Out of the cage

Chapter 1592 Chapter 3203

Chapter 1592 Chapter 32.03 "Saints" and "Martyrs"

"All travelers above the Shangqing level must abide by the Observer Code."

"Either obey the rules or bear the iron fist!"

After the Pastoral School of the Main World initiated the blockade, the "Orthodoxists" in charge of the dimension work issued an ultimatum to all travelers from the Main World!

Note: The "Orthodox" organization only issued an ultimatum to travelers born in the Main World, and did not extend its jurisdiction to the "reverberating consciousness" who were not travelers from the Main World. Well, even as long as the consciousness is willing to give up the identity of the Main World traveler (withdraw from nationality), the "Orthodoxism" of the Main World will not govern them.

After hearing this message, all travelers in the entire dimension felt "inexplicable" and "indifferent" at the first time. And brought up a previous case: Wei violated Qin Tianfang's blockade bill during the fifth plane war.

Wei Keng: The current contradiction is not about the "blockade" and "anti-blockade" of the main world, but about the "right and wrong" produced in the process of the slow-flow plane affecting the fast-flow plane. At present, when the main world is proving this "right and wrong", it cannot give the "wrong" a chance to slip into other planes.

Leadershipism has always been looking for seemingly "same" cases to blur the contradictions of different eras.

At this time, the traversers who are used to freedom feel that this order of the rebels who seized power in the main world is hostile to all existing orders in the entire dimension! Those pastoral mud legs, the management of this area of ​​​​the dimension is impossible for a long time.

But they are wrong! ——The "Taotong" system traversers who rely on the pastoral of the main world, this time expressed "Don't say I didn't warn you!"

After the "Taotong" faction issued a broadcast in the main world, the new center of the dark plane also reviewed many nearby timelines!

All "exported traversal planes" with a flow rate 1.5 times faster than the main world must execute the "recall order".

The "Orthodox" group in the imaginary gravity well of Xingtian in the main world: The entire territory must be blocked at present, and all economic crossing operations will be suspended before the transformation of the main world is completed. ".

Soon, some neighboring planes in the time-quake territory also began to be "recalled". One by one, the crossers with several worlds looked at the forced "exclamation mark" of their system in a daze

...The dimensional pursuit began, and the consequences of the disconnection between the crossers and the main world began to manifest...

Just like the last batch of bandits in the ancient industrial era, who were imprisoned in the late 20th century for at least ten years, because they were out of society for too long, they did not know that there were cameras all over the streets, and they still wanted to commit crimes without being found.

Although it was the 40th century, each cross-country group had completed the "plot fortress" in certain planes. They had a mysterious narcissism about their own mountains and did not think that the main world could find them.

And these crossers thought that the scope of the "recall order" was too large, and the most At most, they would just catch a few key figures and that would be the end of it.

These travelers who have taken on the identities of gods, the royal family of the Star Sea Science World, and the Supreme Beings of the Immortal Demon World, have no idea that the "quantum background" of their consciousness has exposed the worlds they have traveled through.

Of course, these travelers believe that even if the main world finds them, they can't do anything to them, because they control the power of the entire world. They don't believe that the executors of the "conscription order" will have the power to overthrow them, because to catch them is to fight the entire world.

However, they are wrong. In the "cleaning plan" of the main world, in the dimension, as long as the speed of space-time flow is not a "fleeting" plane. (Compared to the full ruins plane with a speed of more than 357 times the speed of the main world), then they are all in the Taoist sect's " "It is bound to be investigated".


After the military forces of the entire solar system completed the division of the eight planets, they began to put huge "stardust rings" on the periphery of all the major planets.

This facility on the eight planets is code-named the Tight Hoop.

These huge quantum interference rings with diameters ranging from three to eight light seconds monitor every tunneling consciousness that leaves the main world at the jump point of the inner ring of the solar system.

And unless those marginal consciousnesses stay in the target plane forever, the orthodox pursuers of the main world will analyze the "quantum noise" of the main world to distinguish the dimensional space-time where those unruly traversers are stranded.

The vast dimensional war has begun again. For the "middle-level people" who have experienced thousands of years of traversal, this is the time before their main personality is completely uploaded to the high dimension (leaving Main world), the last historical task that must be done.

...The dividing line between humans and immortals...

On the Zhuruo plane, many Dao ancestors gathered together. The magnificent buildings such as the Heavenly Palace and the Divine Court were connected in the void under the influence of great magic power.

Those super gods and demons also gathered together with their own artifacts.

In the Zhuruo area, most of the Dao ancestors were not tunneling consciousness of the main world, and some consciousnesses from the main world cut off their connection with the main world in order to merge with the Tao on the Zhuruo plane, which met the category of "declassification" of the "Taoist orthodoxy".

So the next great road dispute has no absolute interest with them, and they seem very comfortable in this Taoist meeting.

Of course, there are at least fifteen Dao ancestors who are within the scope of the recall order, and the most original consciousness of some Dao ancestors themselves is the traverser from the main world.

Regarding these Dao ancestors who have already merged with the Dao, the executive officer of the recall order, in line with the principle of flexible law enforcement, requires these Dao ancestors who still hold the nodes of the "crossing system" of the main world to "sort out the relationship".

Route 1: Completely cancel the node coordinates with the main world. Swear on the self-Dao in this plane and completely sever the relationship with the main world.

Route 2: Deposit the Dao fruit of this plane and prepare to transfer it to the Zhuruo plane. The person who inherits his mantle will return to the main world.

Wei Zhongren: The conditions I have offered are already very lenient. They have fully taken into account your determination to "retain the accumulated results". At the same time, you make a free choice between the main world and the plane you cross. You can't be both a role model and a role model, right?

However, the humane execution of the "recall order" ignored the last goodwill.

The infinite calamity begins!

Regarding the Dao fruit of the Zhuruo plane? It can be compared to an ecological niche. In a perfect ecosystem, there are decomposers and producers. The control of the energy of one of the "ecological niches" is equivalent to mastering the Dao fruit.

The Hedao, on the other hand, relies on fixed rules to survive! The seaweed sponges on the earth have not been extinct for a billion years. They have found their own ecological niche that will not change, which is equivalent to the Hedao.

Uncle Wei Keng's evaluation of these Dao ancestors (Hedao) is: "The only difference between you and the sponges and cockroaches on the earth, which occupy a stable ecological niche and are difficult to extinct, is that the species that occupy a stable ecological niche on the earth cannot produce consciousness. And you occupy the "ecological niche" of the rules in this world, but you can keep your consciousness forever and stay here forever!"

The Hedao is immortal, or to be precise, it is difficult to be eliminated! For example, creatures such as cockroaches, ants, and seaweed cannot disappear from the earth before the collapse of the earth-moon system.

However, the highest form of life is not the Hedao, but beyond this world! That is, to prove the Tao with force and actively participate in the changes of the universe.

In the Zhuruo world, with Wei Keng's direct end! The number of days changes dramatically.

Under these Dao ancestors, the heavenly beings were also comprehending. Some were thinking hard, some were at a loss, and there were a few who had calculated something and were shocked!

In the Zhuruo Territory, all the "king"-level consciousnesses that had caused the catastrophe in the past were not as good as this one (Wei Keng) today!

... The "Five Elements World" in the Zhuruo Territory...

Peng Hai, the Five Elements Dao Ancestor from the main world, stopped calculating: "Eight hundred years ago (in the main world), when the plane technology was not high, his (Wei Keng) consciousness could continue to grow in various planes. So, how strong is he?" - The consciousness of crossing has been extending for 1,300 years, and it is still growing, without any systematic interruption.

Peng Hai's last memory of the main world was probably in the thirty-sixth century. He knew: Wei Keng had low periods and high periods in his long history of crossing. He would not fight you in the low period, but just endure it, and he would push you flatly in the high period.

Peng Hai sighed: "We (traversers at the Daozu level) are unwilling to sever our roots (leave the main world) or abandon the fruits we have grown here."

…Zhuruo Territory. In the Great Thousand World of the Yuan Dynasty…

Tianyuan Daozu, looking at the starry sky, said silently: "Everyone, the immeasurable calamity is coming, everyone should take care of yourself."

The major sects in the Great Thousand World were shocked when they heard this announcement, and they also rang the bell. One by one, the immortals prepared to deal with the catastrophe.

With the leadership of this Daozu, a will to resist was formed and spread throughout the Great Thousand World.

The Daozu finally made the choice to drag the entire plane into a head-on confrontation with those who "prove the Dao with force".

In response, Wei Keng, who was sharpening his sword, said: "I am unwilling to give up the Dao fruit that I have cultivated for hundreds of years in the Zhuruo Territory, nor am I willing to give up the information chain of the main world."——In the past, I laughed at sentient beings trapped in obsessions, but now, what about you?

Then Wei Keng sighed: Stealing the luck of the plane (cutting off the possibility of development in this world) really proves the saying, "If the saints don't die, the thieves will not stop."

…The dividing line between ruins and fertile land…

In early June 3996 in the main world, Saturn was cut off from the dimensional connection by the halo, and it has been a full year.

This time seems very short, but for the many "high-speed" time and space that were connected here in the past, this year has passed a very long time.

In some worlds of gods, many believers have not received a response from the gods for hundreds of years, so they have encountered the constant disasters and bullying of the "mixed" gods who take the evil route over there.

Of course, the stubborn resisters on Saturn are also very urgent. How urgent are they?

Narrator: It's like a teenager in the 21st century who is playing in a group on his mobile phone, and suddenly his mobile phone is out of power and needs to wait for it to restart!

In the early morning of June 6, Jun Zhaixing's main personality left the blockade near Saturn and rode the quark flow to the core control area of ​​the sun, arriving at the boiler of "exotic matter in the sun".

Jun Zhaixing faced the person in charge of the solar furnace: I need the highest-grade matter at the "enthalpy" level.

In the solar radiation belt, the person in charge responded after three femtoseconds: "Bombing that destroys the structure of the planet is not allowed in the solar system."

Note: With the current technology mastered by the solar system, it is possible to burn the entire surface of the planet to the degree of "star destruction". After all, compared with today's solar technology, the nuclear technology mastered thousands of years ago is as primitive as drilling wood to make fire.

Jun Zhaixing: "My plan is not to burn the planet, but to use high "information enthalpy" materials to mark the planet with modules."

Jun Zhaixing opened the display map. The "information enthalpy" point emitted from the sun is on Saturn at present. Saturn soon appeared a dense hexagonal grid division, and then each large hexagon was divided into hexagons again, and then into small hexagons, and then...

Yes, this technology allows the attacker to grasp the specific location of every plant, every drop of water, every stone, and even every ant in the soil of the ecosystem in an instant. Then avoid these lives and accurately remove the armed "targets" on the planet.

This technical route follows the "first discovery" and then the "attack means" selected, rather than the destructive cleaning of all materials like the 21st century novel "Two-dimensional Foil".

In general, this is more difficult to do.

After all, according to the 21st century technology level, the difficulty of making nuclear bombs is far less than the difficulty of updating space and ground information chains.

In the core of the sun, "Tu Kang" looked at the plan, and then stared at the rings on Saturn. The facility that monitors the quantum fluctuations of Saturn has just completed the preliminary determination of Saturn's quantum spectrum and calibrated all "human consciousness".

Tu Kang in the solar furnace looked at this amazing boy and shook his head helplessly: "Oh, no wonder, you have thought about it a long time ago."

Jun Zhaixing: Well, this is Senior Wei's backup plan.

The Senior Wei that Jun Zhaixing mentioned is Wei Yuji (Wei Qiang's consciousness branch). After the failure of the landing battle on Pluto, everyone was at a loss for the landing battle on the planet, and Jun Zhaixing came up with his own ideas.

However, this new plan actually has a great cost.

Tu Kang looked at Jun Zhaixing: "Why don't you introduce the negative consequences of your plan?"

Jun Zhaixing: "Well, I'll solve the difficulties."

Tu Kang sighed and said: "It is technically feasible to mark the correlation coefficient of every material life on a planet as big as Saturn, but the difficulty coefficient varies greatly under different conditions of "cooperation" and "non-cooperation" of the planet."

This kind of experiment comparable to precision surgery, if the "patient resists", it takes a huge effort to hold it down.

Tu Kang pointed out the facts: "After your plan enters the planet, the high-energy information enthalpy on each information node must be guarded by "people", and on the surface of the planet, the high-energy information enthalpy material is too unstable. In this case, the "people" inside are unsafe, especially in a state of war."

Narrator: After marking the information on Saturn, there must be an "intelligence officer" at each intersection point on the hexagonal grid to step on the victory.

Jun Zhaixing did not look like his lie was exposed, but took a step forward calmly.

Jun Zhaixing: "I'll solve it." This answer was clear and confident.

Tu Kang paused, looked at the scale of his consciousness gathered in the starry sky light particle group. He silently asked back: "You come to solve it?"

Jun Zhaixing was no longer as lively as the big boy before, and said in a serious and steady manner: "Yes, this is a cross-era war. At this stage, we should consider the cost of "sacrifice" in exchange for the root victory of past history."

Then, he raised his head and said: "And me! I am a real man, I want to break through this sky that has covered it for thousands of years!"

About ten seconds later, Tu Kang: "There are still about four hours on Saturn, and it will be aligned with the projection area."

Jun Zhaixing nodded: "Well, Pudong time 3996, June 6, 7:06."

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