Out of the cage

Chapter 1525 Chapter 3021 In the great dispute, everything is related to me

Chapter 1525 Chapter 30.21 In the great dispute, everything is related to me

Thirty-four years later, as a researcher on the application of spacecraft's cosmic rules across physical theory, Tiegang (Wei Keng) in Xiaoleiyin Temple quietly reached the level of true immortal.

The Shenzhou plane is the first plane that Wei Keng has deeply cultivated, so Wei Keng's consciousness that returns here has the possibility of becoming a "true immortal". "Fruit status" is used to describe the true immortal achievements that Wei Keng may achieve now, and even more suitable.

The meaning of "fruition position" is: for Wei Keng, a conscious being at the inter-dimensional level, as long as he successfully completes one thing in a certain plane, this thing, for the consciousness that reaches a similar plane again, will once again It's no longer difficult to complete.

Narrator: In short, if a top student ranks in the top ten in the mock test, it is natural for him to break through this score line in the big test.

Because the cause of the previous efforts has been "results", so working hard again and achieving the same results is the "result position".

In terms of spiritual energy, if Wei Keng's consciousness returns to the state of a true immortal in this plane at this time, it just depends on determination, well, it is called "the heart of Taoism" in Chinese culture.

At this time, Wei Keng had both "attainment status" and "Tao heart" in this world.

Wei Keng: All causes and effects in the great dispute are related to me, so I should deal with it with all my strength...

It is worth mentioning that although the current Xiaoleiyin Temple space immigration spacecraft comes from the time earthquake territory, it is not a direct historical flow of the "Shenzhou Plane" back then.

Looking back at the end of Wei Keng's mission to the Chinese plane, the local space-time research department there completed the local shuttle of "Hetu Luoshu", and finally, under the operation of Qin Tianfang, Bai Huanling and other early veterans of the vast land, all locations in the time-quake territory were The planes were finally unified together, that is, they became part of the "plane group" of the Chinese plane.

What is the origin of the current plane of Xiaoleiyin Temple? Wei Keng immediately checked the household registration, oh, looking back on history, oh, it is the plane of death.

…the dividing line of historical introduction…

In another timeline of the Eagle-Bear Conflict, there was no restoration of the Catholic Church in Bonnet, but what happened instead: the West Rhine Incident, which intensified the protests of millions of German people because the Bald Eagle soldiers committed many evil crimes in the local area and escaped from colonial legal sanctions.

Su Ni adopted a strategy of focusing mainly on bloodletting the capital base of the capital system. Common deterrence prevented the expected economic miracle from happening.

Therefore, when Aimeili lost its capital in Europe and Japan, it had to carry out the strategy of monopolizing energy and plunge into the pit of fighting for oil.

America essentially inherited the mantle of the British World Empire, and also accepted a large amount of Shishan code left by Britain. This shit mountain code only has problems with early explosion and late explosion, and there is absolutely no natural degradation.

On the other side of the world island, the land-power Red Star forces and the Blue Camp fortress in Mississippi have formed a virtual alliance due to energy and regional security. There is a common ground on the Silk Road belt west of the roof of the world. Geographical interests have formed a unique "honeymoon period" similar to that between India and the United States on the main timeline.

In 2039, NASA and Eastern Aerospace spacecrafts collected a green radioactive crystal mineral on the ice of Mars. The world has gradually entered the Tiberium era.

China, the United States, Japan, Europe and India have respectively completed the construction of Tiberium reactors.

Then in 2134, the "Hetu Luoshu" from the Chinese plane came to this timeline. The benchmark for the main world is in 2844.

…The mastermind behind this history is Luo Hongxing’s division. …

Wei Keng looked at a series of military armament materials from that ancient industrial era: European and American series, Prism, Phantom, as well as a large number of Japanese artificial intelligence series, as well as human-machine fusion combat mechas. He couldn't help but reveal a nostalgic smile, which was the memory of the past pastoral era.

Please note that the main world only incorporated this "ancient industrial age" in 2844.

This kind of ancient industrial era plane has almost disappeared with the flow of time and space as early as the 27th century in the main world.

Therefore, it can be inferred that this desperate era belongs to the period of the Three War in the main world, a new timeline.

At present, there are still traversable historical lines with shadows of the "Command and Conquer" plot in the current earthquake territory. The last few slow historical lines are induced, and without exception, they are all related to Wei Keng.

The real origin of this command to conquer series of planes is the fatal plane corresponding to Wei Keng's Pandora plane. It was opened by a time traveler from Luo Dasheng's lineage. (Chapter 6.8 Pandora and Liu Su, the time and space liaison of the fatal plane, changed his name to Luo Dasheng because he inherited Luo Hongxing’s mantle)

Currently, in this dimensional encirclement, among the time-traveling consciousness groups being attacked by Wei Keng, the ancient source of the top consciousness body are all acquaintances of his past.

…When you see an acquaintance become your opponent, you have to be twice as serious...

Throughout the wormhole area, Wei Keng has completed "planet-scale" spiritual energy gathering in the wormhole with the help of the laboratory.

Rays of artificial light are projected into the black hole, making this dimensional wormhole look like a deep wellhead. Eighty-six neutron stars and white dwarfs outside the black hole are the base objects in the sky. While rotating around the black hole, they drop clusters of material flows. These material flows fall into the black hole in geometric parallel lines. These parallel lines follow the gravity and move towards the endless The singularity extends, forming a well wall whose direction can be determined "after falling in".

Wei Keng's self-spiritual energy projected in the space-time tunnel is currently on the small Leiyin Temple spacecraft next to the wormhole in the universe here, or on the interstellar fortress of Deneb in the universe over there. They are all still exploring the use of the "spiritual and mental power" conversion facilities in the wormhole.

Those cultivators at Xiaoleiyin Temple who convert spiritual energy into spiritual power have already felt that they have a "maximum upper limit" for practicing spiritual energy. This is related to the total amount of spiritual energy Wei Keng himself projects at the black hole node.

The spiritual power practitioners on the Xiaoleiyin Temple side and the spiritual power practitioners at the Great Leiyin Temple interstellar base on the Deneb side even thought that the two universes were connected by "physical constants".

Master Wei's behavior of secretly poking at the dimensional passage and "controlling the gate" is very similar to a student in a college dormitory who turns off the main water gate every night and then opens it at six o'clock every morning, making everyone think This is the school's rule.

..."Self-discipline" in the dimensional universe is a struggle between saints, and the immortals in the plane who are lucky enough to be selected to travel cannot look up to it...

As Xiaoleiyin Temple gradually drove outside the gravitational zone of the black hole and explored deeply into the ninth-level universe in the realm of reverse displacement, the plane immigrants began to adapt to the laws of this plane.

The loose immortals in "Little Leiyin Temple" who have completed the conversion of psychic energy into spiritual power combined with the "silicon-based" physical laws here and integrated their own into the nano-manufacturing swarm. Rushing into the large planets of stars within 80 light years outside the big black hole

These "loose immortals" settled on these big planets and began to use their magical powers to prepare the front station for the small Leiyin Temple immigration spacecraft.

They used high-energy nanoparticles to build a geocentric facility inside the planet, and then loaded it with an experimental vacuum zero-point energy engine to push the planet into an orbital zone where the three states of water coexist.

This "vacuum zero-point energy" engine is a black technology that the "powerful people" who command to conquer the plane are confused by when they first see it.

When the true immortals who were a higher level than the loose immortals also settled on this plane and plunged into the stars near the big black hole,

The real immortals stack this kind of "zero-point energy engine" on celestial bodies that are far more massive than planets. The overflowing gravitational vortex of the "zero-point energy engine" makes the stars "bundle" one by one like the buns on the Buddha's head. drummed up.

The true immortals discovered that the physical quantity of vacuum zero-point energy in this plane of stars is not standard, and the zero-point energy collapse singularity data that everyone can grasp is different.

In other words, "each batch" of zero-point energy engines cannot be copied and therefore cannot be mass-produced.

Therefore, the vacuum zero-point energy battleship later became exclusive to the true immortals.

The rules of this fossil plane make it very easy for the dimension of consciousness to soar, so when it comes to wormhole technology like "vacuum", everyone's consciousness is different, and the equipment that leads to the perpetual motion paradox of "vacuum zero point" is different. same.

Behind every "perpetual motion" paradox phenomenon, "consciousness" is needed to fill in the irregular defects.

At this time, it was the fifteenth year after the Xiao Leiyin Temple's immigration spacecraft traveled through, and the true immortals from all realms began to cross the small dimensions and come to this "very large territory" wormhole area.

Narrator: Command and Conquer has multiple historical lines, and each historical line has a true immortal. In this age of law-ending, as the Command and Conquer timeline in the rust zone of time and space, the remaining "true immortals" are all registered in the Space-Time Management Bureau. The time traveler.

After these powerful beings arrived at the Genetic Plane of God, they completed the unfolding of the eighth level of spiritual power in just a few dozen black hole flash cycles. Such a gathering of transcendent powers caused the chaos in the Wukai Galaxy (Milky Way). The horror of the local superpowers.

But on the surface, it looks like many powerful expeditions into the wilderness, but behind it is the background of "the Seventh Plane War, the Earthquake Territory was wiped out in one pot", and the powerful immortals in the Earthquake Plane were actually the ones that were annihilated.

Looking back at the history of time travel in the main world, the earliest "fairy world" in the time earthquake plane is the two major time and space departments of Hetu and Luoshu that broke through the time and space barriers of the time earthquake plane. This department was given by Qin Tian before the establishment of Haotu. Collected.

Therefore, these true immortals of the Star Sea Era who commanded conquest were the "Shangqings" once recognized by the main world's Space and Time Administration.

The Fifth Plane War is like a change of days for the Heavenly Court in the Time Shock Territory. The consciousness of the Black Alliance takes over the Time Shock Territory, which means that the old Immortal Team in the Immortal Path is replaced by a new team.

Of course, the current Seventh Plane War is a kind of "catastrophe" that completely separates "immortals and Buddhas" from the human world (time earthquake territory)!

Due to Wei Keng's strategic outflanking, the time and space where these true immortals stood at their posts has disappeared under the observation of the main world's time and space administration.

The true immortals who lost contact with the main world poured into the "War Zone" plane of God in order to open up the connection with the main world.

Yes, the true immortals came to counter-displace the particle plane and did obtain information about the main world, but they were the dimensional information receivers of all the true immortals on the "hostile side", just like the 21st century people who transit different provinces can get reminder text messages. Likewise, it is precisely connected to the systematic rule of the "Hoshida Sect".

Diao Min System: Do you want to know the meaning of life? Looking back suddenly, do you want to take a stab at the mediocrity you once had? Well, live well.

When these hard-working immortals began to recruit disciples in this plane,

These "leader" travelers who controlled a world had to face the barren reality of the lower plane, and began to spread the "Human Base" and "Heaven-Mending Heart" into this plane.

However, the doctor Tie Gang (Wei Keng) who is still "enthusiastic in his work" in the spaceship is actively responding to these scholars who are "going to the countryside".

On the sun platform of the fleet in Xiaoleiyin Temple, he raised his head and looked at the sacred scriptures promulgated by the "Tao Palace", showing a clear smile. ——The travelers who are surrounded by dimensions have exposed their heels.


Wei Keng told Bai Linglu: The information has been determined and locked into the hidden area of ​​their subjective consciousness.

Bai Linglu looked at the information provided by Wei Keng and exhaled: "It's from the Wanyuan Plane. This is what you threw out back then."

Wei Keng nodded: Yes, everything in the great dispute is related to me!

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