Out of the cage

Chapter 1527 Chapter 3022 Discovery of “Filling”

In the universe of stars, the nine-level Zhongzheng civilization system is facing the infusion of two fictional settings, and the cosmic system of "spiritual power" and "physical skills" that maintains it is already crumbling.

Narrator: Just like in ancient times, after instilling "all kinds of martial arts magic", the setting of imperial power and government no longer existed, similarly in the 21st century, after Hollywood injects civilian superheroes and villains from large companies, other The most powerful government in the world seems to have become air.

Every new plane setting invasion is a review of the original plane pattern.

For super civilizations such as the Wukai Civilization and the Red Blade Civilization, neither fleets nor Star Destroyer warheads can currently solve the crisis of dominance caused by the genes of gods. Just like the hammers and armors of medieval knights cannot solve the Black Death.

However, these super civilizations have now discovered that they can use the newly emerged "good" and "evil" systems to curb the chaos of this "guardian" and "natural disaster".

Wu Kaiming sent an envoy named "Tang Wen" to visit the "Da Leiyin Temple", a force that ordered the conquest of the plane, and obtained the "True Scripture". Oh, and reached a consensus on cooperation.

Hoshida sent a certain time traveler who was good at recording history to make an objective judgment: This consensus is just like the consensus reached by dynasties and religions.

Yes, although the true immortals arriving from the Command and Conquer Plane are "eighth-level" spiritual power users relative to this plane, the fleet of the Wukai Empire dare not easily suppress them, but the Command and Conquer Plane The true immortals were not born from their native plane. Lack of secular roots.

And a level 8 mentalist from this plane, um, for example, a locally produced eighth-level psychic in the Wukai civilization, will get to know a lot of people in the process of promotion, and will gain a lot of attachments, form an interest group, and then have a number of interests that cannot be ignored. power. ——But now, none of these true immortals have it.

For the immigrant spacecraft of Xiaoleiyin Temple, it is like "Buddhism" which has "influence" below the star sea but lacks upper-level links. It also needs to cooperate with the "dynasty" in the star universe, well, the ninth-level super civilization.

...In the starry sky, these two interstellar fortresses with millions of lights flashing are docking under the light of the large wormhole accretion disk...

Now, after being introduced by Tang Wen, the envoy, Wu Xuanxing began to invite the power of the Great Leiyin Temple to preach in the empire, and by the way, influence the chaos in the chaotic areas of "guards" and "natural disasters".

In the Great Leiyin Temple wormhole, Luo Jiaxin (true immortal) looked at Tang Wen, the main "character" in this plane, and expressed his appreciation for this request, but he was speechless in his heart.

As a time and space administrator, he is very familiar with "Guardians and Natural Disasters" because this is the game system designed by the Space and Time Administration, but now that he has arrived in this plane due to the escape system, he has to clean up the mess.

Luo Jiaxin said silently in his heart: The way of heaven is good for reincarnation. Is this your purpose? ——Where is the "way of heaven" in this plane and universe at this time? It used to be the inner universe order of the Black Alliance, but now it has changed

He wanted to be like some protagonists in fantasy planes and directly destroy the "way of heaven".

But right now, in this entire plane, the "Tiandao" encircling a large-scale strategic encirclement is so powerful that it makes people despair!

...Wei Keng, who has infiltrated among the immortals, is chasing and destroying the remaining Black Alliance supervisors in his own plane...

Six hundred light years away, Mr. Wei arrived in this chaotic area as a representative of the Great Leiyin Temple. First, we have to have a fight with the consciousness of the Black Alliance escape monitors who hold the genes of God here.

Here, there are six-kilometer-high mining robots mining minerals. The ore here is an important raw material needed to build Titan battleships in nearby star areas.

Tianyue Group is a mining company affiliated to the eighth-level civilization Mutjia Civilization. This company sent out large robots with a level of 5,000 meters to drill into the interior of small stars, just like opening walnuts, and cracked those 100-kilometer level robots. The expensive elements that settled into the core of the asteroid are extracted.

Setting up mines in interstellar debris is a common practice. But this is also the place where the "Rat Club" (interstellar wandering society) is most likely to breed.

In the open space, Wei Keng sat in the hemispherical glass compartment at the front of the huge machine, looking at the kilometer-level cargo ships transporting minerals back and forth, as well as the hovering police cars, and raised his eyebrows.

Tie Gang discovered that there was an acquaintance here, oh, to be precise, it was the guy Wei Keng met when he went undercover to plan the Black Alliance. ——As a downline, Tiebang doesn’t know the overall mission process yet. He only knows that there is a causal line between the “fugitive” anchored by our own system and his past self.

Let’s talk about the current case. Back to three months ago,

At that time, the mining department of Tianyue Company collected a regular piece of "black gold" mine, which is a "complex neutron chain" mineral produced only by the impact of a white dwarf star.

After the two researchers came into contact with the natural raw ore confirmed as "Black Gold", one of them decisively murdered the other and sneaked away with the precious ore.

Originally this was nothing, but an interstellar police officer happened to be passing by and intercepted this unexpected case. Unexpectedly, he suddenly fell into trouble. After the fifth-level mental police officer mobilized a large number of unmanned combat aircraft to control the situation, he After approaching the fugitive spacecraft, the spacecraft emitted a violent explosion.

This fifth-level spiritual power master could have survived with his shield, but he died.

After this fifth-level psychic space policeman was burped, the government of the asteroid belt, after cleaning up the asteroid residential area where he was stationed, discovered that the garbage planet near his residence contained a large amount of frozen, crushed, and mixed space debris. body parts.

Obviously, there is a story behind this seemingly "economic dispute" and "passing space police sergeant" plot.

Next, many kinds of outrageous signs appeared here.

Such weirdness caused panic in the deep space universe. In some space capsules, the originally stable lights suddenly failed, and then some people often saw black shadows flashing away. Then the people who encountered this incident lost their memory, but in the final surveillance residue, they could be found to have innocent and fearful faces. expression.

...Wei Keng: There is a ghost here, we need to catch it. …

A place like a space mine is surrounded by a vast expanse of wilderness (wilderness), a zone where the sky and the sky do not respond, and the earth and the earth do not respond.

The miners' activity area is dark and small. If the visual perception under the "light" is lost here, fear will instinctively arise after the smell and hearing are acquired unfamiliar information. .

Note: Most of the time, such spaceships will house hamsters, birds and other animals. Having these small animals playing around and making familiar sounds can provide the owner with a sense of security. ——For example, little rabbits will eat grass next to deer, because deer can help them alert themselves.

Iron Bar immediately blended into the miners and had to exercise regularly every day and then go home. Of course, he unconsciously revealed his "honest and honest" personal information.

[Gao Wei, Wei Keng: Now is my time to attack, behind all the flaws is bait]

After commuting to and from get off work for about forty days, Tie Gang found that there was an aura that did not belong to him in his small room. Then Wei Keng stared at the empty seat on the sofa.

A few seconds later, a claw appeared from the sofa. After Iron Bar nimbly dodged, the metal claw flew towards him.

At this time, Nicole (Life Eater) leaned against the refrigerator behind Wei Keng and asked, "How did you find out?"

Here Nicole (ghoul) falls into the main consciousness of the supervisor of this plane. This fusion is similar to the technology of gods descending into the mortal world on the "plane of information leaving traces of all things" on the eve of the Fourth Plane War.

It's like the god of destiny Micah forcibly integrated his consciousness into the princess's body after the collapse of the Pantheon. ——The princess's consciousness itself is the "soul fragment" of the destiny god on the plane, and the original Nicole itself is the echoing consciousness of the supervisor.

The technology is still the same, but with the evolution of Wei, Wei Keng and the supervisor are not what they used to be.

Wei Keng explained helplessly: "This is my room. The wind coming from the ventilation duct every day is full of the smell of burning mites, and the organic oil on your body, well - the smell is too obvious.

At this time, the refrigerator was opened, and under the light of the refrigerator, this was a pale lady.

Tie Gang's naked eye observation revealed irregular ripples in the air around her. This was a state of mental diffusion, or it fluctuated all the time.

The lady smiled at Wei Keng. (This is a very obvious mental induction technique)

Nicole did not judge the relationship between this iron bar and the invisible assassin back then. So he boldly invaded.

Tiebang can clearly sense that the brain is being penetrated by mental power, and these mental powers are conveying good feelings to him. If he follows the feeling, he will think that the lady in front of him is charming, and every word uttered from her lips is leveraging his own. Heart.

Tie Bang muttered to himself: "I don't play nerve-matching games."

At this time, the points of the iron bar carrying system confirmed that the Soul Eater in front of him was not the main body, because the main body did not require such fancy docking methods.

Tie Gang: Well, let’s play with her. By the way, analyze why she is non-entity right now?

At this time, the Xinghai system prompts: Ghoul armband. This prop is cursed in the magic plane. It can restore its own flesh and blood by biting others. In the science fiction world of stars, this prop is a "miniature black hole". ".

The system then gave an explanation: the reason why you see non-body is because the "time" you are in now is a return time. In each sub-event, the power she projects is limited.

…the dividing line of dark technology…

Where this black hole named "Ghoul Armband" appears, time will repeat itself, and the "most unbearable moment for people to look back" will be deliberately left behind forever.

People make mistakes all the time, such as accidentally breaking a leg or accidentally removing a coworker's hair. Time repeats in other people's homes. After rewinding, no matter good or bad, everything will be the same. However, this black hole of dark consciousness will specifically preserve the darkest moments in wisdom and consciousness.

When small mistakes continue to accumulate, um, such as trivial scratches on the hands, bumps bitten by small bugs, continue to accumulate through repeated events, and finally exceed the critical value of human beings, human beings will see scars all over their bodies, and various symptoms. If you accumulate such negative emotions, you will be unable to bear this kind of time and die by a thousand cuts. Eventually sanity disappears.

And the black hole of this "ghoul armband" preserves the final collapse of mankind at the end, that is, some crew members will open the negative pressure cabin in space to die, or throw themselves into the flames and burn their flesh and blood. Well, the most terrifying thing is a group of people Being trapped in the space of the spaceship enclosed by a black hole, they eventually killed each other, constantly eating the flesh of their companions.

In this last dark moment, the black hole will eventually become immersed in the surface and become "oil" waiting for the next victim.

This kind of filthy technology is no different from the things that the overworld pastoral travelers encountered before the First Plane War were worthless...

...In the game outlined by the Black Alliance leadership group, after having the setting of "darkness", they are exploring the dark crawl. …

Looking back on that year (empty timeline), Nicole, Xi Danyu, and the invisible assassin (Wei Keng) stole the ring from Kailuoxi (Lord of Death) in order to forge the ghoul armband as a prop. "

Of course, Nicole's play time in front of Wei Keng? That was a show of force in front of Guan Gong. She is now using the ghoul armband to create sub-events. Little does she know that the entire universe timeline is another parallel line created by the encirclement of the Earth-Kang dimension in the dimension.

A few minutes later, Wei Keng, whose mind had been blurred, poured out everything he seemed to know.

The Life Eater thought for a while and took a helmet.

Wei Keng knew that this was the "dominance helmet" of this plane - he understood her thoughts almost instantly.

This kind of equipment can overload the mental power. Obviously she wants to put it on Wei Keng to expand the scale of her mental power, and then allow her to "soul transfer".

Just as Nicole was about to take action, she was suddenly frozen in space by a powerful mental stance. The guy in front of her who was originally controlled by her turned around and went into the kitchen next to him, carrying a squirting gas tank.

(As for why there are dangerous items like gas tanks in the spaceship? Wei Keng: I even open alcohol hot pot in my university dormitory.)

Stinging, stinging, the gas tank is boiling with gas, and the flames are coming out.

Nicole was obviously shocked in the time and space created by the ghoul armband, and then used a mental shock wave to press Wei Keng against the wall, but the gas tank shock wave exploded and slapped her against the wall.

Under the light of the fire, you can see that Nicole's face was burned out of the metal frame under the skin by the flames. The scars on Wei Keng's body recovered as before under the homogeneous time and space. ——In this way, the "time and space repair ability" has been eliminated, and the time and space damage of the ghoul armband is cumulative. "

Before Nicole could recover, Wei Keng grabbed her by the hair and slammed her on the floor. From an outside perspective, this was simply the most brutal scene of domestic violence.

However, this crazy moment was no longer under Nicole's control and was recorded by the black hole on the ghoul's armband.

Smashing and smashing, the silicon-based fire in Nicole's brain went out, and a gem-like phantom flashed away, seemingly trying to escape in the dimension, but was intercepted by the Wei Keng system.

As the knot of time and space was repeated sixty times, Nicole's body accompanied Tie Bar in time and space, turning into garbage mixed with integrated circuits and minced meat.

After time and space returned to normal, Wei Keng looked at the tragically dead body and whispered: burn it, pickle it, or cut it into pieces. Thinking of this, Wei Keng felt a little nauseous.

He slapped himself: "This, this, this, I am a normal person, not a pervert. Let her rest in peace."

Wei Keng quietly placed the corpse on the dark side of the spacecraft. After leaving it in the zero-degree area for a few hours, it was frozen until it was brittle and destroyed using a mineral crushing machine. Before leaving, I wrote a "soil" symbol on the entrance of the crusher. It can be regarded as practicing what he said.

In the dimension, Wei Keng had already analyzed the role of the "gems" dropped by Nicole, and then whispered: "Filling? It went back hundreds of years."

…Human morals are more likely to regress than technology. …

Technology in the 21st century has reached the Internet age, but the bad habits in some areas can go back to the Middle Ages hundreds of years ago.

At this time, Wei Keng is holding this blue gem. Its function in this plane is to "store consciousness", but there is a dimensional node hidden in it. This kind of design was only seen by Wei Keng in those "consciousness filling" facilities after the Second Plane War.

Wei Keng had made some guesses before, but now he finally found evidence that the Black Alliance group had trampled on the justice of its establishment.

During the Fourth Plane War in the main world, space-time filling was nailed to the pillar of shame by Qin Tianfang, and not even He Chongyun tried to clean it up.

But now the Black Alliance dares to restart such methods in the plane war and make it public, which will definitely cause an uproar.

The influence of a "scandal" on the situation depends on whether the party involved in the scandal is in a strong position when the "scandal" breaks out.

Two hundred years ago, this kind of scandal would have only caused a wave of political struggles within the Black Alliance, but now.

...Back to the current plane, the hero Wei Keng went to investigate the Black Alliance, while the obsessed hero had to catch the supervisor. …

Six minutes later, Sirolina answered the call and came to Wei Keng's side. Seeing Wei Keng's room in a mess, wearing a white combat uniform, she kicked the trash around her in disgust. Asked: "Were you raped by the star core worm here?"

Wei Keng threw out the "ghoul armband" micro-black hole knot he picked out from Nicole's hand. Lost it to Sirolina.

After the battle between sixty timelines and space just now, Nicole left behind "corpse remains" riddled with holes, but these corpses were all metabolized by her in time and space. The body is not dead yet.

While Sirolina was playing with it, Wei Keng said: "This thing has important clues. Oh, remember, don't use it. There is a divine trap on it. If you encounter similar things in the future, don't think it is a pie."

Sirolina became nervous and threw back the gem directly to Wei Keng. Apparently she had had enough of God.

Wei Keng continued to give instructions: "The person I fought with just now was the Soul Eater. Well, she was hammered by me and she is not dead yet. Now her position is here!"

Wei Keng clicked on a cabin on a luxury interstellar cruise ship five light seconds away, and clearly targeted a dance club called "Lip Sucking Golden Tube".

Sirolina was a little surprised that Wei Keng locked the area so accurately: "How do you know?"

Wei Keng ejected a psychic crystal wrapped in liquid mental power from the palm of his hand, pretending to be mysterious and said: "The technique of the Immortal family."

In short, it is to use mental power and psychic physical phase changes to leave traces of contamination on the enemy's mental power.

At this time, Wei Keng not only knew that Nicole was a dancer in that ballroom now, but also knew which pipe she was dancing around and how hot the pipe was being covered.

Almost no one would have thought that among the thousands of planets in this star region, the leader of the "Cursed Sect" of the Silicon-based Scourge would actually be playing the role of a dancer dancing here.

Wei Keng opened the observation interface and looked at the dance party where "Nicole" was: "By the way, if I'm fine, I'd be really interested in asking her to dance."

Just as Sirolina was about to leave to take care of things, she asked, "What dance do you want to see?" Wei Keng seemingly casually said: "Sad Cat Dance."

According to the information provided by Bai Linglu: This is the habit of a supervisor from the Black Alliance who is conscious in space.

…Wei Keng’s words made Sirolina remember them, even if they were meant in a bad way…

Three hours later, she came to the ballroom, threw down a lot of money, and asked the top star here to dance. At the same time, she also inserted her own music. Sirolina said to the madam here: Let the dancers twist a little more.

Before looking for trouble, let the opponent be busy with his own business. This is Lu Tiha's way of entertaining Guanxi.

"Dance, I'm tired of dancing, I'm tired of dancing, let's fight again." Sirolina stared at the slutty guy on the pole. (End of chapter)

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