Out of the cage

Chapter 1565 Chapter 3116 Leaping over the Dragon Gate and encountering another hijacking

Chapter 1565 Chapter 31.16 Leaping over the Dragon Gate and encountering another hijacking

In the Wanyuan area, the confrontation between Wei Keng's "Zhongren Consciousness" group and the Lord God Group has been going on in the dimension.

The reincarnations projected by the Lord God are like cannonballs, whizzing and destroying multiple timelines. However, such bombings are aimless. During the plot excavation process, the sent-in "Reincarnation" team missed time and time again the S-level subplot they were really looking for.

...Wei Keng: As long as you don't act like a lucky protagonist, you won't be discovered...

Returning to Li Xu's ordinary broken jade, on the unpopular front line of the Western Desert, following the military adventure launched by the Western Continent Skitarii, but blocked by Li Xu's arrangement, the alliance headed by the Eastern Holy Kingdom Successfully stabilized the front here.

The Knights of Atonement in the Western Continent's teaching army temporarily stopped attacking in this direction after a wave of desperate attempts without results. And Li Zhu himself withdrew to the back line because of his outstanding military exploits and when it was time to change defenses.

In the sand city, each thirty-meter martial arts mecha sprayed flames and landed on the metal platform in the base. After the protective shield on the front of the mecha shrank, the majestic metal armor on the front was exposed.

Li Xu looked at the commander who replaced him. He was obviously from a noble family and graduated from a major. He handed over the work at hand in a very understanding way.

Because this credit will always be paid out, but it is difficult for ordinary people to accept it psychologically.

From Li Xu's point of view: He has just finished cleaning up the mess, and someone will come to replace him. If he wants not to be replaced, he must respect himself and grasp the opportunity.

Wei Kengyuan thought that when he first traveled through time, he also encountered such a situation in the Chinese plane.

As a child of an aristocratic family, you should understand: This is the current interpersonal rule. Instead of being aggrieved and resisting forcefully, it is better to think about how to redeem some chips.

At this time, the children of the aristocratic family who came to replace Li Xu had a smile that looked like an enemy but also a friend, and they sat down at the military headquarters with Li Xu. After confirming that Li Xu was willing to fully take over in terms of personnel and military resources, and that he had obtained the industrial rights to the rear, his smile changed from a "smiling smile" to a sincere one.

Poor families and aristocratic families each get what they need. The conflict is a class conflict. Isolated individuals should not confront the class head-on. …

The child of the aristocratic family who succeeded Li Xu did not know that in the battle just now, Li Xu had entered the realm of a martial saint with "long inner breath" and "blood like mercury slurry".

When Li Xu proposed to purchase some armor materials and study the highest-level martial arts weapons, the successor commander was very polite and directly "gifted" Li Xu a set of old-fashioned martial arts saint-level combat mechas.

When the entire mecha is attached to the body, it looks like normal clothing. But when fully unfolded, the weight reaches 230 tons. It can transform into a flying-wing bomber with wings spread 40 meters in the air. It can penetrate defenses with stealth. It can also sweep its wings back to achieve supersonic cruise. Of course, it can land after landing. When on the ground, it can even transform into a humanoid fighting mecha that flaps its wings.

Of course, Li Xu couldn't just ask for such an expensive thing for free, so he paid a symbolic two-thirds of the price.

In the base, Li Zhu handed him the highest authority over all the ambush energy arrays in the mountainous area, as well as other key matters related to the base's material storage, before flying into the high-altitude recruitment fleet and leaving.

When Li Xu stepped into the ship's cabin, he was systematically scanned. White robotic arms held up the scanners and pointed them at Li Xu. They almost pointed the lens directly into Li Xu's crotch.

Li Xu knew what these monitors were looking for. Some of the abilities he displayed in the final stage of the battle had already exceeded the limits of the foundation building stage.

Li Xie's (Shinto) spiritual thoughts and (martial arts) essence are well hidden at the moment, and the supernatural energy of the Shinto system that is attached to him and "acted as a little maid", well, that is, it was born in response to the calamity during this vitality cycle. The things were even more suppressed by Li Zhu in the whirlpool of the sea of ​​consciousness. Hidden to death.

The only thing that may be discovered is the golden elixir spinning in the middle dantian (qi refining).

Wei Keng also hid this. The instrument was difficult to detect, but those who were "knowledgeable" could see it.

...In order to cover up the bigger secret, you can let the other party discover your little secret...

Thousands of kilometers away, the ancestor of Nascent Soul looked at the true energy data recorded in the mecha system after Li Xu operated the mecha into the air on the screen. After some comments by the ancestor's weapon spirit, he determined that Li Zhu had formed a golden elixir.

The Nascent Soul Ancestor began to walk to the communication interface and began the routine tapping and subjugation process.

When the mecha landed in the rear base, Li Xu was taken to a communication base similar to a solitary room by the military female cultivator. After waiting for three quarters of an hour, when Li Xu began to show "restlessness", the projection of the Supreme Elder appeared. .

Facing the projection of the Taishang Elder on the screen, Li Xu was immediately frightened. Facing the inquiry from Yuanying Patriarch, he immediately revealed the opportunity that he had prepared long ago.

Li Xu vividly described how he discovered the energy capsule left behind by the Western Holy Religion, how he seized the energy block, misappropriated this part of the resource, and seized the opportunity to break through. He also emphasized how he felt that the vitality of heaven and earth was consistent with his own, and how he fought hard in the "moment of enlightenment".

Master Yuanying was very satisfied with this and encouraged Li Zhu to keep up his efforts.

However, he then asked Li Xu about his future plans. Li Xu said without hesitation: "I want to continue the imperial examination and pursue an official career."

Master Yuanying nodded at this, and then the projection disappeared.

Afterwards, Li Xu got off the spaceship and received an invitation from the Literary Sect of the Eastern Holy Kingdom.

…In January 64, in the Eastern Holy Kingdom, the Holy Land of Dejiao, Tianmu Palace…

Instructor Hanlin (Jindan period): "Today our research topic is to measure and map the thirty-seven phases of soft light clouds. Now we will start grouping." - The roll call process began.

"Soft light cloud energy" is a special "spiritual energy" produced on the Penglai Island chain in the East China Sea of ​​the Eastern Holy Kingdom. It is the "energy state" created by the intersection of earth vein fluctuations and the thunderous energy in the sky. Narrator: Similar to the earthquake cloud phenomenon in the main world.

The instructors made arrangements for researchers such as Li Xu.

In addition to those with excellent qualifications from various sects, those who enroll in this college are from extremely prominent families and belong to the fourth generation and third level.

Dongsheng's top dignitaries will provide the best teaching resources to these candidates who enter the "preparatory class".

For example: If you want to learn the energy configuration of a spell, but you can't tell if you haven't learned it yet, there will be a dedicated person to make up for it. When judging the energy that appears probabilistically in the energy furnace, multiple groups of energy furnaces will be specially arranged to allow these practitioners to see.

The outstanding disciples selected by these noble families in the court can be forced to reach the core formation stage by resources.

Of course - the academic style here is quite diligent, even if you are a disciple of a big family, you must abide by the rules here.

Li Xu hid his cultivation, released the breath-condensing technique provided by the sect, and came in the name of the late stage of foundation building in response to the request from above.

The sect wanted to give Li Xu an orthodox status.

And Li Chu wants to study hard here and have the experience of "an ugly duckling turning into a white swan". Narrator: The ugly duckling can turn into a swan not because of environmental influence, but because it is a swan.

On the suspended tower, "Li Zhu!" Instructor Hanlin called out to Li Zhu.

"You go and team up with the first group."

Li Xu paused, and then looked at the list of his team. There were six people in total, two women and four men.

At first, Li Xu didn't think much about it, thinking that he was just a junior student and that he had to take more care of him when he was leading the team.

Then the Hanlin picked up the tea and pointedly pointed out the identities of several people led by Li Xu. Among them were the descendants of the previous examiner and the direct descendants of the fearless sect leader.

Li Xu paused and suddenly realized that he was the best nanny when forming a team.

Li Zhu has no intention of going to that level yet, and the big shots in Dongsheng.

…the dividing line from the outsider’s perspective…

As Li Xu passed through the energy projection channel and entered the city airport below, he was queuing up in the crowd to find his special plane.

In the distant airship, the Hanlin stroked his beard and looked at Li Xu taking photos of the control operations made in the energy cabin of the ship. He couldn't help but admire: "At the age of seventeen, he passed the examination. At the age of thirty, he formed the elixir. He is so talented. Zongheng, and his character is very good! He keeps practicing hard, tsk tsk."

Li Xu's various performances have been seen by the higher-ups, and there are big figures in the Eastern Holy Dynasty who are willing to accept Li Xu as their disciples. And Li Xu's bloodline was also found out.

After those who were interested used blood genetic identification technology to trace back, and through Li Xue's blood essence mapping, it was discovered that fifteen generations of his ancestors were related to the Wang family in the north of the Eastern Holy Kingdom.

This Wang family is now a sect with eight golden elixirs and three martial arts saints. The relationship with Li Xu is not even close, but if we can find out the pedigree, we are considered to be "connected by blood."

Illegitimate sons like Li Zhi who were thrown out are now counted among the separated bastard families (business families).

The bloodline values ​​of the Eastern Holy Kingdom are the same as those of China in the main world. No matter how far away you are, as long as you make a difference, you are a "World Brother". (Just like Master Zhang called Fan Jin when he passed the exam) But you are hopeless, so that means "you are worthy of the surname Zhao"? (The True Story of Ah Q)

After a long queue, Li Zhu was led to the special plane under the strange look of the airport check-in staff.

Li Zhu got on the plane, stretched out and leaned on the maglev chair, but then he was patted on the shoulder by a hand and stood up in a hurry.

"Hey, your name is Li Xu?" The girl whose eyes were like white jade with black gems inlaid, straightened her robe, sat directly on the seat next to her, and asked Li Xu curiously.

Because she is full of nobility, Li Chu is very cautious when facing such a friendly conversation!

Other travelers in the main world have thousands of ways to remain mysterious in front of beauties, and they are able to do so with ease. Wei Keng and Bai Linglu Uijuan's talent points can chat to death in just three sentences. All of Mr. Wei's skills in dealing with girls are short-term. He has clear goals and understands what the other party needs most. Then after cheating, he throws away the compensation and runs away.

As for Li Chi, who is now "unknown to the enemy", he never thinks that his shallow water (girls are interested in the field of artistic sentiment) has anything to attract girls, and his deep things (men's rebellion, rationality) Game) is not suitable for dragging girls in and drowning them!

Li Xu looked around, awkwardly admitted his identity, and then chatted casually for a few words. Li Xu decided to ask for a glass of water and ran away. For Li Xu, after being warned by Teacher Hanlin, he would not make mistakes in the Peach Blossom Tribulation. (As for when did Teacher Hanlin give the warning? That may be Li Zhuqingqi’s understanding.)

…There were some hiccups during the flight…

Just when the scientific research spacecraft entered the 0934 route of the Penglai Island Chain, it encountered air pirates!

These bandits, riding in backward shuttle-shaped aircraft, took off from the nearby hills, and then flew directly up with the power of rockets.

Hijack! In this business, on earth, hijackers often sneak into the security check and show their fangs after the plane takes off.

But now, the world has taught Li Chi a lesson. ——You can actually join a gang.

After taking off, the shuttles of these air pirates began to open the propellers, adjust their attitude, and approached the aircraft channel. They ejected the hooks of the rocket warheads and hung on the wings and tail of the aircraft.

Afterwards, these air pirates, who obviously had a foundation in martial arts, climbed directly onto the plane along the chains, cut a hole at the entrance of the landing gear, and entered the belly of the plane.

Li Xu: "Hey, hijacking a plane?" Uncle Li Xu suddenly wasn't sleepy anymore.

Wei Keng stared at the old cousins ​​who were "hijacking planes" outside the plane, and murmured in his heart: "Tsk, tsk, I have to practice my skills. No, I have become a good person."

The internal space of the aircraft is very small, and the air pressure difference between the inside and outside is large. The enemy wants to open directly from the outer compartment. Then as soon as the door is opened, it will be directly ejected by the internal air pressure difference.

According to "professional" Li Xu, the opponent will enter the cargo warehouse through the landing gear area, and then break through the first class cabin and cab.

For the robbers, as long as they occupy the first class cabin, even a bomb can threaten the rich who are afraid of death and give up resistance.

So when everyone on the plane started to panic, Li Chu began to show leadership.

Li Xu: "Everyone, sit down!" The awkward look in front of the female cultivator just now disappeared. Li Xu immediately ejected the magic weapon from his hand and began to deploy it in the cabin. Energy lines appeared like a web on every side. in front of individuals

After stabilizing the order, Li Xu and several team leaders began to work in groups, and the central command headquarters was arranged in the toilet. Of course, the two female monks were also directly arranged here.

Seeing the two female cultivators frowning, Li Zhu added: "This is an airplane. It is the safest place when encountering an internal invasion."

After making the arrangements, Li Xu opened a small box. Inside the box were miniature flying needles. With the injection of spiritual thoughts, these flying needles began to divide and increase in number.

One two, three points, four points. As a large number of tiny needles began to be distributed throughout the plane, Li Zhu became acutely aware of the vibrations throughout the plane. This feeling was like turning the plane into his own body, and everyone became Caterpillars crawling on the body.

The infinite subdivision of spiritual thoughts is the way of Yang Shen, and the infinite subdivision of true energy is the way of cultivating mana.

Jindan Zhenren’s magic power can expand the energy of one kilowatt-hour to approximately four or five kilometers.

In actual combat, the magic power of the golden elixir is attached to hundreds of thousands of chip bodies. Combined with this special "small flying sword", it can take into account both attack power and flexibility.

The senior fellow apprentices who were traveling with him were greatly surprised when they saw the miraculous mana fluctuations on Li Xu's body. After forming complex and intertwined handprints, a sword light like drizzle swept across the entire spaceship.

…the dividing line from the victim’s perspective…

Old Rail, oh, the second leader involved in the hijacking this time. After he got into the warehouse, he found a figure in front of him. He was shocked, took out his micro-gun, and immediately fired inside.

However, the densely packed "human figures" in the cabin were just an illusion created by Li Xu. When he changed the magazine, he suddenly felt a pain in his body, and a thin needle of cow hair was inserted into their acupuncture points. The robbers who broke in were immediately dizzy and unable to move.

In the control cabin of the aircraft, Li Zhu, who personally participated in the "Escort Agency" project, began to imitate the voice of the intruder, telling the outside world to his fellow air pirates hanging on the wings of the aircraft that the internal situation was under control and no support was needed. They were outside. Just look for the wind. "

After a few minutes, he told the air pirates who were watching the wind outside on the plane with ropes tied to the wings, "It's done, the fish is very fat, everyone has sent it, and defused the bomb on the outer shell to avoid accidental damage."

However, after they dismantled the shell bomb, Li Zhu ejected the flying needle and directly cut the rope connecting the air pirate aircraft and the tail of the main spacecraft, throwing away the shuttles originally driven by the air pirates.

In the communication wave, the air pirates did not know that the first wave of "pole tip" they attacked had been wiped out, and they began to curse, thinking that their accomplices wanted to escape in a fat sheep's spaceship and eat alone.

...The wind was blowing hard, and the call data on the air pirate's walkie-talkie was all false information compiled by Li Xu. All they say is "money moves people's hearts"...

Facing the robbers who wanted to slide and continue the pursuit, Li Zhu looked critically at the airships that wanted to crash into them: "You are not professional enough."

Then Li Xu activated the back-up heat interference bomb at the rear of the spacecraft. Under the control of Li Xu's vitality, the hot aluminum foil just burned the window of the glass compartment at the head of the airship.

Then, the nose windows of the three hijacked planes were all broken, and flames were ignited. Driven by the wind, the flames directly ignited the cockpits, turning them into "fire engines."

Li Xu looked at the burning and falling airship in the distance, and made a serious note: "Hijacking is a high-risk, high-tech, and highly organized job. You must have faith and strict discipline to ensure every link. Otherwise, this will happen." That’s the end.”

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