Out of the cage

Chapter 489 Chapter 12.03 Reversing Nature

In the whirring ventilation duct, Wei Keng lay on the ground, covered his head, and began to contact the dark energy of this world for the first time.

The physical phenomena connected with dark energy have always existed in the universe. It’s just that human beings in the interstellar period can’t feel it. They can only know that there is such a thing by observing the mass gap between the stars. And after the leap era, this is the "magic" ability that ordinary human beings have. Oh, and if humans once again stabilized on a planet and reproduced for hundreds of years, this magical ability would also gradually disappear.

Wei Keng muttered while facing the wall, "Concentrate, take a deep breath, and relax." Finally, after some operations, his consciousness suddenly fell, and he came to the spiritual sea. Those ghost symbols engraved in his initial thinking are The initial dark energy structure.

This is the benefit given to newborns in the area where the leap gate is located in the star sea. Those veteran dark energy users will stimulate the most basic "single substance" dark energy fluctuations, so that children can grasp this "single substance" in their ignorance. Materialism".

According to each child's talent, at the age of sixteen, the more types of single dark energy that can still be stably linked, the higher the talent will be.

Wei Keng immediately brought into the memory of this body, and quickly sensed thirty-four kinds of dark energy "single substances".

There should be 61 types of dark energy elemental substances on the original plane. These elemental types are generally classified into three categories, the first category has 36 species, the second category has 12 species, and the third category has 13 species.

The combination of dark energy elements will form a unique effect, which is the same as how Pandora judges whether the insect swarm is a threat by looking at the number of protein frequency bands. The higher the ability, the more complex the combination must be.

These combinations have many established rules and cannot be piled up at will.

For example, the elemental substances of the first and second categories must be in the anti-symmetric state in order to complete the visible scale. — that is, the theory of incompatibility.

Wei Keng grabbed his beard, which does not exist now, and said with satisfaction: "Thirty-four runes, this is quite acceptable. According to the situation in the inner city area, it is basically above average."

According to the situation in the dark world, after there are more than forty-eight types of particles, it is the most rare for each additional particle to be sensed, and that kind of talent cannot be found in a small place like Wentiexing.

Jing Guyu: "This is the induction of the original owner of this body. Its residual spiritual consciousness can be controlled by you, but strictly speaking, it does not belong to you."

Hearing this, Wei Keng made sure again, and found that he had to substitute himself, um, the feeling of coming into this world.

In the passage, a little boy clenched his fists, blushed, and began to try to remember something!

Jing Guyu: "Everyone's consciousness is different. If you are close to the turning point, you can sense it again. Please rest assured. As a traverser, your state of consciousness is very large and you can sense all macro-matter particles. But the most important thing is It is to determine the combination of particles, which is what determines the level of dark energy.”

Jing Guyu was trying to guide something.

And Wei Keng's memory is gradually hazy, and he seems to recall another personality in his ignorance. This personality is very familiar, very familiar! ——It seems that he passed by himself?

Wei Keng is generally very plain, without any personality. But if you remind yourself that your personality is "struggle and jump", you will be shocked.

Wei Keng's spirit suddenly flashed a completely different "hard object", like white rice mixed with sand, bricks in soft cloth, sunspots in the sun, in short, it broke in very responsively.

A kind of unyielding, a kind of clang, a kind of resentment that would rather be broken under oppression.

Burning in the flames, we must also see the determination of the hypocrites to pay the price.

When external hostiles have countless adherents shaking their heads and denying themselves, they should also insist on exchanging one for one.

In the passage, Wei Keng slowly shed tears. Compared with other thoughts and ideas, I am very reluctant to respond to this very responsive "idea", but I have to admit that it is me!

An ordinary, middle-of-the-road person, but delusional to get the sun, facing the darkness, he can only burn himself as a 'little' self.

Wei Keng grasped this characteristic of his own will, followed the broad road in the sea of ​​consciousness, and finally reconnected with the old memory of Taxi Kairudder.

For a while, Wei Keng touched a more colorful world of dark energy perception, and as time went on, it became more and more vivid. Obviously, there are more than 34 types of dark energy perceived this time.

Since the time can be extended, it is better to directly perceive it longer.

After some time, Wei Keng noticed a combination, a combination that can compress and expand the space, and the time in the space becomes faster as it is compressed, and slows down after expansion!

Wei Keng is very familiar with such models. This is the empty twist plane model,

Perceiving this model, Wei Keng couldn't help muttering: "Xiaohan, compare it." But in an instant, Wei Keng realized that Qin Xiaohan was not on his side now. I felt a little melancholy for a moment.

Wei Keng withdrew his perception, let out a breath, and asked, "Jing Guyu, how long has it been?"

Jing Guyu: "Only three seconds have passed?"

Wei Keng: "Huh?"

Jing Guyu looked at Wei Keng with a complicated expression. However, Zhengse then explained: "When perceiving the dark energy, there is no time loss to the outside world. The three-second time consumption is because of the dark energy you just combined."

Wei Keng nodded, then raised his hand, focusing on the center of the palm, and soon all the dust in the air gathered into rough spheres in the palm.

Dark energy, the ability to directly connect to the physical phenomena of the universe in the depths of consciousness, is still an uncertain thing for the main world. The supervisor system can only analyze the situation through the thinking level of the traverser, and cannot directly monitor dark energy and consciousness. correlation between. Therefore, the system can analyze it only after Wei Keng shows it.

Wei Keng reported to the system that his two methods of using dark energy,

The first is aggregation, with a point as the center, all particles quickly aggregate into a ball. This is the ability that Wei Keng built urgently after being choked by dust.

The second type is diffusion. With a click, Wei Keng pinched it lightly, and the aggregated metal debris ball could not support it and shattered. Cracked into powder like running water.

Jing Guyu is not surprised by Wei Keng's ability. Evaluation: Level 1 dark energy.

Next, Mr. Wei began to clean the room he was in very hard. Pieces of dust particles gathered and were stuffed outside the gate. Get more and more proficient. The center of the spherical force field flickered like a flame. This sliver exudes a thorny spot of light, absorbing tens of meters of fine matter around it, and Wei Keng's hair also shakes from his ear.

That's when Wei Keng tried to combine dark energy, crushing dust particles into chunks and throwing them out.

At this time, a response came from the radio in the tunnel outside: "Ten minutes later, the air circulation will end, and the gates of each living area will be reopened. Residents are requested to follow order when entering and exiting public areas."

Wei Keng stretched his waist and said, "I'm going out for a walk."

Iron asteroid, after 0.5 rotation period, in the empty tunnel, a five-meter-long snag-shaped mechanical sentinel began to patrol, and rows of thin feet could only walk in the low-gravity area on the outer ring. Laser emitters and sonic cannons warn the residents of the Lower Ward not to break the law.

Sonic weapons are non-lethal weapons on the planet, but in the airtight environment of the asteroid tunnel, the sonic echo effect can shatter the internal organs of people in the entire street area, and it is impossible to see it from the outside. It is definitely in the process of asteroid suppression Ferocious weapon.

The metallic sound of "creaking and creaking" spread in the tunnel. The rusty iron powder was scraped off by this thing. The entire tunnel has thinned by at least a centimeter over these hundreds of years.

The wandering residents in the outer area wore tight-fitting helmet systems and lined up in twos and threes. Start getting robot checks for these levels.

These space suits seem to wrap the body tightly, but just like the fashions made of plastic garbage in the 21st century, they seem to have such a thing at first glance, but after thinking about it for yourself, they are very crude.

This kind of space suit is ordinary plastic cloth, which is wrapped on the body by a large number of rubber bands (metal elastic restraint rings), so that the body can evenly bear a feeling similar to atmospheric pressure. A rusty oxygen tube is carried on the back. The helmet is even more similar to a motorcycle helmet, with an oxygen respirator stuffed inside. It is not automatic. You must manually twist the airlock of the oxygen tube before injecting oxygen into the helmet.

It is impossible for such a space suit to walk in space for a long time in the outer layer of the asteroid, but when faced with a sudden change in air pressure, the rubber band can protect the blood vessels in the body under a certain pressure, so as not to prevent the lungs from expanding too hard and the blood vessels from bursting and injured . When the oxygen drops suddenly, it will not cause a coma and a sudden loss of mobility.

The poor, of course, is the way the poor respond.

At first, Wei Keng and the patrol robot played hide-and-seek to change the wellheads. After changing seven or eight wellheads, they were finally blocked tightly. In the end, the disheartened Wei Keng came to the giant robot.

The red light was flashing, the sound wave cannons on both sides had been turned on, and the robot, which was ready to fire at any time, went through three scans, and finally blocked Tassie Kaiduo at a certain hole, and confirmed the identity of Tassie Qiduo.

With no room for maneuver completely lost, Wei Keng half-straightened in the tunnel, doing the French military salute.

Two minutes later, a white space ball floated out from behind and took Wei Keng away.

Wei Keng was stuffed in the small spherical cabin, lying on the glass window, watching the backward scene outside the window, the tunnel was dilapidated at first, but as he entered the 20-meter-wide gates, the automated machinery began to change. There are more, and then the more you go inward, the more and more technology modules in the city. However, after arriving in the inner area, the clothes on the people here began to be simple.

Jing Guyu: "The residents of the inner circle grew up with their backs to the star gate, mastered the most advanced technology, and with the development of the dark energy system, when the energy source became smaller, the traditional mechanical outline disappeared."——This Just like a telephone, a smartphone is a smooth tablet with no dial buttons, and even the sound hole is not on the front, but on the inconspicuous side.

The system opened up the simple clothes of these inner dwellers, good guy, these are all with force fields.

Returned (caught back) to the inner layer.

Inside the school, the tutor's office. Wei Keng wanted to be arrogant and indifferent, but under the aura, he still lowered his head in fright like a good baby. At the same time, he bowed his head so easily to himself and was extremely reflective. Why don't you dare to have a fight with her.

In the oppressive atmosphere, the instructor made a verdict: "This semester is completely stayed in school. All the data inspection tasks of the space port are entrusted to you."

Hearing this, Wei Keng noticed that his residual consciousness seemed to vibrate instinctively.

Staying in school completely means that there is no time to go out to play, and the data inspection task of the space port is similar to a general cleaning task.

Various departments in the inner layer have tunnels leading to space facilities on the surface of the outer asteroid, such as schools, and there are a series of facilities in the outer space. Most of these facilities are automated and not a manual job. But send someone up to take a look every week, and in this process, you need to take a shuttle. The process of going straight up and down is comparable to a jumping machine in a playground, and it is much more uncomfortable than motion sickness, so the students have always shirked.

Wei Keng quickly switched to Taxi Qirudder's thinking.

Master Wei hypnotized himself: "Isn't it just a roller coaster! It's a little exciting, I should be excited, right! The speed on the earth will soar, and the adrenaline will also increase. Damn, I have to ride it every day."

At the same time, Wei Keng understood! This tutor is actually cold-hearted and warm-hearted. The so-called staying in school for a whole week is actually an endorsement for the trouble that Taci caused. If it is to let the students go home to operate, that is the real blame.

Wei Keng bowed deeply to his mentor, and then withdrew.

The mentor took a look at Tassie's steering, sighed deeply, and shook his head. Whisper: It is really pitiful to be born in such a family.

Wei Keng walked out of the school, looked at the rows of bright lights on the dome sixty meters above his head, and said, "The air in the inner circle is pretty good."

Jing Guyu: "Aren't you going to wander around?"

Wei Keng was at a loss for words for a while, and then he quibbled: Someone is covering me, so why are you running away?

Wei Keng wanted to continue to say something, but suddenly felt a little powerless. After a pause, Wei Keng asked, "Am I hungry?"

Jing Guyu: "It should be?"

Five minutes later, at the cooking place.

When Wei Keng was preparing a dry meal, he felt abnormally greasy after eating two pieces of meat. But I didn't feel full, I always felt that something was missing.

This made Wei Keng a little anxious, but after being prompted by the system, Wei Keng tried to order a nut similar to peanuts, and after biting twice, he couldn't stop immediately.

Jing Guyu: "Eat slowly, slow down, no one is robbing you, be good" - Wei Keng had to raise his head and questioned: "How do I feel, you are coaxing the hamster?"

On the system interface, Jing Guyu muttered with his eyes tilted slightly: "How could it be, you must be delusional."

Looking at the nuts in his hand, Wei Keng hesitated and said, "If I only eat nuts, will there be any side effects, such as nutritional imbalances?"

Jing Guyu shook his hands: "No, no, eat more. Boys who eat more nuts these days are welcome."

Wei Keng chewed up one: "Why? Being cute? I don't know how to do it. Also, I want to find out that I fart too much the next day. I can't spare you. I want to report you for misleading information."

Jing Guyu put on a smile of 'coaxing children': "Don't worry, eating nuts will only be fragrant and beautiful."

Wei Keng: "Repetition of words is disgusting."

After chewing more than 20 nuts, Wei Keng looked at the meat on the dining table again, and muttered, "Why don't you like meat? There must be something wrong with the way it is prepared."

As for the physique of Xu Xingxing, although Wei Keng had read a lot of materials, he still couldn't believe it.

People in this world have the ability to digest animal protein, but lack the ability to enjoy the corresponding taste.

Among the human genes on earth are the taste genes for scavenging: some people like snail noodles, stinky tofu, and stinky mandarin fish are all manifestations of this gene. And if this kind of food is placed directly here, it will only feel disgusting.

After eating, Wei Keng decided to plan for exercise, explosive power, and coherent planning of actions. These must form habits and must not be influenced by nature here.

In his space capsule, Wei Keng's calf was hung upside down on a gold hook on the horizontal bar, and he was playing with the metal egg in his palm.

Wei Keng waved his hand and lowered the single cylinder: "People on earth, troublemakers! ——This time I have to go against my nature."

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