Out of the cage

Chapter 168 5.14 The Struggle of Protozoa. organic class integration

In the course of more than ten days, the ant nests on more than 30 hills were destroyed.

How wicked is Wei Keng's method of harming ants: for environmental protection, each shell of cluster bombs contains sugar, so every unexploded bomb will be left for ants to detonate.

The ants never thought that other creatures would come to drill their holes!

That hole can only be drilled by small animals! And such a small animal, if it runs on four legs, will not weigh more than forty kilograms. If such a light creature is not a powerful node creature, it will be polluted by the radiation of the biome in just a few hours.

Wei Keng, who is 1.9 meters tall and weighs 80 kilograms, can withstand radiation for a day or two. Later, it directly leaned on the abdominal battery pulley system to scurry inside, and the speed of coming and going was quite fast.

What's more unexpected is that after getting in, it can not only resist radiation, but also decipher the life wave language inside the ant colony.


In the most unlikely situation of being infiltrated, it is like inserting a key in a lockhole, and you can get in all at once.

If a little more effort is made, the nest ant colony of this era can be turned into a livestock system by humans just like pigs, cattle and sheep in the old era.

Pigs, horses, and dogs are easy to domesticate because they have evolved social behaviors. As long as human beings control the leader, they can control a group and let them stay obediently in the delimited area.

Now this kind of large-bodied ant is a true social creature and has the potential to become a "bamboo rat".

Therefore, the land and resources statistics department in the unified logging area has established a project: to conduct a comprehensive investigation on the population number and nest structure of this kind of creatures.

During the investigation, there were even more astonishing ecological discoveries.




After exploring the ant caves on more than 30 hilltops, Wei Keng found that among the life radiation of ants on dozens of hilltops, none of the ant gene frequency bands dominated.

But the ants with different gene sequences do share a constant frequency band of life radiation! However, it does not seem to be ants.

As a result, after careful analysis, this life radiation turned out to be from flagellates.

However, based on the analysis of core genes, it may not necessarily be correct to compare the ant colony here with the Tallinn nest master colony in South America. The main body of genes in the South American community is obviously army ants, while the genes of various ants in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River are diverse, and the core is flagellates.

When the earth was still in the era of species, termites and flagellates were symbiotic, cooperating and sharing an ecological niche, and it didn't matter who was dominant! But in this era of Pandora, it is very important who takes the lead!

This is not an era when species are separated from each other. Whoever occupies the dominant position can control the expansion direction of genetic radiation!


This is just like before the eighteenth century, global capital was still regional capital, tied to the rise and fall of the nation where it was located.

It doesn't matter who is the primary or secondary of capitalism or nationalism, but stick together outward.

But in Europe, after the two super wars, the ethnic prejudice between white asset holders in Europe and America was shattered. Europe and the United States have begun to expand capital-led, rather than nation-led expansion.

As long as you are an asset holder, no matter if you are an American descendant of Ireland, Ansa, German, or even Jewish, you have the right to increase the assets of the group.

Under the dominance of this kind of international capital (white capital), the idea of ​​expansion is: as long as (Western) international capital can benefit, it can get investment.

The focus of such investment must be the coastal areas with cheap labor and convenient transportation around the world. (Of course, if the leader with international capital is still a Westerner, it is still impossible for you with yellow skin to blend in.)

And if it is still the nation first?

In modern times, there was such a historical direction that had failed: in the conception of the Third Reich, only the Germanic people could hold assets, and other nations could only become subordinates of the empire.

Only areas where Germanic people gather will receive investment. According to the vision of the head of state, if the Germanic people want to survive in the East, then Eastern Europe must be the focus of investment, while East Asia and Southeast Asia are low-end regions that cannot be developed no matter how cheap the labor force is. If it develops and has the possibility of challenging the excellence of the Germanic people, then it will inevitably lead to war (timeline of the Man in the High Castle)


According to the above concept to express.

The Tallinn nest owners in South America are from the Third Reich, and the main genotype of their life radiation is army ants! It spread the gene of the army ants to all ants, and established a gene empire with ants as the core.

However, the ant nests on the upper reaches of the Huaihe River are obviously a bit of international capitalism. Although they developed in termite colonies, they have also expanded to other ant colonies.

And even though ant-like colonies are the most powerful fauna of this gene group, are ants all they have?

After Wei Keng submitted his findings, the Bai Linglu team of the Space-Time Administration changed their thinking and re-analyzed the area.


Good guy!

In the gene community outside the entire upper reaches of the Huaihe River, among all the species that have been observed, the number of herbivorous species is significantly more than that in other areas, and some carnivorous organisms have shown omnivorous characteristics! That is, directly phagocytosis of fibers. Behind this is infection with flagellates.

After entering the jungle area, adventurers in Yecheng are most likely to suffer from indigestion and urinary tract infections, which are the characteristics of flagellate infection.

[Wei Keng's life radiation is too strong, and he has not yet experienced such symptoms. 】


Of course, the main world needs to verify this kind of situation.

After Wei Keng collected a large number of animal and plant specimens at the temporary observation station here, the conclusions he got were consistent with the deduction.

In other words, a small protozoan gene that relies on organelles actually has an attempt to establish a large community in this world of Pandora Field!

Therefore! The current threat of genetic radiation is far from the tigers, apes, and carnivorous plants that humans can see, and it may even come from the protozoa that were dismissed before! This is indeed Cthulhu for the Qing-level traversers who explored the Pandora plane in the early days.

But that's all for now

Now that this highly hidden protozoan gene group has been found, it will face scientific analysis and eradication.

In the words of Bai Linglu Secondary School: "Where the light of science shines, the mysterious darkness will retreat."


Wei Keng infers: "When termites and flagellates co-expanded in the early days, there was no distinction between primary and secondary. However, as the expansion of termite biological forms was restricted, ants were added, but the ants could not accommodate the flagellates' energy absorption from plants. Flagella The worms surpassed the ants and expanded towards the jungle. It just so happened that other gene groups in the jungle had not yet emerged, and the protozoa could not be wiped out with radiation, and these protozoa began to counterattack!"

Now, these protozoa are so powerful that they not only infiltrate the digestive tract, but even penetrate the nervous system.

The highest orderer in the swarm is still the female worm, but it is no longer the ant's nerves that convey and receive information. And once the protozoa expands into the non-ant gene community and takes root successfully, then the consciousness of the flagellate gene community is no longer in the body of the ant, but transferred to other species communities.

This is like capital. At this stage, in the core of your family and your country, you are giving orders for your country and your family. Once you find the "New World", you will immediately separate from the host like a parasitic civilization.


After digging out samples of all the protozoa around him, Wei Keng finally found the original gene that could carry the life cells of the swarm.

The unified cutting area will focus on cultivating this kind of cells.

But this kind of training is also destined to be under the influence of human genes!

The final product is like the big carrot soaked in the pond. Although there is a sufficient energy supply and it will become a group system, it will eventually become submissive.


Let me explain here, the master-minister relationship between gene groups

Now the human gene group is the master, and the organisms including the big radish rely on the energy provided by human industry as the ministers.

Then the proteins that can be replicated in human genes are not allowed to be used in the gene community of your vassal system, and you only have the proteins that cannot be replicated in human genes. This is the position of younger brother within younger brother.

Using the analogy of the global industrial chain, in the industrial chain of protein synthesis, the human cluster itself is complete, and the "backward groups" that submit to the gene community must find the supply chain from the genes in the human community in order to make a complete copy.

Without human genes to provide a large amount of core protein, even though the clan has a seemingly brilliant biological energy flow, it will be finished at any time due to the lack of human supply chain.


The unified logging area has already started construction, the production line of this carbon-based communicator.

This factory will have a large number of petri dishes, through the current and frequency band effect, let it be integrated in the petri dish, and then attach to the vascular tissue to supply energy.

You end up with a tissue the size of a mouse's head! This organization can convert the electrical information entered by the keyboard into the life frequency band and emit it, and can also display the life signal sent by the signal tower on the interface, or directly translate it into a spiritual language that can be understood by human beings.

Put this tissue into a glass case, stick it on the armpit, the constant temperature area, and add sugar cubes regularly to supplement it, then, then communication technology! That's it!


Cell integration is used instead of silicon-based circuit board integration. The technical route is completely different.

Although a large number of cells have reached the micron level. Looks weaker than silicon. However, silicon-based integrated circuits are engraved on one surface, while cells can be integrated three-dimensionally. Moreover, each cell is not binary. In the Pandora field, the synthesis and deformation of different proteins can emit unique frequency bands.

After the emergence of this technical route, the criterion for technological breakthrough is not how many nanometers are needed, but how to integrate cells more effectively.

The brain of a whale is 7,000 grams, and the brain of an elephant is 5,000 grams. They are both larger than humans, but absolutely no one is advanced.

Every capillary, as well as the construction of the nerve chain, needs to be studied and optimized. What will be created now may be a technology chain that may take hundreds of years to overcome to the limit.

To maintain this technical chain, a large number of petri dishes must be used to cultivate the ant nerves genetically modified by flagellates. And this kind of continuous replenishment of substances, allowing their genes to replicate, according to the energy supply of ecology, will definitely produce a community.

And such a community must depend on humans.


Bai Linglu has been pushing, wanting to increase the actual importance level of the Pandora plane.

And carbon-based communication is the last straw that makes the highest review department of the time-space management department of the Great River System make up its mind!

Since the end of the first plane war, many high-level traversers have predicted when passing through the Pandora plane: as long as this plane can be controlled, then this is the best plane for biotechnology research.

For the main world, if it is possible to reproduce the evolution of specific organs and biological tissues over tens of millions of years or hundreds of millions of years through biological evolution experiments over decades and hundreds of years, the value will be heavenly.

For example, starting from a more primitive starting point, construct a developed brain tissue, muscle and nerve response system. Jumping out of the shackles of "oneself as the result of the evolution of wisdom" can enable human beings to have a deeper understanding of the formation of wisdom


Of course, during the First Plane War, the upper echelon of the Space-Time Management Bureau praised the potential of this plane because it was always potential.

And a certain sergeant who "mistakenly hit" a new history line on the plane of Pandora will still be busy with other planes.

When the "sergeant" comes back and continues to open history, whether the scientific research attribute of this plane can really be stimulated will require a new demonstration.

But now, Bai Linglu has already posted a report every day, using formulaic but full of irony to report the progress: "Look, look, everyone slowly argue, my side is full of technical patents, and I need to apply for a high-level confidentiality program gone."


Indeed, when part of Wei Keng's consciousness was pulled back from the Pandora plane, milestones and major discoveries popped up one after another.

Bai Linglu: Finding the right explorer to carry out the task will get twice the result with half the effort. Now even the apostle life form in this high-risk plane (Wei Keng) can fight at any time!

Biochip technology, artificially evolved organs and tissues~~Derived from "regeneration technology" has also seen the light of day.

All obstacles to the rise of human civilization have been swept away. There is a smooth road ahead, and a large number of fruits are waiting to be picked, and the hands are fast, and the hands are slow!


Bai Linglu got what she wanted very quickly, and her rank of inspector in the Space-Time Administration was significantly improved.

In terms of position, she has already surpassed Qin Xiaohan, and she is able to intervene in the deployment of the current empty twisting plane.

On the empty twisting plane, her supervisory authority is almost the same as that of Qin Xiaohan, the leader. It's just that she is much more mature now, and she doesn't exercise the right to intervene in Kong Twisting's mess, she's just suggesting.

On the other side of the empty twisting plane, Wei Keng was still accumulating skills without limit, and kept avoiding frontal battles. On the contrary, Qin Xiaohan's guiding ability was questioned.


On the bank of the Yangtze River estuary, the surface of the river that was once called the Huangpu River is now billowing with white waves due to the cessation of human industrial activities.

Jianye City set up a military fortress here that can accommodate 5,000 people. The fortress is not high, and the people who come and go wear homespun clothes, and the chariots and horses in the city make it look like the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

But through the thick fog on the river, you can see the majestic ruins of the city to the east!

In Puhai City, the largest city of mankind before Pandora's arrival, skyscrapers without glass skins stand empty, becoming "ghost fingers" that trap clouds and mist.

In the glass break, something that seems to be a tentacles or vines hangs down from it, baring its teeth and claws. Every evening, under the sunlight, you can occasionally see slender "spider crabs" tens of meters climbing and walking on the top of the building. It used to be the most prosperous place in the old civilization era, and the housing price of each house could drain the hard work of generations of people from other places, but now it has become a ghost entangled in the East China Sea genetic community.

Compared with the prosperity of Puhai in the past, this mottled bastion fortress made of blue bricks mixed with red bricks looks like an industrial garbage dump, but it is the easternmost stronghold where Jianye can touch the sea in the east.

Today, the people here started to patrol the outer river as usual, and by the way, cut off the life community that entered the inner river from the ocean.

However, in the distant Puhai City, a large number of flying lives startled! The diffuse smog that could have covered two-thirds of the building dissipated quickly like a long gown that a woman in a brothel swished off, revealing the entire building at once.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sad dragon chant from the other side of the sea!

The story of Tianshanglong is happening.

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