Out of the cage

Chapter 426 Chapter 10.23 Hidden blood

From the map, the Ganges and the Yalu Zangbo River are parallel, but at different heights. The Yalu Zangpu River seems to be parallel at a high place.

When the Great Devourer in the Ganges River Basin was struggling to move upstream, Wei Keng saw through this superficial strategic attempt at a glance, and was also preparing to open up the upstream channel parallel to the Ganges River.

So it's on the northern side of the Sierra Mountains. Wei Keng is trying to enter the Bengal Harbor along the plateau water system. Along the way, he restores the ship locks that have been in disrepair in the canyon to ensure the stability of his logistics line.

Wei Keng was too familiar with this terrain on the plane of China. In the process of water conservancy planning, the ship lock lifting platform was completed at several locations with large drop, allowing 200-ton freighters to directly transport goods to the plateau.

It’s just that the territory of the main world was complex in the modern times, and Tianzhu had not yet disintegrated. The hanging river on the plateau would flow into the area controlled by Tianzhu, and then into Bangladesh and into the sea. The complex geographical relationship made it impossible to use this place as a waterway, so all the water conservancy projects planned at that time were used for power generation by drop.


Wei Keng checked the integrity of the super cement dams on these high mountains and valleys along the way, and followed the winding river valleys to the low-altitude areas step by step.

In the process of checking along the road, there are remnants of the end of the chaotic bio-radiation in the early days of the Great Destruction.

Although the life radiation in the high sea area is not strong. But people can be very debilitating. Over time, all the vital protein content in the body is lost and ends up in sleep.

There is no low-altitude scene where skeletons are piled up on the streets in big cities.

All the computer rooms and workshops of these large facilities on the plateau have been cleaned up, as if the personnel left safely. If Wei Keng hadn't seen the simple cemeteries of barren stones around the man-made buildings, he would really have thought they had left.

Before some tables, leave the last words of these people. Most of these last words are: "The future will definitely get better." This kind of words of encouragement. Perhaps they are not without pessimism, but at the last moment, they did not leave the look of despair to future generations.

Wei Keng rubbed it carefully, and then restrained the remains of these predecessors.


Wei Keng's respectful attitude towards these remains also fell into the eyes of his successors who followed him.

These successors also respect their predecessors before the Great Destruction.

But they didn't understand why Wei Keng showed such respect and humility.

Because in terms of the degree of contribution to civilization, Wei Keng has done much better than those who did not save the disaster a hundred years ago, so there is no need to be so respectful.

Under the river rushing southward at the barren rocky beach. In front of the exposed pebble beach.

Wei Keng said to the successors who brought here: "Filial piety is the first, regardless of deeds, no deeds in poor families; no filial sons in poor families; first of all evil, deeds, deeds, deeds, there are few perfect people in the world.

Regardless of success or failure, the predecessors should be remembered for their brave breakthroughs. And no matter how good we do, it all stems from their history.

Human civilization, no matter how far it goes, must pay respect to the spirit of the ancestors! Today I hold these historical footsteps in my heart. In the future, when I am gone, future generations will give me a stick of incense when they go further. As for the achievements of future generations? Oh, I am a middle-aged man, there must be someone better than me in the future. "


Six days later, after the Weikeng exploration team entered the downstream along the river, the unified logging area established a material supply point here, and began to explore the channel into the Bay of Bengal.

The navigable capacity here can reach about 150 tons after preliminary measurements. But along the way, you will pass through the dense Bay of Bengal communities.

After the exploration ship passed through the area of ​​mottled and hulked ships, the shadows of various ghostly animals on both sides of the bank moved among them - the huge python lurking in the water reminded Wei Keng a little bit of the natural monster movie in Europe and America long, long ago. disaster).

Of course, it is impossible for Master Wei to let his surroundings dare to kill him. So, two electrified poles stretched into a position fifty meters away. After a burst of high-voltage electricity, the water splashed in all directions, and the hull was surrounded by stiff individuals.

On the hull, Chen Xince (one of the successors) looked at the hooked corpse and recorded its length with a note.

He sighed to Wei Keng: "There are such monsters in this small river. The diversity of monsters in the large river system of the Yangtze River is far less than here."

Wei Keng smiled—because all the large water monsters in the Yangtze River Basin were killed by the Gyarados.

Chen Xince observed the large map of the world made up of carbon-based chips, and saw that there was a large area of ​​unknown areas in the southern part of the world. He couldn't help asking: "Has the land exploration passed?"

The land route here refers to the tunnels drilled by humans in the Hengduan Mountains before the Great Destruction, pointing to the east of the plateau.

Wei Keng waved his hand: "There are many complex biological communities in there, and the slime mold of mirage mirage is entrenched in it, just like the green thick snot in the nose in winter."


The topic turned to the Ganges River Basin again, because there, Wei Keng was taking the gene body of the Yucheng community to clean up the area occupied by the "Devourer" apostles.

Chen Xince: "The biological radiation value of Yongchuan (actually the lower reaches of the Ganges River renamed by Wei Keng) is still far from the safety standard?"

Wei Keng: "The latest measurement standard is 3778." (The normal human city standard should be less than 100, and the military standard should be less than 500.)

Chen Xince took a breath and said, "It's so scary."

Wei Keng: "Take heavy water and three milliliters of carbon fourteenth sugar substance every day. You can persist in that area for seven days. After seven days, you must return to the No. 3 safety area east of Chishui for isolation and observation."

In short, if you want to thoroughly drill through the entire Nanya area, you still have to clean it repeatedly.

Chen Xince asked inexplicably: "Why didn't you use dead wave weapons? Now the airborne radioactive device can safely release the strike. And even if there is no dead wave, you use nuclear weapons now to attack the already detected (devourer group) Bombing the node area can also greatly reduce the life radiation in the entire area."

Wei Keng looked at him and said, "It's not good to do this at the moment. ——In this world, besides me seeing it, I have to realize that other people will see it."

Wei Keng used the most advanced spiritual language to send back his perspective. At the same time, this spiritual language also included virtual and complex "psychological feelings".

In front of those boys in Yucheng, when an incomprehensible, unpredictable force that could destroy the entire ecological community appeared in the sky, the outsider around him said: "Follow me, this destruction is summoned by me, not for you."

Under the precepts and deeds of this foreign guide, the boys in Yucheng will also be led from innocence to a tough road. Just like when a teenager sees flames for the first time and knows that it is scorching heat, when he understands that there are many existences in the world that have a powerful destructive power to life, he begins to have boundaries in his behavior and gradually has the responsibility to chase after them.

After Chen Xince finished reading this spiritual language, he hesitated to speak.


He understood the reason for Wei Keng's complicated actions in northern Tianzhu.

Just like the society before the Great Destruction, try to minimize the shocking violent scenes in front of children, because children do not understand. Will imitate, will misunderstand. However, cruelty cannot be completely isolated, for example, drugs, gambling, and pornography. If one has always been "inexperienced" in this regard, it is easy to die young when encountering this disease.

Chen Xince's emotions are somewhat complicated: that is, Wei Keng really treats some people in the human community in Yucheng as children. ——This kind of fraternity makes the hearts of the bystanders unavoidably complicated.

But if you think about it deeply and rationally, you feel awe-inspiring.

If Wei Keng carried out self-containment based on such a reason, what would it be like if Wei Keng had no scruples at all?

Carbon-based forging under the ion torch, nuclear weapons, dead bands, all of these, Zhongwei Keng in the unified logging area is only a preliminary verification of the principle, and has not been elaborated on the application.

This guy is too, too gentle and elegant, and as a normal male, he has the most bloodthirsty and violent side, which has always been hidden.

The reason why Wei Keng hides his bloodiness is not that he has worn out, but that the people he cares about have not yet grown up to accept all this.

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