Out of the cage

Chapter 490 Chapter 12.04 The Vortex Beginning to Form

Compared with today's star sea, Wen Tiexing looks like an ordinary asteroid, with a medium-to-lower mass and volume. But in fact, there is something special here, that is, the location of the channel, so that the number of stargates linked to it will increase in the future.

As interstellar dynamics change, the asteroid will be out of orbit in the next two decades, and will enter a key star fragmentation nebula in two hundred years. Therefore, Wentiexing will have important strategic development possibilities.

This inconspicuous asteroid area full of poor people is similar to a small fishing village waiting to be circled and developed in the main world in the late 1970s.

Once entering the hot and dense nebula belt, complex interstellar energy gates can be established, and a large number of high-value interstellar activities will be opened. The importance of this planet will increase in the future, um, that is a matter of the future.

However, this seemingly ordinary asteroid has been pre-booked by a dark energy person who was banished from the center. Her participation will protect the interests of the local area at that time.

It's just that at present, the local forces of Wentie Star are not aware of the above situation. Nothing is known about the asteroid star who has been in office for more than forty years.

These little fish and shrimps don't know where they are on the asteroid Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Iron Star, the core captain area, is a space structure with a diameter of one kilometer. The space command hall is the central hall of a space voyage ship. This is actually the immigrant ship that was close to the Iron asteroid two thousand years ago ship, and then drilled into the facility in the star.

In most activities of colonizing asteroids, the command module of the warship that eventually colonizes will be forcibly drilled into the center of the asteroid under the protection of a force field.

In the No. 6 control hall in the core area, 600 tons of water floated in the form of a large transparent water polo under zero gravity. Bubbles were embedded in this water polo. woman lying naked in it. The elegant face is facing the sparkling light from the water layer, calm and leisurely. The endless energy grew from the illuminated body and gathered in the flat belly.

She is Chang Hengxi, dark energy level 7, 427 years old this year, and has just passed the fourth life adjustment stage. Of course—in the eyes of most people in Wen Tiexing, she is only a fifth-level dark energy user in office now.

For an asteroid like Wentiexing, the ruler is generally a level 5 low-level dark energy user. After the asteroid is fortified, the ruler is a level 6 dark energy. place. (There is a huge gap between the sixth level and the seventh level, similar to the gap between gods and demigods)

Chang Hengxi is not a dark energy powerhouse who suddenly appeared. From four hundred years ago, her original consciousness, after the birth of this planet, left here three hundred and seventy years ago, entered the super stargate world to study and train, joined the army halfway, and has fifty years of service experience.

Just returned here forty years ago, she returned here to prepare for the game. Her strong dragon temporarily took over the governance of her hometown. Her dark energy type rank is above average. Of course, this high-level comparison is completely high for the forces on this asteroid, and there is no difference.


Life adjustment can be regarded as the technical application of the regeneration system of the main world! After all, the carbon-based body has a limit in the accumulation of memory and emotions. When it is more than a hundred years old, the huge memory and thinking have to be slowed down, so it is necessary to make life adjustments, strip most of the past memory and thinking, and leave Streamlined thinking.

For most of the promise stars, the previous life adjustment and the next life adjustment are similar to the relationship between the previous life and this life.

So is Master Wei! He has had many identities in the past, such as: the sword master in the plane of empty twisting, the immortal on the ground in the plane of Shenzhou, and the emperor in the plane of Pandora. ——But every time I start a new task, I get rid of these burdens, even quite thoroughly, and my self-awareness returns to the starting point of "the posture of a middle-aged man".


For Chang Hengxi, her dark energy system made her adjustment process very short, about ten days or so.

Narrator: Every hundred years, Chang Hengxi always feels slightly uncomfortable. Of course, it was during Chang Hengxi's physiological adjustment period that Wei Keng came to this plane.

This seventh-level dark energy is definitely an extremely brilliant "orthodoxy" inheritance in today's Star Sea, making Wen Tiexing, an ordinary asteroid, special in the Star Sea Council because of her existence.

Please note that the dark energy of the same level is divided into "system", "upper and lower".

Just like the academic qualifications in modern times, they are also regular 985 undergraduates, sports students, art students, and college upgrades, all of which are different.

Chang Hengxi's dark energy belongs to the "life" system, and ranks in the upper middle of the dark energy system.

The category of 'life' is originally a mixed category in the dark energy system. Some life system dark energy is at the bottom, while some are the highest.

High-level dark energy type of life system. The degree of popularity in the star sea is higher than that of "energy burst" and "strengthening system". Of course, it is incomparable with rare and incomparable systems such as "space-time system" and "matter transmutation".

Now, her 'sunbath' is using photons as energy to reconstruct the organic matter in the body.

Under the onlooker effect of dark energy, the molecular motion is similar to the optical effect of plants, but the speed is much faster. As long as there is enough sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and some trace elements, the organic matter structure can be quickly restored, and after the scope of her capabilities is expanded, the entire asteroid can maintain a carbon cycle process that is no less than that of a living planet. And this is the long-term guarantee of her organic life body.

Her dark energy system was called "Light Absorption" at level six, but it couldn't be called this name when it reached the essence at level seven.

The essence of dark energy is actually linked to phenomena, but not directly prolonging life, anti-aging and adjusting life.

But in the application, the above longevity results can be indirectly achieved through scientific and technological means,

Every dark energy user above level 4 will use means to maintain physical activity. But the paths and costs vary.

Just like in the ancient times, basically every normal person could get money without being an adult, but they all had the means to make money! It's just that the price paid by various means is different.

Chang Hengxi's seventh-level dark energy—named "light-absorbing growth" in the sea of ​​stars, in the "shoal" of Iron Star, has always been underestimated by the one-sided cognition here.

But even so, the application of her dark energy at the sixth level is among the top in the entire 'life system'. Including in the state of life extension, there are basically no side effects!

In contrast, the "life system" dark energy of some combat teams in the Star Sea Council's military headquarters is much rougher after reaching level six than when Chang Hengxi was at level six, and there are great hidden dangers. Why do these "lower dark energy" have weak roots?

It is also the "life system", most of the combatants in the military have no background and have no choice but to pursue the perfect organic cycle model of "light-absorbing growth"

Among the "star knights" recruited by the military forces of the star sea, most of the "life systems" take the path of simple organic matter devouring.

Directly absorb the target's organic matter, but this "attack with blood-sucking" can be used to fight and support the battle. In the process of fighting, the virus that comes with the enemy's target organism is not completely disassembled, and it will be transferred into its own body through flesh and blood.

The superficial dark energy of life does not seem to have any side effects in the short term. Viruses will be suppressed by high metabolism, but the recycling of organic matter is not accurate. More importantly, you can't survive the catastrophe of life adjustment!

Below the sixth level, the container of human consciousness is composed of organic matter after all. When re-identifying one's new life body, all accumulated hidden dangers will explode.

[This is like a country, if it is not established on the basis of a just civilization system at the beginning, many hidden dangers will be buried inadvertently as it grows. Internal plunder, you can't restrain yourself when it is strong, you expect its power to restrain itself and restrain itself when it is difficult! What are you kidding? The adjustment process is the weakest time, and if these 'predatory systems' cannot be suppressed, the end must be self-destruction? 】

The same is true for dark energy people in maintaining the strength of organic life forms. When the body benefits from plundering organic objects, the carbon-based body will automatically transform into a 'plundering system'. When adjusted, it will inevitably decline.

What, keep devouring, keep the body strong forever?

When any system operates to a certain level, entropy will increase and a large number of redundant parts must be formatted and adjusted, and self-formatted adjustments will inevitably have a period of weakness!

For an existence like Chang Hengxi, who undergoes life adjustments every 100 years, the period of weakness in the middle is extremely short, and the decline in strength is almost unaffected! This is one of the many differences between excellent dark energy and ordinary dark energy beyond the element of "combat power".

This is similar to the positions in ancient times. Whether some positions are good or not is not simply based on "money".

Note: Level 7 is a big threshold, and the simplest level 7 dark energy breakthrough is extremely difficult, and not to mention 'big hidden dangers', a small number of 'small hidden dangers' dark energy users have no possibility of advancing to level 7. Most of the low-income families in Xinghai will not be prompted.

In the Starry Sky Council, the dark energy system of the military department is often very wild, because of the members they accept. Only focus on combat power.

This is like the boss in ancient times who offered a monthly salary of 10,000 to 20,000, which only focused on the value that you could produce when you were most energetic between the ages of 20 and 35! ——Skill accumulation and growth, the value displayed at the age of forty-five, in their opinion, there is no need to invest that time!

As some wealthy masters in modern times often said: "If you don't do it, someone else will!"

Now the starry sky council has the same attitude towards the wage earners recruited by various fringe asteroids: "Sacrifice long-term life potential in exchange for sufficient combat power. You don't take this path, some people take this path. Iron Planet There are hundreds of thousands of asteroid areas around the sky area where it is located. The population is born from generation to generation like leeks. Pursuing dreams and coming to the central star gate will never lack the source of troops.”

Oh, the big power of Stargate also respects talents. But the talent standard in their hearts, the threshold is quite high.

[Just like the capitalists in ancient times, they were stingy about giving their employees opportunities to grow, but they were greedy for the high-end technical personnel who had grown up, and kept spending a lot of money on digging. In important fields, the forties and fifties are the prime years for a technician. Master Wei: "It's not uncommon for such talents to host banquets and set up a high platform to invite them. Entrepreneurs who are truly willing to wear work boots to grow talents can only appear in TV dramas.\

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