space suddenly disappeared.

The president of the third will group in the Black Alliance: The four interdimensional territories have all disappeared, and the dimensions have suddenly shrunk to an invisible level! - We don't even know what the attacker looked like. This is unprecedented.

Beitingchao, who had been relegated to the second line for a century at this time, couldn't help but ask: "Do you know what the attacker looks like? That guy likes to eat spicy strips and squat on the edge of the fields."

Yes, the Black Alliance was very panicked, but in fact they were not completely blank about the attack.

In terms of time and space, they clearly felt that a strange force of time and space quickly interspersed along the limits of time and space that could be derived from various "game systems" in dimensions (constructing new parallel time and space accommodation), and then quickly formulated a larger " "The plot of time and space" (Battle of Good and Evil) accommodates the original game system (dota).

It is equivalent to temporarily constructing small inner universes one after another, directly encompassing the "parallel time and space" arrangements of the Black Alliance in dimensions.

Although it is not clear why the Pastoralists have the power of time and space to accurately map the scope of their dimensional "game system", accurately grasp the nodes of the black game, and transfer the rules, but they know that they are losing the battle since "Ji Tian" "Okay" the plane conflict will be carried out in that session.

Moreover, since Tianxing, the Black Alliance has provoked conflicts. All previous groups have never thought of ending this conflict that goes deep into the cosmic area of ​​"Wei Keng". They have always maintained "interference". Now this conflict has finally come to an end. It has evolved into a war that affects their territory. They are sure that "the war can end", but they can't find the end button, or even press pause.

At this time, at the dimensional meeting, "Luo Jiangzai", the person in charge of dimensional technology of the Black Alliance, said: "The four inter-space war zones currently collapsed and disappeared outside our observation area - this is unprecedented. , we should figure out when he did it!"

"This is not unprecedented!" Just before technician Luo finished speaking, Mu Changfen, who was sitting at seat 3345 in the Fifth Will Group, spoke up. Amidst the doubts of many other consciousness groups, she opened the ancient information !

Ancient system: A long time ago, around the 29th century, in the ancient time travel era before the Third Plane War began, a plane area suddenly disappeared under the observation of the Space-Time Administration at that time.

Mu Changfen: That plane area is codenamed Pandora Area Zero! It was sealed in archives and not understood at the time.

Immediately after everyone in the venue checked the information, the name of the explorer of this plane at that time was jumping in the eyepiece in front of them - Wei Keng.

"That's too old. At that time, the plane projection technology was still very primitive. The sudden disappearance of Pandora Area 0 may have nothing to do with today, just like there is no connection between the Wang Gong Factory explosion and the Hiroshima nuclear explosion." The First Will Group The technician retorted.

Mu Changfen: "I'm not saying that the Zero Plane area disappeared at that time! It was the technology he mastered at that time, but he had witnessed that kind of natural disaster at that time! So now, he has completed similar achievements in dimensional technology s method!"

Mu Changfen emphasized word by word to other will groups: "Indeed, the Wang Gongchang explosion and the Hiroshima nuclear explosion are not related, but! The Tunguska explosion and the Moon's fall in Mexico are the same. But then..."

Human beings make artificial use of natural phenomena they see.

Narrator: The allusion Mu Changfen mentioned is that in the 24th century, during the war in the solar system, both warring parties controlled the moon, so they used lunar material to make weapons, which was called "lunar meteorite", that is, the material of the moon was used to deliver it into the orbit of the universe. , slingshot by Jupiter's gravity and accelerated to an astonishing speed of 150 kilometers per second relative to the earth. At this speed, an asteroid of 300 meters can reach the power of the Tunguska explosion. This weapon was used only twice.

The first time was when the Mediterranean Civilization Circle launched an attack on the Great River Alliance in Asia when the Arctic Ocean Campaign failed. At that time, a fifty-meter-diameter silicate asteroid bombed a key storage city in the Arctic Ocean.

The second time was when the Great River Civilization used similar technologies to fight back. In the past century, the Atlantic Alliance used 3,000 nuclear bombs to artificially create a fault zone in the first island chain plate area, using a 300-meter ice-based small Planet, bombarded the port of Mexico.

It can be said that in war, human beings are extremely pursuing "one-shot" weapons, and if they are invented, they will not restrain themselves to never use them!

Now in the dimension, in the eyes of the Black Alliance, Wei Keng has now obtained the "final word" of super technology in the dimension.

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