Out of the cage

Chapter 462 Chapter 11.18 Dynamic War

In the early stage of this battle of change in Xinghan, the military differences between the two sides were very huge. The initial military of the brood was fully armed with advanced armor.

The main weapon of the brood land is a six-legged tank beast with a solid shape like an elephant, but with a pure metal shell. Its rapid march is based on a single tracked single wheel on the chassis.

The light mechanical unit is an assault vehicle equipped with 20mm firepower, and it is carried by a mechanical bearing chassis and steel wheels. The big fleshy eyes in front of the car body are protected by a glass cover, and a hemispherical bulletproof steel shell (artificial eyelid) falls and opens to increase the protection during strafing.

These are all considered excellent designs in the unified logging area.

In the air, blue flame jet-accelerated fighter jets based on Lugia hover in the sky. The bomb load of this fighter plane reached 400 kilograms, and the duration of staying in the air reached two hours. However, the relevant data on Xinghan's side is only one-third.

The black mechanical ships with a tonnage of 100 tons on the river are also the "Yu" Chinese character symbols of the brood forces and numbers. These mechanical ships are drop-shaped as a whole, but after the half of the front cover pushes away the biological muscles covered in the tube, the mechanical device of the artillery pops out.


This is a war that Yucheng feels that 'it should never be lost'.

After October 25th, after completing the "siege" of the Sixth Division (the end of the aid), the unified cutting area returned to encircle the vicinity of the old city in the north. The Sixth Division, which was originally surrounded, was ordered by the brood to go north. At the same time, the 4th Division was urged to move quickly to complete the rendezvous.

On the 28th, the Sixth Division of Yucheng was cut off in the middle of the march. After an hour and a half of fighting, the formation of its regiment was successfully annihilated, and the military personnel of the division in Yucheng were killed and captured one after another.

Fourteen hours later, at six o'clock dawn on the 29th, the Fourth Division was cut off in the same way as it moved northward. While fleeing, the commander of the entire corps drove a mecha and fell into a roadside pit. The priest named Qiguang was simply put on clothes, and was carried out of the pit by a boy from Xinghan.


The way the gourd baby saved grandpa was beyond comprehension by the top micro-management experts.

But in fact, war is not a one-man show for micromanagement experts. Micromanagement experts want to advance in multiple ways, but in fact, under the blocking interference of the combat mode of modern military planning, whichever way micromanagement experts focus on micromanagement becomes independent progress!

Micro-management experts don't understand this staggered battlefield situation. After finding out that their micro-management lane has been wiped out, and the other lanes have been slow to advance, they will feel that the people below are unwilling to serve 'd country'.

Throughout the October battle, Xinghan defeated Yucheng's active offensive strategy.

Many legions in Yucheng began to stagnate, and began to fight cautiously. On the other hand, Xinghan has begun to replenish its troops - some female mechanics who are producing in the rear, um, these women who have become mothers have started to join the army, entrusted their children to their sisters, and began to join the battlefield .

War is to let women go away, but after they really can't go away, they still have to deliver weapons to let them participate in the process of defending the battle. Of course, they are different from the priests in Yucheng's brood, they are fighting for the continuation of the inheritance.

The captured colonial armor was repaired behind Xinghan's industrial city. After the military deciphered the gene frequency band system in the breeding warehouse, they lay down in it. Then, after actively studying the analysis of the battle by the brothers in front, this female mechanical group belonging to Xinghan began to fight.

After November, Xinghan's military mission of encircling and blocking the old city was carried out by this women's army.

Note: Although these young mothers had to be brought into the battlefield due to the shortage of troops, the decision makers of the Xinghan War still assigned them the rear-line military tasks with the least risk.


On November 5th, Qing Zaixing's main force completed its southward insertion and advanced to a place less than 50 kilometers away from the core hive of Yucheng. This attack forced Brood to bring back the military strength of the three divisions to form a protection.

And this kind of passive defense makes the offensive that was originally stagnant at the front line full of loopholes.

On November 8, after the deployment of the mother nest in Yucheng was completed, the Xinghan south line troops immediately crossed the tributary of the Tianzhu River and appeared on the south side.

This made the two divisions on the southern line of Yucheng immediately unite, and made the third division at the front line a lone army.

In November and September, when the third division was in a hurry to move closer to the friendly forces, it encountered an assault on the road.

The commander of the third division in Yucheng is Mona. She is the oldest of the high-level military commanders of the brood at this time. She has retained the genes of the old era, that is, there are wings behind her. Oh, if the human body wants to take off with wings, it has a hunched posture, which is not beautiful. Those human beings with bird genes back then have all given up this posture for the sake of modern beauty. Mona's back is a set of mechanical jet wings.

When she faced the surprise attack, she immediately ordered a counterattack. The mechanical artillerymen embedded their hexapods into the ground, raised their gun barrels, and instantly pressed the firepower on the beach, and the meteor-like bombs' raindrops' hit the mud. It seems to have suppressed Xinghan's frontal cluster attack.

But her firepower is still not enough. The real firepower suppression is to be able to take care of all directions, and to counter any attack signs quickly and accurately. The brood's artillery system is large enough, but lacks such scheduling.

Less than ten minutes after the mechanical troops under Mona's command had an advantage in frontal bombing, they immediately encountered roundabout firepower from both sides.

This commander was going to adjust her firepower to fight back, but at this time her firepower was almost exposed. Although the tracked rockets in Xinghan's detour troops were less than one-third of Mona's maximum shelling density, the projectiles fell accurately enough to suppress the others. Hastily dispatched firepower.

Mona's defensive firepower on both sides did not fire a few rounds, but was suppressed by the artillery fire from several kilometers away, and the self-propelled artillery mechanical beasts were blown up before they could run.

During the entire battle that followed, within a battle circle of less than five kilometers, the firepower points controlled by Mona were blown out by wave after wave of "wind" like candles in a strong wind.

What awaits her is not the bridal chamber. Her combat armor was blasted through by a 40mm cannon. When she was found, most of her tissues had almost lost their activity, including her brain.


While Mona was fighting, she was still sending rescue signals to all friendly forces in Yucheng. Of course, the most urgent rescue was only part of the air force.

In the surrounding positions, the reserve military group (female-based mechanical team) responsible for intercepting the Lugia aircraft intercepted all these air forces.

The rapid demise of the third division broke Yucheng's mentality.

Before the war, Yucheng understood Xinghan's demands, but he always felt that he could suppress the problem. Such a battle situation destroyed their high hopes for their own strength.

Yucheng's original number of legions could not stop the "sneak attack without martial arts" in the offensive strategy; it could not stop the "flexible interspersed" in the defensive operation.

The priests in Yucheng only now realize that they don't understand war.


War is about filling the void between each other.

To understand each other's vacancy. In short, it's like in the game, the boys embarrass each other to operate the dishes, and they still form a happy team in a dormitory.

If it is like makeup, make yourself beautiful, reserved and unwilling to expose, and don't allow others to mention it. Lots of good things to talk about each other, but -- everyone's problems are just glossed over.

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