Out of the cage

Chapter 1588 Chapter 3137 The third total war in the solar system.

Chapter 1588 Chapter 31.37 The Third Total War of the Solar System.

The technology of cutting off dimensions in the main world can also support the "arrogance of the main world" and continue to fly from world to world. The economical time-travel flow is carried out on multiple planes. The consciousness participating in the time-travel only needs to pay the price of "stripping off part of the weak" consciousness. , you can get the perfect protagonist experience.

Today's saying: There will always be a loss of consciousness in time travel. If the loss is greater when traveling by yourself, it is better to cooperate with the time travel group (main god), so that the individual's main consciousness can reach the target plane more effectively.

Just when all this was very beautiful, in 3980, a comprehensive crisis in the solar system had broken out.

It is different from the previous wars caused by differences in ideas between "old ideologies".

Over the past two hundred years, the young generation cultivated by pastoral facilities has become the vanguard of the struggle. (No matter how hard Wei Keng fights, he still has the old mentality.)

The war is fought under the two concepts of "universe" and "universe". That is, dimensional space and star sea space.

The majestic "Tukang" that used to be everywhere in the dimensional area is now invisible, covered by new shoots. ——Just like the earth was full of bare gravel soil in the early days, after enough weathering, new shoots finally sprouted.

A large number of pastoralist vanguards found corresponding "beacons" when entering the space-time system.

This kind of landmark is: whenever there is a collision in the development process. "Travellers" will always get backlash that is different from "praise" from the "unruly people" of the masses.

Because of his hard ear, it is easy to be ignored by the "ruler" filter in history.

For example, at a certain historical stage, when social wealth was rapidly increasing, there were many nice things to say, but the voices that suggested "unfair distribution" were the "guidelines."

Those with distribution advantages will interpret the "road sign reminder" filter of unruly people as "hate the rich".

Although the Wei Keng-like consciousness can no longer see those prominent individuals in the position of "making big things" in various planes, it has played a "beacon" role among the people in almost all dimensions that the pastoralists can traverse.

For those who traveled through the Xinghai Pastoral, after climbing over the wall and entering the dimension, they developed a worldview through the "Beacon" system, and did not have the ending of "the new generation in the outer circle of the solar system being transformed by the free tide" envisioned by the Lord Gods. These new students Nowadays, we despise the inner circle of the solar system even more.

A certain rebellious Ren Xingzhi spoke: We are all promoting history in an orthodox way and solving the people's most urgent and important problems in historical development. How can I have time to enjoy "The Ballad of a Merchant Girl Who Destroyed Her Country" like you do?

And in this era, the emerging pastoral travelers have made up their mind to lock in a target."

This goal is to push the crossing center away from the main world!

It was decided to hand over (cede) the capital area to the newly constructed tunneling center in the Dark Territory.

…The roaring Yellow River, the ruins of the Roman city…

In the summer of 3980, in the main world, at the Shangqiu ruins in Henan, the cleaned ruins on the loess here are being protected by a layer of silica.

Wei Keng and Bai Linglu, who appeared in the form of carbon-based humans, stood on the glass partition and looked at the restored ancient city 3,300 years ago below. Wei Keng patted Bai Linglu: We have to accept that we are no longer the center.

Bai Linglu nodded and said: We are no longer the center, but we still have a long history.

Only with great abandon can great gains come! "Princes can be interchanged among hundreds of surnames" and "capitals can move with the changes of the times" are one of the elements of the Great River Civilization.

Since the age of the kings of the heavens, the main world has begun to accept the dregs of civilizations everywhere. By the time of the Black Alliance, the consequences of this situation were already quite obvious.

Although after the seventh plane war, this situation of plane dross pouring back was suddenly curbed. However, with the growth of the main god group, this phenomenon of dross pouring back has reached its peak in the inner circle of the solar system for thousands of years.

Standing on the thick soil in the outer circle of the solar system, contemporary "pastoral" people are watching clearly, and they increasingly believe that the main world must be a strong man and cut off his arms.

…In the same year, on the Xinghai countryside, heroes who had similar views put forward similar views on the relocation of the functions of the time-travel center in the "post-dimensional era"...

Well, this person's name is Mindy Ren. When he obtained the power to pass through tunnels on the 15th to 18th imaginary planets in the outer circle of the solar system, he came up with a plan that no one dared to think of! That is, keep some dimensional channels open, then abandon the dimensional shuttle center, transfer the time and space shuttle center to other dimensional areas, and concentrate on the current historical mission, "Xinghai Pastoral Expansion."

Ren Mingdi: Going through the tunnel is just "the communication of information and concepts", but the real plane lies in the cultivation of "wisdom consciousness"!

Of course, many people have expressed opposition to this proposal. Even in the outer circles of the solar system, there are people who are reluctant to give up the central position of the dimension.

but! The broad masses of people involved in farming in Xinghai Garden began to agree with this proposal!

Among this vast mass of people, Tu Kang is among them.

Wei Keng: According to the ethics of morality, intelligence, body, art, and labor, we must choose the highest possibility, even if this highest possibility goes against the past interest inertia. ——Right now, there is really no way to completely eradicate the corruption of the main world, the only way is to change the dynasty.

"The main world, as the origin, is no longer suitable as a contemporary center."

In this big discussion of "anti-center", the biggest opponents are naturally the residents of the inner circle of the solar system.

Because the center has faded away, Xinghai Pastoral still has fields to cultivate. But what about the inner solar system? Their greatest value system will collapse.

This is just like the deindustrialized North Korea in the 21st century. When it loses its status as a capital, it will fall to the same level as the West. ——The unit price of real estate in the two places is nearly fifty times different.

In short, the "sterilization of spiritual animals" case that occurred in the inner circle of the solar system in 3978 on Uranus gave the pastoral school a label of "lack of civilization".

Now the Xinghai Pastoral School has begun to "turn the table" as planned for a long time.

After the big discussion, the traversers of the entire Pastoral School suddenly discovered that the "new dimension center" has actually been built, that is, the "dark plane" of the plane elevator center, which is also in the hands of our own traversers, and this place has been controlled by the traversers of the main world for six or seven hundred years.

In this way, for the outer circle of the solar system, the biggest "interest obstacle" does not exist. On the contrary, because the scale of the local consciousness of the dark plane is too empty compared to the main world, the "opportunity" that the consciousness of the Xingtian School of the main world will obtain there is no less than the time and space management system controlled by the "inner circle of the solar system".

After the "interest" is unimpeded, please invite the "great scholar to start the debate"

After 3982 years, the pastoral side is very smooth, how dare you think: our Xinghai Pastoral School and the inner circle of the solar system now have huge differences in values, even if our side is based on "Taoism" as the core of inheritance. And not the "central" values ​​of the core of the solar system at this time.

…The inner circle of the solar system, facing such a challenge to the legal system, is really anxious and angry! …

A few years ago, the inner core of the solar system used the theory of "animals have spirits" to denounce the uncivilized nature of the Xinghai Pastoral.

Who could have thought that today, facing such a thorough overturning of the table, the orthodox theory will completely deny the rationality of the values ​​of the entire inner circle of the solar system - how dare you think: You stand in the center and shout that all things are equal and fraternal, if you have the guts to come to the countryside and continue to be "noble", you will starve to death. "?

It took a month for the information to be transmitted from the outer circle of the solar system to the inner circle of the solar system,

But as the information arrived, the inner core of the solar system immediately jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on and published a response: "The earth is the center of the dimension."

Such a stress reaction made the pastoral school in the outer circle of the solar system find that they had found the "dead spot" of the inner circle of the solar system."

Experts and scholars in the inner circle of the solar system began to argue on their own, and explained seriously: still maintaining the main world as the center is not inconsistent with the exploration of the Xinghai.

After hundreds of years of arrogance, it is too late to "publicize" Xinghai Tianyuan now.

In the past two hundred years, the new generation in the outer Tianyuan of the solar system has seen the true face of the inner circle of the solar system after sufficient communication.

The bad-tempered new generation in the outer circle: these guys who were born in Rome, master dimensional assets, and have a self-proclaimed superior attitude. It turns out that there are moments when they lose their composure.

Therefore, the public relations of the inner circle of the solar system have the opposite effect.

The star fields in the directions of the eighty-eight constellations in the sky all sent ridicules at the same time.

As the Xinghai Tianyuan faction is actually building a dimensional channel to establish a direct connection with the new center of the dark plane. The consciousness of the outer circle of the solar system quickly realized: what to support and what to oppose.

Critic Lu An on Xinghai Tianyuan: We must realize that the main world is a universe that cannot exceed the speed of light.

So, even if it is in the same plane, the distance between the inner and outer distances of the solar system is greater than the dimension. The distance is even farther. (Mr. Wei's impression of this commentator is: he is afraid of chaos in the world, but he gave a thumbs up at this time).

...The huge controversy alarmed the old consciousness in the direction of Sirius. ...

In the dimension, the representative of the core of the solar system sent a request to the last clenching consciousness of Wei Keng.

Wei Keng faced his old friend Bai Huanling, and the two met on the Shenzhou plane.

In the place where the Qinglong warship floated, six thousand years later, it has become a metalized mountain, but Wei Keng's chef appearance has not changed. A 1.5-meter dining table was set up, waiting for the friends in time and space.

Wei Keng picked up the beef with chopsticks, wrapped the cabbage from the north and put it on the fried buns, while Bai Huanling used the chopsticks to pick up the sweet lotus root with Suzhou flavor and ate it.

Wei Keng: You know, in the history of ancient China, it was difficult for the dynasty established in the Jianye area to maintain a vast territory.

Bai Huanling looked at the Qinhuai River covered by a glass cover in front of him: "The difficulty factors of ruling the north from the south are more than the north. ”

Wei Keng: Well, because the ancient southern water network supported more big cities, and because the center was a place where resources gathered, more and more people were separated from the foundation, so they did not understand the vast "non-center"

Bai Huanling: Dimensional shuttle can improve your vision!

Wei Keng: I believed it in the past, but now, after five hundred years, you are still unwilling to step towards the starry sky. Do you think I should still think so?

Bai Huanling coldly laughed: So, do you think this is a sin?

Wei Keng: No, no, no, this is just the reason why I don’t support you. The real reason for opposing you is——

Wei Keng’s tone was serious: In the past three hundred years, when the interest relationship in the dimension was getting worse and worse, what did you do to keep the so-called "dimensional center"?

In order to consolidate this advantage, you even overdrew your morality and bottom line.

Wei Keng listed the table that he had prepared for a long time.

Overdrawing morality: A cruel consciousness cultivation system like reincarnation was created.

Overdrawing bottom line: In order to win over various planes in various dimensions, even the dregs of the outer dimension were increasingly released, which affected the development of the main world.

Bai Huanling stood up, put on his clothes and left, leaving a sentence: "If you want to fight, our Shizhen Territory will not stand on your side."

Wei Keng raised his glass and toasted him with a glass of wine: "Goodbye, Abai, um, and your so-called Shizhen Territory". (Shizhen Territory has never belonged to Bai Huanling. In terms of qualifications, Master Wei is older than him).

When Bai Huanling heard this, his body trembled, but he still left resolutely.

…The dividing line of action…

In 3984, the third solar system war began. In the orbit of Pluto, in the gravity well area No. 3434, Le Xiaotian from another world stood in the ion area, looking at the starlight rotating like waves in the distance, his eyes solemn. Xinghai Tianyuan is the most "efficient" plane information enthalpy conversion system he has seen in all dimensions.

As the "grandfather" and the navigator of this plane, Wei Keng patted the volunteer on the head and said, "I am very happy that you can come, but you should not go to the frontier mission assigned by the battle. Your mission is to observe."

Compared to the fact that the core of the solar system is ready to recruit consciousness from other planes to arrive in the solar system (as cannon fodder), the Pastoral Party has full confidence in its accumulation over the past two hundred years!

"What is there to fear about using righteousness to defeat evil!"

Le Xiaotian paused slightly, and whispered: What should we do then?

Wei Keng: Record and think about the false proposition of "who is the main world" in various territories of "leadership". Haha, (you) conduct in-depth investigation and understanding here, and prepare to block the escape of (the main god) in other planes.

…At this time, the main world is at the end of the 40th century, and the contradictions are so huge that they can no longer be solved by any dimensional war...

The war in the solar system has begun. The eight planets are divided into eight inner orbital areas, and outside the eight planets is the outer area.

At present, the war is concentrated in the Kuiper belt where dwarf planets such as Pluto are located. Although it is the outer area, the inner circle of the concentric circle is much smaller than the outer circle. According to the space division, the outer area space occupies more than half of the controllable area in the entire solar system.

It is about 30 to 55 astronomical units. This is where the sun's gravity is weak.

The orbits of the large planets are consistent with the ecliptic plane of the sun's rotation, while the orbital planes of thousands of microplanets and dwarf planets here are tilted due to the influence of external stars. The orbital plane will shuttle through the orbit of Neptune at the perihelion.

So, stacking their orbital areas together is a thick sweet roll area outside the solar system (the thick here refers to the same plane relative to the orbits of the eight planets).

The current outer space war in the solar system is different from that of seven or eight centuries ago.

In the 34th century, it was still the period of hegemony between the Black Alliance and the Star Ring Alliance.

The pressure on the outer planets beyond Neptune by the inner circle of the solar system still sent information warships with a length of ten kilometers, large ecological warehouses, and high-energy information storage devices to control a large number of "energy points" for fighting.

However, the progress of physical application technology in the main world is huge. In the past 700 years, the engineers of the main world have conquered the quark information carrier and established base stations in the dimension.

Human consciousness can directly rely on the wide space where "information transfer stations" and "quark light particles" exist, without relying on fragile nodes such as "space stations".

This "single" device can obtain information volume progress, similar to the changes between World War I and World War III.

Although the individual soldiers of World War III still carry rifles, the information command system that the individual soldiers can receive has long changed from the era when the sergeants received telegrams and then passed them on by word of mouth to the era when each soldier's helmet has "intelligent AI" to assist soldiers to pay attention to the overall battlefield situation.

Soldiers in World War I could only follow the sergeants (platoon leaders) to attack the machine gun positions. The "intelligent system" of the soldiers in World War III will tell the bombing range, time interval, and action status of the enemy and our artillery in the battlefield.

In this round of military changes, the front is the Xinghai Tianyuan, not the inner circle of the solar system with diversified dimensions.

On December 23, 3984, the Pastoral Faction and the Inner Circle of the Solar System had their first large-scale confrontation in the open area of ​​Saturn's orbit. Even though there were no light particles fighting, the exchange ratio between the two sides reached a terrifying level of 1:8000.

The combat power of the Inner Circle of the Solar System is almost a "vegetable" that can collapse at the touch of a button.

The continuous progress of any national civilization in history requires internal unity. The Inner Circle of the Solar System has long been torn apart in the face of cultural backlash in various regions over the past fifty years.

The Pastoral Faction currently has stronger productivity. In terms of quantity scheduling, it is more than ten times more than the Inner Circle of the Solar System.

After the first battle, Xingtian found that his tactical advantage was huge, but the general strategic expert adhered to the action policy of "no waste, slow push" in the strategic situation.

Tu Kang: The storytelling plot of "seven hundred breaking ten thousand" in the historical process is not necessary, it must be steady, like the eastward flow of the Yangtze River.

In this "slow advancement" process, the "well-prepared" pastoral faction can achieve zero exchange in the Jupiter orbit area after 3985, - no waste, every step is carefully planned, and the war process is like a "100% correct plan".

The pressure on the "central faction" in the inner circle of the solar system is far greater than the speed of advancement.

After the war, the two sides competed on the determination of "the strength of both sides can change the outcome of the battle".

In this process, when one side finds that its strength cannot change the outcome at all, it will collapse first.

...In the collision of waves of light particles in the star sea, it is getting more and more "boring"...

After three months of continuous failures in the interstellar battlefield, the inner circle of the solar system had to take out its trump card in advance and summoned the dimensional mercenaries who were unaware of the situation to enter the light particles to fight against the Pastoral Faction.

And Wei Keng called Le Xiaotian over, but did not let him participate in the war, just to take on the task of transferring prisoners. ——In the huge and delicate "battle plan", the prisoners of the main world solar system battle will be transformed and participate in the liberation war of other neighboring planes

The core of the solar system, which the Xinghai Pastoral Faction highly respects, has learned from history and has not made any stupid declaration of "destruction in three months".

The war of conquest and the war of unification are different. The former is to simply bully the weak. The latter is to form a historical consensus.

The core purpose of the Pastoral Faction's war this time is to make the inner circle of the solar system realize the historical mistakes in ideology.

Pastoral faction: No tricks, just want the loser (inner circle of the solar system) to use all their trump cards, and make them surrender when they are exhausted

The pastoral commanders can be calm now, one important reason is: the pre-war reserve is too thick.

…Troublesome people to the leader: I have been thinking about fighting you for ten centuries, and I have been planning for five centuries...

February 3984, inner circle of the solar system, Jupiter orbit fortress.

He Xiyu looked at the empty area in the orbit of the big planet at this time, and the position attacked by the pastoral faction. Silently browse information

The intelligent AI of He Yucun's personality: Before the war, people in the inner circle of the solar system only knew that the Xinghai Pastoral faction separated a large amount of stardust into single elements in the vast interstellar space, and arranged them into a basic array, with carbon atoms, hydrogen atoms, and oxygen atoms stably placed in the empty universe. Convert the "leftovers" exposed by the Dyson ring in the inner circle of the solar system into information enthalpy.

He Xiyu pointed his finger at the outer magnetic field area of ​​the sun. At this time, there is no "starry sky" over there.

Intelligent AI continues to summarize: When the fight breaks out, the intellectuals in the inner circle of the solar system will realize how wrong their previous idea that "the Pastoral School is just picking up the leftovers of the Dyson Ring to survive" is.

The control of the "energy gap" in the universe is very important.

At present, Xinghai Pastoral has built this "stardust" area in the interstellar area, which can quickly drain the energy of light particles that mistakenly enter this area from the inner circle of the solar system! It is like a copper wall and iron wall that isolates the mobile force of the inner circle of the solar system.

For example, at present, the Xinghai Pastoral School is stepping into the solar system step by step, and has built a symmetrically distributed fortress circle on both sides of the solar system! ) Or the Great Wall of the Sun is beginning to take shape!

Such a war mode is beyond the imagination of those mercenaries recruited from "near time and space" in the dimension!

For example, the "generals" and "military geniuses" recruited from the Command and Conquer Space Empire are still stuck in the interstellar railgun and laser cannon shooting. Using such weapons to face the current war is like a person using a red cannon watching the era of guided bombs flying all over the sky in the 21st century.

At present, some enlightened commanders in the core of the solar system have commented on the so-called "dimensional reinforcements": This is like training pigeons in the 21st century to hit supersonic fighters.

Those "crossing consciousnesses" called from the plane where the "space-time flow speed is ten times slower than the main world" still have their own cognition in the concept of "interstellar battleship" and "single psychic battle", and cannot cope with the high-tempo war of the main world at all.

General He silently looked at the "Great Wall" interstellar position of the approaching "light belt" in the solar system. In that large position, the controller is a group of split bodies scattered in space by the warriors of the Xingtian faction, whose characteristics are "each one is independent in thinking, but the whole is unified in will" - this is a modern person cultivated by the "moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor" education.

He helplessly watched the "heroes" summoned from his dimension, and whispered: "The "ancient consciousness" (roughly equivalent to the time travelers in the 20th to 23rd century) that is a thousand years behind cannot adapt to the current "future".

As he sighed, the semi-biological maid who was "awakening the spirit" placed the peeled fruit plate on the table.

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