Out of the cage

Chapter 1589 Chapter 3201 (Part 1) Blocking the Solar System

Chapter 1589 Chapter 32.01 (Part 1) Blockade of the Solar System

In 3983, Xinghai Pastoral firmly built a fortress zone in the gravitational circle between Saturn and Neptune. The "big river" irrigated by the six surrounding stars began to continuously supply "information" in the direction of the solar system.

This year, the war between the Pastoral School and the inner circle of the solar system has progressed, and the situation has been similar to the confrontation between Qin and Zhao during the Battle of Changping.

In the asteroid belt, the material stations built by both sides have entered a state of high "information enthalpy" consumption. On the Pastoral School side, from the distant starry sky, lines, like streams breaking through the ice in spring, come from the distant starry sky.

Just like the economic structure behind the war four thousand years ago. At that time, Qin State had a unique national policy compared to the six countries, and all the classical militarisms of the same period (Assyria, Alexander, Persia). "

Multiple generations of Qin kings continued to use national capital to invest in water conservancy projects, so that the national strength has been increasing in a positive cycle. This has created a unique unified result in the world.

So even though Qin suffered a major defeat in the "Battle of Yanyu" (Zhao She's famous battle), a battle of more than 100,000 or 200,000 people, it did not fall into despair like Wei State lost Wei Wuzu.

The Battle of Changping was 9 years after the Battle of Yanyu. The Qin army, which was far away from its homeland, relied on water conservancy projects such as "Zhengguo Canal" and "Lingqu Canal" to transport grain from the two major grain-producing areas of Guanzhong and Bashu to the front line. This time, Zhao State needed to ask for grain from Qi State. (Note: 24 years ago, Zhao State participated in Le Yi's nine-country attack on Qi, so it borrowed grain from Qi State?)

The Battle of Changping was the foundation of the long-term national surplus investment Strategic victory cannot be made up by the losers' excuses such as "tiger and wolf division" and "Guanzhong natural barrier".

Four thousand years later, the laws of history are still the same as before.

Looking back on the past five hundred years, the consciousnesses in the inner circle of the solar system in the early years were very disdainful of the Xinghai Tianyuan School's "playing in the mud" on overseas stars, thinking that this was a very rustic entertainment. It was not until we faced the "big test" that we understood the role of the "big river".

In this hundred years, the Xingtian School adjusted the outer coronal radiation ring system of many large stars.

In about 3912, Sirius practiced the most mature "opening gate" mode relative to today.

When the star ejects matter into the Dyson belt on the white dwarf, it is processed into matter waves, and then the matter waves are bright around the light. .

Then the same Gemini The Hebei III (35 light years), Aquila Hegu II (16 light years), Lyra Vega I (25 light years), Centauri Alpha Centauri (4.3 light years), Pisces Austrinus Fomalhaut (22 light years), and Canis Major Sirius (8.6 light years) have also completed the release of water.

In recent years, that is, in 3977, the expansion cycle of the "variable star" Hebei II (49.8 light years) in Gemini was perfectly predicted, providing the maximum amount of water required for this century-old star field.

In the next few decades, a steady stream of information enthalpy will be quickly mobilized from a few dozen light years and converged into the solar system.

The "Battle of the King of Zhou" in the Star Field era has begun.

With the arrival of a large amount of material information in the Kuiper Belt outside the solar system, the Pastoral School has sufficient resources to form a group called "Interstellar Long The nebula position of "City" is advancing step by step towards the inner circle of the solar system.

The Xinghai Pastoral School has a total of six army groups, each with a thousand people. They rotate to exert pressure on the Saturn and Jupiter line.

It is worth mentioning that the current solar Dyson ring is divided into multiple layers, and the inner circle of the solar system only controls the outer Dyson ring.

A considerable part of the solar engineering group on the inner Dyson ring is supplied from the outer circle of the solar system. Even some of the consciousness born in the inner circle of the solar system is not on the side of the "central faction" at this time.

At the beginning of the war, the solar system central faction wanted to block the connection between the Taoist faction and the sun. But now, with the space Great Wall area of ​​the infrastructure construction, it has rushed to the gap in the movement of the major planets, and the Xinghai Pastoral and the center of the sun have completed a new connection.

On April 23, 3983, in the northern polar region of the sun, the Xinghai Pastoral School "Ziwei Star" Command.

The commanders of Xinghai Pastoral arrived at this node and converted the "quantum information state" in their Xinghai Pastoral into a more stable "light particle group".

In everyone's information database, a battle map appeared, showing that the pace of war is very slow, and there is a long-term construction plan.

For example, there are thousands of strategic nodes in the Kuiper Belt, which are planets with a diameter of more than one kilometer. These natural stars that were bumpy in the past have now been polished into smooth artificial celestial landmarks, and the orbits have begun to be adjusted symmetrically. These stars will become "neural synapses" and will be mathematically deployed to alternately become signal relay stations.

Such war construction is the future of the solar system. The energy cloud and material transportation in the solar system will be built as complex as the human life system.

Therefore, for the Pastoral Generation, this war is not just about winning, but about establishing a milestone between two eras in human development...

Pastoral commanders discussed the current strategy in the "spectral language": Xinghai Pastoral will fully advance the fortress to the transition zone between Saturn and Jupiter, and has cut off the "central faction"'s force projection toward the outer orbit of Pluto.

Due to the hopelessness of victory, the "leadership" of Neptune and Uranus began to erode culturally.

These "planetary residents" who are stuck under the planet's nano-mask no longer look up at the sky, but are addicted to role-playing in the 21st century. Various "intelligent AI" play slaves and knights to protect their confused minds in the war.

The "Vacuum Quantum Information" monitoring team of the Pastoral School: According to data from this plane and multiple dimensional distance monitoring stations, the "gravitation well" in the inner circle of the solar system is now in full swing! (The "leaders" of the inner circle of the solar system cannot win the battle in the main world, so prepare to be strong)

Therefore, an additional political factor began to promote the too "smooth" campaign process of the Pastoralists.

At the latest military meeting of the Pastoral Sect, Wei Yuji from Hegu Er (from a pastoral branch of the Moya Consciousness Group) proposed his own campaign goals to many comrades: ""We are going to do it in San Consider launching a landing campaign on a large planet within ten years. "

Everyone in the light particle state couldn't help but pause slightly when they heard this target. Because according to the current battle situation, this goal is still too far ahead. There are many gaps in the technology of landing directly on planets from space to carry out combat operations.

So far, although humans in Xinghai Garden have been able to control large areas of the outer space, can they fall back to the big planets like dust?

The frontier center of the pastoralists in the asteroid belt: Wei Yuji: "When our opponents act recklessly and think that we are helpless, we must find opportunities to expose such sophistry." (Wei Yuji is an independent consciousness of the Wei Qiang system)

He pointed his finger at Pluto: "The large planetary protective network is not their natural moat. The battle for orthodoxy is related to the survival of future hopes, so a series of prices can be paid now. After the battle plan is formulated, "I will be the first wave" (The first wave means taking the risk of initial uncertainty in combat plans. That is, it is equivalent to follow me in the twentieth century.)

Wei Yuji's spiritual language, in the solar system model, outlines a strategy that is particularly risky compared to the previous "stable" strategy.

The "odd" in the "combination of good and odd" in war is the idler in the most stalemate process.

The Taoist factions who attended the meeting saw Wei Yuji's behavior and decided to implement the plan after voting.

Regarding Wei Yuji's confirmation that everyone agreed with the Pluto landing campaign, he looked in the direction of Pluto: "There is no escape." - His words were spoken to another branch of his own, and this branch is the main god A branch of the Weiqiang Central Sect in China.

The merchant girl does not know the hatred of the country's subjugation, but she still sings the flowers in the backyard across the river.

There has always been a group of people in history who regarded the once stable framework as the "natural chasm" of the Yangtze River, used it as capital that hindered the development trend, and overdrafted it to their heart's content.

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