Out of the cage

Chapter 1597 Chapter 3208 Cage

Chapter 1597 Chapter 32.08 Cage

The last "consciousness" of Lord No. 8, the space-time flow where it was implanted is a relatively fertile area.

In this space-time flow, fish from the Taiyi plane (Xia Sheng traveled through) often arrive. But at the moment, fish cannot change the river course.

When Wei Keng was chasing Lord No. 8: he couldn't help but check the most ancient space-time data of this plane.

It was discovered that on the eve of the first plane war in the main world, a phenomenon appeared in the exploration plane: the early historical stages of some planes cannot be changed.

For example, the Shenzhou plane in the time-quake territory, in the earliest period, that is, the earliest pastoral era where Wei Keng's father lived. For the travelers at that time, there was a plot in the early years of that plane that could not be changed.

For example, the earliest industrial war period on the Shenzhou plane was unchangeable (the time point when Wei Keng and Wei Qiang's fathers came into contact when they traveled through time).

The Dahe system travelers at that time did not think about curbing the rise of the Shengyang Empire in the era of water-cooled heavy machine guns on land and riveted ironclad ships on the sea. However, they all ended in failure.

Wei Keng saw the description of the old predecessors of the Pastoral Generation in the main world: "In that era, whether it was generals or civilians, it was like being controlled by invisible shackles. Whenever there was an action in time and space, the plot firmly restored everything to its original state and became unchangeable."

In the end, the old predecessors in the main world could only settle for the second best.

For example, Wei Keng's father did not seek to challenge the pattern of Shenzhou at that time, but founded the Luoshui Group.

Then, it was the era when the two brothers Wei Qiang and Wei Keng traveled through time, and the fate of the Shengyang Empire was completely changed in the hands of the next generation of travelers.

Wei Keng believed that the reason why the previous time and space were difficult to change was that it was the invisible inertia that controlled time and space. Now, Wei Keng seems to understand what this "space-time inertia" is... (I am now one of the space-time inertia)

The Rust Plane, the plane that Xia Sheng Plane observed and began to cross, actually has all the plot forces controlled by the residual forces of the main world.

On the plane, Su Tianji didn't know that this was his 1343th time entering the Rust Plane, and he kept repeating his fate.

Yes, Su Tianji was repeating. This was another wave of main god forces in the higher dimension blocking him. The ruling groups in the nutrition cabins in the Rust Age all received the "fate guidance" in the dark, that is, the main world dividend faction.

Su Tianji's unspeakable fate in his heart: to leave changes to this plane. In the dark, he began to leave his "plot line" to the hopes on this plane.

Lord God No. 8 (Su Tianji's dimensional consciousness): Hope is that some variables in this plane can promote a new historical line.

The "variable" that Lord God No. 8 hopes for is the traverser from the Taiyi plane, or it may be the echoing consciousness on the other side of the main world.

…Wei Keng, who had been chasing here in the dimension, sighed: I have awakened, but it is not enough, why can't it be you...

Su Tianji, who does not have many memories on the plane, from his perspective: the hope he encountered on this plane may be his descendants, or his students. ——In short, he was tired of having controlled the fate of countless worlds, and decided to leave his fate to others.

Of course, the current behavior of the No. 8 Lord God is not favored by other Lord Gods in the main world.

So the period of time that Su Tianji lived must be the most decadent and the most depressed.

Wei Keng: This seems a bit similar. (Some things that Wei Keng's parents encountered on the plane before the Shenzhou mission)

…In the dimension, Wei Keng of Gaowei began to determine his position in this plane. …

In the mobile base, Su Tianji, who had finished a day of military tasks, quietly noted something in his military cabin.

On this timeline, he followed his inner will and once again hit the iron cage in front of him.

On the other side, on the outskirts of the military base, an armored vehicle opened its mottled ceramic metal cover. Daoxun looked up at the rust plane, which was bleached by radiation from the nuclear explosion, and shrank the armored cabin full of sour smell, whispering: "Cage!"

In this plane, the great nuclear war of mankind wiped out a large number of creatures, but the impact on the earth did not exceed the Triassic mass extinction.

At this time in this rust era, the superpower in the east of Eurasia is called "Xia Sheng", and the superpower in the west of Eurasia is called Iosu.

In Iosu's Lihai underground base, Guan Lile also sat in his commander's base.

He is also a time traveler, and he was a graduate student specializing in "Rust Age History" during his lifetime.

As a history enthusiast, he will make the most of all resources in various time periods. ——The Lord God chose him because of this.

For example, his first start was in the year 2094 of the Holy Advent History, when a large-scale military rebellion occurred in Huo Mountain (Caucasus Mountains).

Guan Liyue seized the historical opportunity, took sides in advance, and promptly dealt with the defecting troops, gaining the trust of the upper echelons. Through the anti-counterrevolutionary work, he used his power to take in those who were about to rebel but had not yet rebelled.

Guan Liyue took advantage of the contradiction that the high-level ruling group had insufficient control over the rebellious areas at the "end of control" to gain the right to "stabilize" the area, thus obtaining his first base.

Mr. Wei, who also studies history, found two cases: One is Cao, who suppressed the Yellow Turban Army during the Three Kingdoms period. The Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou later became the main Qingzhou Army under his command. The second case is that of a commander who occupied Manchuria in modern times and was later killed by a bomb on a train.

Wei Keng: People who rise to power through such means are all created in the process of mutual compromise due to the collision of local and central conflicts, so they can be classified into one category, that is, historical transitional figures. Such historical figures are good at dancing, but in the end, it takes quite a lot of chance and coincidence to achieve "big trends". And even if it is to achieve the "general trend", it has reached the top. Due to a mix-up and judiciousness in his "position," his descendants were unable to withstand local challengers.

Guan Liyue didn't know that his talent for strategizing was actually a core historical role in the creation of the "Lord God"'s experimental heavenly system. .

In the struggle for power, Guan Liyue always has a kind of transcendent self-confidence that guides him to take risks, and he succeeds every time like the "protagonist of Shuangwen".

Guan Liyue is in Iosu. In the repeated missions again and again, all the technological bonuses, as well as the political bonuses obtained at each stage, can quickly exert their maximum effect.

If there were no accidents like Diao Min, Guan Liyue would eventually create an empire. Just like what travelers of Wei Keng’s generation saw in the Chinese plane.

There is a grand canal from Weihai to Jihai. This grand canal was built using the explosion of 300 billion-ton nuclear weapons. During the construction process, a huge amount of dust entered the atmosphere. Because nuclear explosions can choose to explode in cold wave weather conditions, this dust merges with atmospheric water vapor and becomes precipitation. Otherwise, the newly built rivers will turn into glaciers as global temperatures plummet.

At present, the mechanical ships in the Jihai area are crawling from here to the Caspian Sea area with eight mechanical legs.

In the parliament of Iosu, high-ranking councilors are having a meeting. The latest robot (actually a loyal body fused with human brain tissue, organs and machines) uses a voice like a holy priestess to introduce this to these councilors wearing golden laurel crowns. The resources "mobilized" in this war and how to divide power

"This is the latest selection of mechanics, please take a look."

"Atlantic Basin, No. 4 Mining Area, rare earth resources are put into production"

At this time, a congressman raised his hand and slid on the information interface. His dry fingers were soaked in transparent nutrient solution. This layer of sticky nutrient solution made his fingers feel like they were covered with a glass film.

This congressman is a true time-traveler sent by the Lord God. Compared to Guan Liyue, he has "six thousand" time-travel and exploration data in this timeline.

For example, readers who have read many novels of the late Ming Dynasty will always know that the Jin Yiwei is Luo Yangxing, Sun Chuanting in the Prison, and Li Yanhong in the Outlaws. If one traveled through time and entered the late Ming Dynasty, he would not hesitate to use his understanding of these interpersonal relationships to create troubles.

The "history students" chosen by the Lord God have long been familiar with the characters of the famous figures in the era they traveled through, and will adopt the best strategies to survive in this historical chaos step by step.

Of course, they cheated just as quickly and integrated the most valuable human resources of this era in a short period of time, but they did not establish a civilized talent selection mechanism for the world.

Dead water is still dead water, but this time line is disturbed by such time travellers, and the surface is covered with a colorful oil film.

In the Rust Age, in the past hundred years, every wave of civilian power was pushed aside by the luxurious team selected by the reborns selected by the Black Alliance.

Oh, just like in history, the Tang Dynasty King Guanlong Military Group and Li Shimin's Xuantie Cavalry pushed Dou Jiande flatly.

Even though Dou Jiande took the lower-class route, the class that Li Tang attracted at that time had the best resources.

The old system has occupied the educational resource system, and the upper structure has gathered together, making the challenges of the lower-level enterprising people powerless.

...History is full of twists and turns, and this plane interfered by the Lord God is full of twists and turns. …

In Iosu's parliament, key nodes such as oil, minerals, and machinery production are all clearly visible on the Western Continent.

In parliament, the term "stability" is used when discussing the situation of people in the areas under its jurisdiction. It is worth mentioning that before the war, these parliamentary gentlemen still used the term "happiness index". But now, I don’t even act anymore.

As for economic stimulus, words like "positivity" are also used, and "positivity" on the list is related to margarine cakes and video game supply data. In this war, these rulers who controlled the post-industrial revolution assets used all the stimulus measures that they defined as "favorable" in order to define victory for themselves.

Let's just say, residents of Iosu, that all breakfast foods are laced with "stimulants," which were contraband before the war. And this is to ensure that people are more efficient in their work throughout the day.

Diao Min records history: The concept of "maximizing mobilization" for everyone, before the rise of leadership, was to stimulate bottom-up initiative. But after the rise of leadership, the "reward and punishment mechanism" was figured out, and the "reward and punishment mechanism" was adopted. Top-down control forces everyone to be used with maximum efficiency.

Iosu is like this, and Dongfang Xia Sheng, who is confronting him together, is not much better.

The military fleet from the Xia Sheng plane arrived from the direction of Beihai (Beihu).

Su Tianji was replaced and his military command was taken over by another commander. The commander is Rong Jixuan, a beautiful female officer.

The female officer surnamed Rong announced the takeover of power in a royal-sister manner, and then changed to a gentle tone after the other officers went out.

It is said that she and Su Tianji were childhood relatives. Oh, the higher-ups have known each other for a long time,

As an unrelated person, Dao Xun (Wei Keng) would not inquire about anything.

After the military meeting, Rong Jixuan seemed to want to hook up with Su Tianji, but he seemed to be thrown away.

As a subordinate, he wisely avoids her every time. Wei Keng: You are a deflated woman. If anyone comes too close to you at this time, you will be punished.

As for Wei Keng, who "walked slowly because he was delayed by checking information" after Su Tianji broke through the door, he hurriedly picked up the screen with one hand and covered his face. He muttered "The construction of the energy warehouse and the supervision of various military equipment."

Wei Keng thought casually as if nothing had happened, showing that he was very busy. ——Su Tianji glanced at the pretentious Wei Keng and walked over with a straight face to explain the task.

Between Rong Jixuan and Su Tianji, feelings are feelings, but power is still power.

Rong Jixuan took over all heavy mechanical armor, such as all Kuafu armors over 500 tons, as well as magnetically levitated land battleships.

After the arrival of the new commander, all Su Tianji could control were some unimportant peripheral units.

For example, light motorcycle robot troops and base station equipment for small drones.

The light brigade has the characteristics of "easy deployment", which means that the "range of deployment" is very high, and it undertakes a very important information acquisition task in the military.

Narrator: Similar to how well you play Red Alert, it depends on whether you can perform operations such as "split dogs to open the map" and "multifunctional infantry vehicle to pick up boxes". The operational strength of the lightly-armed troops is much greater than that of the heavily-armed Apocalypse.

Fighting a war requires not only looking at maps, but also "field investigation", and behind the "field investigation" work is a group of people.

Although Su Tianji had to accept the transfer of command from his superiors, during the transfer process, he promoted Daoxun.

Daoxun (the split version of Wei Keng) understands the tasks assigned to him by his leaders.

Sixteen hours later, when Dao Xun was summoned by Rong Jixuan alone to discuss military tasks, regarding forward offensive, Dao Xun immediately rejected the military plan and quickly adjusted it to forward deployment. The current difficulties are explained using the "logistics" and "satellite chain" systems.

How could Rong Jixuan fail to realize that this was the stone in the latrine that Daoxun had dropped, and that Su Tianji had dropped it.

She couldn't wait to mobilize the mechanical guards to suppress Dao Xun and imprison him. However, after weighing it, he modified his plan of attacking across the board.

…Three months later, on the side of Rusty Xia Sheng, Rong Jixuan completed the resource adjustment of the front. …

In the northern swamp area, Rong Jixuan drew a large attack arrow in the general command room, and then issued a "feint attack" defense mission to Daoxu from the original defensive side.

She, who had been unable to win over Su Tianji these days, turned her cold expression on Dao Xun.

During the projection meeting, Dao Xun faced Rong Jixuan's aggressiveness and focused on her clothes.

Wei Keng: Although I am taller than her, she has a high crown on her bun. This is a bun with a three-centimeter jade tablet as the axis. (This developed from the sacrificial feather crowns in the southern region in the early Xia Sheng civilization, and then evolved into crown clothing that was completely different from the Xia civilization in the main world.)

In short, Rong Jixuan is very oppressive. The metal boots on his feet almost kicked the sweeping robot away.

Dao Xun remained strategically adhering to the strategy: "Commander, the winter swamps in the northern region are not suitable for large-scale operations. I am not against you for other reasons, but it is really not allowed under objective conditions."

Rong Jixuan stared at the subordinate of his sweetheart, as if he were seeing a drinking buddy hanging out with her husband, and said with a cold face: "After the next stage of the battle, your military exploits will be combined." (If your military exploits are low, it's fine. Just remove him).

Dao Xun (part of Wei Keng) touched his civilian identity sign and replied to her: "I don't seek no merit, but I seek no faults, I don't seek great progress, and I always try to make up for my mistakes. Your Excellency, Commander, it seems that I have little talent and little knowledge." , I can’t get along with you.” (Wei Keng mentioned Su Tianji, but what he said was how he followed the boss when Su Tianji was here.)

As for Wei Keng's subtext: "Under the leadership of Su Tianji, I have done a good job in my job, but as you are the leader, our low hands cannot reach your high eyes (high eyes but low hands)"

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