Out of the cage

Chapter 346 Chapter 9.36

On November 11, after the local military forces in eastern China arrived, warships of Xuanming were on the northern coastline, Mount Tai was on top, and tanks with electromagnetic guns, Qilin III, rushed to the pier from the landing ship, and the three-meter-high steel exterior Skeletal centurions, leading the Iron Guard, deployed at strategic points along the coast

Not to mention anything else, such a bluffing configuration successfully restrained Sheng Yang's troops.

In the situation on the northern front, Xi Bafang launched an offensive on the southern front of Lizhou and defeated two-thirds of the main force of Shengyang.

Afterwards, Shenzhou succeeded in annihilating the last combat force of Shengyang on the land of Lizhou under the strangulation of Lizhou's south and north.

To be honest, the only large-scale battle that took place on the 13th by the Shenzhou Landing Forces on the northern front was not a good one.

With a fleet that is 1.5 times larger than the Shenzhou side, and with the cover of air fighters and missile troops at the same time, the casualty ratio of the Tang Family Army in Lizhou is still one to one! The enraged Admiral Xiao Liheng, commander of the Shenzhou Nanyang Navy, wrote a letter overnight, asking the Shenzhou court to persuade Tang Jiedu to focus on politics and not to intervene in the frontline military.

Shenzhou now has a very uniform evaluation of Tang Jiedu, regardless of the plateau or the Pacific Fleet. That is, a pig is better than him.

Because pigs will not brag about the arrival of an attack and expose their own military secrets in order to engage in propaganda and win the hearts of the so-called eastern families before the war.


In the final land battle annihilation in Lizhou, Xi Bafang saved the battle.

The forces in the eastern part of China, as goshawks, culled chickens, but the chickens slapped them back, and they couldn't help but become angry from embarrassment.

In order to gain the dominance of discourse during the negotiations, the court chiefs demanded that the military power of China Pacific should take advantage of the victory in the southern hemisphere. They aimed at the Shengyang troops entrenched in the island chain, and prepared to use massive shipboard firepower to regain their position.

The safest way to deal with the defenders on the isolated island is to bomb them directly. Anyway, there is no strategic depth on the island, and it is impossible to deploy land-based missiles and air forces to counterattack.

And in the current situation, New Zealand, where Sunshine is entrenched, is isolated overseas, and all logistical supplies have to be transported from South America. The Chinese side has already occupied the entire land of Oceania, with almost unlimited ammunition supplies.

Therefore, for Xi Bafang, it doesn't matter if it continues like this.


The beautiful scenery of New Zealand is like the end of the world, and all human buildings have been destroyed. The drones circling in the sky are patrolling the sky 24 hours a day.

These "artificial vultures" seek not dead bodies, but all human beings in mechanical power suits. All people wearing power suits are regarded as Shengyang's military targets and are to be killed.

Soon all the roads on the island were empty, only the wreckage of the destroyed wreckage, with empty headlights on the wreckage, staring at the street.

Although the local civilians in New Zealand received the information before the war in China, many people were still "accidentally injured".


In the two hundred years of world conflicts, various powerful forces in the world have verified that "coercion" is quite an effective method in the war with China.

Because literati in southeast China always like to call themselves "benevolence", and generals who kill indiscriminately will always be criticized. Therefore, both Spain and later Anza discovered this, and they all widely used coercion, forcing the Chinese generals to kill them, and then carry out taint attacks.

Of course, later this set was found to work for all civilizations. carry forward.

The fallen Red Soviet Russia, who was black before his death, lacked the immunity to deal with this kind of attack.


Back to the topic, the defenders of Shengyang were insane, and implanted the local people with mechanical exoskeletons and neural control systems at one time, using this to combat moral issues in Shenzhou.

However, such low-level means are ineffective. The people of the entire Lizhou have experienced the baptism of the war, and they are no longer so "Mother whore".

And in the past two hundred years, Chinese businessmen and privates have also been very effective in controlling public opinion. When Sunshine began to hire soldiers from "New Zealand residents", Chinese businessmen and privates directly regarded New Zealanders as "dishonest", which is not worthy of sympathy. .

You know, when the local residents of New Zealand saw the blood on the mainland of Lizhou a year ago, the frogs on these islands secretly rejoiced that they were complacent in public opinion: they surrendered early, stayed away from military disasters, and even had superiority. feel. This kind of self-satisfaction of the "two fools" made Shengyang Foreign Propaganda happy to see this, and even deployed the "Green Party Boss".

On some variety shows on the island, the so-called "Pacific neutrality, protected by the world", "If the war is to be fought on the western land, we are very precious, and we cannot let the flames of war burn to us", " I don’t want to join the war anymore, people will die in the war,” and other wise speeches.

Now these speeches have been translated by the commercial and private mouthpieces of China, so the beating owed by New Zealand has to be doubled.


In the face of the propaganda of the commercial and private propaganda system in Southeast China on the island of New Zealand.

The plateau faction is a cold-eyed bystander, neither accomplices nor objections to this topic.

I can't understand that the public opinion war will make everyone in New Zealand one size fits all. Of course, I don't like the idea of ​​being alone in a "paradise" in New Zealand.

In the face of this large-scale colonial war of aggression, only resistance has a chance of life. If you don't resist, you will be slaughtered like cattle and sheep like today.

The industrial and social army on the mainland of Lizhou is very realistic. It is unreasonable to allow one's own life to fill the so-called "moral pit" created by those who do not resist.

Moreover, the plateau faction and the southeast of China are still on the same front. For Australia, if the southeast direction leaves a springboard for the rising sun to invade, it will still bleed in the future. The landing battle must be fought sooner or later, and it is better to fight early than late. You can build with peace of mind when you are done.


November 15th.

Dozens of battleships in China bombarded day and night. On the blue electromagnetic ejection pipe, the outer cooling frost appeared on the gun barrel back and forth after the heat energy of the projectile ejection was released.

As for the island pointed at by the muzzle, on the projected map of the Shenzhou commander, all the red dots were hit, and no civilian targets were marked.

The smoke and dust from the explosion kept rising, like the doomsday catastrophe of a volcanic eruption on the island.


New Zealand is not alone in the world at war.

Africa, Europe, Central America... Not all the casualties in all regions will be remembered by the world. Much of it will be overlooked in understated coverage. It seems that the bloodshed of the world doesn't care about one more "New Zealand" wound.

In the end, world public opinion still has to focus most of its energy on mainstream regions.

That is to say, when the isolated islands are unwilling to integrate into the mainstream ideology and are content with being "beyond the world", they should also understand that any disaster they despise in the world will not be able to bear the isolated islands.


In mid-November, there was a major split in the Shengyang defenders.

On Shengyang's floating battleship, the projection officers had a fierce quarrel over whether to stay or stay.

The left-behind faction wants to implement the jade broken plan. 400,000 troops will carry out guerrilla warfare on the island and the Chinese side, making the Chinese side pay a heavy price for retaking New Zealand.

The left-behinds are lucky, thinking that China will give up retaking the island chain after paying a painful price, and then tacitly agree that Sunshine has a foothold in New Zealand.

Like playing a game, they want to save the save file and prepare to come back next time.

But the withdrawal faction didn't want to die with this group of horse dung. Sun's big ships are important assets. Since they can withdraw now, they should return to their homeland to preserve the vitality of the empire, and definitely not stay here to die.

The two parties had a lot of quarrels, and thanks to the "projection" of the two sides now, if it was really a meeting, it would not be to draw a samurai sword to slash each other.


In the end, Shengyang still decided to negotiate peace with Shenzhou.

During the peace talks, Sheng Yang determined that his reasons for this conquest were inappropriate, and would send a mission to pay tribute to the Emperor of China.

In the modern state system, this is a symbolic surrender in the East. This kind of symbolic meaning also existed in the ancient times of the main world, such as drawing lots from the golden bottle to determine the Buddha's head.

As for the countries around China, if they can pay tribute, they can avoid the government's war reparations. Once, twice or three times, they gradually get used to it.


On December 20, Shengyang's troops evacuated from the port in a panic under the supervision of 10,000 landing troops dispatched by Shenzhou.

The ten thousand troops landed on the island in advance to monitor whether Shengyang had planted landmines on a large scale or smuggled precious resources before leaving.

Shenzhou does not want to pay compensation, but it is definitely not a winner. After winning this battle, in the future treaties, the benefits clauses of tariffs and waterways will also be supplemented. Otherwise, the Ram School, which is prevalent in China, will find reasons to deal with people when China's next round of national power is released.

In the East, Sun's characteristic is that he likes to attack without warning. Shenzhou, a nation that remembers history, likes to settle accounts after the fact, remembering for hundreds of years until it completely beats away its opponents.


Thinking back to a hundred years ago, there was a rebellion by Shengyang, and after the failed sneak attack, it ceased fire, and lived in peace for several years. Just when the people of Shengyang thought that this matter could be ended slowly and faded away, after Bai Kun came to power, he found a reason to attack.

From that moment on, the people of Sunshine understood that apart from worrying about the occasional tsunami and earthquake, the debt owed by offending the neighbors is not something that can be easily paid off, and will have to be paid back at some point in the future!

Therefore, after the post-war incident, Sunny naively wanted "goodwill between Han and Han", so he was willing to pay tribute this year to expose this contradiction.

~ The old men in China look down on compensation, but they want something that is not reserved.

The day of Armistice Day. On the Qinglong floating battleship over New Zealand.

On the negotiating table, when the masters of Shenzhou drew the line of sea power, the generals of Shengyang who were sitting on the other side of the negotiating table were stunned. Rao they were beaten now and were ready to take over the extremely humiliating mental humiliation, but I can't sit still.


Thousands of miles away, Mr. Wei, who was watching the progress of the negotiations, saw the map of the South Pacific unfolded on the negotiating table by the Donglin Party members, and he also felt that the scholars were weak.

These scholars were really rude. They delineated the sea power line in the southeast Pacific Ocean, and then cut into a trapezoid and went deep into the coastline near South America.

The sea area requested by Shenzhou is purely disgusting.

If Shenzhou wants to invade South America where Sunshine is now entrenched, it needs a land springboard. Now these scholars only want a sea.

Why does this sea area make Shengyang people's eyelids twitch?

This is one of the four largest marine fish farms in the world. It was called the Peruvian fish farm in ancient times in the main world. After Sun took over, this fishery is an important source of protein for the residents of its Chilean coastline.

The regional and exclusive nature of Shengyang has led to the formation of various factions in South America. This fishing ground is monopolized by the west coast of Shengyang, and even other factions are unwilling to share it.

The treaty was about to be signed, and if the generals present at Shengyang didn't cut their seppuku, they might all be "killed by heaven" at their doorstep.


The Negotiation Conference between Shenzhou and Sun began to discuss the fishing grounds in the southeast Pacific Ocean.

Sun Sun's negotiators were submissive and offered to pay compensation to keep the ocean. But the scholars in Shenzhou have the style of wealthy sons: "Indemnity? Lord, um, does it seem that my country is short of money? Silk brocades fill the treasury, and I can give you 10,000 to 20,000 horses."

The Shenzhou negotiator may not have realized the importance of this fishing ground to Sunshine at first, but only heard that this sea area is rich.

But seeing the way Shengyang bared his teeth, he was excited. This is a great opportunity to leave your name in history.

During the negotiations, the Chinese mission stated that the fishing grounds are absolutely necessary, and they will also ensure that they will devote energy to their management, so as not to allow production to decline, and not to exploit in a predatory manner.

Shenzhou’s official logic: Well, it’s not that there is a lack of fish, it’s that you came to beat me up, and if I don’t take something from you, won’t you dare to invade my border next time, so you need to have a longer memory.

Shenzhou also talked to Shengyang about this: "Han-Hungarian war! The Huns invaded south every year. For the Han Dynasty, although Wen Jingzhi ruled the country with abundant funds and most of the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, they couldn't bear to be harassed every year. Therefore, even if Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had ten rooms and nine empties, and the national funds were exhausted, he would beat the Xiongnu until they could not survive."

On the Shenzhou side, a negotiator who was born in a small country in Nanyang, after receiving money from Shengyang, privately revealed (threat): If Shengyang does not hand over the fishery, then the Shenzhou side will run to release biological viruses. Anyway, China doesn't matter. Shendu is to express the will to "offend Lie Xia, even if it is far away".

Shenzhou, which has experienced the age of great voyages, has an external atmosphere similar to that of the former Tang Dynasty. Although there is no internal economic motivation for external expansion, it is still "unwilling to suffer losses" in terms of frontier policy. It's not the mentality of the weak Song Dynasty who "would rather stop fighting". ——Of course, all of this is based on the fact that the battle can be won.

Compared with China's aggressiveness on the outside.

On the issue of rebuilding the governor's office in Lizhou, the transformation is being discussed within the Shenzhou Group.

Because of the troops reorganized from more than 200,000 guerrillas. The number of such a group of combat troops is much higher than that of the Tang family army in the north.

According to Nanyang's Jiedushi, these troops should be demobilized on the spot.

Representatives from the plateau scoffed at the suggestion of "putting down their arms" to exchange seats.

Xi Bafang did not participate in the negotiation, but he also laughed when he heard this.

Xi Bafang: "More than 200,000 troops, more than 6 million organizational personnel. Want to use a few seats and dismiss them in one sentence, what a dream come true for you?

When fighting Shengyang people, Tang was sitting on advanced equipment and behaved like a pig. Want to grab the credit now, the scum of the world! "


When in the Lizhou defense battle, the local enemy's rear combat organization led the vast number of Lizhou people to take risks, assume a network information chain in the enemy-occupied area, transport materials on a large scale to each local base, and build a grassroots organization. The ruling group should think about transferring power.


No matter how incompetent Tang Jiedushi is, he still belongs to the faction of Jiedushi! This time, the three Jiedu envoys in Nanyang must keep him. This is a feudal scene going around.

Just like more than seventy years ago, when Bai Kun formed a new center, all the overseas military governors in Shenzhou stood on the restoration front.

This moment is just like that moment.

It's just that these Jiedu envoys launched an attack on the progressive forces in the interior of China back then, but today it is the progressive forces supported by internal forces in China that are launching an attack here.


Xi Bafang looked at the fierce negotiations, and then at the command system of the central organization, the group of organization cadres who came from the plateau and have now integrated into the progressive forces in Lizhou.

In about eight days, the authority of Xi Bafang's central command system in Lizhou will be transferred to the "organization center" of the former guerrilla.

Xi Bafang couldn't help but recall the situation when Wei Keng sent these personnel organizations over half a year ago!

It turned out that they were all cadres selected by the provinces in western China. These cadres were all three or four sons of the family. Most of them had high school education. After two or three years of professional skills training, they were sent to Lizhou mainland with the determination to do a good job.

Now it has been tempered by the flames of war, blended with the grassroots of Lizhou, and turned into a piece of fine steel.

Xi Bafang said silently: "It's easy to come by, it's a good move to make this move."

The plateau troops under Xi Bafang's command will be withdrawn sooner or later.

At that time, it seemed that the battle was thousands of miles away, and they did not occupy a piece of land, nor did they take a tael of gold and silver, so the strategic benefits won would soon be divided up by the Jiedu envoys in the Nanyang region.

But now, the situation is not as beautiful as those peach pickers imagined.

A whole new set of management systems synchronized with the Shenzhou Plateau is in operation. And there will be such an armed force that has been tempered by the flames of war.

Xi Bafang is now also an experienced organizer. He could see that although the troops of the Lizhou Progressive Group were still training for regular combat and some places were still a little unfamiliar, they had an excellent team of non-commissioned officers.

This can definitely throw off the legions of other Jiedu envoys in Nanyang by a few levels.


In December, when Shenzhou was still negotiating Lizhou, Tang Jiedushi's army was rapidly increasing its armed forces to seize the big cities in the East China Sea. At the same time, there was the killing of the cadres of the former progressive group.

As a result, as a last resort, the former guerrilla members of Lizhou formed the "Lizhou National People's Front" and began to take up guns to guard the restored big cities in the east.

Seeing that the conflict was about to break out, the mouthpiece of the Nanyang faction began to spread rumors, and then quickly sent arms to the Tang family army. Finally, under the mediation of the Shenzhou Center,

The east coastline of Lizhou is bounded by 24 degrees south latitude, the South is the Chinese Front, and the north is controlled by the old Governor's Mansion of Tang Jiedushi.

As for the northern coastline, it is mostly controlled by Tang Jiedu. With east longitude 123 degrees as the boundary, the east side is within the range of Tang Jiajun, and the west side is temporarily responsible for the security of the west coastline of Lizhou due to the meritorious service of the plateau troops.


Many Jiedu envoys in Nanyang were very dissatisfied, and they reported to the heaven one by one.

The emperor of Shenzhou snorted coldly: "If you are dissatisfied, you might as well come to the side of the Qing emperor. See if there are any treacherous ministers you want to kill in Shenzhou Wanli."

The cultivating emperor thought to himself: "On the other side of the plateau, you have been silent until now, and you still have cards in your hand.

The troubles of foreign vassals stop at foreign vassals. The world is difficult, you need to be safe! "

Since ancient times, the tactics of pigs have always been successfully used by people who failed. This kind of "success" lies in the success of "shirking and self-interested". If you lose, no one will punish you. However, it is obviously effective, but it is forcibly ignored.

~~~~separation symbol~~~~~

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