Out of the cage

Chapter 443 Chapter 10.40 Wei Keng~evolved alone.

On April 5, 167 in the history of Pandora, a 15-kilometer-wide graphite plate was laid on the saline-alkali land in the Luobo area.

These graphite plates are grown in Wei Keng's controlled highly oxidized organic matter to form graphene structural blocks.

These graphite plates were left on the ground by the special automatic colony armor, and then five thousand Wei Keng fought here for five years, and assembled all the plates precisely together to form a huge carbon base block. Moreover, this carbon substrate block precisely maintains a slight arc, making it possible to condense a focal point in the sky above ninety-seven kilometers.

Given that such a height is already in space, small rockets must be used to load observation instruments into space to assist experiments.

This is a very large carbon valley.

Narrator: Don't say "just big", there is no innovation! Big things represent high observation accuracy and can destroy strange powers and chaos.

For example: cameras in the 20th century can always capture supernatural beings, and in the 21st century, it can be determined that bugs are crawling on the lens. The props are not well hidden.


The first projection took place in April 167, followed by twelve projections in May.

The data from the projection experiment allowed Wei Keng to find a trend, and then immediately asked the carbon base tower to adjust the frequency band, and the application of the humane ecological field quickly made a breakthrough.

In the world of Pandora, all the phenomena are behind the unique science under the new physical environment. So is the presence of the apostles.

In 167, Wei Keng formally discovered the carbon-based frequency band echo phenomenon through experiments in Luobo! Then it was published in the newly established Blue Star Natural Science Journal in the unified logging area!

The new discovery is that in the earth’s Pandora field, the frequency band emitted by the carbon-based organic matter, after a cycle, reverberates back again, and generates the original organic matter in the radioactive source!

What is this similar to? The current sent by your wireless charging fully charges countless small devices outside. When these small devices run out of power, about half of the power returns to your charging device!


You must know that there are 2,745 carbon-based radiation towers in the unified logging area. Each carbon-based radiation tower consumes about 20 tons of organic matter every year. This is a huge expense.

If the frequency band radiates out and reverberates back again, it will make a lot of money

The reverberation points in this reverberation can be set by specific protein structures. In the natural world, those apostles, as well as large and small nodal organisms, instinctively take advantage of this phenomenon. After they consume a large amount of organic matter, they immediately replenish from the elements of basic inorganic matter such as air, soil, and water flow.

This carbon-based band reverberation phenomenon! It depends on whether the organic matter frequency band of a certain type of chemical bond on the planet is uniform. In order to unify it, it is necessary to control most of the synthetic processes of organic substances related to nature.

In the past, the apostles have evolved to the extreme! After controlling most of the cycle process of an organic substance in nature, a reverberating protein structure is naturally formed! This is why apostle nodes can grow almost out of thin air.

Biological evolution is profit-oriented. When an apostle is born, he finds that the gene group he is in uses a certain organic substance with high energy efficiency, so the body will be more inclined to the generation of this substance, and then strengthen the control of this frequency band.

The position of the apostles would thus be more secure.

Assume a situation, if human beings have an apostle in natural evolution, and the carbon-based reverberation band of this apostle becomes iron-carbon compound, then there will be more and more hemoglobin and bone marrow in the entire human population.

Of course, in this frequency band, the iron and protein fusion frequency band is occupied by sulfur iron basalt, and sulfur iron basalt is now 'mined' by Master Wei.


Under normal circumstances, in the battle between the apostles, one side will be defeated and dormant, but it is genetically compatible with the evolution of the "organic cycle frequency band". After the other apostle groups have suppressed their living space to a certain extent, it is difficult to go further.

But the rise of the unified logging area is an abnormal situation.

At present, all organic compounds are synthesized in factories, and the human gene frequency band has not yet occupied any frequency band advantage! The maintenance of humane ecology did not use the carbon-based reverberation model of "spend a hundred yuan and get back fifty yuan", which has already overwhelmed the surrounding apostles. But this does not mean that the technical principle will never be accessible.

On Luobo, Wei Keng looked up at the "new star" above Carbon Valley and whispered: "Apostle?"


On August 24th, Wei Keng conducted a unique experiment in Luobo Carbon Valley. In this experiment, Wei Keng carried out a manned space flight on a rocket. This manned flight did not take place around the world, but a flight in a large arc, using very mature hydrazine fuel.

After accurately touching the carbon-based radiation point in the air, the individual Wei Keng who touched it felt a very mysterious feeling for a moment. Wei Keng paused for a moment, this is a very mysterious state.

Each independent self, thinking as naturally as breathing, constitutes a group of self. Just as brain cells naturally send electrical signals, and finally naturally form thoughts in brain tissue.


This allowed Wei Keng to form a wide range of associations among individuals.

One hundred kilometers away, I was eating bread. According to the taste level of the bread, I was associated with the level of the property of the material.

An individual a thousand kilometers away is dissecting a tree and looking at the structure under a microscope. Hearing about bionics, he also thinks of the same level of material properties.

But at this time, whether it is Wei Keng who catches loach on the South Asian continent, or Wei Keng who teaches in the unified logging area, the thinking of the whole world is greatly converging in space, and finally the state of thinking is consistent! Taking space as the center as the reference point, the thinking guideline is formed!

Of course, in each individual of Wei Keng, he suddenly found associations popping up in his own mind, and then these associations were intertwined, and suddenly they were unified with other individuals into a complex.

Wei Keng: "Only in the first few seconds of the advent, I will be so unified, even if I sing a frequency band together afterwards, and face the enemy with the same enemy, it will not be like this-the focus of the human protein in space will be that of me. Thinking, amplified in all groups."

Wei Keng used to physiologically regulate self-unification! Now this is under the forceful physical action to unify itself.

Of course after this experiment is over! Wei Keng in the spaceship disappeared. That's right, physically gone. In the entire spaceship, it is directly gone.

But Wei Keng took a while to react!

Because the self in the space, as the benchmark, becomes the unified thinking array, and directly becomes all the selves on the ground. ——Then after a trance, after I spread out into sub-consciousness again, each of myself has the memory of what I just experienced in space. So it seems to disappear, but it is integrated into all of myself.


Suddenly, one of his own was missing on the plane of Pandora.

Wei Keng quickly checked the system and his own situation.

After inquiring about the information for half a day, the system said: "You have just conducted a telepathy between heaven and man. In that 0.1 microsecond just now, the apostles all over the world were afraid of your birth because of the interruption of the frequency band."

Wei Keng: "Don't talk about the apostle, you see if there is something wrong with my mental state."

System: "Your spiritual scale has been broken through again...Breakthrough!"

Wei Keng paused for three seconds, and then said angrily, "Be serious!" At this moment, Wei Keng felt as if a tumor had suddenly appeared in his stomach, and then he went to seek medical treatment. This quack doctor couldn't judge the situation. A direct sentence to you, congratulations, you have formed a pill.

Seeing that Wei Keng was angry, the system ended the state of confusion: "No problem, no problem, the lost thinking and memory patterns are all stored in the quantum system, and the total amount of your consciousness has not decreased. Otherwise, your consciousness will enter In this mode of thinking?"

Wei Keng: "Enter."

Moments later, Wei Keng Qun felt the disappearing self appear on the plane platform. Master Wei contacted carefully and heaved a sigh of relief. Then this self left this plane and went to the "dark plane" to cross.


But it took a long time for Wei Keng to accept the fact that his thinking spirit has become different from ordinary people. Then he asked the system to keep his privacy secret.

The system whispered forcefully: "Hehe, no normal person would want to pretend to be a normal person. Only abnormal people are always afraid of others...self...normal."——She has been keen on various crimes against Wei Keng all year round, and after the end , Pretending to be nothing, I wanted to complain a long time ago.

Wei Keng was worried that he was abnormal because: he didn't feel the fear of disappearing in the experiment just now, and almost all of himself thought of a very abnormal plan.


In the supply chain outside the Luobo Experimental Base.

The young traverser Shi Qingyuan is calculating, during this radiation process, the carbon-based tower gathers the value of "carbon-based reverberation". After he finished his calculations, Wei Keng walked up to him. Said: "Okay, starting tomorrow, rearrange your tasks."

Shi Qingyuan paused, and the tip of the pen fell to the ground with a slap. He quickly picked it up, looked at the tip of the pen distressedly, and then reacted—to Wei Keng: "Captain? Me?"

Wei Keng smiled and said, "It's been so long since I've been in this plane, and everyone else has opened up to the outside world. You must be in a hurry to stay here."

Shi Qingyuan: "I was a little anxious at the beginning, but after a long time, I will settle down."

When I came to this alien plane for the first time, all the traversers were mentally prepared. There was no air conditioner, no automatic scraping robot, no automatic muscle activation, and no holographic video games...

But everyone didn't complain, there are games out there, and it's exciting to conquer the world of another plane.

However, there is indeed a prelude to conquest in this world, but after arriving at the commanding area, he realizes step by step that he is not the protagonist, but a small screw.

Shi Qingyuan has been working for seven years since he received the three-piece set of bedding, tea mug and military uniform in the 1970s and 1980s.

When he first came here, Shi Qingyuan immediately focused on the trainer system in this world.

In order to establish the life induction between the trainer and the mechanical beast, Shi Qingyuan directly injected the mechanical beast cells in the body, this bold behavior caused an infection. It also caused Master Wei to directly bring him by his side and follow the prelude to the seven-year training for ordinary posts.

Wei Keng pulled out his chair and asked him, "What do you think about this world now?"

Shi Qingyuan: "Human beings will win, but the evolution of life is infinite. When thinking about the future, human beings must also think about it. The traces left by themselves will spread across the board."

Wei Keng paused: "Let's see."

Shi Qingyuan whispered a word: "evolutionary radiation." Then he explained the future with spiritual language.

Compared with the life history of the earth, the history of human beings is too short. The rise of any powerful species will not care about the original diversity, but will start to kill all the original ecological niches and replace them with their own diversity.

The ancestor of the Cambrian, the Ediacaran period before the Cambrian, is actually just a branch. There is no diversity in this branch, and it directly connects other species to the whole family. All present-day animal phyla, including cockroaches, molluscs and vertebrates, descend from their Cambrian ancestors.

The mosasaurs in the late Cretaceous period were a group of cliff lizards. They hunted, grazed, and prepared to filter feed in just a few million years.

Not to mention mammals, small shrew-like creatures in the early days now directly monopolize large ecological niches. Humans, tigers, antelopes, and mice are all the result of bold pioneering by our ancestors over 60 million years ago.

And now it's time for another juncture in the history of life.

Strictly speaking, after the era of Pandora, all species on the earth became extinct, and now only human beings are left. Other biological communities and apostles cannot preserve stable genes, and they are all a combination of transformed genes.

It is not clear where the top human civilization will go in the future.

But today, human beings are the original blueprint, and after 100,000 or a million years, various changes will be added, and there will be a large number of future human races who fail to cross the threshold of the "higher life state". Let's call them superhuman beings .

Shi Qingyuan looked at Wei Keng, and said to Wei Keng with a full attitude of admitting his mistakes: "I was wrong. Evolution is not a child's play. You must have an absolutely serious attitude, instead of using a playful attitude to increase the concept of unnecessary intra-species competition."

Wei Keng paused slightly, knowing that he really knew he was wrong when he admitted his mistake by three points, and the seven points may be due to his own pressure now.

Wei Keng looked up at the sky. Slowly said: "You have a deep understanding, and some of the content is deeper than mine. Evolution is not a child's play. In the end... which one will become a 'spiritual man' in the future, I can't be sure today, I can only invest in it today."

Wei Keng raised the draft and said, "I won't check the calculation for you today, you are responsible for proofreading yourself."

Shi Qingyuan paused: "Captain?" Although he was sure that he would not make a mistake in his calculation, Wei Keng had always been able to make sure, and he was used to it, but today there is no insurance calculation... He was a little flustered.

Wei Keng: "In half a year, I will arrange for you to go to the north. With your ability, there is a 99% probability that you will not die. So, you decide for yourself."

Shi Qingyuan's expression was a little stiff - ninety-nine percent there would be no danger, Wei Keng said it was true, and it should be true. But now that Wei Keng is out of the bag, he may have lost a layer of absolute security. He knew that Wei Keng was making himself completely responsible in advance. But at this point, I'm still a little panicked.

The system fired a firecracker interface to Shi Qingyuan: "Congratulations, you have changed from being able to die no matter what you do, to being able to die if you work patiently."

Wei Keng let out a sigh of relief, and warned Shi Qingyuan: "From now on, I don't know if my next step is right! But I have to go, in order not to bring you into the ditch. You go as you choose." road."

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