Out of the cage

Chapter 71 Chapter 2.28

The shuttle to the Pandora plane was completed on time. With the fluctuation of the space node, Wei Keng disappeared into the wormhole again. In the eyes of the personnel in the Pearl River District, Wei Keng left the wormhole to go back for vacation, because Wei Keng arranged for leave for various positions two months before the wormhole opened.

So before Wei Keng stepped into the wormhole, many people said to Wei Keng, "Have a nice vacation".

For such a blessing, Wei Keng could only smile wryly and helplessly: "Am I on vacation? I stay here all year round, and I have to work there when I return. Hundreds of years ago, workers could go home once a year." Yes. When can I go back to the main world and do nothing for a week?"

Wei Keng's complaints made the onlookers of the Time and Space Group feel that compared with most traversers, Wei Keng lacked the spirit of "wholeheartedly dedicated to the development of the plane".

[The accumulation of these negative impressions of Wei Keng will not be refuted by Wei Keng. Just like an industrialist's negative evaluation of "young laborers are unwilling to get up early", it will not be corrected by the parties concerned.

Those who love time travel, what do they love? And Wei Lao is tired during the time travel, where is the fatigue? The daily activities that can be classified as "work" in name, are positive people because of optimism, and negative people because their mentality is not correct? So just adjusting the mentality can solve the problem? 】

The ripples of the wormhole calmed down in Pandora, and the ripples began to ripple in Shenzhou.


In September of 2204, Qin Tongli, the plane of Shenzhou, Wei Keng came back. After flashing out of the laboratory on the plateau, he started a new work arrangement without stopping.

On the third day after his return, Wei Keng squatted in the sand on the east side of the Gobi Desert wearing a straw hat, holding a handful of sand in his fingers, and spit lightly on it to feel the stickiness of the sand in his hands.

And around Weikeng, there is a green plant belt composed of large expanses of nematode plants.

This is the sandy soil after the action of the desert soil binder. Changing the soil structure at the granular level by infiltrating organic matter to agglomerate the sand

The raw materials for making this adhesive are very cheap, that is, some herbs including straw.

In southern China, due to precipitation, the natural decomposition of plant fibers will harden the sand. But in the dry northwest, Populus euphratica will not die for a hundred years, will not fall for a hundred years after death, and will not rot for a hundred years after falling.

Natural conditions do not support a rapid conversion of a certain process, and humans should think about accelerating a certain process, so as to restore balance to nature.

In places where water resources are abundant in the Hetao River Basin in Guanzhong, Western Economic Union has built a large number of reaction tanks to process raw materials such as straw. It is transported to desert areas by special train in the northwest direction.

Although this set of sand solidification industry chain technology was directly copied by Wei Keng from the main world, it is not black technology. Twenty years ago on the plane of China, some agricultural colleges and universities had done related research and made adhesive manufacturing methods. Just ah! Due to cost, this technology has not been used industrially.

It can only be produced on a small scale, and the cost is unacceptably high. Now, even if it is mass-produced, after the cost is reduced, it is not competitive. If the farmland is maintained, the cost per mu is still as high as 10,000 yuan. And still have to keep investing. In today's market, there seems to be no commercial reason to do it.

And the main world is also three hundred years after the Mars rover excavated soil. With the overall improvement of mechanized productivity, the information network allows urban residents to control a wider outside area. With everyone's growing desire for "land domination", this desert It is only after the cultivation technology has the possibility of marketization.

[Don’t use the consumption concept at the beginning of the information age to judge the consumption concept of hundreds of years, just as the first generation of netizens did not understand that there will be such things as "expensive plastic villains" and "hundreds of thousands of gold cards" in a few decades. And the thing that can't grow a few grasses a year on this acre of land in the northwest is precisely the wealth management product pursued by urban residents hundreds of years later. 】

In this life, Wei Keng's family also has such a piece of land, which is fully automated.

This kind of land is like "the present ocean left by the ancestors", it is very difficult to buy an extra piece.

Just like Wei Keng and Wei Qiang, although there is no dispute over the property rights of this land, neither of them allows the land to be sold.

Wei Keng and Wei Qiang: "This is the foundation of our ancestors, and only a broken house will be sold."

The surface of that land has well-established desert vegetation. Forty-seven metal and plastic greenhouse plantations can use solar energy to self-sufficient 50% of their energy, and of course they are also connected to the external power grid. Under the ground are sixteen underground buildings with a depth of 50 meters, with a large number of warehouses. Water sources are connected to underground rivers. And some underground areas are specially drilled to 99 meters as graveyards.

Although Orientals in different eras have different ideas about some consumer goods, there are still some commonalities that run through the times. And this kind of commonality, Wei Keng and the two generations have experienced it very deeply.

save! effective savings. Even if I can't use it all up, I can leave it for future generations to think about.

But now, look back at Qingjian. Among most people in the East, the concept of "saving is hope" has never wavered. This is very different from the Western "freedom is hope".

Therefore, when the main world comprehensively checked and destroyed, it was believed that the flames of war had spread in the early days of the double millennium.


Wei Keng is an Oriental, so he pays attention to Eastern issues. That is the saving failure problem.

The ancient history of the main world: Before the double millennium, the East began to sell shoes and hats to the world and became a global manufacturing center in the following decades. In the beginning, it was true that business capital was accumulated, but in the later period, it reached the upper limit of credit holdings that the global structure can tolerate, and what was accumulated was only the amount of green paper.

This grid that restricts the East is the global military structure, the US Navy combined by other world powers, and hundreds of military bases draw a glass ceiling.

When the "green paper" exchanged cannot be exchanged for technology, and the purchase of raw materials is restricted in the origin of raw materials, it has become a squandering under the culture of first-mover powers using gold ahead of time. This has led to the fact that foreign currency colonization does not actually exchange for the so-called "innovative and technological wealth", but instead keeps the value of the local currency being flooded.

Therefore, it is difficult for the main oriental currency to maintain value under the general trend.

In a few decades, eggs have risen from one or two cents to one piece. The so-called mid-stream savings banks can only panic and exchange their local currency for the only real estate that can preserve value at that time (the property price is rising year by year).

For boys chasing the opposite sex, it costs five hundred for afternoon tea and hot pot a few times a week. In order to be decent in front of the opposite sex, you must have the ability to spend 3,000 yuan a month, and the various "meaningful" festivals created by business people give the so-called "romantic" opportunities, and even more extra consumption .

And these consumptions may not be fruitful in the end. Since various concepts from the outside, the "combination of the two" has become less reliable.

When this industrious ethnic group that multiplied by the great rivers suddenly discovered that the accumulation of personal savings has shrunk again and again. Hopes placed on future generations have become empty talk. Batch after batch of young and strong people laughed at themselves, "the body should be flattened."

Compared with the cold confrontation of the eagle and the bear, the cold confrontation of the rabbit and the eagle is also tragic. The young workers on both sides have significantly reduced their staff


The focus of Wei Keng's work in the Pandora plane is to lead the remnant people to unite and survive after the catastrophe, to fight against the invasion of the gene community, and to solve the problem of hunger and warmth. ——That was Wei Keng's promise to the people in Pandora.

Wei Keng's center of gravity in the Shenzhou plane is to push the national track back to the road of construction and accumulation, so that the hopes of ordinary people can be relinked to savings and child rearing. ——And this is Wei Keng's obsession that has never dissipated.

The wind and sand in the desert are still noisy, and the sand-fixing equipment is still being driven into the grass grid piece by piece.

After eating at noon, Wei Keng put the iron lunch box in the sand and cleaned it. The sand wiped the rice bowl clean.

After many days of hard work, Wei Keng's ruddy face turned gray again after returning from Pandora.

The erratic sand will settle, and grass will grow.


In 2205 of the Qin Dynasty, after more than half a year, rows of low-water-consumption windbreaks such as black locust appeared in rows in the West Gobi. After the soil was improved, the water in the soil was locked. It is filled with grass-green glass greenhouses in large quantities. Although the air is still extremely dry, it is full of lushness under the protection of plastic and glass.

Eastern media workers took a helicopter to observe this lush scene.

The picture of millions of hectares of fertile land is very shocking. Although China in this world has completed industrialization, and the value of agricultural output has declined year by year in the total output value, in the bones facing the loess and back to the sky, the word "prosperity" is still linked with a large number of acres.

Of course, the scholars of the southeast governing lineage unsurprisingly raised doubts. They believed that the way of reverse ecological cycle. , will lead to retribution from heaven.

Therefore, the credit level set by the relevant ticket companies for this industry is very low, and the ticket exchange is unwilling to accept financing for this part of the assets, and it will be observed for another two years.

They also seem to have carried out some well-founded science popularization.

Because, when the Western Economic Union was destroying agriculture on a large scale in the Western Regions, Su Hong was also engaged in a set of mechanized agriculture in the Central Asia region. It's just that their methods are very rough, and they don't use greenhouses or drip irrigation. The direct use of agricultural machinery to turn over the soil and flood irrigation by pumping river water has led to the depletion of the Aral Sea in Central Asia and at the same time caused soil salinization. Then came the catastrophic locust disaster.

These brickmen, taking Su's failure case, set their ratings on Wei Keng's technology-intensive and capital-intensive agricultural production model, and described its infeasibility. This is vicious suppression

Of course, this kind of operation did not exceed Wei Keng's expectations, and the group of people who held gold in Donglin had been guarding against it for a long time.

Wei Keng: You are not benevolent, so don't blame me for being unrighteous. Change, or game, is about to begin.

For such a large scale, how to win? Need the station of the most active group in age group! Wei Keng believed that he could make the group stand on his side.

A consumer revolution has begun.

The initial stage of this counterattack was not large: major cities in the west began to limit the time period for private cars, and gradually expanded the original public transportation system, only allowing the purchase of small and medium-sized electric vehicles.

After being questioned, it seems that the main force of the enemy has been confirmed, and continue to march forward boldly: public wine and tea shops have been completed in various best locations in the city, and the public wine and tea shops offer a 10% discount for mandarin ducks to enter! Jointly and indirectly, they also advertised and promoted projects such as pre-planting flowers in advance, and renting greenhouses on the Internet.

The final decisive battle is housing property: all registered private businesses directly assume the housing property of young workers as guarantee. Five months after joining the company, young laborers buy residential property with a loan from their employer. Once they get married two years later, or have a parent and child within one year (clear blood relationship with both parties), the ownership of the residential property is officially confirmed, and the guarantee is transferred from the employer to the individual.

Anyone can go to the school, it is easy to find a stable salary, and it is easy to buy real estate. There is no need for luxury cars and BMWs, and chasing a beautiful woman requires hard work and no loss of money. This kind of governance is lifeless in the eyes of some upper class people.

Wei Keng: "It's the age of internet and letter. Does our private business have to rely on "making housing prices high, marriage difficult to tie, and asking for salary bent knees" to make a living? Private businessmen can't always think about letting the world rule. If you want to bear the cost and want a better supply of labor, then you have to join in governance.

What? The pressure of private business operation is high, the upstream and downstream need to flow silver, the arrangement of raw material points, and the channels of goods production are also recommended. Don't invest in the pawnbrokering industry in the east. If you can't exchange technology, you won't be able to store goods.

In Shenzhou, as the eastern bank of gold stopped exporting silver to the west, the western people's bank also stopped gathering the pawnshop industry in the east. The votes were all guided to the direction of Xinminzhu according to the choice of not.

As the first batch of large vegetable farms with glass greenhouses in the Western Regions succeeded in making profits, they were immediately bought by people with just a little money. Immediately afterwards, it changed hands and leased it to contractors in the area at a low price in the trading market controlled by Western Economic Union. Low rents can't stop investment, because the output is arranged by big data, and there is output to preserve value.

To work is not to forge the spirit of struggle that is approved by some superiors.

In the East, the unruly people have rebelled for thousands of years, and they have long been untamed. Men save money for themselves, not gold mines that are randomly fried and refined by meat eaters in High Tang Dynasty


In the spring of 2205 in the Qin Tongli calendar, although the growth of the traditional cargo breeding industry was also stuck, it did not enter a depression.

The traditional oil and gas vehicle industry has experienced a sharp decline. And other economic projects, such as various private wine and tea shops, singing and dancing parties, and because of the 10% discount offered by Western Economic Union in similar public entertainment halls, Pinduoduo wines are pre-ordered and stored in advance, which directly wiped out the leading Chinese chain in the east. industry.

The purchases of ordinary goods in western China are mostly concentrated in electronic products, drones, ecological houses for everyone, and high-speed train tickets that can travel regularly three times a week. If the travel ticket is not used every week, 90% of the cash can be returned directly, or it can be converted into a cargo ticket, and the fruit you want can be transported back, or the soil fertilizer that you want to transport can be sent there.

Seeing that the huge cargo operation of Western Economic Union is gradually decoupling from the traditional financial management group, it has greatly promoted the renewal of the new generation of civilian cargo of Western Economic Union.

The guys in the east are in a hurry. They found out that this bastard Wei Keng was going against the sky.

The financial department in the east wants to eat more and occupy more on this plate! And Wei Keng took out the plate directly.

The life pattern of the common people has completely changed, and it seems nothing. But for the existence at the top, it is similar to the mass extinction in the ecological world, the higher the higher the more unlucky it is.

For example

When the fuel used by the community is the gas tank, the group monopolizes the civilian fuel supply by controlling the gas tank. But if the community's fuel usage is changed to gas pipeline supply, the gas tank will not be needed.

When the use of motorcycles was the mainstream, but residents suddenly changed their way of travel to bicycles, and electric vehicles shared bicycles, and the motorcycle industry would shrink.

When residents need washing machines to wash clothes at home, if the community public laundry room can solve the problem of washing people's daily clothes, then the washing machine industry will be overwhelmed.

But now the west is not just a change in the consumption of these gadgets, but it is completely out of touch with the east, re-planning the life style of ordinary people. Make daily necessities cheaper and more useful, and more conducive to wealth accumulation. Rather than excess consumption planned under the will of business and private interests.

If this kind of life pattern is allowed to expand! It already means war, and the upper echelons of the loser's side will go bankrupt.


In southern Anhui, under the tower of a certain Buddhist temple, Bai Yiyun was recruited here again. I met a monk.

This monk was originally a protégé of a certain cabinet leader, but he seemed to have become a monk in despair from the outside world.

But he's still playing for his group.

Now he was sitting in front of his seat, after three rounds of tea, he said slowly: "Help me deal with someone."

Bai Yiyun was silent for a long time: "Since it's benefactor's order, it's my duty."

"Smart people" occupy resources, so they will not believe in the liberation of spontaneous labor enthusiasm, and instead determine that it is their own "supervision" of honest people. Promotes positivity.

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