Out of the cage

Chapter 369 Chapter 9.59 common goal

The speed of information on the Internet is very fast, but in this world, what is faster than the speed of the Internet is the changing role of major powers in major battles.

2291 is the year of eating melons, from the sudden change of the face of the European Union in the big food exchange, to the outrageous invasion of the Orthodox Federation.

On August 15, the media in the eastern part of China were still angrily denouncing appeasement for causing the loss of the country, commenting on the wartime control of public opinion in the western part of China as "preventing the mouths of the people rather than preventing Sichuan."

On August 16th, everyone was ignorant and felt that it was fake news that the "Shenzhou Yibo Naval War Situation Turned Danger to Safety" spread, and then it seemed to be a strategic counterattack. These news are the so-called "true" and "blocked by Western China" correct news from overseas mouthpieces, so they are still immersed in the previous rhythm and atmosphere, and have not yet recovered.

However, on the 17th, a photo was sent. This was a high-altitude satellite image sent back by the media controlled by the Silk Faction in the Dashi area. The image showed that the Shenzhou armored cluster had already attacked a key position and encircled the invading army of the Orthodox Federation.

The public opinion turned around, and the accounts that had spread the news of the "defeat" before, and the people who had been "slowed down" began to fight against adultery online.


No. 18. The situation of the frontier battle situation has been completely clear. It has completed the encirclement of the two groups of Dongzheng in the morning, and the complete division of the four divisions on the periphery of the Dongzheng Yibohai Group in the afternoon.

It can be seen from the satellite map that Shenzhou's artillery fire has been suppressing Dongzheng's long-range firepower. Dongzheng's artillery fires one shot, and Shenzhou responds with at least ten shots. Now the long-range firepower in the Dongzheng armored cluster has disappeared.

Xu He had already chopped the cooked duck into pieces at this time, and the reason why he paused for a moment now was to launch a leaflet attack to reduce his own casualties. At the same time, take a break, check the equipment, and make full preparations.

Up to this moment in the war, a total of 356 people were killed and 2,444 were injured in Western China.

In the joy of the great victory, in the staff department, Wei Keng raised a question in the battle report: Can this casualty be further reduced when the combat efficiency is completed.

At least some casualties, if enough care is taken, when the enemy artillery strikes, the relevant radar predicts the ballistic warning information, can be transmitted faster, and the Chinese soldiers can complete the bunker for a few more seconds, and the casualties can still be reduced. These improvements are the workload to be completed after the war.



The wartime media in Western China is still under control. We can only understand by climbing over the wall. ——Worried from the beginning, now it has become itchy.

There are also discussions on the Internet, that is, when will the Western China official release the results?

If it was placed on the side of Europa, Edenia, and Sunshine, they would definitely report on this big victory with "confidence", and how could they cover it so tightly. Western Shenzhou not only did not reveal the good news, but even reported the defeat of the three brigades that had been annihilated at the beginning.

Oh, now the article "losing 8,000 combat vehicles" has been withdrawn and reported as false information. Reminiscent of the initial sag of the Yibohai battle line captured by the satellite, this sudden show of operation made the common people dumbfounded.


Now Western Shenzhou is busy here, and there is no time to describe the victory in words. From the frontier, to the headquarters of the group army, and then to the overall planning of the campaign. On the Western Shenzhou military side, only useful digital information is analyzed from the outside world, and all invalid information is filtered out.

As the commander-in-chief, Xu He sat in the headquarters and only slept for eight hours for three consecutive days, maintaining an efficient sobriety all the time.

As a commander, he didn't have the feeling of worrying about gains and losses in the Battle of the Red Sea, he didn't need to consider any external news, and he didn't have the impetuousness of victory in his heart.

At this moment, he looked at all the information on the battlefield, and he only thought about "executing according to the plan, reducing errors in all links, and responding to any sudden incidents at the same time."

Xu He recorded the most glorious moment in his life in his memoirs: "Literati often say that it is rare to have a confidant in life. I am a warrior, and it is rare to fight a few times in life. When I encounter the opportunity to fight with all my strength, life is infinite. regret."


Regardless of the turmoil caused by this battle in China.

The whole world is also staring at this super-large battle in the center of Asia in mid-August. According to statistics, the Orthodox Federation can be said to have concentrated 35% of its armored forces in the west. The scale of its land armored vehicles includes more than 2,000 super-heavy tanks, and the total number of other T2-level land combat vehicles exceeds 50,000.

When such a torrent of steel tracks, combined with a huge amount of air force, forms a giant hammer to slam the enemy, the powers of all countries are terrified that the war can be fought on this scale.

Now Shenzhou strikes back, biting most of the power of Dongzheng in his mouth, then chewed it lightly and began to swallow it.

This is a fight to the death?

For Shenzhou, which is carefully prepared, it is better to use the word "exam preparation and perfection".

For the Orthodox Federation, this war is too big a gamble, and there are too many chips piled up now. In the palace of the Caucasus, the leader allowed a small setback, but never allowed the Khitans to be encircled so smoothly.


As a result, in the base in the northern section of the Caucasus Mountains, as the cover on the mountain shrank like a football field, six 150-meter-long, flat floating warships, with thick heavy metal shells, floated at 5,400 meters of air. The bottom flame turns from red to blue. Like the stars hanging in the sky.

Kodiak battleship. The free translation of the brown bear class is the heavy air unit that Soviet Russia tried to develop in the last world war. The field of competition for such heavy air units is similar to the competition for ironclad ships in the early twentieth century.

Inside the super battleship, nuclear fusion energy was overloaded, and there was a flash of Tesla electric tower current breakdown.

In order to escort this fleet, the air force is insufficient, so the original Europa experimental fighter plane captured from the base in the Europa occupied area, the Oka assault plane, was also launched into the air with missiles in this mission.


As for the headquarters of Shenzhou, of course, they have locked their eyes on the last batch of chips of the Orthodox Federation to join the battlefield.

Four Qinglong-class floating warships took the lead, and thousands of fighter planes took off.

In the early morning of the 19th, three hours before Shenzhou launched its final general offensive on the ground in Yibohai, the air combat units with the largest air tonnage on both sides, Shenzhou and Dongzheng, will start an air battle over Xianbelia.

A cluster of Phoenix 5 fighter jets from Shenzhou dived into the battlefield from high altitude, and carried out "generational education" for these "Eulian Second Devils".

The Orca fighter is undoubtedly the superior air superiority aircraft in Europe, but it is not a perfect match with the core command system of the fleet. There is always a time gap between the battleship's radar and the Orca fighter plane locking the target, so that the Orca fighter plane can only use its own radar to lock on most of the time.

In the air traffic control command posts of both sides, watch the symbols of the formation of fighter planes nervously, from green (no damage), to green (light damage), to yellow (moderate damage), orange (only one aircraft left in a formation) ), and all red.

In the air battle between the superpowers, the fighter planes are falling down in pieces.

In the air group war, the fight is technology and willpower.

Ten minutes into the air battle, the Chinese Phoenix fighter planes were in a team battle. Thanks to the radar support of the rear warships, the range of the air missiles was 80 kilometers, far exceeding the 20 kilometers of the Orca fighter jet missiles.

This is like the effect of the encounter between a rifled gun and a smoothbore gun. In the first wave of missile bombardment in the battle, the Shenzhou Phoenix fighter jets were shot down 454 times, while Dongzheng's Oka and MiG 57 fighter jets only shot down 47.


In large-scale air battles on the plane of China, the missiles are like the cavalry lances of the heavy cavalry. After the impact is over, they don't go back to replenish the missiles and fight again. That's a dozen or so skirmish situations.

After the heavy knight charged, he dropped his lance and drew out his epee to slash. In the air, after the clusters of the two sides drew closer, they entered the distance of laser cannons within ten kilometers of the atmosphere.

The fighter planes of the two sides "stared" at each other tightly. After staring at each other for a few seconds, both sides would be burned by the laser and burst into sparks. After the metal skin smoked and burned, the flying height of the airframe dropped.

In the process, the ground air defense missiles between each other will also join the battlefield to find heads. ——In terms of air defense missiles, Shenzhou has an information advantage,

The pilots of the phoenix fighter cluster can temporarily modify the target locked by the missile on the battlefield, and this modification is precisely when the two sides are "staring" at each other and cannot avoid it.

Now on the ground, Shenzhou has the upper hand, and the number of surface-to-air missiles is also several times, and soon the dogfight will be won or lost.


The exchange of fire between the fighter planes stopped within 50 kilometers of the Dongzheng Kodiak battleship. The range of the carrier-class light prism can destroy air combat targets within 50 kilometers.

For such a large warship, the mobile air force can only restrict the airspace for its slow speed, and then bombard it with heavy anti-ship missiles.

When the Kodiak battleship was using prism weapons to build the final barrier for the air force around it, "Bang!"

Under the light that can only see the trajectory, burning flames burst out from the armor of the Kodiak battleship. This is the supersonic firepower fired by the electromagnetic gun of the Qinglong-class battleship.

The robot crawled out of the top of the Kodiak battleship and used the fire warhead to extinguish the fire in a hurry.

In contrast, the warships of other superpowers, the Kodiak of Soviet Russia, did not make a breakthrough in the protective shield.

Because in the Soviet Russia era, there was no nanoparticle industry chain that was the most important protective shield, so the Maozi found another way and loaded thick ceramic armor to make up for the lack of protection.

This technological disadvantage was inherited by the Orthodox Federation. Its energy shield cannot be deployed when the firepower is turned on. When deployed, the firing frequency had to drop.


In the rear, the Phoenix fighter jets landed in temporary air bases converted from highways, and the maintenance vehicles began to conduct laser scanning inspections on the battle damage, and at the same time inject nano-blocks for temporary repairs.

These nanoblocks would add excess counterweight to the aircraft, which would put a 10 percent strain on the daily cruising economy. But in the course of the battle, it is not the fuel consumption that is in charge, but the proportion that can be invested.

The concept of Shenzhou Air Management Loss: Guaranteed to win a battle, and then abolish these aircraft afterwards. (In fact, it was repaired after the war and sold to neighboring second-rate countries.)

On the side of the Eastern Federation, although its military equipment is rough and thick, it lacks the ability to repair in the air.

Shenzhou is now in air combat, in addition to the battlefield advantages of quick repairs, it also has the advantages of intelligent systems.

At present, Dongzheng is cultivating a special primate brain through cloning technology, equipped with electrode control, and putting it into air combat, so that brain training will take a long time. Both Shenzhou and Oulian Edenia are artificial intelligence in terms of expendable air force.

With the end of this air battle, it can be seen that there will be a huge vacuum period in the air power of the Orthodox Federation.


The air battle in the early morning of the 19th ended with the crash of a brown bear warship in the Orthodox Federation, and the remaining five returned to the Caucasus.

In the Shenzhou battle report, all this is an understatement. It's like getting a big question right in the college entrance examination paper, and there is no need to celebrate in advance.

And two hours later, the Qinglong battleship and the air force group that won the air battle joined the encirclement of the Orthodox Federal Army on the northwest coast of the Yibo Sea.

After the command department of Dongzheng Yi Bohai Group lost contact with its own fleet. —the last glimmer of hope vanished. Its morale, well, the idea that the commander class won the bet dissipated.

Facing this impossible-to-win war, during the final stage of the siege by Shenzhou, Dongzheng's fire defense was very rigid, relying entirely on the intelligent adjutant system for basic operations.

These intelligent lieutenants are still too naive on the battlefield where "tricks" are prevalent. Under the deception of people, the firepower was exposed early. And at the moment when blocking was really needed, its radar and land aviation units were transferred away from the mountain. Key targets were destroyed one by one.


19th at 5:44 pm.

The official of Western China issued a brief announcement: the defensive phase of the battles of Turan and Yibohai is over. A total of 393 people were killed and 4330 were killed or wounded by our army and air force. Repel the invaders Central Asia's first group and the third group, a total of 25 land divisions, and destroy one floating warship. Will choose another day to launch a counterattack.

The accompanying picture is the command headquarters scene in the Yibohai area, where three non-commissioned officers in spirit armor and four brigades of mechanical infantry took down three alliance super-heavy tanks.

The shorter the notice, the bigger the thing.

He was criticized for "appeasement" a year ago, but now he suddenly exerts force to wipe out Dongzheng's vital forces on a large scale, and kicks Dongzheng back to the northwest corner of the world island.

The Western Shenzhou merchants who are gradually unraveling are secretly poking and not daring to show their atmosphere. After getting the battle report, Zhao Xingchen of the Silk Party boss cursed in a low voice: "The commanders on the plateau are ruthless people who kill with muffled voices." .”


Xu He, the commander in charge of the battle, became famous in this battle as "Wu An Jun in the Warring States Period", and became an existence that made the Caucasus tremble.

It's just that the insiders of Western Shenzhou know that the commander is the executor of the campaign, and the planning of the entire campaign, and even the entire strategic layout is the most important thing.

Such a big deal cannot be done by a famous general commanding a battle.


When the battle came to an end, Western China began to set the tone for external public opinion.

Spokesperson's unscripted speech: When our investment in the Dashi area was violated by hegemony in the flames of war, some people once questioned whether our investment was necessary. Now we have given the definite answer, and the answer is "yes". Building the world together and fighting against aggressors together is the common goal of all peace-loving people.

This sentence is very general and can be interpreted in various ways. Especially the mouthpieces in the Persian region interpreted it with a very optimistic tone.

It's just that they don't know that they can only see leftovers from this victory. After the unwinding of the Shenzhou business, they will immediately withdraw from them and turn to the slightly more resistant Shengyang.


During dinner time, Wei Keng watched the news, and his own voice in his head summed it up like this: "Human civilization progresses, and no one can escape the price, but there must be a fair mechanism. Sweat means less blood, and blood means less blood." Less sweating. And what's next?"

[Note: This voice in the head is a summary of thinking through time and space after anti-virtuality. Of course, the supervisor Bai Linglu marked it as "Heavenly Heart Sensation". 】

Wei Keng looked at the big map of China on the side of the cafeteria, staring at Shendu, Jiangnan and overseas: "In the past twenty years, the past hundred years, and the future, we must let our compatriots understand how to distinguish "enemies" in the process of pursuing justice. With friends", swinging towards the gorgeously packaged decay, so as not to miss it."

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