Out of the cage

Chapter 167 Chapter 5.13 Main World, World Wide Web, Mimic World

In the main world AD 2698, the Second Plane War was raging.

But the development of the main world is still tepid. On the sun, the lens Dyson ring is under construction. Standing on the earth and looking up at the sky, although the star itself is not bright enough, the rings around it are extremely bright.

This is the "halo" that can only be seen on the earth

If it is far away from the Earth-Moon system, it doesn’t need to be too far away. It only needs to be a few light seconds away from the earth. From the perspective perpendicular to the direction of the ecliptic plane, the Dyson ring is dark silver.

This visual switch between "silver" and "light belt" is like the scene in ancient times, when the silver building reflected sunlight at a certain angle on the street in the afternoon.

The "lens principle" Dyson sphere collects sunlight not only to support the development of information on heteroplanes, but also to make Mars and Venus more livable.

In the coming 28th century, the population of the earth is preparing to migrate towards these two stars on a large scale.


However, the changes on the earth are not small. The area of ​​​​the ocean is constantly expanding? Oh, no, that might not count as an ocean, just an expansion of the freshwater area.

In the stable flat bottom of the ocean, a large number of skyscrapers are erected. Such skyscrapers are not considered to be grabbing the land of marine ecology on the seabed. On the contrary, the three-dimensional structure provides a lot of more attachments for marine life, and the waste heat and light source in the building provide energy.

The buoyancy of skyscrapers is provided by the cement materials of silicon, calcium and steel bars and the cavities of each room wrapped in the sealing layer, and at the same time it occupies a lot of space in the ocean. So the sea level will inevitably rise

The grid dam body has been completed in the continental margin area, and the big rivers have infiltrated the original low-altitude areas into freshwater lakes and wetlands. Therefore, the ocean and the light lake are very distinct.


From this point of view, even though there were countless casualties in many worlds in the Second World War, the main world couldn't see it at all.

Because no matter Shangqing or Min, no matter how many times they are on the alien plane, they are still ordinary people in the carbon-based body that returns to the main world.

[At present, it has been confirmed that returning to the main world with Shangqing-level consciousness is actually incomplete. The space-time management system can only allow Shangqing's most representative thinking to return to the main world. 】

In the 28th century, the main world has undergone a lot of historical changes, and the equality, freedom, and justice of social personnel have long since found a balance.

In the past, food, housing, travel, and the right to education will not be monopolized by a few people.

In addition to some areas that have never been thought of before.

world wide web! This is the main world, the only domain where "capital differences" appear between traversers and ordinary people.

In the 21st century, for most people, not being online is like being locked in a cage.

For today's residents of the main world, after learning all the basic physics rules of the main world before the age of fifty, daily work is simply life-threatening. If you can't understand the novel physical rules of the different world on the World Wide Web, then under the developed medical system, your vigorous self will be locked in a cage.


As the traversers developed new planes one by one, they then posted the corresponding space bubbles on the Internet.

A large number of "netizens" will go to the site and start investing.

A large part of the main world's cash flow revolves around the World Wide Web, and such cash flow can drive a large number of people in the main world to try to enter the queue of traversers.

To some extent, if the privatization is now open, a large number of people will be recruited into the alien plane. There is absolutely no need to enlist in the army with honor like in Wei Keng's era!

But because the current development system of the plane still retains the official-led model two centuries ago!

Only after passing the militarized assessment of the "Great River System Time and Space Administration" and "Mediterranean Time and Space Administration" can one pass through the gravitational wellhead and enter the alien plane.

These tests are quite strict. Even the big river system and the mediterranean system did not relax their assessment when they were in such a short supply of troops.

The battle of time and space requires discipline, and if a mob who does not respect discipline is recruited, it will reduce the combat effectiveness.

And the discipline in the battle of time and space is definitely not something that can be trained by recruiting ordinary people in modern times and using punishment methods.

The amount of consciousness intensity in the battle of time and space is quite critical! The data standards of the East and the West are different, but the description of advanced traversers, without exception, must have a "will of steel" (for example, Master Wei is Tie Hanhan)


The complex situation in many alien planes is a pressure beyond the normal state for ordinary earthlings. Temptation, threats, and deception are all commonplace on the alien plane.

For example: ordinary people find it difficult to hold back the beauty, but there are many such temptations in the plane. If you are an ordinary person, it is best to return to Earth, otherwise there will be no bones left that will be swallowed by "Slaanesh" in some plane areas.

The transcendents selected by the Master World Administration from the near planes are talents that are unique in each near plane.

And many new generations in the main world have no advantage over the carefully selected "heroic spirits" in the near plane.


The World Wide Web, for most ordinary people in the main world, is a place to enjoy benefits as "fairyland" people. The transcendents of the near plane also joined the Time and Space Management Bureau for the beautiful life of "immortal world".

However, for some professional players who are determined to join the time traveler, they need to obtain enough assessment points on the World Wide Web! In order to be allowed to enter the different plane adventure qualification.

So, this morning, with the opening of the Pandora plane mimicry world.

A large number of high-end players took notice immediately.

The plane of Pandora is not clear to players who have just finished their compulsory education after the 28th century, but it is well-known in the eyes of the first players in the mimicry world in the early years.

At the time of 2683, the World Wide Web was just established, and the systems of all space bubbles were connected into the World Wide Web. As a world developed in the first plane war, the Pandora world is naturally among them.

But then! With the opening of various mimicry worlds, everyone suddenly found that some worlds could not survive at all. After staying for less than a few hours, they had heart palpitations and had to quit, and their physiological state was not suitable for entering the World Wide Web for several consecutive days.

These planes were immediately deemed unsuitable, oh, it wasn't that the players thought it was inappropriate, but the operators of the World Wide Web thought it was inappropriate.

For players, this feeling of palpitation is a bit uncomfortable for the first time, but some people become addicted the second time and the third time. Of course, it is precisely this kind of addiction that is considered a mental illness by the medical system, and is prone to violent tendencies and emotional instability in reality.

Pandora's mimicry world, among the first batch of open worlds on the World Wide Web, ranks among the top three! It was the first batch of worlds to be sealed off.

But what? There is another form of human beings, that is, the more official things are sealed, the more they want to find out!

In recent years, as a large number of planes have been perfected by high-level traversers in technology one by one, after stabilizing the social status of the wisdom area of ​​the plane, it has been reopened.

Many planes that were blocked in ancient times have also returned to the World Wide Web. And Pandora's mimicry world is already the last one that has not been unsealed among the first batch of sealed planes.

[Actually, in the first plane war, there were planes more dangerous than the Pandora plane. However, these planes did not have a stable space-time stronghold like Wei Keng did at the time, so they were not placed on the World Wide Web at all. Several planes such as Pandora were just set up as strongholds by awesome traversers, and they became fish that slipped through the net and were placed on the Internet. Then it became a legend that some people on the World Wide Web dream about]


But now the world of Pandora mimicry has been reopened!

On the World Wide Web, players are running around telling each other that there are finally powerful traversers who have explored the completely unexplorable plane into a pioneering mode.

Although everyone does not know who this explorer is, but! Many high-end players have already begun to lead their teams into the world of mimicry.


In the deep sea area, Meng Xiyun, the examiner, saw his score of 9443/10000, and he was about to join the time traveler system, and he still had the last assessment.

As the 58,434th examiner in the world, it is very difficult for him to increase every point now. In many tasks, he must complete a great spectacle before he can gain points.

Like many traversers who desperately wanted to reach the full score level, he couldn't miss some new high-difficulty land reclamation tasks now.

And once the strategies of the old Mimic World are completed and made public, then other people will not gain points if they follow suit.

He is not the second generation, and he does not have the inside story of "exploration and development timeline of certain planes", so he cannot miss any high-difficulty mimicry world. Because only the traversers associated with the highly difficult mimicry world are the top level, the level of confidentiality is quite high, and the strategy cannot be disclosed at the beginning.


According to the reminder of suitable group battles, Meng Xiyun recruited a thousand people from his guild to enter this mimicry world.

After entering the world, I was immediately shocked by the brand new system.

In the case of wild mutations of creatures in various regions, the human side formed the human emperor community system, and under this system it became an empire. The empire has mind tower communications, mechanized troops, and trainers who make mechanical war beasts!

After entering the Temple of Heaven and directly connecting with the Human Emperor's Consciousness Cloud, and firming up the belief that "human beings will lead the planet again", they can transfer to the profession of sacrifice.

As for the priest, he can just connect with the human emperor's chain, mobilize biological energy from the energy tower to heal friendly troops, and of course learn more complex spiritual language.

In short, after Meng Xiyun stayed in this mimic world for about five days, he successfully obtained the right to build the ruins in the area, and he also roughly understood the foundation of this plane, and he was full of energy.

As for the bragging in the public channel, while dismissing most of the content, he focused on screening some important information.

In the tone of the very "expert" players who are said to have traversers at home: "It can definitely be seen that the original risk of this plane is quite high, and now the complex social operation system, various social operation details (including Traditional Chinese medicine), the Space-Time Administration must have invested heavily in this plane."

Then there is a series of nonsense.

Among these nonsense, there is this sentence: "The humanoid forces in Yucheng on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River have beautiful women, but don't be fooled. Although they may be very active towards you, they are fairies."

Just saying that made many players laugh and say that they definitely want to get in touch!

Among more nonsense.

Some "experts" who are familiar with the time-traveling business described the Pandora mimicry world: Although the technology of the current plane is low, there is a foundation for the cultivation technology. Moreover, the "spiritual language" system is very complicated, and it is as scientific as many interstellar plane abilities. After a few decades (the main world is decades, and the Pandora plane is hundreds of years or thousands of years), it can be linked to the interstellar era.

After collecting information, Meng Xiyun returned to the mimicry world, looked at the towering Psychic Fluctuation Radiation Tower, took a deep breath and said to the team: "Everyone, if you kill an apostle, you can get a miraculous point of view. Please cooperate with us." cooperation."

In this brick and tile town, the players who were sitting on a tractor bulldozing, debugging mechanical beasts, inspecting artillery, and testing medical treatment responded one after another: "OK" "Okay" "One apostle is not enough, we need seven or eight."

In the world of mimicry, in the adventure without life-threatening, the excess blood is unleashed wantonly.



A traveler with the surname Wei is not aware of some of the property rights linked to him in the main world, and the value is skyrocketing!

Of course, during this period of the Plane War, it would be very eye-catching for such a plane that was originally completely controlled by the Great River System to be released so openly.

The Mediterranean time-space travel center immediately paid attention to this information.

The three major gravitational wells in Sicily have been flashing in modern times, and the information was quickly sent to the paradise-controlled area of ​​the Mediterranean system.

Michaelena, who was concentrating on the godhead on a certain quantum information plane and growing on the road to Caesar, saw the information.

[Note: At this time, the empty twisting plane that Michael Lena has not yet entered becomes Mi Jia. 】

She asked Monat on the "Message Storage Plane" next door: "The latest information from the Administration seems to be the king system in the east that is equal to ours."

Monath glanced at it, and shook his head: "Obvious trap! You stepped on a hole in the empty twisting plane once, and you want to be tricked by the Orientals on this plane?"

After debugging the gravity well of Jupiter, Michaelena smiled and nodded. As the top traverser, he has gradually explored the standard of a higher state of consciousness. When the consciousness grows to a certain level, it will be fused with the rules of a space-time area. This state is no longer an advantage for attacking other planes, but an advantage for defense.

Michaelena: "The empty twisted plane is different. It is impossible to form a Caesar level there. But this plane."

She glanced at the Pandora plane: "Now we are still in charge of the (Mediterranean) multidimensional space-time security agency, and we should do our duty to remind."


On September 13, 145 of the Pandora era, Wei Keng had already stayed in the ant area for half a month.

From the beginning, only one person entered the ant area to investigate, but the guard Keng Qun set up a temporary observation station for eight people here, and planned to conduct observations for five to eight years.

In the unified cutting area, in the first scientific laboratory, the scientific research team has neatly arranged nerve cells in the crystal lattice of silicon dioxide, and completed the carbon-based bioprocessor technology.

The backbone of the institute is Wei Keng, and Wei Keng is assisted by the supercomputer provided by the system, so he is very efficient in some experiments.

After successfully isolating, eighty-seven neural tissue structures, a carbon-based emission chip was completed.

The difficulty is how to ensure the activity of the "chip", because each chip monomer is a cell structure. So there must be a reasonable matrix to carry. In the process of searching for this kind of carrier, Wei Keng obtained a clear chain of evidence for tracing the origin of ant colony formation.

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