Out of the cage

Chapter 1526 Chapter 3021 (Part) Finally, I have the energy to take care of her

Chapter 1526 Chapter 30.21 (Part) Finally, I have the energy to take care of her

In order to promote the right path, the True Immortal Alliance of Xiaoleiyin Temple began to send personnel to explore after successfully converting thousands of surrounding planets.

In this process, "backbone technician" Tie Gang and "ordinary instructor" Sirolina, after receiving the mission in the "Hall of Merit", took the light shuttle out of the gravitational range of the large wormhole

The two chose to land on a cyberized planet.

Since this was a business trip at official expense, the two of them got along very casually.

But from a high-dimensional perspective, this mission is not random. Against the backdrop of Wei Keng’s full control of the plane, the last wave of hidden supervisors has been locked by the “evolution system”...

In this plane war, Iron Bar will not participate in the glorious and tragic event, but will hit Black Hand with one hit.

On the planet, Sirolina looked at Wei Keng clumsily pressing the electronic screen, shook her head, took out a golden communicator, and said to her subordinates: "Don't rush me, I'll be here soon." After saying that, she left in a blink of an eye. But a few seconds later, she flashed back and asked Wei Keng, "By the way, do you want me to accompany you tonight?"

Wei Keng originally just didn't care and was ready to shake his head and refuse. Something suddenly occurred to him: "I will contact you in three hours after I have packed up my things." Wei Keng, who had always been cold, suddenly agreed, which made Sirolina slightly startled. Sirolina nodded: Then go shopping with me tonight.

...After Sirolina left in a flash, within a few hours, Wei Keng walked alone on the streets of the planet...

Wei Keng looked at the starry sky outside the window. Looking up in the direction of the big wormhole on this planet, he could see the "Rabbit Head" constellation. According to the artists of this space city, the two dark red nebulae are the so-called rabbit ears.

Compared with the "abstract" starry sky, the space city under Wei Keng's feet is performing an abstract drama.

The streets six hundred kilometers away were filled with groups of police aircraft, hovering over the city.

Regarding this chaos, Wei Keng knew the reason. Those "Xingtian New Consciousnesses" "with traces" on this planet were just taking action. It's just that this action is a bit loud today.

This police fighter plane was checking the sky, and it was obvious that the damage it caused was not small.

Wei Keng let out a breath: "Tsk tsk (jokingly) Who is so capable of turning a city upside down?" - Wei Keng knew that it was the consciousness of the new generation of Xinghai Pastoral. Well, it was the one who charged into the battle in the next battle. It's their job.

Wei Keng sighed: "People are really crazy."

…The “shaft” looks quite pleasing to the eye when looking at the “skin”…

In three hours, Wei Keng bought the escape ticket for the guy who was "traveling thousands of miles". At the same time, a wave of supplies was sent from space to help the guy leave smoothly, and then he went on a date with Sirolina like a normal person. .

Wei Keng met Sirolina in the VIP cabin of the space cruiser Buderkol (the name of the planet's lord). At this time, she was dressed more simply. She did not have the sharpness and ability of a military uniform, and did not have thick eye shadow. The hair on her head The braid of hemp flowers fell on his left shoulder.

Before Wei Keng arrived, she was looking at the butterfly fish swimming in the water tank of the spaceship. It was said to be a fish, but it was actually a mollusk similar to a sea hare. It waved its small brightly colored wings and moved freely in the water tank. .

Sirolina looked at it very seriously, while Wei Keng stood aside and accompanied her quietly.

Of course, if it was up to Wei Keng to choose, Wei Keng would be more willing to look at the transparent petri dish next to him. A few minutes later, Wei Keng watched Sirolina looking at the sea butterflies for a while, so he moved his steps unconsciously.

The floor of the exhibition area of ​​the Insect Swarm Palace is divided into hexagonal grids, with different ants fighting between the grids. It is worth mentioning that Wei Keng is not the only one squatting here.

Wei Keng and his "new" friend (Bai Ran) discussed how to use lasers to fiddle with ant routes.

…Two young “boys” childishly discuss their ideas of “commanding thousands of armies”…

Time passed quickly. After Wei Keng and Bai Ran said hello and farewell, he began to remember what he wanted to do.

Then he chased towards Sirolina,

At this time, Sirolina stood up, still staring at the Aplysia in the pool, but said to Wei Keng: "Actually, you don't like these things." (Wei Keng was accompanying Sirolina at this time, and was watched by Sirolina. Come out half-hearted.)

Wei Keng: "Maybe my interest in these sea butterflies is not as strong as yours, but I am willing to accompany you."

Sirolina refused to let anyone go: "Oh, I don't need you to accompany me."

Wei Keng looked at the water waves in front of him and said something that seemed unnecessary.

Wei Keng: "Once upon a time, I thought that when I took my steps, I didn't have to pay attention to others. Even when I saw others falling into the pit, I chose to "let go of the plot to help others." But recently I found that my thoughts need to be adjusted, because if I really If you have the energy to spare, you should still adjust your pace for others. After all, who is not moving forward with scars, and you need to understand.

With a click, the round blade in Sirolina's hand silently stopped on Wei Keng's neck. Her originally casual and boring gaze now turned cold.

Sirolina has long suspected that the person here is related to the person she met before traveling through time.

You know, the most unbearable thing in Sirolina's heart is her own choice before time travel. In order to pursue power, she fell into a cruel trial arranged by God. When she left that world, she begged that person (to go down to the pit to help her), but was ruthlessly given up.

Now Wei Keng's words in front of her reminded her of the memory of her hometown in the magic plane being "invaded by games" like lightning. The iron bar in front of her had always given her a familiar feeling, and now the impressions overlapped.

Wei Keng looked at the round blade on his neck. He was not nervous at all. He looked fearless about life and death, as if the sky was falling and it would not affect my ability to cook.

This further confirmed to Sirolina that the person in front of her was that person.

However, when she really saw this person and saw him standing next to her again, Sirolina's fingers were trembling. It's not that the knife couldn't cut it, but after seeing her again after so many years, her emotions exploded, which could never be fully expressed with a knife.

She has many things to ask now, but many of them are contradictory.

First: Yu Chen has finally found her now, so when he left ruthlessly before traveling through time, was that ruthlessness false? If so, she wanted to cry.

Second: She has endured so much pain over the years, why did he come now? She has hatred.

Third: She has already killed so many people that it is impossible for her to lower her head. So does he (Wei Keng) appear now to see what will happen to him after he has trapped himself in a cocoon? ——This is the pain of her damaged self-esteem.

Fourth: Since you already understood it, you appeared quietly and showed up so late. Do you want to see a joke? This is "suspicious".

Fifth: Since it is confirmed that Tie Gang is the Yu Chen from back then, why can't she show up later and find a better opportunity to meet her (when she wins, when she can raise her head)? This is "wrath". (It can be seen that "suspicious" and "anger" conflict in terms of the conditions for their occurrence, that is, no matter whether Wei Keng reveals his identity early or late, as long as he reveals his identity, it will arouse her negative emotions)

To put it bluntly, Sirolina has experienced too much, and in the end she does not want to live indifferently.

Wei Keng calmly pushed her round blade away, slowly pulled her hand to sheath it, and said: "There is still an hour left, let's go see something else. Just relax, we have business to do."

Sirolina stared at Wei Keng, wanting an explanation. Under her tough appearance, she muttered in her heart: "Can you give me an explanation? I'm really tired."

Wei Keng: "You are still a chess piece held by God. However, it is not up to me to get rid of it, but up to you."

Narrator: The reason why Wei Keng can take care of Sirolina now is because his group has a margin between offense and defense. At the same time, in order to correct his incomplete nature in the reverberating consciousness in the dimension, he has adjusted his "obsession". The strategy, coupled with the attitude towards Sirolina's obsession, is to "get a handful if you can".

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