Out of the cage

Chapter 347 Chapter 9.37 Fate? Savior?

Since the age of great voyages, the world has gradually become a "village", and the major powers in this village are like the mothers-in-law in the village. If there is any disturbance in any family, they will be extremely sensitive immediately.

Shenzhou's collision with the rising sun in the South Pacific came to an abrupt end, and the restraint forces retreated very quickly. The projected video of the two parties signing the security agreement in the southern hemisphere quickly spread among the major media on the planet.

"Fighting" was big news in the main world when singing and dancing were flourishing in ancient times, but now on the plane of China, when several major powers are confronting each other, and many places have "passed troops", it is big news that the fighting in one area "stops".

The sudden handshake between Shenzhou and Shengyang made the other side of the planet vigilant.

Because at the moment, it is difficult for white people not to associate the current situation with the first World War.

At that time, Shenzhou also won the Dashi area, and began to aggressively influence the Mediterranean Sea. The whole of Europa had to form the Holy Alliance to resist the pressure from the Eastern Empire.

In recent years, Shenzhou has stabilized the Tianzhuyang region, and at the same time, Shengyang launched a brutal attack on Europa and the United States of Edenia. White people are still killing each other.

In the eyes of Caucasians, Shenzhou and Shengyang are both Orientals, and there is no difference in appearance, which has aroused "conspiracy theories".

Conspiracy scientist in the Angsa-speaking region: The end of the Lizhou battle so quickly just proves that Shenzhou and Shengyang are ready to carve up the world after resolving their conflicts.


This kind of argument is not unreasonable. After Sunshine negotiated peace with Shenzhou, Shenzhou Southeast also began to lend to Sunshine and provide strategic materials. Oh, this thing is taking the lead after the wind. Under the prompt of the system, Bai Zhaodi started venture capital investment.

Some of the technology trees currently owned by commercial and private companies in China are very competitive in the market, such as electric power technology. For example, UHV power transmission and transformation, as well as various battery patents, quantum wormhole storage grid.

However, the related automobile industry has been blocked by Edenya's petrochemical industry, and the two parties have conflicts in the market.

Therefore, some commercial and private groups in China really hope that there will be such a war to kill Edenia's chemical industry. In turn, China's batteries and photovoltaic panels can be sold at a high price.


Monopoly on key industries such as food and energy! It is the ultimate pursuit goal of business and private interests in the socialism stage.

Both commercial and private companies in China and the huge capitals in the Western Hemisphere have reached this bloody stage. Unable to negotiate, it is necessary to instigate external conflicts to bridge internal differences.

The business and private sector in Shenzhou is divided into two groups, one is the private sector in the Tianzhuyang area with the interests of the Silk Road as the core, and the other is the private sector in the West Pacific with the Jiangnan Banking Regulatory Group as the core.

Western business elopement is also divided into two routes, and the North Atlantic Business Alliance is one route. The other route is the Mediterranean, North Africa, and East Africa, which trade with the East. For hundreds of years, they were the "East India Company" of the European countries.

The Angsa-language media spoke a part of the truth in anxiety, but because they are also part of this dirty. Let these crazy words look like they can't stand proof.

The two major business forces collided on the way to snatch the planet. In this universe, in order to compete for the power of bloodthirsty and devouring meat, ordinary people in various regions began to be driven to the meat grinder.

The business and private classes do this instinctively, and it is not some "conspirator" who is doing bad things.

Because in their view, to win the war, they need to make the people below obey, obey, and obey again. — they didn't even realize they were wrong.

When the "top group of humans" is confident that there will be no problems with this ruling system, they have no intention of improving the ruling machine.

However, in this case, "this group of top humans" has no confidence in the development of war.

When the war broke out, these elites who were supported by the flesh and blood of all mankind were obsessed with the theory of "fate" about the future success or failure.


Edenia, Great Lakes.

In the underground base at the bottom of the lake, the high-level Edenia entered.

A group of young men in suits and top hats entered the arena. These are younger clones of the bigwigs at the top. The meson chip is implanted in the brain, which can control these bodies with unlimited energy to dominate the current power.

Everyone's meeting cannot be separated from the current battle situation.

On November 18, the Rising Sun Fleet crossed the Panama Canal and came to the Atlantic Ocean. At this time, the navy and army of Shengyang had invaded Florida and opened up six landing nodes.

Although Shengyang's technological level is somewhat partial, it is at least an industrial country that has been fought in several world wars.

The disadvantages of Edenia's loose federal system of state rights were quickly revealed.


In the south of Edenia, rows of Sunrise super fortresses formed a naval battle line at an altitude of 30,000 meters, spraying azure blue light to sweep the airspace.

After the Sun Empire blew up the radar stronghold on the ground,

The Tengu mecha drove straight in. Although the air supremacy was won by the super fortress of the empire, 90% of Idenia's air power was destroyed by the infiltration of the Tengu mecha.

Edenia's air force and army are separated. The advantage of this organization is that the air force is an independent strategic strike force.

Edenia has always been interfering in foreign countries, and has used the air force independently in this way, and there have been no disadvantages.

But today, for the first time ever, Edenia was beaten to the mainland by industrialized foreign enemies.

In this way, such an independent establishment of the air force made Edenia's air force become the air force of the Third Reich under the command of Goering.

The Tengu Type 3 land combat-level mech penetrated into the interior with low-altitude and high-speed maneuvering, and then unfolded the nano-cover, and broke into the interior of Edenya Air Force Base from the ground.

Because Edenya's air force base is too independent, the airport relies on defensive towers for protection, and lacks the support of the army's artillery and armored mobile forces, so it suffered heavy losses from attacks like Shengyang.

After the Tengu mecha group finished beating up Idenya's air force, they quickly took off and fled to other areas before Idenya's heavy firepower could react.


To make matters worse, there is an intelligence gap between the states in southern Edenia. The Sun invasion force hopped from state to state, playing their favorite turn-based game.

The Sunshine commanders discovered that as long as the United Army of one state turns on its fighting stance and then transfers to another state at this time, it can avoid the best combat capability of the United Army.

Because each state's traffic logistics has its own management system. The center of the United States of Edenia lacks the right to appoint personnel in these states. Without a unified reward and punishment system, it is impossible to coordinate accurately in war.

Even the responsibilities of the war zones between states are not clearly delineated. Many of these state boundaries in Edenia are latitude and longitude boundaries, not natural boundaries.


Natural boundaries can be seen everywhere in the state capitals of China, because historically, the regional culture and economy of each region have promoted sufficient exchanges between the two sides. Of course, in the era of the separatist regimes of the princes, the boundaries of each local state capital that can exercise governance power were also clearly defined.

Those straight-line state boundaries in Edenia look good on the map, but in reality, it is impossible for each state to exercise governance along that straight line. In the past, business owners were happy to see this, and it was impossible to advance this process.

With all these disadvantages, it can only be said that Edenya is too young!

Now the Edenia people are only seeing the most superficial surface, and the Edenia hawks are only furious at the state rightsism of these governors.


Angle of view, back to the current venue.

After the clones of these suits and cylinder hats (magician hats) learned about the dire situation, they fell silent.

The giants present are all members who know the "secret".

The "Yizhou" ship from ten years ago. The prophecy of the year is turning into reality.

For these high-class people who have inherited their lives from birth, it is like the noose of fate is constantly tightening.


What is fate?

For these Protestant believers,

It was fate that Cain assassinated Abel! It was fate that Noah boarded the ark! It is fate that Rome is destroyed by the barbarians! It is fate that the Mayflower carried immigrants into the New World!

And now?

Fate is irresistible, but you can buy tickets and indulgences to leave fate.

In European and American Hollywood movies, when it comes to disaster movies, someone will stand up and talk about it, and a lot of people will stand up and believe it. It makes the oriental look very unharmonious, but this is the case with the great American culture.

In the West, there is no such thing as retribution for good and evil. The reason for their progress comes from the fact that they are "voters." He was chosen because of his piety. And because he was chosen, even if he was guilty of original sin, he continued to act in the world.

The flaw is that every time a disaster comes, internal strife will start.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that there will be an anti-self group such as the White Left in Europa.

This is a group of people who are aware of the serious sins of their own group, but do not want to atone for their sins, but want to compete for the qualifications of "voters".


Back to the topic, there is no doubt that the upper echelons who are meeting in the Great Lakes now feel that they are voters. Therefore, some "let God choose yourself" plans are also implemented.

When fate destined that "Edenia" was about to fall, they carried out the "Savior" plan.


At the meeting, an interface of a technology center was opened, which has an unprecedented electron acceleration ring and power supply.

There are countless possibilities in the theory of space and time.

The dignitaries of Edenia, the original purpose of investing in this space-time center is to find the space-time vortex leading to the future and search for the way of salvation.

According to the theory of parallel time and space, Edenia still has a downstream timeline in the future.

In the past ten years, Edenia's businessmen have sent thousands of hyperspace teleportation experiments, putting things like game consoles downstream.

[This game machine has the function of selecting national characters. Once the game machine selects oriental characters, the space-time coordinates in the game machine will be wiped out. But the people in the downstream time and space, once they select English and Latin, they will conduct further investigations and finally determine whether to send time information. 】

This savior plan was really found for them, and Idenya successfully resisted the time-space line of the rising sun.

Edenia's high-level officials learned that in that future timeline, in some of their own international operations, Sunshine was defeated by the Mississippi River. But the specific process, the people over there did not say.

Instead, I hope that the contemporary Edenia can provide space and energy to summon them. And the coordinate time there is 33 years later.





Members of the Edenia Senate and the shadow government quickly completed their votes.

55 people, 43 votes in favor and 12 votes against, finally passed.

The scientific experts got the orders from the dignitaries and began to prepare to activate the electric energy system, which required 15 minutes to consume the electricity of the whole country of Edenia, so that the future target of 260,000 tons could be summoned conveniently.

But before the future man arrives, Edenya has one more thing to do.


Qin Tongli 2289.

Just half a month after Shenzhou and Shengyang ended the war, Edenya raised his voice to mediate for the European War.

At this time, the Europa League and the Orthodox Church Federation have been exhausted from playing on the cold Europa. In just three years, there were 60 million casualties.

Among them, the Orthodox Federation suffered 10 million casualties. Most Rakshasa men are equipped with mechanical prosthetics and bodies.

As for the remaining nearly 50 million casualties, it is the Europa League. The Europa League has almost emptied the entire northern and central parts of Africa.


For the sake of the war, the European Union conducted a "loyalty" census throughout Africa.

The so-called "loyalty" refers to whether men are willing to be recruited, and whether women are willing to be recruited by "European Humanities".

Western philosophy is old-fashioned. Loyalty is not absolute, but it is absolutely disloyal.

The conscription brigade of the colonists wore mechanical armor and brought quadruped robots to various tribes. Under threat of guns, the young people were taken away, and then boxes of food, Coca-Cola with addictive drugs, and some Game consoles that require real-name login.

Of course, the Europa League will not invest more in these cannon fodder.

After the black-skinned soldiers were injured, only 7% of them were transformed with mechanical prostheses. Far less than the almost 90% prosthetic body transformation rate of the Orthodox Federation. So the casualties are huge.

As for Sunrise,

Commanders will also implant artificial nerves into injured soldiers, seal them in the cockpit and continue fighting while enjoying electronic entertainment. Therefore, manpower loss is under control.

Therefore, in this war, the Europa League is simply the bottom of the major powers.

In recent years, after the large-scale landing of Sunrise in Africa, the Europa League has been hit by enemies, and it is almost unbearable.

Accepting the mediation now, acquiescing that two-thirds of Europa has been won by Dongzheng may be unwilling, but it must be admitted.


And in the Orthodox Commonwealth. These hairy officers, sitting in tight mechas, walked on the wasteland of Central and Western Europe. Looking at those Central European residents who are holding the food they provided, but can't see any gratitude in their eyes, their mentality is also mixed.

"What did we gain in this battle?"

Rokaf (traveler in the lower Caucasus, current female officer) drove a fifteen-ton, iron-like biped mecha to a stop in front of a half-collapsed building, watching the snowflakes fall blankly.

The snowflakes are very beautiful, but on the land of Europa, there is nothing left but hatred.

The Orthodox Federation has no direct control over the occupied area, and can only rule the land indirectly by supporting local governors who have converted to the Orthodox Church.


Throughout the United States of Edenia and Europe, people with brains began to prevail this year against the internal trend of war.

These ideas began to spread and began to be borrowed by local speakers in the electronic media. It is not the reflective power of the United States of Edenia and Europa that works.

In fact, it is the businessmen in Europe and Edenia who feel that this war has no benefits. It should brake to stop, so the relevant sound can come out.

But in fact, his anti-war rhetoric is also uniformly mixed with hostility towards the outside world.

For example: Some speakers will blame China for promoting the war behind the scenes to make a profit. The reason is that China has sold a lot of civilian goods such as "freeze-dried food", and at the same time bought a lot of precious resources.


"For the West to unite, an enemy is needed." This is the news that Edenya got from the downstream space-time line in the savior plan.

These congressmen of the United States need to exaggerate the "Eastern Threat Theory"

It's just that Edenia may not know that some histories can be extended in a series of coincidences. Some so-called "medicines" are poisonous after the dosage is increased!

China's business and private groups are also always observing the European War and the Edenia War. After confirming that Atlantic Commercial Capital clearly pointed the finger at itself, it immediately launched a counterattack.


On the Bay of Ading. The Great Cannibal Alliance has built a floating dock here, where warships "independently developed and manufactured" by the Great Cannibals are assembled in modules here. These standard 10,000-ton battleships have electromagnetic guns, drone swarm navigation, and nano-shield systems, which are standard equipment for modern capital ships.

Third-party forces are coming. This force can take the Caspian Sea to the north, Suez, and the Nino River to the east.

However, the current strategy of the Food Alliance is: whoever wins, helps whom.

This is a speculative mentality. To put it mildly, it is called "shopping around."

To put it more clearly: I have no determination to win my own victory, because all major victories based on myself require a price.

But it is ugly: the speculative mentality is often hesitant, weak, and seems to have a good hand, but in the end it is all taken apart.


In modern times, there were many speculators with their teeth and claws, and they often made a lot of "small profits" from both sides. However, at critical times, if the direction and will of the national thought and the political group were not unified, they were reduced to pawns.

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