Out of the cage

Chapter 444 Chapter 10.41 What is Qianqiu

In the 168th year of the Lali calendar, the new Mechanical Beast Contest was held near Zijin Mountain in Jianye. This year's Mechanical Beast Contest was held by the unified cutting area. As the "Olympic Games" that has restored industrialization, it is of course much more exciting than the mechanical beast competition of the old era.

Fifteen industrial-level competition venues including river water, sandy land, rocks, and concrete construction urban street fighting are divided.

And according to the various possibilities in the encounter, the game has set up a set of strict rules of engagement. The six judges have all passed professional assessments and scored the battles according to a set of standards. Some of these judges are from the north and some from the south. Some are the original Jianye people, and people from the Five Colors Alliance. Of course, in the planning of the unified logging area, these regional characteristics are included in a unified evaluation standard.

Standardized competition and standardized scoring are the basis of competition. ——Compared to the era of Zhenxinzheng, it was purely controlled by the upper echelons of Jianye and the Five Colors Alliance, and the purpose was only to promote a few people to make their debut, which is much fairer.

Oh, the old games back then were even darker than the "China Football Association". Even the young people who are praised in this kind of competition are puppets controlled by remote control in the foreground. After Qiu Mengfei's generation experienced great changes, there was basically no one in ten.


The reason why the unified cutting area will continue to host this competition. It is based on the continuity of Eastern history.

Cutting cannot be completely cut, only after correction and improvement step by step to keep pace with the times. ——For example, the system of human martyrdom existed in all early civilizations, and it has gradually progressed to modern civilization. In the West, religion is used instead of ancestral sacrifices. In the East is the system of pottery figurines, and finally the modern burnt paper. It is a process from primitive to modern, and progress is a trend. rather than the sudden inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

The city-state era is the memory of contemporary people. This memory used to be painful, even though cutting it directly could eliminate the pain, it left a hole in the heart.

For ordinary people, secondary harm is immoral. But as far as history is concerned, whether it is harm or a lesson, it must be faced. Otherwise, sooner or later, the cruel future will come back again.

The unified cutting area did not ban mechanical beasts, but adopted a newer model to replace the traditional mechanical beasts.

When the five-color alliance and the young people of Jianye competed enthusiastically with the mechanical beasts, the national players in the controlled area were completely defeated!

On the river, the experts from Jianye stared at the water waves, whose speed reached 100 meters per second, drawing white waves on the water surface, and the mechanized Gyarados leaping out of the fish, their expressions turned pale in an instant.

Then in the sky, the special battle Lugia, which is completely frequency-docked with the radio tower, looks like a turbojet on its two wings, but it is actually facing the front, and the carbon-based band is suddenly emitted from the superoxide particle torch, appearing in the air The thermochemical reaction formed an air explosion in the air, just like magic, breaking the wings of the five-color alliance mechanical dragon from the air.

Power system, armor and firepower, the unified cutting area has made great progress in basic technology.

The generation of mechanical beasts crushed the dignity of traditional technology that these two old city-state forces still cherished at the end.

Modernization is based on industrial productivity, from various scientific perspectives, to establish a professional team for design, rather than workshop-style or family-style accumulation.

The underwater mechanical beasts in the unified cutting area use supercavitation mechanical design, and every inch of mechanical scales is described according to the minimum drag reduction, and repeated tests have been carried out in the fluid chamber.

As for Lugia, every inch of the counterweight was calculated by the computer, and it was also wind driven, and the energy explosion test was carried out through the radio frequency band. . Furthermore, according to the research on the phenomenon of the discharge of the atmospheric charge from the Tianshenlong, a protein compound that can be tolerated in Rogia's body was selected. Then urge its body to carry out directional evolution.

Each mechanical beast is not a trainer, but a team of more than 100 people to handle various technical parts. The trainers who are in charge of commanding operations are selected by the team through repeated selection and assessment.


November 30.

This competition of the Yangtze River Alliance, which lasted six days, is about to come to an end. The unified cutting area has won all the awards in the four major venues of water, mountains, cities and plains.

Whenever the mechanical beasts in Jianye were knocked down, the trainers who were with the mechanical beasts were devastated. Deliberately want to reprimand this unconventional - but the failed mechanical beast can be repaired in ten hours in the correction cabin. It is unconventional but advanced, lacks rituals, but is closer to actual combat, so that it has been insisting on training in Jianye for the past few years Teachers have to admit that times have changed.

He Meng was also in this contact, and remained silent for several days.

Of course, she also met Wei Keng as she wished. These dozens of Wei Keng are very popular among the various teams in the unified cutting area. Although it is not the core, it is obviously an indispensable part of the unified cutting area team. This is completely different from the Jianye team she maintained in isolation.

Wei Keng: "He Xiang." (He Meng's pseudonym)

He Meng eased her depression, with a happy face, responding to Wei Keng's greeting.

Wei Keng passed on to her a new improvement plan for Crane Dream's participating mechanical beasts.

This is already the fourth document.

It's not like worrying about the loss of technology at all, and the appearance of selfless help makes Hemeng's mood have a different kind of emotion besides technology competition.

Wei Keng didn't know what other effects this would have on the girl. Wei Keng just wanted to pull the last young technical generation in Jianye into his camp.

But the supervisors in Jianye knew: "Hey, I don't know if it's true or not, how warm my behavior is."

He Meng paused: "Brother, are you going back after this competition?"

Wei Keng: "You also know that I am in a cluster state of multiple individuals. Although each I have an independent memory, I must obey the collective setting of work tasks."

He Meng nodded silently. After thoroughly communicating with Wei Keng, she realized that everything she knew about Wei Keng was wrong.

Wei Keng: "How about you come to Liyang? There is a studio there."

He Meng paused slightly, and said in a low voice: "Me? Can I go there?" Wei Keng: "Of course, well, you can go back to Jianye at any time. The two places are very close. If you take a transport plane, you can get there in an hour."

However, the distance is not a problem, what Hemeng is worried about is the plan he once set for Wei Keng. If Wei Keng knew about these plans, would this happy first sight last?


Little did he know that Wei Keng knew about Hemeng's plans, and Jianye's side had already been penetrated like a sieve by the unified cutting area.

Wei Keng not only knew, but also admired Hemeng. After so many years of precipitation, Wei Keng has long stood in a high perspective. The new generation of human beings don't need to like it, and hate is also a skill.

For his successor, what Wei Keng wants is to have the idea of ​​surpassing himself and creating himself. Oh, even though from a high point of view, this kind of transcendence is very naive, but if you really want to succumb to the wisdom of reality like artificial intelligence, isn't it useless?

Hemeng may go to Su Lingshuang's situation where falsehood is stronger, but if given guidance, it can be another way.

Wei Keng: "The current self is not as insignificant as Zhen Xinzheng. The current self is already a pioneer of human beings, and can guide more people."


Wei Keng said to Hemeng, who was worried about gains and losses: "Who didn't make mistakes in the past? When I was with Wei Renlu, I also had unrealistic fantasies. I always thought that the world moved according to my heart, and then I often think about it. In the process, I can’t help but be self-death and worry about gains and losses. You can go better than me.”

He Meng raised her head and looked at Wei Keng with a questioning look.

Wei Keng smiled: "You know? Everyone has a sense of shame, self-esteem, and self-interest, and these are all things that can be used by others. ——You are now twenty-five years old, I think you have already experienced these. I can wait for you for another three years! Three years later, the arrangement I will give you will not be as calm as today..."

Crane Meng: "Me?" She was about to confess.

Wei Keng: "Don't say it, if you say it, you will be weak to me. What I value is that you are not weak to me! Keep this self-esteem. I just don't want your self-esteem to be used by others."


In 168, on December 15th, He Meng left Jianye City. After getting on the return plane, he looked at the carbon-based test tower under his feet and said softly, "Farewell, my hometown. I will come back,"

At the same time, on Jianye's carbon-based tower, Wei Keng stood 600 meters away and had a final conversation with Wei Renlu.

Wei Keng stared at Tanji Tower: "Wei Renlu, I see you for the last time today."

When Wei Renlu met, she restrained her anger: "It's true! You are very good. You didn't participate in the game twenty years ago, but you made up for it today."

Wei Keng raised his hand and stirred the wave of malicious radiation towards himself. At this time, the grass three meters away from Wei Keng was wriggling like a sea cucumber, but as Wei Keng's life wave swept away, the wriggling was instantly dehydrated as if it had been cooked.

Wei Keng: "Aren't you a human being?"

Wei Renlu: "Are you human?"

Wei Keng: "I inherited what was in the past, and I have successors. As for whether I am a human being, it is up to you," Wei Keng pointed to the sky, and then the spiritual language reversed to reveal the starry sky five thousand years ago.

Wei Keng pointed to the Big Dipper in the north. This Big Dipper changed a lot 5,000 years ago, and it has changed another way 5,000 years later. Is it the ancestor of mankind?"

Now this question, Wei Keng is more confident than Wei Renlu.

When Wei Keng pierced through this layer, the old Wei Renlu felt a kind of sadness of being young and not working hard, and the boss was just sad.


But on this timeline when the Wei Keng cluster appeared, everything changed.

Tianzhulong has fallen out of the position of apostle.

At this stage of other timelines, the sulfur-iron basalt has penetrated one-third of the continental shelf. But at this time, after eight years of protracted war, these guys have become sea vegetables. Well, Wei Keng even expressed the concern of farmers in ancient times, "scallops will run away".

Wei Keng: "A person with a brain sometimes thinks boringly, how to find a process to squeeze the wool, no no, it is a sincere acceptance of the gift of nature."

Originally, the Five Colors Alliance and Jianye were going to fight for hegemony, and wanted to strengthen the control of the upper reaches of the Yellow River, so they wanted to hold a grand alliance of the Seventeen Cities of the Yellow River. After the unified expedition penetrated the north and the south, the five-color alliance was expelled from the north.


The mechanical beast competition held on the Yangtze River in the unified cutting area shredded Jianye's self-consciously superior traditional events, and on the other hand, it also brought suffocating pressure to the five-color alliance who rushed to participate.

On the railway line from south to north, the train was whistling and panting. Bao Lita, the Heavenly King-level trainer who went south this time, closed his eyes and sensed the Human Dao Field outside the window. Compared with the cold feeling of Jianye , The natural environment in the unified logging area has a warm feeling. ——Warmer than Mobei.

Bao Lita carefully savored the speech of Wang Xiaolong, the representative of the unified logging area, at the closing ceremony: "Everyone, we can still talk and communicate today. I hope this can continue. This is a juncture of the times. Today, we will meet each other and go to all walks of life. I hope it can give people in the future a memory point to look back on.”

Bao Lita sighed leisurely.

The junior trainers at the side thought that this competition was unfavorable, which made the leader feel uncontrollable, and looked at each other. Ever since, a flexible trainer said: "Teacher, our skills are not as good as others this time, but this is just an exchange, we learned about our shortcomings, and they (the unified cutting area) also gave us all the information. make persistent efforts!"

Bao Lita looked at the young people who were still following him, with complicated eyes - he once thought that he was responsible for the wealth and future of these young people. But after going south today, he understands that there will be no good results for these excellent next generation to continue to follow him. And even if they can't help themselves now, they will understand in the future. (Just like a child who likes to imitate kung fu when he was young, but when he grows up, he knows that the joules of fists and feet are limited, and crossbows and firearms become objects of curiosity)

After getting off the train.

In the steamy station, Bao Lita saw a new train stopping in the north. Surprised, he immediately asked the driver of the train station.

The driver responded in spiritual language: "This is the material provided by this north-south trade exchange." Then he added: "The unified logging area believes that the northward human branch needs to be supported."

Bao Lita paused, and suddenly felt that the driver's tone was wrong. He asked the driver, "Are you from the south?"

Driver: "I'm an alliance, but I was registered in the unified cutting area. My salary and benefits are provided by the south." —— What's more, the "children" and "family" are arranged by the cadres there all right.

Baolita fell silent.

Compared with the group of people in Hetao, the logging area is more like a responsible center. But this powerful and penetrating ability made the high-level trainers in Hetao, who are competitors, feel uncomfortable.

Before Bao Lita left, a team had already appeared in the train station, and they lined up in front of the train on the basis of "one two one", and then, under the command of the leader of the team, reported the number, and then led by the team leaders Organizations get on the train. But after a while, the mechas drove down from the steel plate of the train, and completed the formation around the train station in an orderly manner.

Bao Lita knew the leader of the team, Zhang Qiang.

After Zhang Qiang finished his work as a team leader, he greeted Bao Lita: "Old Bao, you're back from the south. Thank you for your hard work."——These machines going north were given by the Five Colors Alliance to keep communication going south this time.

Bao Lita: "The effect is not satisfactory." He turned to the teams behind Zhang Qiang: "You trained? Really good."

Deliberately lighting up the general title issued by the five-color alliance, Zhang Qiang: "Stop talking, I was kicked out of the shelves."

Before a junk game closes its server, resources will continue to emerge. As an end-time force, the titles of various generals will also be issued without money, and tin foil can paste a general title.

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