Out of the cage

Chapter 427 Chapter 10.24 Thirty-five degrees north latitude

The Tianzhu River Basin, the Ganges River Basin, and the Bay of Bengal, if viewed on a globe, appear as a line at 35 degrees north latitude.

This is a line where the apostles gathered in the entire Azhou region. From the sulfur-iron basalt in the east, the celestial dragon, to the apostle of the devourer who has come into contact with it in the west, Master Wei is ready to contact these things.

The same is true for the area of ​​the Siam-Myanmar subcontinent. Wei Keng directly broke through the territory occupied by mica mica.

In the ruins of Bangkok, on the No. 933 highland, among the Wei Keng cluster, the Sequence 44 Regiment arrived at this former city. At this time, here is a dense emerald green, and every plant here is dangerous. Animals are not necessarily animals that can move, and animals are also covered with parasitic seeds.

Wei Keng put on the biochemical defense armor, and after untold hardships, he finally identified the former southern center in the jungle. All kinds of buildings of human beings are extremely small in front of all kinds of giants in the biological frenzy.

Once a street, now a creek. A super tree with a diameter of 30 meters and a length of 600 meters collapsed in it. Although much of the structure has decayed, the bark outer shell is still visible, and the inner core, has been turned into foul-smelling yellow mud.

The calcified outer layer of the trunk is tenaciously corroded by various mosses, like a canoe comparable to an ocean-going ship.

On the side of this huge tree, the man-made Buddhist temple is already inconspicuous. The golden dome has also rotted, and the golden skin that has fallen off is like a rotten orange.

The remains of this giant tree are the nodes that were established here when the world tree in South America (once the first apostle) interfered with the global genes.

However, the mirage mica was only the regional overlord back then, and it was still far away from the apostles, and there were multiple regional overlords in the area at the same time. In the end, it was just that mica mica found an opportunity to counterattack.

According to the system data, World Tree was really arrogant back then, spraying a lot of spore parasites.

The first stage of budding is accomplished directly in the animal. Comparable to face huggers.

Then proceed to the second stage, urging the animals to find the water source, and then countless tree buds burst out of the animal's body like iron nematodes to absorb the water source. This process is similar to that of Cordyceps sinensis, where countless hyphae grow at the end of the adult stage.

When these plants almost wiped out all herbivorous animals, they began to grow towards the towering giant trees in order to compete for sunlight.

In order to prevent them from growing too high and being struck by lightning to cause a fire, their shells absorb calcium silicate to resist fire.

But in the end, when the World Tree group was at its strongest, the earthquake came. After all, these trees failed to take root in the rock layer. space. Of course, if the ecological colonization of the World Tree here ends in a fire, then another type of apostle will rise here.

Master Wei, who was wearing a spacesuit with a transparent mask, stood on the bank of the river, looking down at the huge decayed log. Wei Keng didn't want to touch the heart of the tree like a septic tank.

Wei Keng said that this is a septic tank because the slime mold has strong radiation.

The yellow mud-like thing in the river bed is actually alive. As long as any animal falls into it, it will immediately flood into the animal's body like maggots, and then corrode into the pores like sulfuric acid, eroding quickly.

Master Wei adjusted the radiation protection of the protective mech to the highest level, but the chickenpox on his face still hurts a bit.


Thirty-four minutes later, high in the sky, a bomber. With the jet of gas in the heavy bomb, a large amount of cloud and mist spread, and then ignited to form a huge fire storm, burning all the surrounding air at once.

Of course, all of this is not enough to get rid of the mother of viruses, it just reduces the radiation.

Dozens of minutes later, another batch of perchloric acid warheads plunged into the quagmire and began to release strong oxidizing properties. A large amount of decomposed gas emerged from the quagmire, bubbling like corpse water.

The whole quagmire seemed to be enraged, spraying yellow clouds like boiling. This cloud is not gas, small liquid droplets, but a spore cloud. The entire spore cloud, like ocean waves, spread towards the surroundings like the shock wave of a nuclear explosion.


After two hours, all plants and animals within five kilometers were completely decayed.

The scale of biological radiation in the Yellow Mire has been reduced from more than 8,000 to 1,800.

This is not disappearing, but after the spores spread, they found an underground river and began to move to another place, just like the ginseng in Xianxia novels.


Wei Keng couldn't help but feel that it was a bit tricky. This is a moving biological community that is completely dependent on the underground water system. The surface is just a farm for collecting organic matter, and a large amount of organic matter is brought underground by this slime mold every year. The annual precipitation spreads through the overflow of groundwater, and then seeds the surface to form an ecological circle.

Mirage mica builds the entire area into a giant petri dish.

Wei Keng had to suppress the ecology of each pool and destroy the slime mold colony in the dense underground waterways.

Wei Keng: "It seems that before man and nature live in harmony, they are doomed to struggle to the death."


In August 163, the Siam-Myanmar subcontinent entered the rainy season, and the small streams were filled with rainwater to form large rivers.

Near the big rivers, Wei Keng drilled wells with a depth of 500 meters, and put down the ion torches one by one, which curbed the slime mold radiation in the groundwater, and the surface water source of the station was finally safe.

But only temporarily in nature.

The sixth experimental highland is completed. On the entire highland, in the square farmland, the water source pumped from the ground continuously flows into several artificial wetlands. Plants resembling water hyacinths are growing rapidly in ponds, and harvesting machines complete every ten days.

But on August 21, the pond's watertight system failed. Within five hours, almost all the plants in the pond were devoured by the slime mold, and the resulting radioactive pollution reached 5,000!

The three Wei Keng suffered intracranial hemorrhage (complications of encephalitis) during the exploration and collection of the surrounding area, basically irreversible damage to the brain, equivalent to death.


For a long, long time, Wei Keng did not die.

Going deep into the core of the apostolic ruled area is still a life-and-death struggle.

Afterwards, Wei Keng in various bases faced slime mold spores everywhere in the surrounding jungle. The chemical prevention measures of disinfection four times a day can only be implemented extremely strictly to ensure the stable operation of the residence.

Due to the extremely dangerous working environment, Wei Keng asked all his successors to stay away from here.

Wei Keng, who stayed here, brought in more excavators and more drilling equipment, and continued the "well-building operation" without saying a word.

On the surface, these drilled wellheads appear to be six kilometers apart, full of hexagonal network nodes. These drilling sites are like a big net, quietly unfolding on the ground.


In Wei Keng's entire schedule, in 164 years, the Lop Nur Super Giant Carbon Valley Laboratory will be put into use. At that time, the effect of more complex and larger organic radio frequency bands will be verified.

At that time, not only the material diffraction method will be verified. There is also the connection of Pandora field physics and the universe.


Turn of 163 to 164.

Inside the base in the southeast, Wei Keng looked up.

In this era without industrial pollution, the sky is not so clear. Tiny spores float in the air for thousands of miles, making this world always foggy, like a cage.

However, through the fog, Wei Keng still stared at the space between the stars. Then whispered: "Are there any uninvited guests outside?"

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