Out of the cage

Chapter 1593 Chapter 3204: Killing Daozu

Chapter 1593 Chapter 32.04 Banning Tao Ancestor

Proving the Tao with force is also the "Tao", which is accelerating in accordance with the development rules of the universe, rather than relying on strength to violate and hinder the objective rules of nature.

Compared with the traditional Taoist ancestors who found the ecological niche allowed by "physical rules", Wei Keng deduced the future based on observations of the past. Then accelerate changes to the future, thereby promoting great changes in the way of heaven, and strengthening your most pinned hopes in the changing situation.

What were the Zhuruo planes like in the past? That means the matter is unstable and everything is still soup.

Before Gupan cut off the world, all kinds of life and material energy were accompanied in the initial galaxy (quasar). After other cosmic consciousness fell into the black hole, the wormhole corresponding to the quasar was projected out, directly in the high-energy It turned into a human form on the continent, and then projected mountains, rivers and oceans in that energy world.

The quasar world before Gupan was a primitive cultivation plane, and all time streams were not separated. And at this stage, life is "cultivated" from the lowest level to high cultivation, and the life span gained increases to a seemingly long and long life. However, for the changes in the universe, it is infinitely short, equivalent to a moment without any impact.

From the perspective of life development, the rules of heaven at that time were eternal.

But after the opening of the sky in Gupan, during the observation of life, this quasar turned into a star core and entered a new stage.

Although the quasar has collapsed, its internal black hole can still easily allow the existence of "certain cultivation masters" (primordial gods and true immortals) to tunnel into the galaxy where different physical rules evolved at different times.

Each of these galaxies in which physical rules evolve in different directions is the so-called universe.

But in the "Zhuruo" era of the Queen of Heaven, the "ancient demon gods" who could arbitrarily increase their energy levels and travel through all walks of life no longer exist. Since the laws of each world are different, if you raise your energy level arrogantly, you can only become a heretic soul.

The heretic soul is closely related to the physical system of the "great world" where its consciousness rests. But the carrier (body) structure on which this consciousness relies cannot sustain the operation of other worlds (galaxies).

Just like the "outer spirit" that condenses the innate treasure of metal, the plane it is suitable for will actually evolve "omnic life" in the future. But if you go to a world where the rules of "Gaia's life form" can evolve in the future, it will become a pile of "dead things" and cannot become a carrier of "consciousness".

Only the real Yuanshen who has attained enlightenment in his mind can cross the "low" threshold of the dimension of the vast world between various planes, and his consciousness variable can switch to a species that can "live forever" under different rules!

In short, the ancient disk split the ancient quasar, but it did not split it completely, forming a series of physical regular planes like a territory.

And once it is completely split, it will be what the "various territories" planes where the main world currently looks like.

The realms are the prototype of "planes with different rules".

(Open Sky) Wei Keng: Then we might as well promote Zhu Ruo again and give the possibility to all sentient beings in the world, so that the various worlds can be completely separated, free from the interference of immortals, gods and Taoist ancestors who wantonly shuttle, and can develop freely.

At 23445455 hours from the starting point of the ancient disk, the war to "seize the way" in various planes began.

At this time, Wei Keng used his own consciousness as the standard of observation. In all the worlds, the "New Gupan Civilization" began to rise in the edge area.

Previously, if the Taoist ancestors were willing to compromise with Wei Keng, then Wei Keng would only make a limited appearance in this plane. At most, one or two immortal Wei Keng would appear in this plane to recall the travelers from the main world, but now Wei Keng ignites civilization.

After covering the sky, a large amount of Wei Keng's consciousness entered the plane, integrated into civilization as a mortal, and began to advance technology. Before the immortals in this world could react, the "catastrophe" of the stars was controlled.

...With the blessing of planetary energy, Wei Keng is not following the system of cultivating immortals. …

The first, second and third levels of traceability were successfully launched in this plane.

This is the pursuit of the ultimate possibility, and the control of energy and matter has reached unprecedented heights.

In civilization, Wei Keng, as the flag-bearer of this humanistic trend, said to those who inherit the mantle of "tracing the origin" of various planes: "What we pursue is different from the immortality system of cultivating immortality, but the pursuit of life." Meaning! ——What is life? It is not to use all living beings as pawns, but to have a long history and become stronger with each generation!”

The Taoist ancestors relied on the "Tao Fruit" to trap all living beings from developing freely. This is just like the Cambrian period, when there was a species that occupied various ecological niches and suppressed other species with greater potential to continue to evolve. In the end, a mass extinction occurred, emptying the ecological niche and allowing evolution to continue.

At present, in the "Zhuruo" territory, under the joint control of many Taoist ancestors, it is impossible for those who trace the path of non-immortal cultivation in the six hundred big worlds to extend their lives.

A large number of the first wave of mortal civilizations were suppressed by the immortals several hundred years later due to their inability to follow up. But did the Taoist ancestors win?

Wei Keng's will cluster, which had no "thoughts of immortality" in the plane, stared at the Taoist ancestors: Those who should be put into the pot were put into the pot, and those who were supposed to be fuel were used as fuel.

In the end, the tracers failed to fight for immortality with the immortal cultivators! Choose Time Skip instead. Since life is short, skip the meaningless time.

…ten thousand years is too long, fight for now…

In the world of Zhu Ruo, batches of stars began to emit light and poured directly into the world of immortals.

The immortals suddenly discovered that the tracers they were fighting came from hundreds of years ago. In short, they have not disappeared. Every time there is a crisis in human civilization, these tracers will start from scratch again and "emerge in response to the disaster."

Ten thousand years, twenty thousand years, one after another, the cave heavens and blessed lands were breached. Every time the immortals trembled in fear in the cave, thinking that they had escaped the immortal tribulation outside, they were stabbed in the back by the rebels in the cave. These immortals The species had to run away.

On the other hand, on the civilization side, human beings reproduce from generation to generation, and ordinary people continue to accumulate and build. Tracers who have reached the first level of willpower grow into scientists in the open and fair war selection system and transform planets one by one. Although they will grow old after a thousand years, there will always be successors.

The second-level tracers face the stars directly and manipulate extremely violent energy. After completing these achievements and feeling uneasy, they will choose to jump into the time and space gate and enter the fast-forward era.

For high-level tracers: "As long as the immortals still want to be free in a long time, they will find that eternity is like a long night."

High-level tracers, after defeating a wave of immortals and planning the course of historical development, poured into the time and space gate one after another, waiting until the next historical node to go out again to eliminate the evil.

In short, as long as the tracers are not eliminated, the plan that relies on the ability to live forever to survive the tracers is already completely bankrupt.

As the times move forward step by step, after a large number of third-level traceability has laid the foundation, the fourth-level traceability has arrived!

Daozu's originally unfathomable secret has now been revealed! The new war in the universe has become a one-dimensional war.

Samsara Daozu looked at the huge amount of disturbance in time and space in shock: "Such an existence cannot be cut down. The avenue has begun to deviate."

However, Wei Keng responded: "It's not that the Dao has deviated, it's that the Dao is no longer under your control. The Dao is the Dao of all living beings, and you have no right to tamper with it."

…Give time to civilization, not time to civilization…

There was a battle between the fourth-level descending state and the consciousness that relied on Hedao in the local area!

This battle is similar to the confrontation between human civilization and indestructible species such as flies and mosquitoes after reaching the modern industrial era.

It is true that humans cannot kill bugs, but they can use methods to render them harmless. Use mosquito nets to isolate them while maintaining hygiene to control their population. Even mosquitoes that cannot reproduce can be introduced into nature through biological genes, reducing their reproduction numbers.

Many Taoist ancestors had to conform to the rules more perfectly, were unable to show their saintliness in front of the immortals, and had to abandon their "complex and emotional" form in this plane. In short, it is impossible to walk around the world as a normal human being. Because once you take on human form and have emotions, you can no longer keep your own way.

In this sudden change in the world, the immortals who had always been "winners" also realized that the rules of each thousand planes were becoming more and more stable, and the threshold for traveling has been raised from the realm of "true immortals of the soul" to the realm of quasi-sages.

In the great world of Yunxiao, Tian Zhangqi, a sword cultivator, looked up at the stars and seemed to understand something. On the fairy mountains and rivers, every star hanging high in the sky carries the meaning of the sword.

"This battle should not have been fought."

As if responding to his emotion, a projection suddenly appeared next to him. When Wang Zhuiji (conscious of Wei Keng) was operating the sword formation, he felt an emotion and whispered to the swordsman: "Yes, this battle In fact, it has nothing to do with you (plane natives). Who told you to acquiesce to "fate" and be willing to be involved in disputes? "

Tianzhangqi is an individual who was handed over to the mantle by an earth traveler. The fairy boat he is currently riding on is slowly heading towards an interface. The dimensional rules of that interface are very special. After entering, all the immortal weapons expanded and transformed into large mechanical life forms (Transformers).

Tian Zhangqi looked at Wei Keng and recognized that this was the initiator of this immeasurable catastrophe. As a swordsman, he did not draw out his sword, but followed Wei Keng's words and asked: "The universe has changed so far. Is this the end of our relationship?"

Wei Keng Youran: "You could have evolved on your own, but you didn't get rid of the coercion of the people from us (the main world), so there is a relationship. Oh, I wish you a wonderful life."

Tian Zhangqi looked at Wei Keng: "So, it's over." His expression changed, because the sword on which he depended for life could not be pulled out now.

Wei Keng smiled and looked at the anxious swordsman, just like the big brother on earth, watching his younger brother unable to find a pen when doing homework.

Wei Keng: "Not necessarily, the cause and effect between us and you is over, but there are other existences in the dimension. The cold dimensional area (non-fertile soil area) must be affected by the hot dimensional area.

(That is, the plane where the "reader" of such fairy tales and magic works is located must be affected by the consciousness of the fertile plane where the "author" is located.")

What Wei Keng means is that the main world of the earth has ended its interference with this various planes, but when a series of new time and space civilizations such as Xia Sheng discover the area where these immortals are located, they cannot let go of this plane, and everything will enter a new era. cycle.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. The cold dimension will inevitably be interfered by the civilization of the hot land dimension.

After saying that, Wei Keng hooked his finger, and Tianzhangqi's sword was pulled out and fell into Wei Keng's hand.

Wei Keng: There are three ways to use the sword. The lower one can kill an ordinary man, the middle one can kill princes, and the upper one can separate the rise and fall. ——And the sword in my hand, well, can be any of the above three.

…the dividing line of fertile soil…

The "Gaia Palace" where He Qiuye was located in the center of Saturn's gravity well has undergone hundreds of years of changes and has become today's inner circle of the solar system, an important dimensional economic center of Saturn.

Of course, now outside the Saturn ring, the number of traversers in the Saturn ring is only in the single digits under the isolation of the huge "quantum information ring" in the outer orbit.

On June 4, in the Saturn 0934 ecosystem, the circulation is slowly flowing in the Saturn atmosphere outside the glass cover.

Xu Yuehua, the president of Saturn's planetary committee, is accompanying the children in the cultivation garden to "repair the heart of the sky". On the artificial rockery of hundreds of meters, a group of children carefully arranged dominoes. Compared with the simple dominoes in the 21st century, these dominoes will have a flame effect after falling, and their visual effect has reached the strongest.

The president of the planetary committee pointed to the children to form groups to complete each stage of the task.

It seems that the president is participating in education, but in fact, she has not played these dominoes for a long time. ——Since she came into contact with the dimension, she has no time to come here to play. And now the dimension connection is directly disconnected. She came back to find something to do.

With a click, a row of dominoes fell down in advance without being arranged. The children next to the dominoes stood up at a loss, waiting to be criticized.

Xu Yuehua glared, very much like a 21st century female teacher, pointed at the group of children and said: I told you to arrange it according to the line I drew! Why didn't you listen.

A child mustered up the courage to explain the reason: There is a concave area in the line you drew, and the dominoes can't be placed on it at all.

Xu Yuehua's face was like frost, and after the child finished speaking, she said coldly: I hate children who quibble the most, you are a typical one. Go stand aside. ——Then, she raised her head and said to all the children: If you can't do this little thing well, how can you take responsibility when you enter society in the future.

After she cursed a lot of trash, she "effectively dealt with" her unhappy mood and continued to "repair the heart of the sky" under her own leadership. The team of children who were eliminated at the end began to "do their homework" again under the leadership of this teacher.

The dominoes continued to be placed, becoming more and more magnificent. However, behind the school, the slogan "Unity, tension, seriousness, liveliness" was very dazzling.

In the last fifty hours after Saturn was breached, the "leadership" trapped in the local area was weighing heavily on the future.


Above Saturn's atmosphere, Jun Zhaixing stared at the ecosystem below Saturn, squatting on this optical map, like a boy poking ants back then.

Oh, he was humming a little tune in his voice. If you listen carefully, the tune is like this: "The sun is shining in the sky, the flowers are smiling at me, and the birds are saying good morning. Why do you carry a pack of explosives? I'm going to blow it up..."

After touching the map, he turned around and said to other combat comrades beside him: What else do you want to add to the current plan?

The other landing combat personnel finally checked the newly planned landing process and gave their approval.

Jun Zhaixing nodded: Okay, then let's break up this lifeless sky and let the Miaomiao on Saturn see the real sunlight!

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