Out of the cage

Chapter 413 Chapter 10.10 Comrade Resonance

October 15, 160 in the Pandora calendar. Southeast of the Yangtze River.

The Yishui branch, Jianye, and the native land in the unified cutting area have gone through half a year of struggle, game, and deal. After the interaction of these three modes of communication, formal talks began.

In Shanghai, Wang Xiaolong (Chapter 6.26 Wang Xiaochong), wearing a message helmet, stepped down from the side of the ship.


This 27-year-old cadre was born in the lower class of Qiantang Bay and has rich work experience.

Before the establishment of the Yishui organization, Wang Xiaolong participated in the mobilization of the unified logging area to stop the frenzy of communities in northern Fujian and southern Zhejiang. Oh, at that time, the Minliu Strait had just been cut off in the unified logging area, and the counterattack of the Tianzhulong group was quite fierce, and the human beings were still in a state of strategic counterattack.

At that time, the unified logging area still cooperated with the city-states in the area for the sake of the overall situation. Through the relationship between the city-states in the region, industrial skills are spread to the middle and lower classes, and production is organized. At that time, Wang Xiaolong, who was still called "Xiao Chong" by the local security chief and trainers, learned how to make machines.

Then he waited for the end of the first stage of the blocking battle, and after returning to his hometown, he was dissatisfied with the decadent forces of the local city-state, and resolutely left his hometown. Later, he joined the organization and participated in the work of helping adjusters in the Dayuan Island area.

During this period, following the frontier Wei Keng group, I learned the second level of spiritual language.

After returning to the southeast, he was assigned to the machinery factory in the area for management work, and gradually became a backbone cadre in Yishui.


Wang Xiaolong looked at the representative of Jianye. According to the information provided by the organization, this is Jiang Si, an official in charge of the shipping department in Jianye, who was born in a wealthy family.

"Oh, rich and powerful." Wang Xiaolong repeated in a frustrating tone.

He was born in the middle and lower class. Before he entered the unified cutting area and gradually came into contact with the vast world, he didn't know that in this last days, these "Tianjiao" were born in a big city-state, and they didn't have to worry about food and safety. The days of looking up.

But today, Wang Xiaolong looked at this person calmly, and nodded with him, indicating that the conversation can begin.


On Jianye's side, Jiang Si looked at the uniform gray-blue cloth uniforms of the negotiating team in the unified cutting area, and the uniform exoskeleton from the waist to the legs. I looked again, and saw the representatives of the southeastern city-states in the surrounding city-state alliance who were trying to maintain consistency. This nobleman from Jianye was vaguely aware of the difference.

In this full half a year's time. The unified logging area seems to be an outsider, but a large number of grassroots organizations in the southeast coastal area have developed extremely rapidly.

Even without counting the adjusted personnel of the genetic polluters, tens of thousands of ordinary young people from various city-states joined Yishui.

After the unified logging area provided them with education, the progress of the unified organization was mobilized. Now these people in the east are following the path traveled by history, striving for better and fairer development than under the previous city-state rule. And it's up to you to fight for.


And Jiao Youao, the local city-state lords, seemed to be local households. But they are a small group of people under the original city-state system, and they are the vested interests of the old era. It is impossible to transfer the development dividends after the industrial diffusion in the unified logging area to the lower levels.

When the great era of human civilization recovery begins, they face the risk of reshuffle the entire region. He wanted to continue to maintain a system that was beneficial to a few people like himself, but he didn't dare to engage in direct military confrontation with a behemoth like the commanding area. So I want to bring in Jianye's power to enter the circle.


Jianye City, as the leader of the south, is still stuck in the old era, and has become the center of the southeast part by relying on the technical support of mechanical beasts provided to various city-states and legal recognition. Similar to the relationship between the Western Zhou Dynasty and the vassal states.

When the various regions in the southeast achieved economic independence with the help of the industries in the unified logging areas, Jianye's control power was actually weakened, and now it is suddenly regarded as the leader by these city-states. It's not that the authority has been strengthened, but that all parties have accumulated a lot of contradictions in the development process, and these city-states want to involve them in the conflicts of contacting the unified logging area.

Jianye was not prioritized by the unified cutting area, and the conflict still remained in the affiliated city. The attached city hopes that the conflict can be transferred to direct confrontation between superpowers. This is the game at this time.


Jiang Si let out a sigh of relief after thinking about this relationship.

At present, the unified cutting area is obviously the standard strategic offensive direction, while the local city-states are the defensive side. Jianye had to do what it could, and try to keep as much profit as possible.

Jiang Si couldn't help but think of the strategic cluster power that Jianye can control now. In the past, Jianye had three strategic clusters, one was Shanghuai, one was northern Jiangxi, and the other was the defense line composed of southeastern city-states.

During the confrontation between northern Jiangxi and the unified cutting area in central Jiangxi, a large number of people were removed, and now they are disabled. The upper echelon of the city-state there did it by themselves, leaving only a few hundred people from the upper echelon of their own family to stay in the huge and empty city. This number, in the past, could not even handle the biological tide.

That is to say, under the influence of the same frequency of carbon base fluctuations in the unified logging area, they can still preserve their own strongholds.

As for the southeast city-state cluster-in 149, after the unified cutting area took over the Min area, it had already dismembered the cluster from the southern edge. Then the trade line was opened up, which alienated the relationship between the city-states in this area and Jianye. Later, Yishui was developed and the basic market was removed.

Jianye couldn't mobilize his strength in this place.

The only thing that can be mobilized now is Shanghuai, which is the Huaichong area. There is a certain distance between here and the coastal area. Even if the unified logging area has opened up a trade route, it can only be imported through the influence area of ​​Jianye. Therefore, in the impact of changes in recent years, it still maintains its original closure.

Jianye still has appeal to the region and can mobilize a strategic force.

Jiang Si thought silently: Jiangbei Group is the last force that can be mobilized. This is also the last hole card, so use it with caution.


The talks started, and the speech of the representatives of the unified logging area was very standardized, but the logic was simple and fixed.

When dealing with Jianye: I hope to continue to cooperate on issues such as the continuation of human development.

And when dealing with the city-state of Qiantang Bay: I hope that the parties in the area can respect our suggestions and not judge our personnel with double standards when it comes to survival and development. (The subtext is that you only consider development, don't dislike our large number and want to suppress our development.)

All foreign communication personnel in the unified cutting area have received the authentic biography of Wang Lekang, the former foreign affairs department of the unified cutting area, and must "struggle with reason" on key issues.

Keep in mind the formula "he motivates him, and I am the repeater."

That is to say, "repeatedly emphasize", "repeatedly declare", and "strongly demand" these words, you need to say more.

Wang Xiaolong was better than blue in this respect, and kept blocking the attacks of many city-states in the Qiantang Bay area.

The situation of this negotiation, through the carbon-based relay information, was simultaneously transmitted to the carbon-based information cabins in hundreds of locations in the unified logging area of ​​more than 3 million square kilometers. Everyone praised Wang Xiaolong's ability.

However, "my hero is his enemy".

For the person in charge of the southeast city-state, the "stubbornness" of this poor boy born in Qiantangwan in such a conversation is really abominable.


Jiang Si, who is the leader of the game in Jianye, is very helpless. He can only hold the teacup for a long time to hold the meeting. When the other city-states in the southeast are speaking, they will help.

However, another member of Jianye couldn't stand the negotiation process.

Qiu Mengfei, who had an inexplicable dislike for the commanding area, was now annoyed at every word of Wang Xiaolong.

In the view of Qiu Mengfei, an extreme "anti-unified logging area", the unified logging area has no right to say "for human beings". All the so-called "cooperation" is a lie. Not only was Jianye unable to cooperate with the unified cutting area, but it also had to question the unified cutting area and even seek compensation.

Seeing that Jiang Si has always been left to talk to him in the area under control.

Qiu Mengfei couldn't bear it anymore. In this negotiation venue, he stood up from his seat and began to radiate his will. This is a new ability he acquired this year, as long as his will is projected on a certain creature, the creature will be shocked.

The so-called 'Longwei'.

Wang Xiaolong quickly felt the disgust, and turned his head with difficulty to look in the direction of the vicious radiation attack, and began to communicate with the surrounding companions through telepathic language.

At the same time, a familiar spiritual voice came from the information helmet on his head: "Open the 933 state mental frequency band."

To open the spiritual frequency band is to connect with another person's life field. And the support Wang Xiaolong got here came from Wei Keng! The most powerful life group in the entire unified logging area.


And connecting another person's life field is to carry out spiritual synchronization. ——The so-called spiritual synchronization includes sounds and scenes, all of which are assumed to be in the same environment.

The 933 state is more exciting among the 1200 standard states of the same frequency, and Wang Xiaolong can enter the state the fastest.

The "key" and "spell" to enter this state is a song, and the singing is like this: "If the motherland is violated, a hot-blooded man should drink up this bowl of wine by self-improvement Life gives me strength!"

The language of the soul describes in the picture the oath-taking scene of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. In the face of the "Tianjinlong" life wave, it will stand firm.

Wang Xiaolong successfully connected to this state, and immediately felt that he was standing with thousands of people, arm in arm, fully connected with life, and his whole body was full of powerful strength.

He stared back in the direction of the intruder.


Originally at the negotiation scene, all voices stopped.

Jiang Si first felt oppressive life fluctuations emanating from his side. This kind of life fluctuation was originally the trainer's power to control the mechanical beast. Now Qiu Mengfei's hair is very strong, but it's a bit weird.

Jiang Si couldn't help frowning, but he didn't stop at first.

Until a second later, the representatives of the suppressed logging area collectively stood solemnly, and a high life wave burst out and came back.

Jiang Sicai felt that this seemed bad.


In this life fluctuation contest.

First, dozens of Wei Keng, who were on the same boat as Wang Xiaolong and doing hydrological surveys next door to the pier, were on the same frequency as Wang Xiaolong.

Then, on a certain research ship 600 meters away, the Weikeng cluster, which is matching the frequency bands of multiple organs in the sea to match the data records, handed over the task to other people, and also linked into the same frequency.

Then, Wei Keng of all the various work departments within the five kilometers also joined the same frequency.

In the process of applying for aid, Wei Keng's group actions were unified and decisive.


In the venue, Wang Xiaolong finally suppressed his opponent and drove back the guy who was provocative at the beginning. And Wang Xiaolong also suffered from too much life radiation transformation, and his whole body became hot.

After slowly withdrawing the connection, Wang Xiaolong felt a sense of exhaustion.

He took a deep breath, forced the feeling of a splitting headache, and said to Jiang Si: "If you are talking like this, then there is no need.-Let's adjourn the meeting first, everyone be quiet."

The venue was over, and Jiang Si didn't dare to speak.

As for the representatives of the city-states in the southeast, after experiencing the life radiation storm just now, they still couldn't recover from the depression. The six city lords of Qiantang Bay and the attendants brought by them were even more numb, as if they had been tied up for several hours. One person fell from the chair with a thump and couldn't get up several times in a row, making a fool of himself in the venue.


After Wang Xiaolong evacuated the venue, he collapsed in a place where outsiders could not see, and was helped back to rest by his comrades.

The nearby Wei Keng group also separated a team and rushed over with medical equipment. Of course, after the inspection, the conclusion is: "Excessive use of the brain, just sleep."

But Comrade Yishui was worried, and he still wanted to give Wei Keng some treatment.

Wei Keng smiled and explained: "Just now, the mental state of a large number of my individuals resonated with him. As the active core of the terminal, he has endured too much information. Just sleep for a while, and face this situation next time. He can do better and be more independent.

But now that he has rested, I resonate with him, and this is me taking the lead. This will have a homogenizing effect on him, and it will not be good for him to quietly mix my judgment into his thinking. "

Hearing this, everyone seemed to understand, but they couldn't help but turned to the other side and asked, "Is this kind of brain state docking harmful?"

Wei Keng said solemnly: "Self-centered docking is the same as reading more books. The more you communicate, the more you understand. But passive docking, the more you communicate, the more confused you become. So you need to learn and improve yourself as much as possible, and then participate in the exchange."


On the other side, in the conference hall, in the rest area on the Jianye side.

In the toilet, Qiu Mengfei vomited continuously in front of the toilet. (Wei Keng's courage, Qiu Mengfei's disgust. Oh, this is the same as in ancient times. Some yellow silks have accepted colonial rule for too long. Once they saw the ideological and educational awareness of their mother country, "freedom" went to Great Britain. They feel physical discomfort as third-class citizens.)

One by one, squirming and different types of flesh protruded from his throat, and his skin was also cracked, opening and closing continuously like opening his gills.

Qiu Mengfei got up, looked at himself in the mirror, was startled suddenly, and covered his face. However, at this time, countless black bumps grew on his hands, like sea cucumbers. With such a strange look, Qiu Mengfei suddenly slumped on the ground.

At this time, 'bang bang bang! ’, there was a knock on the door.

And Jiang Si's voice came: "Qiu Mengfei, how are you doing? Is there something wrong?"

Qiu Mengfei opened his mouth, but made a dry voice: "It's nothing, I'll take a rest."

Jiang Si: "Your voice is very tired, do you want to take a look at the medical room?"

Qiu Mengfei: "It's okay, don't worry about me, I'm gargling." - In this sentence, due to the squirming of the flesh in the throat, the voice gradually adjusted to normal.


Jiang Si, who was at the door of the toilet, nodded and said, "Okay, as long as you are fine, I will be in charge of the next negotiation, so you don't want to participate."

Qiu Mengfei in the toilet didn't reply.

Jiang Si took a deep breath and said: "I know you are very concerned about this matter, but the contest with the unified cutting area involves many aspects, and it affects the whole body. I hope you can consider the overall situation."

In the toilet, Qiu Mengfei tidied herself up, her skin returned to normal, and the blood vessels under the skin regenerated, but her complexion turned paler.

Qiu Mengfei opened the door, faced Jiang Si, and said, "I was impatient today, I'm sorry senior brother."

Jiang Si glanced at Qiu Mengfei's face and nodded, "You should rest first."

After Jiang Si left, Qiu Mengfei showed madness on his face.

As everyone knows, Jiang Si returned to the room with a strange expression on his face, took out the paper and pen, and began to write a secret letter, and the recipient address of the secret letter was a certain research institute.

Wei Keng is very familiar with the person in charge of this institute, the old man Wei Renlu. (The old man who Zhenxin met in Jianye who was researching the Tianzhulong project.)

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