Out of the cage

Chapter 311 Chapter 9.01 Misty rain and male rise, sudden change begins at the end

In 2280, the Southern Capital of China.

The Jiaofang Division of Tianzihao, an elegant gathering of poetry appreciation is going on here.

In the ancient times of the main world, because the feudal system was completely wiped out in the East, the concepts of brothels and kilns were often confused. But in the timeline of China, if you confuse brothels with kilns, then the upper class will probably laugh at the "drunk and resentful words of ordinary people in the market".

How can brothels and kilns be confused?

Just like the noble circle ladies and prostitutes in modern times cannot be compared. Even though the ladies in your circle may have things to sleep with, it's definitely not something you can get your hands on. You dick said: If an actress accompanies so-and-so, she needs a lawyer's letter.

Going back to China, in today's information age, the oirans and Qingguan of the Jiaofang Division are engaged in the industry of female stars and singers, and they do not sell themselves. Of course, if the dignitaries insist on coercing them with force and power, they still have to bring out the black dragon.

How chaotic the noble circle was in the ancient times of the main world, the pure commercial and private era of Shenzhou had to be doubled several times, and the stronger the commercial and private, the tighter the curtain of information was drawn. What can be uploaded on the Internet is often the story of a talented man and a beautiful woman.

Narrator: Due to the development of medical technology, it is impossible to find out whether it is Qingguan physiologically. Only the authority with big data can know.

Therefore, before their debut, the oirans of the Jiaofang Division had a "one-sided relationship" with the top family tycoons, and these "one-sided relationships" would become connections.

And then "have a good time talking" with the emerging children from the poor families in Shenzhou. If you can grasp this level, it is "good and good destination".

Finally, maintain the "perfect body" and marry the local Jia people, or the official office in the yamen.

Anyway, as long as you marry someone, you must be pure. Those who come out of the Jiaofang Division are all "young girls", and they will never allow offensive remarks to come out.

Whoever dares to spread it, if it is a servant, will be sent to sue. And if it's adults, oh, I'm sorry, please accept this girl. It doesn't matter how the master arranges it, but the Jiaofang Secretary will not accept it in the future.


As for the women of the Jiaofang Division, whether they are as pure and pure as the "beauty under the moon" portrayed by the contemporary media can actually depend on the attitude of the big family leaders towards their female relatives.

Every aristocratic family has a positioning watch for the female relatives. This is mainly to call the security guards anytime and anywhere, but it will also warn you not to go to some places. As for the Secretary of the Jiaofang, let alone the young lady, even the maids are not allowed to approach there. It is true that there are strict etiquette, but such melon fields are full of plums, which shows that it may not be a place for "beauties to narrate their talents".


Same as the main world, places where businesses and private parties gather, such as yachts and grand events in mansions, are good places for intelligence collection, and how many public scholars have their elbows outward.

In the same way, in the world of Shenzhou, those who come to Jiaofang Division have mouths as loose as their belts, and they can't cover anything.

In this poetry appreciation meeting, a young man sat quietly at the front desk, admiring the beautiful woman playing poetry on the high-definition screen at the front desk, and on his left was a holographic projection. The projected information is projected from the information collected by the sensors on the oiran's underwear, and these sensors are very dense.

So the slightest movement is very realistic.

Of course, sharpness is graded. It is necessary to invest money to unlock it clearly.

The clearest thing is that even the contraction of the beauty's fine hair can be shown on the projection when the beauty is blown by the cold wind. This is much more interesting than tipping and interacting with female anchors.

No, on the contrary, high technology has also improved the service efficiency of oirans.

In the past, the oirans were one-on-one, providing talent services in close quarters in the boudoir. Although this is just a joke, but what the young masters see is a smile and a frown, with resentment in it. And the taste of "thumping heart" and "Jia Fei's cheeks" in the poem is not what those local prostitutes can provide.

As for the "innocence" that satisfies the young masters, how much is it true? Most of them are acting on occasion.

Under the guidance of their old mother, their acting skills in this area surpassed those good-looking skins in the world for more than ten years.

Now, through the sensor, the oiran can provide this service to hundreds of men at the same time, allowing them to watch at close range.

At this time, Wang Xiaoru opened in medium definition, and the talented scholars at the poetry meeting used their poems to interact with the beauties. This is the case with the appreciation of the conversation of the beauties. And the disciples of the aristocratic family clicked on the scene switching of Fenghuaxueyue.

For example, the wind is the expensive aroma burned by the censer, blowing behind the scenes where the beauty is, and you can see the fluttering hair. Snow is a little more expensive, and the awe-inspiring cold wind will make the beauty weak and pitiful. Oh, there are always some things that are too much, such as spending a lot of money, ordering them for an hour and a half under the scorching sun, making them sweaty.

It’s like in a video game, when someone’s liver bleeds, I use my pocket money to krypton gold—this kind of game, it’s always necessary to arrange the level of superiority, so that high-rollers who spend a lot of money can Have the best time.


The oiran on the stage is acting every time, so why not Wang Xiaoru. On the surface, as a Nanyang businessman, he is waiting for business partners here, but in fact he is waiting for intelligence collaborators.

Wang's ancestors crossed the ocean 180 years ago and were naturalized Xia descendants in the United States of Edenia. Generally speaking, this is the characteristic of that era.

Throughout the nineteenth century, the earliest industrial revolutions created the first educated and disciplined class of the unemployed. It was an era of revolutionaries, and Edenia was the final refuge of the failed revolutionaries from the countries of the Old Continent.

The assassination activities carried out by Wang Jiazu in Shenzhou were designated as treason.

A hundred years have passed, and the data files have long been unable to be matched. And after more than a hundred years of immigration, they have long since lost their hometown complex. Even because he believes in monotheism and has no concept of ancestors, he has no burden to be selected by Eden Ya to carry out intelligence work.

Well, in Edenia, this is not only true of Xia descendants, but also of Angsa descendants, Latin descendants, and Germanic descendants. Orphans discharged from the main ethnic groups of the entire Old Continent gather here.

However, the New World does not talk about ethnicity, but it pays attention to ethnicity. This is also a characteristic of the New World. Different ethnic groups exclude each other, establish different communities, and speak different languages ​​in the communities, and conflicts have existed for a long time.

But Xia Yi's self-identity is particularly annoying!

They will deliberately emphasize that they are New Asiatics, and they will repeat it again and again. This constant emphasis on "new" is to imply that the mother clan is "old" and that they are more advanced. Although they are not advanced, at least they have not been able to gain enough ethnic voice in Edenia, and they can only use "arrival in the New World" to improve themselves.

The performance of Xia descendants is not obvious to European descendants.

In the study of a monitoring team, this may be related to geographical ties.

The United States of Edenia and Europe are separated by the Atlantic Ocean, but the distance is relatively short, and the waterway has brought a large number of economic and personnel exchanges. Although Europeans came to the New World, they can still go back, so ideology will not deliberately belittle the "retreat".

But from East Asia to the United States of Edenia, they crossed the Pacific Ocean. Even on a modern flight, that's halfway around the world. But it is true that once you step into North America, you will be cut off from the past, and you will not be able to return for several years or decades. And the suffering in a foreign land can't be weakened, only spiritual comfort "the hometown I left is more bitter". Correspondingly, the Xia descendants of Nanyang do not have such problems. Because the prosperity of Shenzhou has the deterrent benefit to the surrounding Xia descendants, "if you commit a strong man, you will be punished even if you are far away".


And Edenya used his own Xia descendants to do intelligence work on Shenzhou,

I just thought it was a language and culture match, but I didn't know there was a gap in this regard. Well, even the Xia descendants of Edenia constantly claim to understand the shortcomings of Shenzhou, and they will never admit their prejudice against Shenzhou.

So, unconsciously, Edenya always lacks "tonality" in China's intelligence work.

The time is almost up.

Wang Xiaoru got up and left. After leaving the gate, he looked back at the obsessed Chinese people in the gold sales office, and sneered in his heart: "The rancid and poisonous old civilization will collapse sooner or later."



A few minutes later, in the back room of the oiran, he got the electronic storage disk he wanted. Stored on it are the economic data of the commercial and private giants in the eastern part of Xiameng's investment in the plateau area.

According to Wang Xiaoru's interpretation: This is the strategy of the Chinese side in an attempt to re-arm the roof of the earth, thereby enhancing the deterrence of the world island.

Due to the preconceived attributes of Edenya's Xia descent, this person will never interpret it in a good way. In the minds of these Protestant converts of Xia descent: only the New World is the last refuge of civilization. Before his analysis, he presupposed the conclusion: the old continent will be destroyed sooner or later, and only God's chosen people can be redeemed.



What is China doing on the plateau?

This is something that Edenia and other forces are very concerned about. However, there is a subjective veil, and at the same time, the label thinking generated by ethnic conflicts ignores the vast diversity of China, so it has always been cast through a filter.


On the plateau, a batch of course training began to be carried out in virtual projection.

This year, the air and sky ports in the plateau area need to expand their enrollment. In order to urgently cultivate a group of employees who understand fluid mechanics,

Master Wei got on his horse and began to give lectures. It turns out that my hypnosis skills are stronger than my teacher back then. Master Wei fell into deep thought! The so-called fluid mechanics is a science that describes the phenomena of fluids. However, if the phenomenon is not seen with one's own eyes, it is very unrealistic to describe it with abstract mathematics.

The fluid will be stratified in the flow, vortices will appear, and then large eddies will appear small eddies, and then there will be countless turbulence phenomena. Therefore, it is necessary to use the coordinate system of up and down, left and right, and front and back, and describe it with the mathematical quantity of partial derivative.


This is a mathematical description of a phenomenon. When learning this mathematical process directly, it is necessary to brainstorm the process of the phenomenon to facilitate understanding.

It's like not giving you a finger wrench in elementary school.

One plus one equals two, and two plus three equals five, which becomes the rote mathematics of what symbol plus what symbol will become what symbol.

Therefore, when master Wei is learning arithmetic, he must see and touch the flow field.

Seeing it is easy to say, direct mathematical modeling, using projected color blocks to describe, as for touching?

Master Wei thought for a while, extracted the data of each pixel projected in the flow field, and connected it to a glove, which was connected to a large number of sensors.

That's right, this sensor is the one that can be bought on the market. Mr. Wei didn't know that these sensors were supplied to brothels to provide tertiary industry services, but he just thought the price was cheap. ——And the sellers are also a little baffled when they see that the seller is pursuing the supply quantity so much.

After wearing such gloves, it is equivalent to going deep into a virtual world of perception. When seeing the turbulent flow in the flow field, the weak force in the glove will convey the specific effect of this water flow.


Fluid mechanics masters began to study this subject, many of them poked the wake of the ship with a pole, and sensed the flow velocity through the force received by the pole.

Later, aircraft in World War I and missiles in World War II also used airspeed tubes to collect data. But each flight can only collect flow field data of a few points. Then, based on the data of multiple flights, mathematicians derived formulas to calculate the flow data of the entire aircraft and missile peripheral flight.

Then came the dedicated wind tunnel. As long as there is one experiment, thousands of sensors on the model of the aircraft missile will be activated, and the data will be transmitted directly during the experiment. And the results are obtained instantly by the computer, and the posture is adjusted directly in the experiment to continue to analyze the new wave of data. Readjust the results and analyze again.


Back to teaching, the advantage of such a glove now is the virtual touch of water flow changes, and the "virtual hand" itself will not produce turbulent effects because of blocking the flow field, so that students can feel more real during teaching.

After completing this set, Wei Keng enthusiastically began to apply it in the teaching of fluid mechanics.

Wei Keng: "If you can't learn this, then it's~"

After the new round of training, Master Wei withdrew his preface, because the failure rate was still above 80% (it was 95% originally, but even a 1% improvement is not a small number) .

Wei Keng judged very carefully: "The mode of understanding should be fine~ The problem is that if you want to be familiar with the algorithm of any mathematics, you have to use sea of ​​questions tactics to form mathematical formulas in your brain."

In other words, you still have to work hard to study hard. Who doesn't have to worry about studying science? There is no such thing as extraordinary talent in the world, it's all made out of it.


The flow field perception teaching aids provided by Weikeng are not only used in the training of aviation technicians. And the crown of the manufacturing industry - the high-pressure airflow inside various engines also requires fluid calculations. Of course, there are still many areas in the industry that do not include engines, such as battery materials and mechanical transmission physical design.

But the great significance of this matter lies in the fact that the school lords monopolize the teaching staff and are unwilling to support the barren plateau. Integrate the system through the power of science and technology: use the information interaction efficiency of perception technology and change expression to strengthen the teaching productivity of teachers to students.

"Hand perception" and "visual projection perception" are observations of phenomena to assist people's abstract understanding of the mathematical meaning behind the phenomena. In the past, these abstract meanings had to be made up with the brain!

Jiangnan business geniuses have long used sensory technology in high-level entertainment (the romance of literati). People are the core productivity. In the process of communication between people, the efficiency of knowledge and information reflected in the brain can be used as the only criterion for judging development and progress.

This kind of significance is no less than the promotion of the precursor of the industrial revolution by the invention of the Jenny textile machine in the main world! The spirit of the first industrial revolution was that mechanized mass production replaced manual industries. Jenny Spinning Machine is the beginning of development in this direction.

The magnificent plateau is different from the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River. The idea of ​​Yanyang, victory, singing with love.


This is the crucial change that is taking place on the current historical line. This change will not be taken seriously for decades or a hundred years. Only when all human beings have completely crossed the productive class, looking back at this moment, will they suddenly discover this shining golden moment in the history full of yellow sand.

Of course, Wei Keng didn't feel anything at this time: The Chinese plane didn't have the narrative style he was used to in Pandora's mental language mode, so he naturally needed tools to help.


Standing in the present and looking back at the past, you will always find that the past was stupid.

For example, looking back 700 years ago from the twenty-eighth century, one would ask: Why did the set of network technology at that time promote the accumulation of private wealth without progressive significance. Can't it be that the state distributes science popularization funds, online teaching, online quizzes, and prizes for solving problems within 20 minutes? Governors in the 21st century really don't know how to use technology!

It's not that you can't, but you haven't been forced by life and death, and you are not willing to use your strength.

Master Wei is not threatened with life and death yet, and now he is just a habitual scroll.

Learning volume is a good thing, but work is unnecessary.

Volume and rewind, seek truth from facts, do not polarize.

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