Out of the cage

Chapter 1566 Chapter 3117 Bandit Suppressor Promotion

Chapter 1566 Chapter 31.17 Bandit Suppressor Promotion

Banditry is rampant in the Eastern Holy Kingdom's airways, and it doesn't happen just one day or two. But for the first time, someone dared to intercept Hanlin's plane. This still made the superiors angry, so they sent batches of delta-wing fighter planes to sweep it away.

There were originally a large number of air pirates in the East China Sea area. Seeing that the situation was not good, they all began to hibernate. Dong Sheng's raids did not achieve good results.

The rampage of bandits belongs to human nature, and (society) is caused by the current phenomenon of changes in the world.

At this time in the cyber city, the King of Fighters phenomenon has gradually ceased, which shows that the "different energy of heaven and earth" suitable for martial arts is no longer generated. The strange people appearing in the market now are often extremely proficient in "airplanes" and "firearms" of strange people.

Because the current era is conducive to spiritual cultivation. The special clouds that are occasionally stimulated between heaven and earth can make some lucky ordinary people have their spiritual thoughts match the objects they love. As a result, many "geniuses" who can achieve the unity of people and cars appear on the road. Or some industries that were originally hunters have developed a state of "unity of man and gun"

As for the group of people who dare to carry out aerial robberies, they include the lucky ones who have risen in this era, and even the outcasts of this era.

You must know that during the hijacking operation, the people who performed the first wave of jumping all had "a foundation in martial arts."

Wei Keng: These guys are all people like Li Zicheng. The top of the pyramid of the Eastern Holy Kingdom cannot be like the Western Court, which uses recruitment to launch wars and consume the grassroots martial arts cultivating the previous version.

In the current stage of catastrophe, the East and West of this small world are focusing their attention on the main confrontation, and the control of the surrounding order will fail. The surrounding small country areas will be the first to be confused, and then ulcers will form.

This situation is similar to the rampant Japanese pirates in the East China Sea during the late Ming Dynasty and the proliferation of weapons after the collapse of Soviet Russia, which led to security instability in Europe.

For big countries, ultra-small "chaos" is a headache.

In a confrontation between major powers, the opponent is a major power, the interests are clear, and the intelligence can determine it. However, the interests of terrorists are unclear, and various ultra-small attacks are very destructive to transportation and shipping. And big countries need to control their surroundings. The ulcer caused by this uncertainty will increase the cost of maintaining internal and external systems for big countries.

Therefore, when major countries need to manage the ecosystem in their region, they must acquiesce to certain local groups under the concept of rule of man.

For example, in the 2K era of the main world, even though the idiots were top-notch and were a bunch of scum under the superpower aircraft carrier battle group, under the regional order maintained by the powerful powers in these areas, groups of thousands of people would not be allowed to gather together and use AKs and rockets to engage in violence. Big news.

In the international ecology, there is such a system where big fish eat small fish and small fish eat shrimps. So that if there is a superpower that doesn't believe in evil - just smash this ecology? Then its national strength will be wasted and a lot of additional costs will be incurred.

Based on the air piracy incident he encountered this time, Li Xu, who has a vicious vision, quickly came to his own point of view: The ecological balance has been broken, and a new model must exist to fill the gap. If he fills the gap correctly, he will seize his fortune. !

Li Zhu calculated the political situation in Dongsheng: in the battle for the frontier, he could not win over the disciples of the famous family. And the local powerful people will not give up the advantageous position in the rear to themselves. If you put in enough effort, you will only get a little bit of dregs in the end.

The above-mentioned right path has no chance to compete, but if this new system plays a role in waterway maintenance, then there is a lot to be done!

After entering the Hanlin Academy, Li Xu was always concerned about the aftermath of the hijacking of his plane, so much so that other students thought that Li Xu was "carrying a grudge" and persuaded Li Xu to put it down and concentrate on his studies.

However, (in the eyes of his classmates) Li Zhu seemed to have attracted madness and fell into it.

What happened next was just as Wei Li Xu expected: the military spokesman of the Eastern Holy Kingdom issued an official article, claiming that it had greatly dealt a blow to air bandits. Wei Keng, who had been a civil servant, understood that, oh, having this official document means that the problem has not been solved. If it is really solved, there will be a large number of cases and typical examples in the official report to prove this major victory.

At the end of the 1963 year, other Jinshi seeds were happily working in the high-precision weapon refining factory, selecting their own "sky survey instruments", oh, that is, satellites, and discussing with each other their own satellites with encrypted spiritual thoughts. Networking plan. .

Li Zhu poked his finger at the operation interface of the "monitoring mirror" and quickly completed the above process, continuing to study the banditry situation in the East China Sea.

Li Xu whispered: "Large-scale bureaucracies cannot achieve results when faced with problems outside the system. They will only make some face-saving projects based on empty indicators to deal with superiors."

At this time, Wei Keng thought of the ancient industrial era and the cultural strategy of the East.

Many entertainment projects outside the system were originally self-reliant and developed very well. Once there is a bureaucrat from an official department (well, the football association, the game approval department) who comes in specifically to provide guidance, it is completely "coping with the superiors and fooling the public" style.

Because such a top-down working group lacks ideals and implementation goals at each stage, and is only set up for "reporting", the result is that a group of people who are on a vegetarian diet have food to eat, and every year they just "become a monk for one year and crash for another year" "Clock" response,

Note: This makes the so-called cultural soft power dissemination in the East completely incomparable to the movies produced by Hollywood in the West from the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century. Of course, later on, European and American bureaucracies began to interfere in the cultural industry, and movies and games also began to implement politically correct indicators, which also made Fella look miserable.

…If you want to live, jump out of the tube…

After the hijacking incident, Li Zhen and his classmates who were born as young ladies and young masters parted ways. Directly skipping those Hanlin scientific research projects that can guarantee accurate results. ——These scientific research projects are just a system used by the "Hanlin Academy to compile books" in the Ming Dynasty to place middle- and high-level talents, but they are mainly for gaining reputation rather than doing practical things.

Li Xu found the bureaucracy of the Eastern Holy Kingdom and made a request. He wanted to take the lead in establishing a private air security organization, which was similar to an "escort bureau". The requested funds were 30 million yuan.

At this time, Li Chi was, after all, a quasi-Hanlin scholar who was about to be recommended as a Jinshi, so his application went very smoothly. At this time, he had the green light to "open a company overseas."

Under the introduction of China's bureaucracy, Li Zhu walked to the passenger aircraft factory, towed away three civilian passenger planes that were about to be scrapped, and began mechanical transformation.

…Li Xu’s idea is to change civilian aircraft into armed aircraft to assassinate air thieves…

This idea came from the British converting merchant ships into armed ships during World War I to assassinate German aircraft.

Of course, the consequence was that the Germans directly sank the Allied merchant ships in the later stage and no longer took prisoners.

This kind of disguise and deception can only arouse the opponent's anger and initiate reckless revenge for an opponent of the country's level.

But this problem is not a problem for the scattered air pirates who lack the ability to retaliate.

After all, if air pirates didn't hijack planes, what would they eat and drink? This business of licking blood from the edge of a knife is only done for profit.

Li Xu: "You (air pirates) can fight with me. Do you have the capital to fight with me, Li Xu?"

On August 2, 1964, ten months after Li Zhi and other officials were robbed, these planes used to plot against air pirates began to fly on the route. These planes looked the same as normal civil aviation planes on the outside, but inside, There is a tail gun hidden at the tail, and the interior has also been modified.

When such a sixth-generation aircraft entered an area prone to accidents, it happened to be targeted by air bandits. The air bandits rode small rocket-propelled aircraft and directly approached the modified aircraft, with ropes tied to the aircraft. A dance gang started on the wing.

Gang-hopping air pirate: His grandma's. The imperial court's patrol in the East China Sea has kept me from opening for several months. Now I finally caught a fat fish.

However, when these profit-minded bandits got into the aircraft from the landing gear, the signal was suppressed.

When they got out of the short pipe, they found that the original white lights in the plane had turned into oppressive red and blue lights. The flashing light of this color can most disrupt the intruder's heartbeat rhythm, so these bandits In a panic, he opened fire.

This careless firing directly activated the fire protection system. Water mist filled the small space of the cabin, and the electric shock system was activated in the cabin. This electric shock system not only caused the intruders to twitch, but also destroyed the electronic remote control devices of the explosives on their bodies.

Just as these panicked bandits were preparing to evacuate, all the gates behind them were closed, and mechanical centipedes emerged from under their feet. On the ceiling, facehugger-like mechanical spiders jumped down from the mist, directly protecting the back of the neck, stabbing with energy. The cervical vertebrae were broken, and then the barbs were drilled into the body and penetrated into the brain.

After the internal system eliminated the hijackers, the external counterattack system began to activate.

Several mirror reflection spells caused the air pirates who were attached to the plane to lose their visual standards of up, down, left, and right, and the visual axis of the scene began to pile up and become fragmented, as if their eyes were covered with a kaleidoscope.

Before the air pirates were ready to throw away the hijacking rope, the plane in the air popped out a mechanical hook and grabbed their plane in reverse. Rows of octopus robots followed the airflow and landed on their plane with a clattering sound. superior.

Then under the shocked eyes of the air pirates, the "passenger plane" began to do a 360-degree somersault. When the passenger plane was performing such stunts, the air pirate shuttle planes were being followed because they linked their hooks to the plane. Take it with you.

Under the violent turbulence of the airflow, the rocket launchers and other weapons that the air pirates originally planned to fire to blow up the plane were all thrown away by the random slings.

After circling for seventeen or eight times, the passenger plane stabilized, while the shuttle boats stolen by the air were still swaying chaotically from side to side in the airflow at the rear of the passenger plane. At this time, a hatch opened at the rear of the passenger plane, and some multi-armed machines followed the air pirates' jump ropes and climbed into the air pirates' plane in the opposite direction.

These mechanical octopuses got into the air pirate's shuttle boat and began to slash the arms and thighs of the blockers with chainsaws. They also played rock music to dilute the bloody madness.

As for why you want to play rock music? That's to reduce the spooky ambience of howling recordings in the cabin.

This is just like in 21st century movies, a powerful BGM is played during a gun battle to make people kill even more energetically.

Li Chu was cautious: he wanted to prevent the audio and video from falling into the hands of unsuspecting people, and it happened to be obtained by the Holy Mother (the censor Qingliu who was looking for trouble), so that he could use it to attack his behavior in the escort activities as inhumane.

The captives who have truly experienced this kind of horror will never forget in their lives that in the shuttle boat that they happily came to rob, they were chased step by step from the beginning of the warehouse to the end of the warehouse by the combat robot of the "official escort agency". A horrific scene of bloody footprints.

These air pirates who were intimidated would recruit anything afterward, which would bring benefits to Li Zhu's escort agency in the future work.

…There are rivers and lakes everywhere. To sweep away the rivers and lakes, we need to take advantage of the contradictions in the rivers and lakes. …

The air bandits are, on the whole, poor. These people who robbed did not have the bone-forging skills of martial arts practitioners. At most, they only obtained pharmaceutical formulas from third-rate companies, prepared them in workshops, and carried out biochemical transformations (the cost of these biochemical transformations was the overdraft of vitality).

Li Xu used the information he obtained to start a targeted deception operation and killed six groups of bandits in three months.

On November 3, the bandit who was finally killed was the most dangerous one. Its leader was the God of Condensation, and he had an automated steel armor comparable to that of an officer with the rank of lieutenant. After breaking into the plane, this guy faced the attack designed by Wei Keng. Traps can still tear apart mechanical puppets with their hands and withstand high-voltage current to rush out of the danger zone.

This bull in black armor smashed through the obstruction of a large number of power grids, withstood the attack of the mechanical puppet, and tore off the forty thick mechanical hooks ejected from the aircraft.

Moreover, this man was very cunning. After he was sure that all the people on his plane were killed, he did not stay in the cabin any longer, and abandoned his brothers who drank a lot of wine and ate a lot of meat.

But after he climbed out of the cabin, he wanted to retaliate. He came to the hook link, grabbed a chain directly, and pulled a shuttle boat connected to the chain over, trying to cause a collision.

This bandit leader, with his Yin-god-level cultivation ability, confused the brother in the driver's seat of the shuttle boat and drove over to "rescue" him. In fact, it was the spacecraft that crushed him that collided with him. And he was going to jump onto another hook link shuttle to escape.

Fortunately, Li Zhu was fully prepared. When the shuttle boat collided with the aircraft, he deployed the close-range anti-gun and energy shield at the tail, and at the same time sent out mechanical mosquitoes that stuck to him and interfered with his "Magic Way" automated mecha.

In the ancient world of cultivation, the method of using insects to chase was common. In the current technological age, there are naturally similar products.

After the bandit leader found that the screen of his armed armor was black, he was afraid of the backlash from his brothers on the other escape boat, so he had no choice but to jump off the plane and escape.

However, before he could parachute, Li Zhu sent a combined combat force to directly surround him.

Later, after investigation, it was discovered that this bandit was also a well-known person in this industry. He was originally a palace guard of the Dongsheng vassal state and the North Kingdom of Xixian. Because he participated in the palace coup, he had to flee Luocao.

When Li Xu was interrogating him, he embedded restraints on several large acupoints and gave him two documents to choose between imperial edict and execution.

...In the changing times, Wei Keng has his own strategy of "controlling chaos and balancing". …

Within three months, the number of bandit attacks in the airspace contracted by Li Xu dropped significantly. This kind of cat that can catch mice has attracted the attention of real people at the top. In fact, Li Xu was already on the radar. He was in the late stage of foundation building (explicit) and was on the right track in his studies. He was a talent that could be used by the Dongsheng Kingdom Confucian Group.

At this time, the world was in chaos, and banditry was rampant in various places. It was also a headache for the higher-ups, who invested a lot of effort to exterminate it, but to no avail. The real people at the top also know that the bureaucracy below uses the air force to patrol the waterway, and reports that the escorts are successful time and time again. In fact, it is perfunctory and cannot solve the fundamental problem.

Now, if someone can effectively curb this problem, the Dongsheng bureaucracy, which is imminent, will find an opportunity to promote him even if he is not a disciple of Kejia.

64 years later, the aviation base renovated by Li Zhi has been stationed with military forces of the regular army to assist.

After entering the base where the security company founded by Wei Keng was located, the martial arts general at the rank of general smiled and reminded Li Xu to prepare a report and talk about how to solve the air banditry problem.

This martial arts general pilots an aerial mechanical war dragon and has always been used to be domineering. But at the moment, everyone in the Li Xu base is following the guidelines and honestly avoiding those inconspicuous "passenger planes".

After Li Xu revised his plan, he quickly handed it over to his superiors. He put forward his own point of view at the beginning: "Bandits cannot be eradicated completely. After one group is eradicated, a new group will stand out from each other. The court must use both kindness and power to keep hidden dangers in its hands. Bandits also have a hierarchical pattern. Our court should recruit the capable and strangers among them. At least when the world is unstable, we need some gentle methods."

In the Ministry of War, the masters of Jiedan are currently using their spiritual consciousness to deal with the vast government affairs. Since the current selection of talents for the imperial examination is limited to their own region, their understanding of the world is very biased, so most of the current imperial examination talents are selected. Most of the policy discussions are unattainable.

After Li Xu's article was published, he analyzed the source of air piracy from a broad perspective and the current limit of harm, which made real people's eyes light up.

Compared with the numerous empty and splendid articles written by the disciples of the aristocratic family, what Li Xu submitted was a rare "theory of conspiracy".

It has to be said that at the end of the human-governed system, various places and circles have been operated for a long time, and the solidified "interest barriers" have resulted in "horizontal barriers" - so in the late Ming Dynasty, the literacy rate was far higher than that of the West, and there was also an economic foundation. , but it just couldn’t start the great maritime colonization.

Real people controlled the nano sand table and completed the airspace projection on it. Among them, the information in the airspace under Li Xu's jurisdiction is particularly detailed. It marked the sphere of influence of the air bandits and the stolen goods network in collusion with the ground forces. Such a detailed report reflects the large number of "oversights" made by Jinghai inspectors in their previous work.

From this point of view, they can be sure that Li Zhu is capable.

Master Jiaheng, who was in the late stage of pill formation, made the decision: "Everyone, let the young people do this."

In the words, Li Chi has been delegated power. It gave Li Xu the personnel power equivalent to a "brigade commander" and the administrative power equivalent to the highest officer in the region.

Narrator: Although the waterway area is very large, equivalent to several upper houses, large areas of the ocean and sky are uninhabited areas, so the title of "regional governor" is empty.

Similar to the Meteorological Bureau, the director of the Seismological Bureau is nominally on the same level as the director of the Public Security Bureau, but the jurisdictions of the two are not the same, and they are only on equal footing when discussing matters.

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