Out of the cage

Chapter 1595 Chapter 3206 The Lord God fleeing to the dimensional hot zone

Chapter 1595 32.06 The Lord God Flees to the Dimensional Hot Zone

After the battle of Saturn is over, the second target is Mars.

According to the idea of ​​Jun Zhaixing, the founder of the "planetary information segmentation" tactics: after attacking Saturn, quickly attack the earth, rushing in before the opponent has time to react, and guaranteeing that you can directly achieve the effect of overwhelming force.

However, Jun Zhaixing's idea was suppressed. According to the pastoral school: the "overwhelming force" you charge out alone is not as good as the pressure of everyone.

The approach of one planet after another will certainly give the inner circle group of the solar system a moment to breathe and make a final resistance. However, it will not leave them room for quibbling.

Wei Keng's inner thoughts: "With an overwhelming force, there are indeed fewer casualties. However, when the casualties are concentrated on the heroes, it will go against the meaning of the reform, and the Chinese people must also participate in it."

In January 3997, the Mars Campaign began. The Martian leadership group issued a military order to the Earth in the spectral communication to "defend firmly". Just four hours later, the entire Mars was formatted.

Because someone inside Mars launched a pre-war uprising before being invaded. A group of young people on Mars directly opened the planetary protection nano-shield, causing the so-called "impregnable" defense line of the Martian leaders to become a sieve in an instant.

Such a result shocked the reactionaries in the solar system.

The "leadership" on Earth began to conduct a large-scale investigation of the nano-layer protection belt, and the investigation of each key position was particularly detailed.

On the planetary nano-protection layer, many "people with insufficient status" in key positions are no longer reliable, and these positions have been replaced with "absolute obsession"

...From fertile soil to dimension...

In 3999, the so-called third-dimensional empire collapsed on multiple planes in the dimension.

By the way, this is a statement from the 39th century, when those flashy people in the inner circle of the solar system claimed that Qin Tianfang's vast land was the first dimensional empire, and the will of the Black Alliance Group was the second empire. It can be imagined that the "imperialist" thought is also in the same vein.

The historians of the Taoist school in the dimension: these people took advantage of the wind when productivity was abundant, and then they did not think about making progress, no longer thinking about being down-to-earth, and only wanted to ride on the heads of others and act arrogantly, ushering in the roar that had never been "recorded in official history" before.

When most people follow the objective law of "resting at sunset and working at sunrise", there are always some people who begin to compare themselves to the sun and the moon, and try to replace the fair scale in the hearts of the middle-class people after "observing the sky and observing themselves" with the rules and regulations they set. In this way, conflicts will continue.

And in every historical era, when people realize that there is a difference between the false sun and the moon and the real natural cycle of the way of heaven, the reactionaries will be discovered and swept away.

In the main world, the victory song of electromagnetic wave signals echoed throughout the solar system. Then it spread to the entire galaxy.

At this time, the total area of ​​the pastoral garden reached a scale of 100,000 cubic light years.

There are exploration protrusions spanning 100 light years in all directions, from top to bottom. In these celestial regions, the expeditionary humans have developed more than 5 million civilized amniotic fluids (imitation star bubbles) in the star sea.

When the battle in the solar system was won, the old era's cultural constraints on these earthlings who needed to be cared for far away in the sky were broken.

Narrator: A certain middle-class figure thought that this last battle was very important in the "remainder" thinking, considering that the Black Alliance of the main world might mobilize the "elite" consciousness of tens of billions of planes to participate in the war. So, when preparing for the war in the dimension, there was a little more to ensure that there would be no overturning.

Wei Keng prepared a reserve team for the transformation of the alien planes occupied by the "main world" in the imaginary gravity wells of each star field area in advance.

And now the "orthodoxy" of entering the dimension in the star field area is facing the "leaders" of the dimension who are overwhelmed by the weakness, and they are surprised: "That's it? ”

…The perspective returns to the main world, in the solar system war…

In the contemporary era, the Xinghai Pastoral School already knows the “must win” result.

Because in the eyes of this generation of Xingtian people: this is a force of 100,000 cubic light years, besieging the small inner orbit of the solar system…

In the early stages of the war, the inner solar circle had no advantage. With the completion of the blockade of various large planets and the arrival of Xinghai Pastoral support,

Note: In 3930, when the war in the solar system broke out, Xinghai Pastoral mobilized with a lag, and at the beginning only the Xingtian forces of the surrounding four cubic light years participated in the war.

Now, all the pastoral areas of Xinghai have participated in it, sending processed information enthalpy towards the mother star.

So much so that the inner solar system once thought If they drag it on, they will have a chance to turn things around, but as they fight, they find that the voices against them are so overwhelming.

But at least four hundred years ago, the representatives of the Pastoral School were still an absolute minority.

The dozens of main god representatives in the inner circle of the solar system include the traverser group before the Territory Era.

In various "ranking evaluations" before the war: the number of strong consciousness in the core of the solar system is still dozens of times that of Xinghai Pastoral!

But today, the villains on the old list are used to be stepped on by the new era.

On October 2, 3999, the second landing battle on Pluto was successful. Wei Yuji invited comrades such as Jun Zhaixing to exchange experiences.

Jun Zhaixing snorted coldly when he went out of the house this time and visited the once extremely sacred "Spirit Beast" Ecological Park on the planet.

This energetic boy, well, according to contemporary standards, is still a big boy both physically and mentally. ——In the past, he was wronged.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. The rebels may not speak out yet, but they will never disappear naturally. The "orthodox faction" in charge of the gravity well of Pluto, well, it is equivalent to the "cultural propaganda department" of the main world now. They immediately understood that the soldiers were unhappy with the unfair phenomena in the past.

The orthodox faction began to criticize "the rich are more expensive than the villagers" in the dimension.

In the past, it was the culture in the dimension that led the main world to show the ideological trend.

Now the masses in the main world are in turn against the leadership of the core of the solar system who "likes to define". , gave a definition: "all reactionaries in the multidimensional universe."

On the snack street of the No. 3 ecosystem on Pluto, Wei Keng, who was making fried food, watched Jun Zhaixing kicking a big grasshopper (a half-meter long cricket) fiercely, and smiled and commented: "This big boy is really proud and cute, holding his own flag! Dancing this era, but still venting his anger under his feet."

Now Wei Keng absolutely loves the house and the dog, and now thinks the original "pi" is very cute.

Because the Jun Zhaixing cluster rushed to the front in all the key points of this solar system war,

During the interlaced battle of the earth-moon system from 1991 to 1999, in order to ensure the connection between the sun and the star field, and prevent the inner circle of the solar system from being crazy and destroying the sun before failure, Jun Zhaixing sacrificed at least fifteen standard individuals.

Jun Zhaixing doesn't like insects, so Wei Keng heated up a pot of oil and started to put these big grasshopper pets raised in the core of the solar system into the pot.

…In the Biography of Favorites, Deng Tong once obtained the copper mountain to cast coins for the use of the world, but after Emperor Jing ascended the throne, he was penniless. Today, these "spiritual pets" who were once favored by thousands are the Deng Tong of the past…

In 3999, Mars, in the space fortress transformed from Phobos. This is already the front line of the confrontation between the inner circle of the solar system and the pastoral faction.

Well, with the increasingly large-scale leapfrog operations of the Star Sea Alliance, relying on the interlacing of comet orbits. The sharp edge of the pastoral light particle attack has turned the asteroid belt into a production area.

A large evacuation is taking place in the gravity well of Mars.

Lord God No. 23: "Didn't the Tianji come?" The "Tianji" he mentioned is the code name of Lord God No. 8.

Another Lord God said: "Four hours ago, in the battle of Ceres, he suffered a blow, most of his consciousness in the main world was destroyed, and the new consciousness is being mobilized."

The consciousness of the Lord God is a physical phenomenon on particles across multiple planes. After the main plane is destroyed and hit, it is equivalent to being "knocked unconscious by a sledgehammer." Of course, if the consciousness can be replenished from other planes, the battle can continue.

But is there any meaning in this "repeated defeats"?

So after the defeat of Lord No. 8, in the eyes of other Lords, he no longer wanted to return, and it was very likely that he escaped along the dimensional channel.

...The situation is over, no one will persist...

Before the last generation, the Lords were able to show very strong. Most of the new generation could feel the strong will of the Lord in multiple planes when they traveled through the 39th century.

Except for Wei Keng, there are not many who can directly crush these Lords.

If these Lords transfer their willpower to the current confrontation in the main world, it will undoubtedly be very exciting, but in fact, they are absent from this war. One by one, they want to take advantage of the time difference when the tide of Xingtian's new generation surges into the dimension and quickly evacuate to the "safe" dimension.

Lord No. 1 saw the last battle scene of Lord No. 8 in the Mars orbit war zone of the solar system at the meeting. A large number of light particles were suspected of maliciously sending heads in the impact battle.

Those who don't know the details will think that he was stunned by Tianyuan's new generation. But the eyes of Lord No. 1 became colder and colder, and he would not be fooled by this.

"9823 area!" Lord No. 1's dimensional adjutant reported a data. Lord No. 1 nodded.

This dimensional area is the area where Lord No. 8 fled. Compared with the "cold area", this area is a "prosperous hot area". Lord No. 8, with his ingenious calculations, believes that the era of the main plane no longer belongs to him, so he transferred the consciousness scalar to that hot area. And the variables in that hot area are very high at present, and Wei Keng's consciousness will be cautious there.

But! Lord No. 1 does not want Lord No. 8 to escape so easily.

...The dividing line of the camp...

In the dimension, Wei Keng had just cleaned up the multidimensional plane and met with the "old consciousness groups" of Bai Linglu, and then separated a wisp of consciousness and traveled with her consciousness without memory.

The metabolism of Qin Xiaohan, Bai Linglu, and Mi Jia's consciousness groups was carried out in this way with Wei Keng.

Now, Wei Keng suddenly obtained the information that the Lord God Group of the main world "accidentally" leaked.

Wei Keng paused for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Has the internal strife started?"

Then, a vortex of starlight flickered in the dimension, and the Wei Keng Group chased after it.

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