Out of the cage

Chapter 412 Chapter 19

Chapter 412 Chapter 10.09

On the frontier of the East China Sea, Jianye still dispatched its own sea power. That is, the modified fleet carrying the Tianzhulong biological group.

This biological aircraft carrier entered the ocean from Chongming Island, under the supervision of two newly modified 022-class strategic missile boats. This biological aircraft carrier does not have a protective fleet composed of modern destroyers, nor does it have a near-anti-gun system. Two missile boats and ten anti-ship missiles are enough for it to eat a pot.

The 022 can hold 7 rounds of warheads. The reason why they are not fully loaded is that two missile barrels are reserved, which are filled with fire extinguishing devices to ensure that there is enough margin to ensure safety.

On the inner side of the Minliu Strait, five 022 ships were speeding on the waves, approaching the northern line.

On the shore, the joint sea-air defense line organized by Yishui also targeted the strong life radiation source that took off and floated on the Jianye aircraft carrier. In the information network, there are strikeable plans one by one, just like having various snack bags at hand at any time.

According to the information given by the technicians from Jianye in the past two years, various departments in Yishui know what is inside the biological aircraft carrier of Jianye.

This disgusting thing made by Jianye has strong carbon-based radioactivity, even if it crashes, it is still highly polluting.

Coastal Security Headquarters of the Central Logging Area: For the safety of people's lives and property, we must strictly monitor the source of alienation.

The responsibility of protecting the safety of residents was also responsible for the joint defense department of Jianye a hundred years ago.

With the passage of time, the leader of this organization is already a seat of power in the upper echelon of Jianye. As for the attitude of "every small matter should be taken as a major matter", after losing the supervision, I lost my way in the constant self-promotion.

Eighty years ago, after the last report on the threat of heterogeneous sources from below, Jianye’s joint defense department said this: "There are heterogeneous sources everywhere, why are you making such a fuss?" They felt that they should not be troubled .

Then there was never any responsibility for grassroots genetic pollution. After that, even the complaint belongs to the 'troublemakers'.

Gradually, there were no troublesome people in Jianye, and everyone was a simple crowd who supported Jianye's leadership.


However, after a hundred years, the unified logging area once again adopted such an attitude. For Jianye, troublemakers reappeared.

Jianye's mechanical flying dragon with a fifteen-meter wingspan was patrolling the East Coast. Everywhere they went, they encountered powerful anti-aircraft strikes from human life radiation devices. In the hundreds of miles of airspace, seventy or eighty groups of ground ray towers are interfering with Jianye's "normal flight."

This kind of shooting is considered "extremely impolite" by the drivers in Jianye.

It's as if, when driving a BMW on the road, every 100 meters along the way, someone deliberately pierces the driver's eyes with the sunlight reflected by the mirror.


In the cockpit of the Jianye Tianji Longzhi Armed Forces Air Force, these pilots who were in the same class as Qiu Mengfei now had a sharp increase in their hatred of the commanding area.

In Tian Shulong's exclusive communication.

Crew 3: "These people are seriously provoking our southeastern city-state!"

Unit 1: "The unified cutting area is deliberately countering Jianye's advanced technological development, and this trick was used."

Crew 5: "Hey, mob, a carnival under the guise of "unity"."


The increasing concern in the commanding area about the unsafe technology of Jianye Tianzhulong has made Jianye's Tianzhulong driving team furious these days.

In their eyes, the carbon-based radiation towers in the unified logging area are unsafe and control everyone's life.

In this public opinion clash that occurred on the 14th, Jianye once again had villains to file a complaint first, and shameless preconceived ideas led the way.

Master Wei has seen a lot, and in his long-term memory: "In the middle of modern times, Tesla was high-tech, and Apple's environmental protection marketing was not enough. The ability to make a difference, first-class"

So much so that the forum made classic jokes, and the robot cluster preemptively commented on "Li Hua stole to satisfy his selfish desires", "I knew there was a problem with Huawei mobile phones early, and the after-sales service was arrogant and did not solve it". How could I lose my composure over this? Woolen cloth? "

Investigation takes time, so the real truth is always slower than those kings who claim to "know the truth a long time ago".

The Wei Keng group is carefully observing the changes at the Hujiang Port at this time. ——Send a group of "non-self" unified logging area working groups to observe the changes of each ecological region on the spot.


The working group's "health content" is low because Master Wei can't do it, because his own life radiation is too strong, and once it passes by, the Tianzhulong community will wither.

Now, after the mechanical flying dragon flies through the sky, the shells stretched out of the mud one by one on the tidal flats on both sides of the C River estuary are unfolding; the tube eyes of the lens, disguised as branches, are swinging towards the sky.

Frontier investigators filmed this scene and sent it to the rear.

In the Carbon Valley Research Institute in Fujian, the Wei Keng Group summarized the information to Lu Min, the person in charge here.

Lu Min happened to be in charge of this aspect. After reading the information, he raised his head and asked, "Guide, according to this situation, the integration rate of these fusions in Jianye and the Tianzhulong gene frequency band is very scary now."


Lu Min's project: the information coupling rate of gene frequency bands in the process of interaction.

In short, in this topic, human beings, as the same species, have a large number of natural frequency band interactions, so they can transmit complex information (spiritual language), and other gene groups also have frequency band interactions because they have similar gene duplication.

And now, these Jianye pilots who pilot the Tianzhulong can have such a genetic interaction with the entire Tianzhulong ecology! It shows that the carbon-based chemical reaction radiation is already the standard of the Tianshalong group-then the performance of the aircraft carrier in Jianye is getting better and better, can the pilots on it still maintain the human foundation?

In the contemporary unified cutting area, he has deep doubts about the current situation of Jianye.

Wei Keng with his elbow turned inward: Don't say that this is "narrow humanism!" The existence of genes is the attribute of selfishness, and this bottom-line selfishness is the basic right of life on earth.

Genes are the key positions for species on earth to compete for reproduction and continuation.

As a small individual in the human group, when looking up at those who have mastered human resources, if you find that they do not stand for their own human genes, how can you believe that they stand for human civilization?

What? For the great unity of the diversity of life on earth? Wei Keng: This slogan is really shameless.

Ordinary people with a middle-of-the-road appearance, as a small individual in the human group, are not beneficial in this regard. Instead, they want to make the small basic individual dementia and lose the future of development. Don't pull the small individual to this slogan .


In contrast, although Wei Keng also held up slogans, at the key point, he left a key room for development for his own basic individuals!

For example, in terms of reproductive rights, Wei Keng never competed with everyone.

Now it is legally determined that the isogenic body (currently only Wei Keng conforms) has a reproductive scale limited to 500 people.

Note: This is the law, and it is to set an upper limit for the life groups that may appear in the future.

In fact, Master Wei has been doing it all the time. Wei Keng: "Women are too troublesome. One or two consume energy. If there are dozens or hundreds, life will not be over." (This is what Bai Linglu said when he was confirmed to be on duty.)

Wei Keng essentially gave up natural reproduction in the Pandora plane, but the development of all contemporary children will be intervened by Wei Keng's life radiation to a certain extent, resulting in a certain genetic deflection. However, compared with the information carried by the parent's direct sperm body, it is still very little.

This wireless transmission is not enough compared to the amount of information directly inserted into the hard disk. Moreover, Mr. Wei stayed away from all nurseries and birthplaces, trying to reduce the influence of his own life signal as much as possible.


Wei Keng has always achieved the public spirit of continuing human reproduction and developing human civilization together.

In contrast, the people in Jianye really "didn't care about other people's rights when thinking about the future of mankind, but only considered other people's responsibilities."

Master Wei didn't want to pay attention to Jian Ye anymore.

Within the scope of the unified cutting area, researchers like Lu Min have been vigilantly watching some extreme ways of Jianye.

Lu Min took the materials and started to write the report.

The content of the report is: We should always pay attention to Jianye's appearance of "breaking away from the human foundation and implementing the corrected route".

Wei Keng looked at Lu Min's extremely serious appearance, and Lu Min's worries were reasonable.

But Wei Keng lowered his head and thought about Qiu Mengfei. ——When recalling this guy with a real memory, this Qiu Mengfei was very cold and courageous "for human beings".

Wei Keng murmured in his heart: "The next generation of successors of the Tianzhulong gene will betray mankind because of their butt, but Qiu Mengfei, as the first generation, probably won't slap himself in the face."

Master Wei had indeed met Qiu Mengfei once, and felt that he should be more accurate than Lu Min in grasping this person.


Fifteen hours later. Jianye's Tianzhulong formation landed in various ecological circles in the southeast.

By the lakeside of Taihu Lake, octopus-like species are inserting themselves into large organisms, plants, and even some underground fungi with their spiked tentacles to absorb nutrients.

This ability to absorb sap from leaves is obviously the ancestral heritage of some Coleoptera beetles. But the combination of this stuff and octopus really ruins the authenticity of this seafood.

Qiu Mengfei provoked this kind of 'octopus' that belonged to the Tianshilong community with a gun.

Wet, rotten meat with a foul smell, any spiritual language practitioners in the logging area will feel disgusted when they see it, just like before the Great Destruction, humans see dead rats that rot and grow maggots.

But now Qiu Mengfei has a flat expression, not even wearing protective goggles, and calmly records whether the creature's organs are different from ten years ago.

And a blood-red meat pipe ejected from his wrist, inserted into the octopus. The whole octopus immediately curled up like a kitten grabbed by the back of fate, accepting the arrangement from the superior being.

Qiu Mengfei was sensing the key genetic variation in the Tianlong community.

At this time, the north and south of Tianjiaolong have been substantially cut off and genetic interaction is impossible, and the genes of each region show signs of going independently.

Qiu Mengfei didn't think it was good for Tianzhulong to change like this at this time. In his view, such a chaotic group of celestial dragons will bring more unpredictable "genetic pollution" to humans, and humans should maintain communication with a powerful and stable group of celestial dragons.

Yes, in terms of "common sense", Qiu Mengfei thinks that the unity of the Tianzhulong community is good for human beings. And the split Tianshalong community will only make human beings more uncertain.

[Is this logic strange? In the 21st century, it is not surprising at all. In the middle of modern times, a group of oriental scholars who studied abroad believed that it was good for the lighthouse on the other side of the ocean to gain control of the eastern economy, which would help globalization and the development of science and technology around the world. It is not good for the east and the lighthouses on the other side of the ocean to compete for the dominance of science and technology, and it will make human civilization enter the vicious competition in the period of Russia-US hegemony. 】

Qiu Mengfei showed worry on his expression, while the Tianzhulong Mecha behind him launched life radiation, confirming the life signal of the surrounding life area.

At this time, Qiu Mengfei and his Tianzhulong mecha acted as node life, and began to guide the surrounding Tianzhulong.

And at this moment, "Duddu..."

With the sound of the whistle, a gray and white small battleship sailed from the distant water. In the next five minutes, three more warships appeared after that, all of which belonged to the forces in the commanding area.

The light semaphore on the battleship indicates that he is in the state of light monitoring. This is the battleship on the lake in the commanding area, and its tower's radiation surface is trying to emit a strong interference signal to the mechanical flying dragon where Qiu Mengfei is.

For the Yishui organization, the southeast branch of the unified logging area, any radiation from different frequency bands must be vigilant.

Now humans (command cutting area) are carrying out the decisive battle of the final blow to the sky dragon.

Any external interference force, no matter who it is, must issue a clear warning.


Qiu Mengfei looked at the battleship coldly, and his pupils became the zoom pupils of birds.

Jianye now has an arrogant attitude towards the commanding area, but because Qiu Mengfei has completely connected with Tianzhulong, in the past few months this year, he can fully perceive what the commanding area is doing in the southeast!

The icy fireworks burned in a large area, and the urban areas were burned anxiously.

Qiu Mengfei: This has turned the originally harmonious and stable southeast ecology into chaos. This is the chief culprit for the large number of gene groups in the southeast now attacking human city-states.

That's why, when other trainers in Jianye were indifferent to respond to the invitation of the unified cutting area, Qiu Mengfei took the initiative to undertake the task of "responding" to the conspiracy of the unified cutting area.

Back to the present, the water surface of Taihu Lake is sparkling. The sun shines on the water, and the flashes of stars jump back and forth on the lake.


Qiu Mengfei calculated the confrontation in the current scene. The mechanical beasts on the Jianye side of the aircraft carrier northeast of Taihu Lake have already taken off. But the three Rogia formations in the commanding area are also on standby in the sky. The two sides circled each other around an airspace of ten kilometers.

On the surface of the water, the four gunboats of the Yishui Alliance formed a battle formation, each with a 15mm caliber machine gun (gun) loaded with a drum.

At the same time, the command tower of the biological aircraft carrier on the sea conveyed an order to make Qiu Mengfei cautious. Qiu Mengfei withdrew his zoom pupils, took a deep breath, and stepped on the back of the mechanical dragon.

The back of the mechanical dragon opened the mechanical cover, revealing the pit of meat, Qiu Mengfei lay down, covered by the cover, and sneaked into the mechanical dragon's body. Then it took off and guided the mechanical beasts in the air and the mechanical beasts on the ground back to the station.


Ten minutes later, the Yishui ship docked. Chu Cang, wearing the colonial armor, jumped off the ship's side.

He was two meters tall with a man and armor, looked at the place where Qiu Mengfei had been just now, took out a shovel, and immediately dug down on a protruding piece of land, and soon dug out the genetic information that Qiu Mengfei had just poured into. octopus.

The coordinating team members had quick eyes and quick hands, and clamped the alien life that was trying to escape with iron tongs. After the thing was caught by the pliers, it twisted strangely.

Chu Cang suppressed his disgust and stared at this thing. This thing also seems to know that it will die soon after falling into the hands of humans, and it softens quickly. Soon it turned into corpse water like a snail meeting salt, and it gave off an unpleasant smell.

Chu Cang looked up at the place where Qiu Mengfei had gone, and said to his teammates, "That guy just now must have been here for half an hour."

After the teammate on the side clicked on the colon and installed a carbon-based recording chip, he said: "According to the radar frequency band detection. He landed at 8:45 and left at 9:27."

Chu Cang nodded: "The health of human beings is below 0.7. This period of time is enough to be polluted by genes. Even if the health is strong, the residual radiation intensity here is unbearable."

The team members on the side nodded.

Chu Cang: "Write a report and send it to the organization."

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