Out of the cage

Chapter 1598 Chapter 3209 Mutual acquaintance

Chapter 1598 Chapter 32.09 Getting to know each other

In the year 6879 of Sui Ancient History, in the Yuerong (Caucasus) region, the sky was cloudless, and the twenty-fifth war between Xia Sheng and Iosu officially began.

In this place, every time a sandstorm occurs, Xia Sheng's original commander, Su Tianji, will make heavy preparations and personally control the main force for elastic defense. Then the secondary commanders, such as Dao Xun (Wei Keng), will serve as the second-line reserve force. Strength can be replenished at any time.

But in this battle, Su Tianji was absent. Rong Jixuan, who took over Su Tianji's work, was keen on achieving results and decided to cater to his superiors and launch an offensive.

Ever since, in the "Great Yuezhi Plain" (Tulan Plain), a battleground for military strategists, trails of clouds intertwined in the sky, scribbling in the sky.

Since the whole line was moved, sub-commanders like Dao Xun flexibly saved their light vehicles and began to "regardless of the cost" (turned into cannon fodder) and poured into the battlefield, cooperating with the heavy firepower of the Federal Mammoth mecha.

These ultra-light armored vehicles with only two tons of machine guns carried out roundabout operations across the fields. After detecting the information on the front line, the Titan mechas at the rear held up giant cannons and projected warheads at each other.

On the Snow Glacier (Volga) front, due to the dense anti-missile systems between Iosu and Xia Sheng, nine out of ten nuclear bombs launched will be intercepted.

Nuclear strikes here will not have a good impact. Both warring parties have no light infantry, and both use precision-guided artillery shells to hit each other.

Under chaotic electromagnetic conditions, tactical nuclear weapons that can be released only once every fifteen minutes cannot break the unmanned armored group defense in this "rust age".

On Xia Sheng's side, through the location of the interceptor bomb, the reconnaissance system emitted by Rong Jixuan has discovered the Io Federation's mechanical spider (five thousand tons).

Such large units are equipped with protective covers and active defense systems. The internal reactor can provide energy supply for the entire war zone's armed forces, making it an important target that must focus fire.

At this time, in the sky, fifty-meter-long helium missile airships started their propellers and cut into the battle line at an altitude of five thousand meters.

This is a cheap and effective air unit. With the support of ion shield protection stealth technology and laser cannon, it has good counterattack capabilities against high-speed aircraft. When this airship carries ten heavy missiles, its speed can reach 60 meters per second, which is better than many land-based armed propulsion, and it relies on the strong power of the "Tesla Energy Furnace" at an altitude of 5,000 meters to start. When the ionization stealth system is used, the combat cost-effectiveness of this airship is much greater than that of a helicopter.

In the nuclear dust cloud belt, these Xia Sheng airships arrived over the target. The dust in the atmosphere pattered on the metal shell of the airship, and the magazine at the bottom of the airship opened to reveal the missile nest hanging underneath. Then these missiles It comes out of the tube like lipstick.

Those giant metal beasts on the earth appeared in the control room of the missile airship, with the aiming red circle on the screen.

However, from the perspective of the Iosu forward armored division, it was very scary to see these seventy or eighty airship clusters suddenly appear in the gray sky after the nuclear strike. After these airships appeared, they quickly launched dense missiles, like a swarm of flies that began to fly over the enemy group.

The five-thousand-ton giant spider on the Turan Plateau (Iosu) shot out a huge mushroom cloud in the destruction. As the metal burns, it emits colorful radioactive light.

In Xia Sheng's headquarters, Rong Jixuan, who had achieved initial success, showed a proud smile.

She glanced at Su Tianji, who was watching on the metal platform, meaning "I did a good job, right?"

... Su Tianji ignored her, opened the map and looked at the northern line.

Rong Jixuan deployed a large amount of resources for this attack. The northern front was very empty, and the northern front was exactly the defense line of Su Tianji's faction and the deputy commander Dao Xun was responsible for it.

...Those who are good at fighting have no great achievements...

At this time, in the northern swamp, a new concept tank (hovercraft mode, equipped with a laser cannon, with a tonnage of 500 tons) with a large amount of camouflage nets and looking like a stone is now disrupting this air battle. .

In the commander's command cabin divided into combat areas, Dao Xun (Wei Keng) was using the Dharma system to connect to his own information chain, and at the same time maintained information chain communication with his old leader.

In the command center, Su Tianji asked Wei Keng through his own information link system: "Can you handle it?"

According to Rong Jixuan's strategy, the entire battle will be like a revolving door, pushing the Iosu Corps on the Turan Plateau to retreat towards the north.

Su Tianji is worried that after Iosu's Eastern Frontline troops retreat, their Arctic Circle Corps will go south to support them. In this case, Iosu's commander will send a detachment to test out Mobei, and Daoxun will face tremendous pressure. .

At the front line of the battlefield, Dao Xun looked at the smoke emitted by the airships ahead and the large number of anti-aircraft missiles that had been deployed in the morning fog. Then he said to Su Tianji: "As long as the main force of our army still bites the opponent's retreating troops in the direction of Fort Kate, then I don't have any problems here."

When Su Tianji heard this, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Every time you take on a task, you always emphasize the 'prerequisite'."

Daoxun's ability is not weak, but every time he takes a mission, he always talks about the "prerequisites", which makes other leaders of the military feel that Daoxun has "limited abilities".

Therefore, Daoxun's highlights in its credit book have always been "limited".

Su Tianji discovered the characteristics of Daoxun (Wei Keng) and knew that his subordinate was indeed not the strongest in every field, but he was the most stable.

... Therefore, Su Tianji will transfer the important tasks that most need "reliable candidates" to Daoxun. …

In the northern wasteland, a large number of mist-condensing equipment began to ignite in the wasteland. The white smoke produced by these combustions formed a large shielding zone on the surface, which suddenly brought a huge impact to Iosu's detouring troops in this direction. difficulty.

When these circuitous formations were trapped by the sudden man-made weather, the air force had to be dispatched for reconnaissance. Wei Keng, obviously, had already reached this point and immediately activated the air interceptor system.

Wei Keng murmured: Air defense personnel play football. No air defense system can completely block the incoming air force like a wall like a football. You must first predict the direction of the football (enemy air force). .

When he was in the Shenzhou plane, Wei Keng had dealt with such a situation, so he extended the air defense system toward the periphery before the enemy.

The airborne early warning drone searches for the direction of the enemy's air force and transmits the data link to the ground. The ground radar system is temporarily shut down. Based on the direction and speed of the enemy's air force, it calculates the time to reach the position and then suddenly turns it on.

Yes, just like in the 21st century, it is also the S300. For a big country with a complete air defense system, early warning aircraft and rear radar networks are used to lock down the enemy. The S300 missile is only responsible for the final punch! Countries with imperfect systems can only allow these anti-aircraft missiles to be activated directly to search for enemies.

The difference is equivalent to the difference between a person with sharp eyes and ears who can see and hear a punch, and a blind person who has to touch it with his hands before he can punch.

Daoxun did not use "death force" to fight with the opponent on the northern line, but maintained the ability of "information shielding".

That is to say, he knows that he is not strong enough, but he has a sting hidden in him. When the opponent cannot see where the sting is and is afraid, he can sneak through this battle.

Dao Xun: That's right, get through and the enemy will definitely investigate the truth after the war. The empty city strategy can only be used once.

Four hours later, Iosu's air cluster on the southern line of the battle cluster in the direction of Mobei came down like a fool. These tilt-rotor fighters flew into the air defense circle like bees and encountered no effective interception. Then, he started swaggering.

Just as these 120 aircraft, carrying the airborne brigade, were preparing for a "soldiers' speed\

,"Daoxun issued the order to "set down the net for the large cargo in the pit", so the air-to-air missile opened the camouflage net and carried out a saturation strike, directly forming a death zone in the sky. Moreover, the last-minute air combat unmanned swarm also quickly took off with the help of rocket thrusters. Within thirteen minutes, all enemy fighters entering this area were wiped out.

Half an hour later, the southward force of Northern Iosu suddenly stopped at the most empty place on the Xia Sheng northern line...

After confirming the safety of this strategic direction, Su Tianji in the headquarters introduced the characteristics of his subordinate to Rong Jixuan on the side: show what he can't do when he can, and show when he doesn't use it.

Iosu Fang, the commanders wearing gorgeous bright white mechanical armor, were horrified by Xia Sheng's defense in this area when they saw that the air force was wiped out in one fell swoop.

The Iosu Air Force's strength assessment of this area has now been changed to a high-risk area, and subsequent ground troops have not entered.

On the northern line, Dao Xun, who was lying in the control cabin, seemed to have recovered after making sure that the first stage was over. He opened the general combat map and muttered: What instructions did our headquarters give me? , feint attack. Yes, we need to attack it.

Therefore, after the aerial battle is over, frightening the enemy so much that he dare not enter is only the first step. The enemy is still parked at the door. Only by further sending out "eight hundred brave men" to surprise the enemy and take advantage of them when they are not paying attention can we expel these 100,000 soldiers. Heroic soldiers.

Narrator: Well, Sun Shiwan, what I said is right.

On the northern route, after gaining the air initiative and information rights, Wei Keng did not waste his extremely short "advantage period"

The Dragon Guard Combat Group, which was on standby in the ground military base behind, began pre-war reporting.

These short-winged ground lightly equipped combat flying wing mechas are "mechanical light cavalry". That is, the bravery of those who are preparing to steal the camp.

Accompanied by the roar of their engines, these assault mechas, just like the prairie cavalry a thousand years ago, drove straight towards the fourteen transportation nodes of Iosu, 500 kilometers away.

Regarding Daoxun's assault tactics, Su Tianji was familiar with it because he had personally practiced it with Wei Keng.

Su Tianji knew clearly: in each shock wave, the assault team was divided into a "tactical artillery team" responsible for suppression, a "terminal-sensitive projectile projectile team responsible for attacking and penetrating armor", and a "cloud explosive projectile team responsible for destroying bunkers." ".

Other sub-commanders at that time were obsessed with controlling information nodes of heavy armor and large bombers, and looked down upon Daoxun's "lightweight troops playing tricks". I just felt that Daoxun was "doing nothing".

But now the "heavy armor" and "bombing group" have been transferred by Rong Jixuan.

After the failure of the first air strike, Iosu was completely unaware that he would encounter a counterattack from ground forces.

It took Daoxun, the ground assault force, fifteen hours to complete the destruction of the traffic lines and complete the "temporary cut" against the huge enemy group at the doorstep of the battle.

Even though these troops of Iosu could no longer complete the alternating coordination in the offensive strategy, Daoxun's troops were insufficient and could not complete the annihilation, so they could still retreat.

On the other side, although Xia Sheng's main force penetrated from the north of the "Great Yuezhi Plain", and one cruise missile after another overwhelmed all the automated systems on the Iosu people's defensive barriers. But facing Iosu's permanent fortifications, they could only "show off their power" and could not swallow them substantially.

The military achievements in the two directions were immediately judged, just like the difference between Yu Jin and Zhang Liao

In the interval of the battle control, Su Tianji sent a message. On the screen, he carefully looked at Wei Keng and asked leisurely: "Who did you learn this style of play from?"

Daoxun did not blush when reporting: "I studied it myself" - Master Wei was not ashamed at this time.

At this time in the main world: Jun Zhaixing was leading the space landing army to attack cities and strongholds on the Yellow Sea continental shelf. This is the real original version.

Su Tianji seemed to see a familiar aura from Daoxun. After a long while, he said, "Well, now I have a new understanding of you."


In the year 2093 of Tianfu calendar, which is the year 6843 of Suigu era, Xia Sheng won the war in Turan region.

Rong Jixuan successfully described the "highlights" of his battle results in the report, while Daoxun's combat experience of "mobile defense" was covered in the pile of old papers.

Although Xia Sheng's "State Council" was soaking in the longevity tank in the rear, suggesting and hinting that the offensive should be intensified, Su Tianji stood up at this time and expressed his different opinion.

This attitude of "not seeking merit but not making mistakes" made the commanders in the rear who were soaking in the nutrition cabin and could no longer bask in the sun adjust the generals and commanders in the western military.

Su Tianji began to be hidden, Rong Jixuan was replaced, and then the western front troops were also cleaned up.

This laid the cause and effect for the changes in the following era.

On Kunlun Mountain, Su Tianji, who had resigned from the position of commander, looked at the sky and whispered: Hey, the fixed plot, no one can break it now, but the person who will tear open this sky in the future will be very exciting.


In the dimension, Wei Keng, as an observer, nodded silently and admitted: Well, it will be very exciting.

Once upon a time, Wei Keng's first mission was the Shenzhou plane. Before Wei Keng arrived, the plot was also solidified by unknown forces and difficult to change.

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