Out of the cage

Chapter 461 Chapter 11.17 Grinding tactics

October 25, 171.

The Sixth Division of Yucheng was surrounded, on the beach of Tiehu River. Within ten hours, four battles took place on the periphery.

In terms of the brood, the first division and the fifth division, the brood, which originally recovered the old city, decided to send two regiments together after discussing with each other.

The two war groups with 80% mechanization in the brood kept a certain distance one after another, as if they were united, but in fact they did not merge. Wei Keng couldn't find a word to describe this situation.

Coincidentally, when Bai Linglu and several other subordinate supervisors were handing out materials together, Wei Keng finally found a description: "Girls hold hands and go to the bathroom together."

Then Master Wei searched a wave of female psychology data, and gave the conclusion that the reason why Yucheng priests did this was "lack of security".

Just when Master Wei was analyzing clearly and said "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm」, Bai Linglu was "hmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

When Bai Linglu saw Wei Keng checking the contents of the information, he became angry: "If you are like this, you take it for granted, and you have no friends."

On the morning of the 25th, the aid was very successful.

This sense of security maintained by being close to each other is very illusory. The two troops are all marching troops, and they are both gentle lolitas who can be pushed down. Is it safe? If you really want to be safe, you need a strict division of labor. The outer line should be well deployed for investigation, and the inner line should be reserved for rapid changes to defense and counterattack.

As a result of the battle, Xinghan's tank troops, with the cooperation of the air force's diving firepower, rushed directly towards the core headquarters of the marching army, and killed them directly like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

[Waiting to fight for aid is like cutting leeks. After cutting a crop, you can continue to cut. Leek does not have a long memory, and he encouraged himself: the more frustrated, the more courageous! 】

After the first wave was killed, the brood commanders of the Old City did not give up, and sent a second wave of rescue troops. At this time, there were three regiments, combined with an air formation, to launch an air-to-ground strike. However, the close combat was slow in front of the tunnel system, lost speed, and then was attacked by two wings

Then on the afternoon of the 25th, the flying beasts falling from the sky and the gunpowder smoke of the land mechs being destroyed, the Brood defenders of the Old City could see it with their own eyes. Their reinforcements were like the oil in the kitchen pot being covered Cover and the flame will die quickly.

Xinghan was in a hurry to attack, otherwise, let the second wave of reinforcements go a little farther before disappearing. Reduce the shock of "seeing with your own eyes", and you may not be able to deceive the third wave.

Only tens of kilometers apart, after the priests of the Yucheng army reinforcements died in the attack, as well as the cries of the wounded and the signal calling "Mom", they were directly transmitted to their immediate superiors.

[The mother here is the elder of the young individual in the brood community, and should be considered as the elder sister in terms of seniority]

This made the two senior priests of Yucheng anxious.

On the No. 3 carbon-based steel tower in the Old City, a steel building with a height of 50 meters, a lady looks at the place with one hand on the steel frame, looking very sassy.

The golden belt is full of grip, and the head is wearing a white ceramic helmet. The bundled hair hangs down on the back in the style of a single ponytail, fixing the ridge. The legs were long, of course, but not slender, but very powerful. It looks powerful and unruly.

Closer view: tall nose, big eyes protected by windshield staring anxiously at the horizon.

She is Hongming, the commander of Yucheng who is currently stationed in the old city. She is the group of people who followed Long Ximin from the east.

Before this war broke out, she felt that it was impossible for the war to develop into an "extraordinary" state. After all, the industrial gap between the two sides was very large, and Xinghan did not have an advantage in military strength. But now, in just a few days, she has been unable to regain the confidence she has always shown.

Hongming sensed the last frightened and fearful emotions from her sisters in the frequency band. She whispered, "Xinghan is in that person's genes."


Hongming's so-called "that person" is naturally Wei Keng.

In Xinghan, because they are in contact with Wei Keng all the time, all the new generations of these boys have the impression of Wei Keng as a big brother they can rely on. A teacher who knows a lot of knowledge and principles, and a "rule" that strictly distinguishes right from wrong.

But in Yucheng's brood, Wei Keng is a legend. All Hong Ming could hear was the narrative of his seniors. In the east, the entire Yucheng community was destroyed by that person, and they had to migrate across deserts and mountains. He is a very, very terrifying Great Demon King. He is also a legend who always creates unexpected achievements.

Such a person brings fear to the brooders in Yucheng, and at the same time, there is a little bit of a different feeling.

When Hongming came down from the metal stairs of the ecological tower. Another woman who was as beautiful as her, with the same clothes, but her pupils were slightly lighter in color, stepped forward: "My mother sent us a message just now, telling us not to move any more, and stay firm."

This is another great priest, Jiamei, who is slightly younger than Hongming.

Hongming chuckled and repeated: "Mother, let us stick to it?" Her tone was obviously doubtful, this brood system should not have appeared in the first place.

Jiamei was slightly depressed, and said: "Yes, the loss of our two trips to the south, the mother's nest already knows, and the mother is very unhappy about our adventure and mistakes."

Hong Ming took a deep breath: "Everything will be fine, they (Xinghan) have few people, we just need to stand firmly, and then the other sisters will attack, and they will soon be overwhelmed."


The perspective came to Xinghan. As an attacking force, Xinghan suffered 27 deaths plus serious injuries. In the two reinforcements, a total of 37 people were killed against the enemy, and 127 people were taken prisoner. The battle loss ratio of both sides was 1:6.

From the combat level, this is a victory. However, from a strategic perspective, there is still a huge gap between the strengths of the two sides.

The teenagers of Xinghan will only be regarded as qualified soldiers if they have accepted the knowledge system for eight years in Yucheng.

According to this method of counting the number of combatants, the total reserve force of the brood is still ten times that of his own.

Objective facts: The thinking body born by the mother nest of the dragon family is much faster than the thinking body educated by Wei Keng. However, whether it is useful to inherit memory or educate it is useful, that is another matter.

In this battle, Xinghan not only wants to destroy the opponent's vitality, but also destroys the opponent's will to fight.


After the 25th, under the orders of the Xinghan General Strategy Department, the combat troops under the command of Qing Zaixing removed the siege of the Sixth Division of Yucheng.

At this time, the two aid goals have been achieved, and the divisions behind Yucheng have rushed over. If a large number of firepower is mobilized against Yucheng's industrial chain to block, the loss will be huge.

On the contrary, in mobile warfare, the firepower advantage of Yucheng's military units will be greatly reduced!

Note: It takes enough time to drag a cannon to a place and then deploy it on a large scale. Mobile warfare means not giving weakly organized troops the opportunity to prepare large-scale firepower in an area.


Moreover, Xinghan also tested Yucheng's offensive limit.

That is, on the battlefield in the north of Tianzhu, only four divisions can be guaranteed to attack. If there are more attacks, the road logistics will not be able to keep up.

If you count the interference with the logistics line, the offensive capabilities of these four divisions are stretched.

There is such a tactical idea in the war thinking that Master Wei passed on to Xinghan! That is to draw the opponent's huge army to a battlefield with complex terrain, spread it out like corn grains, and then use the overall force that one's own side can gather and roll, like a millstone, to crush a small part of it.

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