Out of the cage

Chapter 370 Chapter 9.60

In August, after the Battle of Turan defeated the Central Asian legion of the Orthodox Federation, Shenzhou was in the west of the country, and the bloodletting of the Orthodox Federation continued.

This bloodletting strategy of Western China is not to continue to attack the city, but to seize all favorable high ground. As a protruding part, it threatens the Dongzheng strategic location, forcing an attack, while one's own side defends.

This consumption strategy is beneficial to Shenzhou.

In the Battle of Turan, Dongzheng lost a lot of power at once, and when the whole situation was at a loss, they had to use the biggest loophole to add fuel tactics.


In the northern part of the Turan Plateau, Shenzhou and Dongzheng have started an endless confrontation, and this intensity is controlled by Shenzhou.

Because the scale of China's armored army in this area, the number of sorties dispatched by the air force, and the number of precise ammunition used have always remained more than three times that of the Eastern Front, and ten times when necessary.

(Everyone who plays the game knows that the population is tripled, and there is a gap in offensive and defensive technology at the same time. In a fight, it can be suppressed with extremely low damage. Therefore, the dominant side finds the right time to press over, and the weak side will lose as many soldiers as it replenishes.)

Dongzheng is in this strategic direction, and the wound has been unstoppable.

The leaders of Dongzheng are also riding a tiger. If they retreat completely, Kazan will be behind. Behind it is a large area of ​​industrial and agricultural production. Once there is no defense and it is attacked, it will collapse completely. So it has to be filled. Of course, during the filling process, the center of gravity must be moved towards the west.

In fact, Western China has already been planning a long-term strategy after the Battle of Turan. Following the experience of their ancestors, the strategists in the plateau area now want to force the East to flee from the west, just like the Huns and Turks back then.

Dongzheng's generals finally understood that this was a desperate war. The opponent has huge war potential, superior technology, and a huge first-mover advantage in the region, constantly exchanging at a ratio of 1:4, or even 1:10. (This is just an exchange of their statistics. In fact, the damage management ability of the Shenzhou vehicle makes the consumption reach 1:40.)

This is only an exchange of equipment, and the comparison of personnel losses is too great to estimate.


The battle ahead is in full swing. Western China has completely returned to the state of Western Economic Union economically, and has even carried out in-depth development.

The General Industrial Governance Council has taken back control of big data from the business and private parties. Because it relies on the support of personnel in all production chains, this kind of restitution will also be taken back forever.

Since then, under the circumstances that China is full of unscrupulous people, there will no longer be a so-called "sacred business ticket" concept to handle all production chains. The concept that once fooled the national education level of junior high school students will be completely overthrown today.

It is a "formatting" without bloodshed, or in other words, blood has been shed a hundred years ago.

Under the circumstances that the proletarian management team is really ready to kill all the bourgeois who occupy public assets, Chinese businessmen and privateers do not want to become the residue under the wheel of regime change, and must voluntarily withdraw from the stage.


The big crackdown has begun, oh, this is not a brutal insult and elimination, but a plain definition.

All successful reforms do not restrict the freedom of the majority, but limit the profits of a small number of people in activities related to the interests of the majority.

Western Shenzhou monitors everyone's economic situation in wartime big data, and all those who have stocks, and relatives with inheritance relations have stocks for market transactions, all cancel the decision-making power of their factories and social management systems (units).

In short, if you have shares, you can't be a leader, and even the voting rights in your department are cancelled.

Stocks - is the medium of asset trading in the industrial age.

Family workshops and individual small factories, when defining their composition, are not private businesses because they do not have market-traded equity. There have been labor disputes, which are temporarily classified as secondary conflicts.

Once there is equity, the so-called commercial and private holders control labor distribution through production, which is to absorb surplus value naked. That is the main contradiction.

Just as the Pao Ding solves an ox, administrative power, as the blade, should start from the place where it is best to unravel (easiest to identify and distinguish between enemy and friend).


The West Economic Union has replaced almost 90% of the large enterprise managers and civil servants.

Among economic watchers in the East, that would be a huge mess.

But in fact - the position of leadership "If you don't do it, someone will do it."

Isn't it just throwing away all the shares? Isn't it just not to speculate in stocks? For most wage earners, it's okay to throw away stocks. Except for those who have an "interest chain" with local businesses who are reluctant to give up their equity, most people have no idea that they can't let go.

Almost every time a leader is removed, there are ten people below to replace him. And definitely has the ability to come off the bench.

There was a major replacement of personnel within the West Economic Union, which did not cause much congestion.

"De-business privatization" is like a spring thunder that breaks the ice, developing vigorously and irreversibly. ——It is supported by all walks of life in western China.


The commercial privatization forces have counterattacked in this process, trying to "define" the expansion and bring harm to civilians.

Western Shenzhou’s commercial and private mouthpieces tried to link up ordinary operators with loans and open stores, and dragged most of them to bear the blow of policy changes.

A more detailed division has also been carried out within the Western Economic Union.

In short, under the trend, these resistances are meaningless. ——People in the world have suffered from unfair distribution for a long time.

The spring thunder that sounded from the western part of Shenzhou frightened the insects in all directions.

In September, the Silk faction had a chat with the bigwigs of the eastern business and private faction.


At the same time, the Chinese troops in the Persian Gulf area were strictly ordered to shrink strategically by the plateau area. Because the beacon fire on the Lizhou side is about to be ignited.

Xi Bafang personally flew to the Persian Sea region to explain the reasons for the strategic decision.

After stepping off the mech, Xi Bafang didn't say a word, and directly entered the military link system, calling all personnel above the rank of school officer to have an online conversation.

During the projection, all officers clicked.

Xi Bafang said in a declarative tone: "Battle of Turan, our Shenzhou has lifted the Rakshasa's eastward strategy, and your department's containment mission in the Persian Sea has been completed. Now I order you to withdraw from this area."

Of course, just such an announcement is not enough to say that these foreign military groups. After all the "good things" were said, it was Thunder's method. Now let's see if these warriors "toast and don't eat fine wine"

Some participating school officials in Shenzhou in the Persian Sea area asked: "If we evacuate, can the losses incurred by our army during the transfer process be compensated?"

Xi Bafang couldn't help feeling angry. The so-called "wu is not afraid of death, and literature does not love money", the troops stationed in the Dashi Persian Sea area can ask such questions, which shows how far "Wen Tian Wu Xi" has reached.

Xi Bafang still had the patience to give this group of people a final explanation: "Strategic contraction, of course, is to evacuate all our personnel. You are warriors, and warriors should obey the country's strategy. The important ministers of the state wait for their lives, and you wait to sell yourself for money? "

Xi Bafang directly opened the map of the central part of the World Island in front of everyone, and strategically explained the direction in which Shenzhou can now strategically exert its strength.

Xi Bafang stared at the group of people, and said coldly: "Staying on the Persian Sea is only equivalent to tying up the strategic mobile force, and tying up our strategic layout of China's other regions."

Xi Bafang almost didn't name and scold some people, but only showed some people that their family property was like a dog. Of course, it is a warning that if you don't evacuate, it will be separated. Because Western China is not rare for their troops now.


Speaking of Xi Bafang's anger, I have to mention the battle between Shenzhou and Shengyang Qionghai a hundred years ago. The victory that ended abruptly has been repeatedly lamented by later generations of martial arts masters.

Because from the perspective of "P Society", the Chinese imperial court can clearly end the war in the strategically advantageous direction of the Siam subcontinent in the short term. , causing the war to drag on for more than half a year, so that famous generals fell in the Qionghai encounter.

Whenever contemporary Chinese warriors talk about this, they always bring Wei Keng and other Xia Lian's troops into consideration.


But now, before Xi Bafang came, he knew that some of his colleagues in the area were too deeply connected with the Silk faction.

The Shenzhou garrison in the Persian Sea is now the same as the "East Coast Shanghai" garrison in the past: competing for strategic logistics resources at secondary strategic nodes, dragging down the overall strategy.

So Xi Bafang spoke very impolitely. If these colleagues want to disobey orders, Xi Bafang will directly take a tough attitude.

The military garrison officers in Sinhala are from the plateau and are now in charge of the supply line for the garrison in the Persian Gulf. Orders to evacuate have been carried out in this area, and a large number of evacuated ships have rushed to the Persian Gulf. If you don't leave, you will turn your face.

Xi Bafang called all the middle-level military officers to a meeting to explain the strategic determination of the plateau.

Xi Bafang's decision is: the work of evacuation has been done, he has done his best, and he will not hesitate to abandon these legions. The entire Tianzhuyang supply line will only serve the army that obeys the strategy.


Xi Bafang is a standard plateau school, and so is Xu He now. After several demonstrations by Wei Keng, they all firmly stood on the core strategic position.

Western Shenzhou, the next step is to prepare a new force capable of strategic projection.

However, the garrison in the Persian Gulf prevented the Shenzhou Tianzhuyang maritime logistics line from being moved out, which is equivalent to occupying the latrine in the overall strategy and not shitting.

In the eyes of these pure warriors: the entire Dashi area is here to take strategic damage and win strategic time.

It has now been consumed. There is no need to continue to tie up the projection power on Shenzhou Tianzhuyang in order to protect the interests of the military strongmen and the Silk faction here in Dashi.

As for the fact that the Raksha people went south after the Shenzhou military left this area, which caused the loss of the private interests of the Chinese businessmen, it was purely due to the fact that the private interests of the businessmen were in line with the national strategy of Western China.

If Dongzheng wants to continue to expand the war in Dashi, then Shenzhou can re-enter the Red Sea, and then attack Asia Minor to cut off the Black Sea, which is better than confronting in the current rotten pit. ——It is nothing more than a calm strategic exchange.

After the Battle of Turan, the warriors of Western Shenzhou had such a strategic awareness: In the world war, it is the vitality of the country, not the capital, that must be preserved.


A thoughtful military force is not a good tool for business and private interests.

In October, when the world war was in full swing, China's troops in the Persian Gulf withdrew in an orderly manner, ending the task of supporting the alliance.

This evacuation has caused a huge decline in the economy of the Persian Gulf region. When the Chinese army was stationed, the Persian academic circle felt that "it has become the frontier of a powerful country's proxy conflict." But after the Chinese army really left, the public opinion here is It's extreme panic.

The scene of millions of tons of steel bombing in the Turan area in August made everyone in the area feel uneasy. In such a military conflict between superpowers, does the local region of Dashi really have the ability to defend itself? ——The local strongmen supported by the Silk faction have shown their weakness time and time again in recent years.

The economic loss of the Silk faction is not serious, because Turan Dasheng successfully solved the trap, and what should be thrown away has been thrown away.

Their loss is: the Chinese military forces in the Persian Sea obeyed the evacuation order, and the Silk Party's military influence was deprived.

Although the Silk faction can still contact several key military figures, it has nothing to do with the overall situation.


October fifteenth.

When the third son of the Zhao family who came to negotiate by plane came to the commercial building of the Song family of the Suhu Group, the two major commercial and private groups in China began to negotiate.

Young Master Zhao looked at the beautiful scenery outside the building and said, "This is a good place, colorful and much more interesting than our agricultural sheds."

The old man of the Song family said: "One side of water and soil has another side of scenery. Of course, the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is different from that on the plateau."

(Meaning: The customs in this place in the south of the Yangtze River are different from those in the western part of China, and the situation on the plateau will not occur.)

The Zhao family looked at this southeast business representative and said with a smile: "Wanli Jiangnan plays the flute and hates it, and hates the white geese running across the sky."

(Meaning: I am living in the south of the Yangtze River, but my money is too shy, so I can only play the flute and beg for food like Wu Zixu. Looking at the sky, there is a line of white geese in the sky. ——But the artistic conception is the autumn of the south of the Yangtze River Xiao Se means that you will not be much better in the future!)

The faces of the attendants behind the old man of the Song family changed, but they were stopped.

The head of the Suhu Group turned around again and said to Mr. Zhao: "The water of the Yellow River comes from the sky, and it will never return to the sea."

(The ancients had the meaning that the sage of the Yellow River came out, but this sentence means that when that day comes, the general trend of the world has been determined.)

The two sides seem to be playing the game, but they are actually bargaining. In the face of the emerging power of China, although these conservative forces in China have the intention to resist, they are under tremendous psychological pressure.


In the eyes of Chinese businessmen, among the "anti-commercial private" group of people, the most difficult thing to deal with is the large number of stunned youths.

The gang of stunned youths who emerged from the Industrial Committee have no "staff" doctrine at all.

They put everything on the surface and stared at each other.

Money, beauties, and special treatment are all excluded because of this bright environment.

From the perspective of these commercial capitals, if they want to break the trend of "going private" in Western Economic Union, they must let Western Economic Union leak and help the stunned young people re-understand the different concepts of closeness and closeness.

Before the collapse of Soviet Russia, water leaked everywhere, and publicism could not guarantee everyone's needs. At this time, a large number of people began to have selfishness.

In short, the "business private" guys who have other boat tickets, after hoarding 90% of the swimming rings on the ship, hope to cut through the boat to make it leak, and sell the swimming rings when others compete. Go out in exchange for the favor of the rescued beauties and the gratitude of the talented people, and then run to the new ship to continue to "prosper with wind and water".

Now both Zhao and Song can't help but hope that there will be a leak in Western Shenzhou, but they dare not go out and dig by themselves, because once they are found out that they have done this dirty work that has been stinking for thousands of years, it will be irreversible, so if there is hope, there will be a leak in the other party's place. Such a fool. Of course, during the conversation, both of them knew that both of them were "old demons who have cultivated for thousands of years".


November 17.

Wei Keng looked at the latest news in the newspaper—the Eastern Shenzhou business and private companies invested heavily in the provinces of Nanyang and Izumo. The imperial court was releasing smoke bombs following the victory of the Battle of Turan, and was keen to discuss the possibility of mediation in this war.

Wei Keng's space-time probability calculation system understands all this! ——The rapid transfer of capital to a safe place is to promote the war in the original area.

In the European War in the main world, the originally prosperous and beautiful Europe came to an end, and the world's capital was completely transferred to the new continent controlled by Anza.

Therefore, it is indeed a good choice for Shenzhou business to transfer to the Southern Ocean. However, one should not light the ancestral home on fire when leaving.

Wei Keng paused, then dialed a number of Wei Qiong. Wei Keng: "Say something to that emperor for me."


In Lingxiao Palace, Emperor Guan was playing chess in front of the Go board, when suddenly someone came in a hurry.

Seeing that it was his close servant, the emperor waved leisurely and told him to wait. The curtain of the Abode was also drawn down.

However, ten minutes later, when he raised his head to inquire, Wei Qiong said to the emperor flatly: "Aloof, go against the trend, go against history, and take the way of death."

Guan Tianzi paused slightly, and looked at the source of this communication. The hairs stand up! To Wei Qiong: "What are you talking about?"

Wei Qiong glanced at the Son of Heaven, and said leisurely, "Tell me what should be recorded in the history books."

This was Wei Keng's first message to Guan Shi after he recovered, but the words were "reporting the funeral".

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