Out of the cage

Chapter 72 Chapter 2.29 Cross-Boundary Confrontation

In 2207 of the Qin Tongli calendar, Hetao area.

Wei Keng squatted on the ridge of the field, watching the mechanized agricultural combined tillage machine, which tossed and raised the land into ridges, and buried potatoes in pieces along the ridges, and put the water pipes one by one on the ground following the traces of the potatoes. At the right location, when the angle of view is zoomed in, only the original fields can be seen after the machinery passes by, and the ten thousand mu of fertile fields covered with plastic film and pipes can be seen.

The so-called field ridges are raised soil stripes. During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the amount of precipitation was greatly reduced, and the ridge method was vigorously promoted. In winter, plant seedlings in sunken long strips to protect the seedlings from wind and water. After growing up, the raised part is plowed, and the soil is pushed to the roots of the small seedlings that were originally depressed, so as to keep water and fertilizer while preventing falling. In this way, the bump is transformed.

When harvesting in winter, new seedlings are planted in the sunken places, and then repeated again, the stubble left in the raised places in the previous season will rot in one season, and then be plowed and ground. It can be seen that this kind of planting sacrifices the yield per unit area, and it is very effective in the northwest area where there are few people.

Now, compared with the agricultural development of the Raksha people in Siberia, which also grows potatoes, Shenzhou seems to have more talent for planting.

Compared with the young crops in the field, the thriving "green crops" that sweat and work are more joyful.


After arriving in Shenzhou, Wei Keng became more and more certain that due to the different historical processes in the East and the West, it is impossible to search for progressive groups horizontally. Only after a vertical analysis can one find out which one among the various production relations can become a trend. order group.

For example, in Continental theory, the rise of the bourgeoisie was driven by the petty bourgeoisie dominated by urban handicrafts. However, during the farming dynasty in the East, the petty bourgeoisie did not exist.

To be precise: those people in the Eastern cultural marketplace do not have organizational advantages over other groups, and it is impossible to expect to find a group similar to Western city-states in the Eastern marketplace to allow them to undertake the same historical mission.

The reason why the petty bourgeoisie rose during the Renaissance was that before the Renaissance, the literacy rate of the people in continental Europe was weaker than that in the East. After the petty bourgeois in the city-state completed the literacy rate and the popularization of culture through commercial exchanges, it broke the past. mobilization monopoly.

And what about the East? With the ability to read and write, small and medium-sized citizens like Wu Dalang can gain mobilization power for the lower classes? Don't talk about "businessman", Kong Yiji, who knows many ways to write "fen", will be laughed at by the short-cloth gang. In the East, at least one person can have a certain mobilization power in the countryside.

Therefore, in the ancient history of the main world, the middle and lower classes in the East wanted to gain the ability to overthrow the dynasty, and wanted to cultivate business groups according to the Western system, and then transplanted some Christianity to enhance cohesion, and there were various acclimatizations.

Therefore, in the twentieth century, after studying the West, dogmatic scholars believed that since there was no small bourgeoisie in the East, it was impossible for the East to enter capitalism on its own. Then directly draw the conclusion: "the East has no historical conditions to enter industrialization independently".

The way to get such a conclusion is like not finding the source of a big river, and then pointing to this big river and saying: "You have no possibility of flowing into the sea."

So let's go back to the origin of the problem.

What is needed for industrialization? A group with sufficient organizational and mobilization capabilities. ——Continental Europe happens to have small bourgeoisie who can complete it. This is the standard answer in the West, but it is not the only answer.

But in the Eastern social structure, businessmen are not qualified, so why can't they find others? After the dogma is unsuccessful, it is not objective to completely negate it.

In Shenzhou, Wei Keng has locked a group. This group has the possibility of a surge in mobilization and can undertake historical missions.


According to the production and progress of the Western city-state Renaissance, clusters that broke away from agriculture and lived through handicrafts evolved.

The evolution of similar classes also occurred during the development of eastern productive forces, with short-term workers and long-term workers.

The short-term workers are hired by small households to cope with the busy farming, while the long-term workers are supported by the local big landlords. They handle farm work during the busy farming season and are used to grab water and resources in normal times.

If you put aside the sacred sanctity endowed by the religion of the European knight lords, the big families in the counties and towns in the East are also in this class.

It's just that Eastern agriculture has been more advanced than Western agriculture for a long time, and the upper limit of development is a little higher than Western agriculture. This section that is so high has caused a huge difference in the humanities.

The population that overflowed from agriculture in the early days of the West became citizens. And the early spillover population from agriculture in the East? Still able to cling to the native land! ——It is necessary to let this part of the population cluster together.

Therefore, the west completed the division of labor and agriculture earlier, while the east, because the land can still restrain some lost labor, must use strong means to squeeze out this part of the labor! (This means: change of land ownership, critique of the legitimacy of the accumulation of land over generations.)

This situation in the East has resistance before the reform, but after that, it has a local characteristic advantage.

Europe is completely divided at the level of people, urban areas are urban citizens, and agricultural areas are rural people.

In the East, however, mobility is maintained, and labor is only divided in terms of the nature of the work. Agricultural activities and industrial activities are in two areas, and people can travel between these two areas. People are not specifically divided.

Therefore, from the point of view of historical tasks, what corresponds to the bourgeoisie during the Western Renaissance is not the ordinary people in the East. Rather, they are people who commute between the two work areas of agriculture and industry.

In the big data, this group is very distinct in the information of the train station. Improve their culture and organization.

Wei Keng: "To pull people to do things, you have to analyze it when copying historical answers. If you pull the wrong person, you will feed the dog with enthusiasm. It's all useless."

If you have identified the key points of your work, you should work hard there, and vice versa? ——

Therefore, Wei Keng would not go to the commercial receptions or the cultural salons between small businesses. Wei Keng: "Guys who can't take on the mission, there's no need for me to waste my feelings."


Beginning in 2204, Wei Keng researched a large amount of relevant agricultural and economic data on the main plane in the second half of the 21st century in the East, practiced them, and used them boldly.

Data in the second half of the 21st century: The restrictions on household registration in rural and urban areas have been completely abolished. The exchange effect of population flow between rural and urban areas has been strengthened. From the perspective of the nature of work, agricultural work is concentrated during busy farming hours, which can be staggered from most industrial production. There is no need to classify people abruptly.

In terms of life, young people tend to live in fast-paced cities, while middle-aged and elderly people live in rural areas.

During the slack period in rural areas: it happens that retired people who are not used to busy work can check the fields through 5g network drones, and at the same time check the data. If they encounter diseases and insect pests, or there are problems with the irrigation system, they can hire local companies to deal with them. During the busy farming season, the city has made special holiday arrangements to allow young laborers in the city to return to their hometowns to live.

Behind this involves a lot of social deployment work: not only the cancellation of regional differences in the highest document, but also a comprehensive work plan for housing, Internet, and medical care between urban and rural areas.

At the same time, strong legislative protection is carried out: during the busy farming period, private businesses that are not in the exemption category will be severely punished for labor recruitment during this period, and at the same time, the sudden increase in unreasonable business orders during this period will be refuted. (Only iron and steel, machinery manufacturing, chemical industry and other secondary industry technologies, electric power, medical care, transportation and other necessary social public service industries can be exempted.)

When agriculture is fully mechanized and there are various information-based supervision equipment, agriculture is no longer a physical activity, but an industry with a very high degree of technology integration. If the old relationship is maintained, the industry in the city will not be able to expand the market to the vast rural land, and the young labor force will give up the rural land when faced with the choice between the city and the rural land, and shrink inward or spread out in a small corner of the metropolis .

When young and middle-aged people switch tasks on the move, undertaking industry and agriculture at the same time. This group cannot be named by the Western-style farmers and workers. Two in one. In fact, they are the largest group, and they are the most overwhelming force in this era.

Wei Keng: "In the industrialization of the East, you can't rely on merchants. Only farmers and workers can complete this historical mission. In this world, if you want to win, you have to win for one hundred years or more than two hundred years."——This is Wei Keng's general blueprint.

So, why should the pattern of life in the West begin to change?

The gold palms in the eastern part of China only see their interests being destroyed, and speculate that it is the bad intentions of the "tricksters". In reality, however, the wheels are turning. It's just that those people in China who are now eating vegetarian food have never faced up to the future that they see as the unscrupulous people trying to dig out of the mud.


A few months later, in the desert where the sun was shining brightly, it was now slack for farming, so Wei Keng went to the construction site again.

Western Economic Union has smashed loans here, and the construction of many railways and highways is ready to be completed in the past two years.

Wei Keng: You have to keep your feet on the ground to be sure whether you can take the next step.

In fact, the video report is very detailed, but ah, if the higher-ups don’t come down for a long time, the bureaucrats below will always think of ways to deal with it, but as long as they send people over regularly, they may not dare to have such thoughts.

Wei Keng took a helicopter to inspect the 200-kilometer construction road section, and selected four points of roadbed construction for spot checks, and had on-site exchanges with the construction site personnel.

In addition to the progress of the project, Wei Keng focused more on investigating the living conditions of civil engineering personnel.

All the residences on the construction site are connected to the Internet. At the express delivery point at the door, Wei Keng also found ordered cooking bags, electronic products, and a series of miscellaneous items. Of course, it's not just ordering, but also express delivery to your own residence. After all, the purchased things cannot be piled up on the construction site for a long time. It has to be sent back.

Regarding the living consumption of the floating population, Western Economic Union has systematic work, such as express delivery locations in various cities, and specially set up warehouses for these civil engineering personnel to store goods for a long time.

All of the above. Including playing games, chatting online, and shopping, which seem to have nothing to do with engineering. But these lives are what most urban youths will enjoy.

To prepare for extensive recruitment, it is necessary to prepare these packages.

【These days, the prime of life, willing to work honestly, don't play games, don't order takeout, and work meals with fat meat and cabbage can be dealt with. Are there many such people? If there are not many, you have to prepare, why not? Are you planning to use 'training' to increase the number of such young people? 】

The life optimization activities on the construction site are equivalent to Wei Keng himself being ready to work on the construction site at any time.

Wei Keng behind the Pandora cluster: "If you don't arrange the logistics of working in a certain industry, you are still planning to recruit people to do construction in this area. How can there be so many inferior people in the world to arrange for you?"

Perhaps, those Confucians in the east who enjoy tea and red sleeves in the gardens think so,

Pawnshops have recently developed among individuals that have pushed for less learning. In the Gewu School, the young talents in these schools are subjected to more severe tests. Only the winners can repay their personal pawn tickets, and the losers cannot. The euphemistic name is: increase the pressure, so that Qingxiu, who is a scholar, can have more motivation to struggle.

These scholars in Donglin thought: the young and strong who create output value should be better. To use the classics of the sages: "Heaven will send a great task to man, and he must first work hard on his heart and mind."


Wei Keng sprawled, and came to the prefabricated room at the construction site to blow on the air conditioner. There was ice-cold soda water beside him, but the communication window was opened on the desktop computer interface in front of him.

Bai Jingqi: "Wei Keng, are you planning to rebel?"

Wei Keng rolled his eyes at him: "Have I teamed up with other armed forces? I can't bear Shatou's serious crime?"

Wei Keng also highlighted the importance of western construction, and all his work projects are aimed at consolidating the territory of western China.

Bai Jingqi stared at Wei Keng on the interface, and was not confused by this rhetoric.

Bai Jingqi: "You have a party, you have financial resources, and you have made arrangements for craftsmen, farmers, and merchants. Yes, you don't seem to have directly attacked Gaotang, but you, a person in opposition, definitely did not adopt Under the chrysanthemum fence, the lord of the countryside returns to hermitage!

Wei Keng said leisurely: "Old Bai, you said that during the European War, the army on the front line of Tsarist Russia rebelled whenever they wanted to. Is it because there were too many bad guys in the front line? Or were the rebellious officials and thieves too cunning."

Bai Jingqi: "You want to be the Boerswick of China!"

Wei Keng shook his finger in denial: "I don't want to be the nobles of Tsarist Russia in China. The arrogance of Tsarist Russia's top class is that they are in their own information circle and are always unwilling to look down. They live a happy life of princes and princesses with peace of mind. Imagining that the kind-hearted humanoid animals in the bottom will live in poverty and happiness. It is precisely because of their fantasies that Qing Zhi, who can see the despair of the lower classes, begins to use the most violent means to resist. The people are like water, the ruler is like a boat, and water can carry a boat. Can capsize a boat."

Bai Jingqi seems to have grasped Wei Keng's words: "Water can carry a boat and overturn it. This is Li Tang's evaluation of Sui Yang. You have this heart!"

Wei Keng stared at Bai Jingqi: "If that's all you want to label me, I can do as you expect."

Bai Jingqi was stunned for three seconds, then "hahaha" laughed loudly and said, "How is it possible?"

Wei Keng also laughed cheerfully, as if the two parties felt the hypocrisy of the other's smile, and stopped in sync after a few seconds.

Wei Keng asked 'curiously': "Is there someone else who wants to rebel?"

Bai Jingqi shook his head grinningly: "No, how is it possible, now the country is peaceful and the people are safe."

Wei Keng nodded "seriously" and said: "If necessary, the plateau troops can now strengthen their preparations to deter accidents at any time."

With a "snap", someone patted Bai Jingqi's shoulder on the back.

Bai Jingqi seemed to gather his energy, and asked, "No, uh, what kind of combat power are you planning to increase?"

Wei Keng was calm for a year: "Kunlun's missiles are currently attacking the outside world. Heavy armored units cannot be deployed on plateaus. Lightly equipped mechanized response units are currently my main force, but this is to deal with the forces of the Western Regions. How about, um, yours The design of the Qinglong floating battleship is quite good. I can make a simplified version here in Luoshui."

"No need!" Before Wei Keng finished speaking directly, Bai Jingqi stood up and denied it with a smile: "That thing is so expensive, it will be a big drag on the people's livelihood in the west. This, you really need it in future battles, I Fenghou Group can transfer technology and production lines.”

Wei Keng: "Oh, yes." Then he showed a smile: "Which one of us is with whom, brother, you treat me with all your heart and soul, and I have no reservations about you, brother, right?"

The two continued to laugh.


After the call ended, Shen Jing was in the underground base.

Bai Jingqi stood up, and said indifferently to a member of the royal family in the Baochao Bureau next to him: "I've finished asking what you should ask. Judge for yourself."

The royal member said politely: "Sect Master Bai, thank you this time."

Bai Jingqi snorted coldly: "Thank you? Just wait, if I'm not wrong, he may really start the floating giant ship plan."

The member of the royal family who was in charge of the economy was stunned. Obviously, he still didn't understand the conversation between Bai Jingqi and Wei Keng just now. He asked: "General Wei, there has been no armed or abnormal intervention in the past few years."

Bai Jingqi's beard twitched angrily: "Didn't you officials who control the state money (after listening to the advice of your disciples and old officials) say that he rebelled? I said that you can't say this! It breaks the rules."

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