Out of the cage

Chapter 445 Chapter 11.01 Humans and Ecology

In the 169th year of the Pandora calendar, in March, the southern section of the Hengduan Mountains, in the northern part of the Siamese subcontinent. In this world where all things grow and recover, an ultimate war between man and nature begins. Countless squirming, camouflaging, and sneaking creatures have to go through this catastrophe of eclipsing the world.

It took Wei Keng five years to complete the construction of 24,700 deep wells in the northern part of the Siam-Myanmar subcontinent, bearing the risk of 150 individual brain diseases, encephalitis, and large-scale damage to memory and thinking. . These wellheads are spaced 47 to 75 kilometers apart, covering an area of ​​570,000 square kilometers as a whole.

And this is still an irregular area, which completely coincides with the core range of mirage fungi in the Siam-Myanmar subcontinent.

In terms of science and technology, Wei Keng synthesized and supplied all the key proteins in his body's cell differentiation process at an industrial level.

The Bangkok area was once dotted with camps after human fires in the lush jungle. Each camp has an underground well area as its core, and the latest carbon-based towers are built under these wellheads.

On this subcontinent with a tropical climate, Wei Keng went through two months of testing and made connections on the frequency bands of 100,000 human protein compounds.

The carbon valley experiment of Luo Bo has been going on for these years, and the experimental results obtained from other space-time lines are also converging. Wei Keng is creating the frequency band evolution of human life organization.

With the day of March 25th, these carbon-based towers hidden in the earth started the first burst of radiation! This radiation directly caused 5,344 human individuals in the Wei Keng group to disappear!

Of course, the consciousness of these individuals did not disappear, but——was amplified in the resonance. For a time, all Wei Keng, 459,353 Wei Keng's brains were thinking at the same frequency, and the thinking and consciousness of these 5344 individuals who entered the deep underground well quickly melted in this same frequency.

What are these 5344 disappearing Wei Keng thinking when their bodies are melting in the protein frequency band?

These Wei Keng are thinking about how the immune system created by himself under the condition of high oxidative frequency band can "reject" the apostle "Mirage Mushroom".


When human beings pick up guns and cannons, biological muscle minions are not at the same energy level.

When life carbon-based activities enter a higher energy level, traditional virus and fungal infections do not seem to be so easy.

It's just that the price of human beings mastering steel and gunpowder is a war that is more tragic than wild animals. Now when human beings want to enter a more high-energy state of life, what is the price?

With the activation of the carbon-based towers on Siam-Burma, all the series of communities of "Mirage Mushrooms" in the axis area at 25 degrees north latitude encountered a scene of natural disasters like the bombardment of gamma rays.

Large patches of moss turned from green to gray within hours, then dehydrated and began to break down as if in the digestive tract.

The fleshy blood vessels began to appear in the meridians inside the tree, and the leaves fell off like the dry skin of human beings, and then new fleshy skin plants grew, which looked very strange under the sunlight! Entering such a bloody forest is like entering a human organ.

However, this place was originally a jungle of viruses and spores, and it was engulfed by grotesque organic individuals. These organic entities have no eyes and no spine, just like returning to the Ediacaran period. But these organic matter individuals are all protein cell frequency bands of Wei Keng.

When Wei Keng blatantly left the battlefield of his life, he launched a challenge to the apostles. This kind of challenge made the other apostles in the global Pandora field anxious, because it made the apostles in the Pandora field feel the arrival of the "natural enemy".


The major lakes on the Siam-Myanmar subcontinent seem to be boiling at this time, a large amount of mud is gushing out with the groundwater, and at the same time wisps of yellow smoke emerge from the water, like hot springs cooked at high temperature. But in essence, it's spores.

The fountain pouring in from below is actually the swollen flesh of the apostle eager to squirm, and they started a "high fever" under the attack of Wei Keng's immune system.

The ejected spores spread, spreading the surface biosphere. Those plants that had to be in line with the frequency band of human life began to fester, swell, and even shriveled and died. But after one cycle, the surviving organisms continue to grow.

Of course, the plants that survive here will encounter a new round of infection.

Just like the never-ending struggle with viruses during the development of large-scale life on the earth, the Siamese subcontinent is performing killing and anti-killing.

In this tug-of-war, all small creatures such as insects, crabs, and small fish all died, and melted into the river water that seemed to be already a digestive juice.

Due to the powerful organic frequency band radiation, the entire forest is shrouded in a soap bubble-like illusory world.

In this environment full of life value - the carbon fiber tower built by Wei Keng is constantly drawing electricity from geothermal energy, absorbing carbon dioxide from the air, and carrying out industrial-level organic compound synthesis. Provide continuous consumption to win this war against the virus.

As early as ten years ago.

With Wei Keng's technological level at that time, it was not difficult to win this war. But it is very difficult to maintain the human identity while winning.

In the world of life on earth, simple organisms are prone to immortality and are also resistant to viruses. Because the foundation is simple, it can be quickly modified when it is destroyed—those worms and cockroaches are still tenaciously alive after hundreds of millions of years.

In many, many time and space in the plane of Pandora.

This kind of non-human plan, after encountering Pandora Fields in multiple civilized worlds, the lives there are ultimately chosen in this way!

This is equivalent to having billions of asset income every year, so what kind of bicycle do you need? Even when she got up, the maid would feed her to her mouth. — Abandoning the accumulation of the species era.

Wei Keng, this guy, insists on being an earth species.

On March 25, 169, at four o'clock in the morning, Wei Keng thinking who had already sung in the depths of the earth and the frequency band, when they had gained the upper hand, issued a reconfirmation of their self-goal: "The kind of self-awareness that can be achieved under the premise of preserving one's own consciousness , Simplify your own consciousness, and evolve towards the direction of cosmic insects. Let the earth be covered with creep, and let your living environment be filled with insects with strong physiology under high oxidation?

Such a simple road, I don't want to go! Or in other words, this can't get out of the value I want!

I want to accumulate, I should get rid of those simple and easy methods, and choose a long-term route based on the vigor of life.

I choose today. In the past, it was the cause of life in the universe. From the birth of the first single-celled life on the earth, through the Ediacaran period, it evolved into macro life, and then after the Cambrian explosion, it survived mass extinctions until today. In this way, the choice of "giving up simplicity and seeking complexity" is ubiquitous.

This kind of choice will not disappear with the development of time, and intelligent life should progress to a higher level.

One day, my life will come to an end, when I suddenly look back, I can feel that my will has survived in this world. "

Now, Wei Keng is risking his life and death, deliberately taking a difficult road in order not to give up the complex genes of human beings. Although the dead wave will be clean in a flash, it will also reduce the diversity of human routes in the future.

Wei Keng's insistence on using the human immune system requires strong adaptability.

At this time, the apostle's will is also dying, and various virus systems are crazily evolving to destroy Wei Keng's immune protein.

In order to analyze the protein of the apostle's attack with complex thinking. More than 5,000 Wei Keng were integrated into the frequency band during this thinking process.

The power of life evolution is limited, and the human life system is too complex, and it is impossible to rely solely on human evolution.

But the industry can suddenly increase the synthesis of some kind of protein, and then “inject the drug” through the radiation of the carbon base tower, forming wave after wave of suppressing the apostles.

And what kind of "drug" should I use? People are needed, and more Wei Keng thinking is needed to integrate into it.


On April 14, the confrontation has lasted for twenty days.

On the Luobo Observation Tower, Wei Keng's cluster observation frequency band observed a special change in the frequency band, and this change is not just related to the frequency band of "Mirage Mushroom". Contrary to Wei Keng's previous expectation, all the apostle frequency bands moved.

It seems that the apostles all over the world also sensed something, and gave up the protein frequency band that competed with the "Mirage Mushroom", allowing the "Mirage Mushroom" to fight against the "Natural Disaster Pit" for a longer period of time.

After realizing this, Wei Keng's group came to a conclusion: "As the apostles, the whole world feels threatened. Due to the endless evolution history of the virus, if we don't clean up these conscious heterogeneous frequency bands on the entire planet in one day, we will It will become more and more exhausted in the consumption. ——Today, four or five frequency bands have been integrated, and fifty will be integrated into tomorrow. Over time, the cluster fragments will be consumed in large quantities.”

Wei Keng opened a global map in his shared carbon-based thinking center!

Wei Keng measures all the ecosystems in the world. Guess what will happen to me if I take such a strong burden!

Wei Keng: If every ecosystem is taken down and covered with its own physiological frequency band, thousands of itself will die. But if it is not taken down, human beings will coexist with aliens, and in the future, they will give up the "base gene of evolution", and the apostle war between me and the world has already started, and the battle damage has already occurred all the time.

As a maggot, it can coexist with other different species in the dung, and the organic matter in the dung can even be used as rich nutrition in that form, but it cannot be used as a human.

Today, 450,000 individuals have been proliferated, and I think it will be a showdown with the entire ecological world.

When Wei Keng made such a major decision, those selected in the commanding area, as Wei Keng's successors, could always consult the information exchanged by the memory groups of Wei Keng's cluster.

At this time in Luobo, on Dayuan Island, or the leaders responsible for rebuilding in the north and south revived cities.

After learning about Wei Keng's decision and the truth about the future in the carbon-based frequency band for the first time, they silently raised their hands to salute Wei Keng. ——But they are still young, and can only watch Wei Keng, a senior, pioneer in this natural ecological world.

Everyone's emotional vocabulary is different, but they all resonate together.

The successors here have a unified understanding of Wei Keng's thought: "So this is human beings. With the current small human body, the future vision of the same identification will not hesitate at all."

In the second half of April 169, the halo on the Siamese subcontinent was expanding step by step, and the mirage fungus had fallen out of the apostle position, and was still disappearing rapidly, heading for annihilation. In the vast forest, the plants that stood in the wrong team were quickly crowded out of the living space. And the animals in the jungle didn't have any corpses!

Just like two hundred years ago, in the lost southern border of America, the initial Pandora field expanded steadily, and human villages were annihilated. Humanity is back today.

In the halo constructed by the new generation of superhuman groups, facilities provide the basis for this expansion. Gradually overwhelmed the energy obtained by the natural photosynthesis of the ecology.

In this strange land environment. Wei Keng's self-immune system worked hard to penetrate the barriers built by the global apostles, and stood firm.


this side of the system. Bai Linglu's 10,000-strong team is checking the future possibilities for Wei Keng's "feat".

They turned out Wei Keng's mental power model in the state of Jiehongzi (the plane of Shenzhou).

Mental power: It is a kind of information sustenance that does not pass through the physical neuron organs of the brain. ——It is Jie Hongzi who entrusts this kind of information in the Shenzhou plane.

But now from the perspective of information, the life frequency bands in Pandora's field can radiate and even reverberate, which is also a kind of mental power model. At this time, Wei Keng is already on par with Shenzhou Shi's "Hedao", and is even stronger.

In space-time management space.

The supervisory officials from different time and space lines, holding their hair, were repeatedly communicating about Wei Keng's current state in different time and space.

In the Space-Time Management Bureau, each high-level traveler has his own mental power system (spiritual consciousness) and a body movement control system (martial arts).

They are also looking for standards to judge in private.

If the connotation of a king is judged based on the "information volume" from the last plane war, and Wei Keng's current state is calculated in this way, it will be difficult to calculate the level.

How many types of proteins traverse the entire ecological world, and how many information exchange processes there are. The development potential of Wei Keng's life model in the future universe exceeds the reference value of all other existing kings.

In Sub-Monitoring Center No. 2343.

Sun Guanxiu (the newly transferred supervisor) came up with the plan just last night: These infinite methods are not far from the Dao system in some time and space. Although this is only on one planet.

At this time, Yan Beixiang, as a senior, opened up cells, multi-cells, coelenterates, and vertebrae, step by step, like a blueprint for biological evolution, and then opened up the stone tools, writing and other nodes in the development of earth civilization. There are several nodes among them, which are destined to be "a great screening for the development of life wisdom".

Yan Beixiang: "Who said this is only on one planet! This kind of information can pass through tens of thousands of carbon-based planets in the entire galaxy. This is a big screening. It is the accumulation of life's wisdom to let its own activity traces break through the shackles of the planet."

Sun Guanxiu nodded, understanding the excitement of his predecessors, the evolution on Pandora has broken through the big screening mechanism, how difficult it is now, and how ruthless it will be if it crosses the universe in the future!

After those Wei Keng arrived and jumped out halfway, the timeline of evolution has already explored how "cruel" the carbon-based life in this universe is going from the perspective of "worms" and "arthropods". ——But these "cruel" fates have not been laid well when traced back to the source.


After Yan Beixiang left, Sun Guanxiu quietly opened another communication link. In this communication is another supervisor, Li Yishuang.

Oh, this is a newcomer, but her mother, Wei Keng, knows Li Ximeng. As for her father, well, the paternal line is Mi Jia. This is because the two of them only have x and no y chromosomes, so they are both daughters after having sex with Hime.

In the quantum film layer of the main world and the alien plane, the command area.

After Li Yishuang received the information provided by Sun Guanxiu, he whispered in his data center: "The frequency band fluctuations in the nuclei of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen."

She clicked on another wave of information about Wei Keng in the dark plane at this time. He joked about Wei Keng's photo with a half-smile: "Time? Space? Life?"

On the other side, Hicks said to the mixed-race lady: "Miss, are you going to compete with the veteran monitor for the right to accompany this veteran's will?"

Li Yishuang: "No, the orientals are very specific. And my father told me that this oriental king has a cold personality. I just want to solve a cause and effect for my mother."


In another dimension, Li Ximeng obtained the Dao Fruit in the competition for the Dao, and won the victory in the eternal leap of Shangqing's limited consciousness. As a woman, this is not easy.

He was also the king of the first oriental female transmigrator in the old era after the First World War.

However, this competition squeezed out the chances of several other Shangqing, including Wei Qiang who was the last to condense the flame of will.

So, does Li Yishuang want to pay back this karma? For this cause and effect, she should find Wei Qiang to pay back. If she finds Wei Keng, the tiankeng, Wei Keng will always refuse, and at the same time retain the right to liquidate.

That's not what Li Yishuang thought!

She is preparing: use several planes to hold back the person who caused the problem, and ferment through time to generate more bargaining chips for restriction.

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