Out of the cage

Chapter 312 Chapter 9.02 Going astray once deep as the sea

South America, Brazilian Plateau. After Shengyang arrived, he renamed the place "Tianyando" plateau.

But for various reasons, other forces in the world did not recognize this name change.

The terrain of South America is different from that of East Asia. Although it is also high in the west and low in the east, the long mountain range in the west turns the Chilean land into a snake, but in the east, the Brazilian plateau is like a hump stuck in the eastern part of South America. The north of the plateau is the dense Amazon rainforest, and the south is the Argentine grassland.

The reason why Brazil in the main world cannot unify South America is because of this terrain, because the north and south are too severe. In contrast, the eastern part of China, where the eastern section of the Qinling Mountains ends, is an alluvial plain comparable in size to the Huaihai alluvial plain in northern France.

It is precisely because the Brazilian plateau is almost close to the east coastline that Brazil's population distribution is similar to that of Chile, with 90% concentrated on the east coast.

Under such a pattern of great regional differences between the north and the south left over from history, the local forces in Latin America cannot coordinate their forces to develop the interior of Latin America.

For a long time, the middle part of the eastern part of the South American continent was like the huge desert plateau area bordering the Ross people and China, and no force was needed at all.

Shengyang arrived here as an external force, breaking the balance between the north and the south, and allowing the development to deepen. As a result, the original ecology here has been completely changed.

In all fairness: development will inevitably destroy the ecology. Thousands of years ago, there were elephants in Shenzhou and Henan, the Jianghuai area was all swamps, and Jingzhou was all Yunmeng Water Marsh. In North America, before being introduced by the maritime civilization, there were a large number of bison and passenger pigeons.

In the ancient times of the main world, a large part of the "ecological protection responsibility" defined by the international community for Latin America at that time was that the earth's carbon emission rights had been divided up, and the development rights were not going to be allocated to emerging countries. The order headed by the five permanent members is to protect the development interests of "major countries".

Now on the plane of Shenzhou, the same law is followed. When Shengyang is entrenched here and has millions of fighting machines, there is no need to pay attention to the environmental protection threshold.

Sunrise is based on this vast continent, and has a vastness that it could not have imagined in the past, and it is also dedicated to the development of this place.

In the Latin American rainforest plateau that stretches for thousands of miles, the distribution of plantations and road networks have begun.

The Brazilian Altiplano has a tropical climate with rainy and dry seasons.

Shengyang has built a large number of reservoirs along the tributaries and main streams of the world's second largest river.

According to the large agricultural system of North America, the distribution plan of soybean, rice and cocoa blocks is carried out on the vast land of Latin America.

Now the planting of Shengyang is mechanized and does not require a lot of manpower.

However, the construction of basic water conservancy and roads to maintain the interests of large-scale agriculture requires a lot of manpower. Behind the current prosperous and stable rule of Shengyang, a large part of the natives (Latin mixed blood) are consumed here.

It is said that in the early years of land reclamation, Shengyang had to dig a big pit every once in a while to bury tens of thousands of 'disease dead'. Of course, Sunrise insists that such photos do not exist and have never happened.

Now the farmers' association formed by the estate owners of Shengyang, the members are all faces from Northeast Asia. And these villages have always been "forbidden places" passed down by the local population.


Xinhegang, this is where Shengyang's Psionic Energy Research Center is located. The entire city, with a population of 700,000, adopted the "highest technology" claimed by Sunrise.

A large number of robots clean the streets and manage the city appearance. Artificial intelligence is even used in some places where it is completely impractical.

Example: wooden chairs in the park. When you sit down, the chair will greet you in a very Japanese style, and when you leave, it will say goodbye to you.

And in the underground of this city, like a mechanical workshop, it is divided into 85 underground areas, and the former Omega project has been transferred here.

This is the super power world, the sacred place for rising sun power users.

Practitioners of Taoism in China: There is nothing wrong with Wuliang Tianzun, the lair of the demon gatekeeper calling himself a holy place.


Divided according to Shengyang's super power system, the psykers in Shenzhou are undoubtedly the weakest in the world.

After the last world war, human superpower technology is the hottest field of research in the world. Mind kinetic energy, mind energy release (heating), mind energy storage (heat absorption), mind power conduction, full kinetic energy direction reversal... The research on all physical phenomena related to super energy is extremely in-depth, and various kinds of products have been developed. Such stimulating equipment.

The psykers of Shengyang, Edenia United States, and Continental have all developed the most destructive psychic release modes. It is much more powerful than the two major rectification methods of refining emptiness and true qi in Shenzhou.

But for so many years, the psykers in China are the most envied by psykers all over the world. There is a Fujian-style song sung in Sunrise: Other people’s lives are wrapped in gold and covered with silver (the two rectifications of Shenzhou are covered with broken army armor and a battle command cabin), and Ruan’s life is worthless~~


The rapid progress of superpower science in various countries in the past hundred years is behind extremely cruel birth experiments.

Nowadays, the dark history seems to be overturned, but the social status is simply incomparable with the group of true qi fighters and god cultivators in Shenzhou.

These non-Shenzhou ability research departments will house the qualified people who were tested in their youth and conduct strict training. Well, if it is particularly possible, a large amount of money will be paid to trick it into signing a "at your own risk" agreement to carry out high-risk experiments.

So overseas psykers always discuss: free power. In recent years, "X-Men Series 1234567" has been shot, which is more popular than "Star Wars".

Martial arts practitioners and psychic power users in Shenzhou: "What? Freedom? Well, rights and interests. Yes, you can get it if you work hard to break through the innate power~~~ The psychic power in Shenzhou should be the strongest!"

What is lacking will be emphasized.


In the core area of ​​the underground of New Hegang City, there is an imaginary quadrant area.

It must not carry any substance with a coefficient greater than that of the platinum-group nucleus. Because meson fluctuations will cause changes in the half-life of substances, resulting in dangerous accidents.

And the core of this area is a test cabin with a diameter of 60 meters, like a mechanical structure of orange slices.

Except for the central core cabin, there are nine petals around it. Always shrouded by a powerful magnetic field to restrain that Omega-level power user. Because if you don't do this, the occasional out-of-control superpower will cause the buildings in the entire area to move randomly through time and space.

And this person with superpowers was a participant in the Battle of Qiongdao that year.

After more than seventy years, due to the continuous replication of life cells, this rising sun superpower did not die, but was in an extremely unstable state. The soaring super energy, when its density reaches a certain level, will make matter extremely unstable.

For example, substances such as thorium are originally very stable, but in a high-density super-energy field, they will become radioactive substances.

The psionic energy of most psykers has the ability to destabilize matter. The golden light that appears in the pupils of the upper echelons of Shenzhou who are strong in psionic energy is often due to the rapid decay of carbon 14 and oxygen 18 in their bodies.

However, the psychic field of the top-level Sunrise ability user has not only made it difficult for a few elements to be stable, but the nuclear strength of most elements is unstable, and they may be energyized at any time, but if they cannot be controlled, they will explode. Now it is completely unable to exist as a stable carbon-based organism.

Physical conditions do not allow life on earth to exceed a certain limit, just like the largest land creature on earth reaches a certain level, and it will never get up after a fall.

Daoists of Shenzhou Daomen: This demon from Shengyang is entangled in karma, and he was backlashed by the Dao of Heaven.

So now she can only stay in the laboratory. Constantly transmit his skyrocketing psychic power to other psychic qualifications through the chip.

And this kind of her is also the core asset of the current Shengyang super energy department, and Shengyang's current powerful psychic army comes from the skyrocketing ability injected by her.


In this peaceful and sunny city, the students of various super power schools seem to be enjoying a happy life. And in this same city, the awakening experiments conducted in the places covered by the shady information in the major laboratories are extremely bloody.

In the underground part of each laboratory, "awakening experiments" are carried out in groups of life-support cabins. For these young lives, bleeding from the seven orifices is only the most common way of withering. In some experiments, eyeballs exploded, elbows reflexed, and snapped off on their own, all of which often occurred. Mental breakdowns, and countless torn flesh and blood.

Participating in the awakening, from the age of three to fifteen, most of the aptitudes will die of rejection. Only those who have survived the rejection reaction will be able to make a huge leap in super power.

From zero-level incompetence to weak ability, there will be a 30% reincarnation rate.

From weak ability to supernatural ability, there will be a 40% reincarnation rate.

From supernatural ability to strong ability, there will be a 60% reincarnation rate. ——Note: The peak of strong ability corresponds to the acquired peak.

And from strong ability to great ability, there will be an 80% reincarnation rate. ——The peak of great ability corresponds to the second-class intermediate level.

To grow into a fifth-level superpower (Class A), no one has survived the current fostering experiment.

Oh, this level of super energy transfer is actually Omega's container transfer.

[It is different from the casualty rate on the battlefield but the reincarnation rate. When one party unilaterally ends the fate of the other party, the determined party is waiting to be reincarnated. In addition to human laboratories, spy warfare behind enemy lines is the same. "Reincarnation" is a word used in repression and helplessness when waiting to be slaughtered. And those who participated in the killing operation were no strangers to death. 】


The "pull the seedlings and encourage growth" superpowers produced by Shengyang Shenluo Technology belonged to a special infiltration combat unit in the last universal war.

But history has proved that it is obviously wrong to take this technical route. The skyrocketing superpower control stability can only control individual weapons, and the high-precision control of large weapons is as difficult as a gorilla trying to fly a plane.

Today, in fact, all countries have also seen the superiority of the Shenzhou model.

Edenya had seized the wreckage of a super war vehicle such as the Broken Army Golden Armor, but it was still unable to be equipped.

It's not that these scientists can't develop it, but that there are too few capable people who meet the standards.

The Shenzhou side has thousands of suitable drivers and tens of thousands of reserve forces who may be promoted. The scale of producing hundreds of broken army armors is enough to support the cost of research and development and maintaining the production line.

On Shengyang's side, its royal family and aristocrats stole a set of Qi-nourishing secrets from somewhere, and developed a batch of special ghost king mechs regardless of cost.

But it is specially for the royal family and the aristocratic sense of ceremony. Just like the famous swords forged by the foundry masters for generals and warriors in the classical era.

Scholars in Shenzhou currently understand that "the feudal remnants of Shengyang like to concentrate resources and win weapons." The reason may be that "the ancient Chinese emperors and aristocratic families like to repair tombs and send luxurious funeral objects underground. Influenced by "customs", I want to have a grand burial.


On February 4, 2281 in the Qin Tongli calendar, in the area of ​​the imaginary quadrant, in the highly cyber-oriented top meeting,

The nineteen high-level power users here are all lying in the space cabin to contain their abilities. Numbered from 1 to 19, they all have the same genotype.

But the status is different.

Individual No. 1 is already in the restraint cabin, almost completely mechanized, and 90% of the torso is made of ceramic body. In the body of this inorganic substance, the plasma-like psionic energy stimulation like flames is restrained. Only a few carbon-based nerves remain.

No. 2 was better, with some skull and brain tissue preserved.


It was not until the 5th that there was almost a complete head.

No. 19 is the newest, and you can basically see the body of Yuriko, but it is covered with a large number of fleshy tentacles. And the blue light flickering in the body is also a psychic flame controlled by mechanical magnetic restraint, accompanied by explosive wind and thunder.

A fire can burn to the first jhana, a flood can cover the second jhana, and a wind can destroy the third jhana.

This is what has become of the earliest psykers of Project Omega. When the spiritual energy in the body riots, before the spiritual energy turns into flames and burns the whole body, he must lie down in the survival cabin and use mechanical restraint to restrain the spiritual energy, but! Even so, psionic energy slowly eats away at the carbon-based body.

This psyker of Project Omega had this situation thirty years after the end of the Great War. The original body, now No. 1, was then sealed, and continued to operate through the clone.

In the following years, she had to change to a clone each time. Until the past ten years, that is, after 2270 in the Qin Dynasty, she changed ten in a row, and the inorganicization of the previous body became more and more serious.

In fact, this is already the ultimate fate of the top psykers. The carbon-based organization under the constraints of electromagnetic equipment is just a hook she insists on staying in this world. Since it is impossible to break from the chrysalis into a butterfly (escape into a fairy), she herself may collapse at any time.

As long as the balance of one body is broken, all bodies will explode in conjunction with each other.

In recent years, in order to retain her, Shengyang has developed a transfer mode, allowing her spiritual energy to be transferred to other individuals.

But how long can this last? And what's more terrible is that all the psykers who bear her psychic power will suffer a psychic shock when she ends.

Whether the psykers of Shengyang can survive, there is a "spiritual stability" data.

The information that the main world understands: This data is that the more familiar with psychic powers, the more stable they are, so it is often the psychic users who are 10 years after the end of the facilitation.

In other words, at this stage, the psykers who are being promoted on a large scale will not be able to survive, and even if the old-fashioned psykers can survive, how will their consciousness and thinking be affected? It's hard to say.

[The upper limit of psionic energy clearly marked by the Space-Time Administration is basically the upper limit of human beings. Trying to make a breakthrough, unless human beings change the carbon-based life state, let technology help the consciousness to break away from the carbon-based, and exist in an energy structure stably. 】


Among the 19 individual meetings, only the 8th to 19th were discussed.

The other seven individuals have no carbon-based thinking ability, and the state of their thinking exceeds the carbon-based expressive ability.

Discussion among these psychic individuals came to a conclusion: the divine psyker who was revived on the plateau was an old enemy. Maybe taking him down can solve the problem of the rapid surge of spiritual energy now.

During the discussion, the Omegas also paid attention to changes in the mantle.

Wei Keng himself could hear Jie Hongzi's message from "Di Sha". And as the abnormal psychic individuals with the limit of human beings in this world, they can also feel that there is something more in the earth (disha).

It's just like decades ago, the primitive people in the South American jungle looked up and saw artificial satellites with their naked eyes.

Now Omega doesn't understand what this is. She doesn't have time to think about the threat of these things at the moment.


The above only occupied fifteen minutes of the psionic entities' time.

And in the next psychic projection, the most top-secret information in the United States Department of Defense appeared - "the incident of the Izhou battleship in the Great Lakes".

The United States of Edenia sent spies to China,

But right now Shengyang is the one who likes to use spies the most. In the last Universal War, Prince Dalang of Shengyang controlled the presidential advisor of the United States of Eden by implanting technology.

At present, part of the brain control technology has progressed to the path of psionic carbon-based chips, and Edenia is a country of immigrants, and Sun has naturally penetrated into the core.

No. 13 (electronic loli voice): "The warship Yizhou from the lower reaches of time, after discovering that North America has not been occupied, restarted the time-space transition, and finally exploded and disintegrated."

No. 19 (female voice with texture): "It is the world one hundred and seventy years later. In such a world, the United States of Edenia no longer exists, but it is suspected that the power of our culture has occupied North America and encountered a crisis."

No. 8 (Electronic Fluctuation): "Shenzhou's old enemy needs to be resolved, but North America, which is close at hand, has now entered a state of war readiness, and an iron curtain has fallen on us."

In the end, these artificial synthetic people voted to pay attention to North America, and to keep their eyes on China.


During the conversation of the dozen or so psychic individuals, the unstable meson vibrations spread outward like water waves, and circles of blue light patterns flashed on the wall. This is the light from the incandescence of the metal part of the wall.

If the personnel in the outer area open the hatch without authorization during their conversation, the bones may be burnt, but the skin and flesh will still be intact.

Just outside the two-meter-thick steel compartment where the "Omega"s talk, in a pool of carbon-based culture fluid, carbon-based cells are connected in series, and a girl is kneaded by spiritual energy as if she was printed. stand up.

She is number 20, a new psionic entity.

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