Outlaws Start by Climbing to the Top of the Wanted List in the Martial Arts World

Chapter 201 Invitation Letter to the Troubled Times Meeting

Time passes.

Five months passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period of time, Dou Chang grew up living in the wild and practiced hard.

[Tiangang Dragon Claw Hand] [Blue Dragon Meditation Technique] [Fire Lin Sword Technique] and so on, all have made considerable progress.

In particular, [Fire Lin Sword Technique] can be regarded as a great achievement. This is a master's secret skill that Dou Changsheng has completely mastered. It does not take too long to complete all other master's secret skills.

Dou Changsheng's ability to make such progress depends entirely on the [Zhangliu Golden Body].

However, the benefits brought by [Zhangliu Golden Body] are gradually disappearing. If you continue to practice, you will have to spend time or consume a lot of resources.

In addition, in about a month, it is the Buddha Bathing Festival held in Landa Temple.

So Dou Changsheng took the initiative to leave the place where he had practiced for five months and reappeared in the world's sight.

Of course, this is after being disguised, and [Thousand Faces]'s abilities are a little weaker, but it can prevent most prying eyes.

Dou Changsheng did not go to a prosperous big city. He came into contact with evil gods from outside the territory. It would be easy for him to get into trouble after going to a big city. The words of the Eighth-generation Heavenly Corpse Master made Dou Changsheng aware of his dangers.

So this is also the reason why he has been practicing hard in the wild for five months. Various forces are rampant in big cities, and strong people emerge in large numbers, which can easily trigger the possible back-up of evil gods from outside the territory.

But as long as he is in a remote place, this backhand will definitely not break out.

Because the evil gods outside the territory are all ambitious and must have their own goals. If they were willing to break out in the wilderness, something would have happened in the past five months.

Therefore, Dou Changsheng did not go to big cities or small cities. At most, he just wandered outside.

Dou Changsheng had little contact with the outside world along the way. He had already approached Florida, and only then did he know how the Eighth Generation Heavenly Corpse Master solved the hidden dangers of the black soil desert trip.

The Eighth Generation Heavenly Corpse Master beat him up and sued the prince.

Really superior.

Passive defense, to produce evidence and prove one's innocence is really too low-level.

When you know that the enemy is going to use magic, it is best to directly attack him with magic and let him prove his innocence.

Even though five months have passed since the incident, the relevant news remains unabated and is still a topic of discussion among people all over the world.

Dou Changsheng knew that it was possible to have such an effect. This was absolutely abnormal. No matter how big the issue was, it could not be defeated by time. It would be slowly covered up by time until it completely disappeared.

And every time the popularity of this matter begins to wane, a new round of popularity will start again, with someone behind the scenes pushing it.

This made Dou Changsheng speechless.

Even the Heavenly Corpse Sect cannot achieve this kind of power.

After all, the power of the Heavenly Corpse Sect is invisible and cannot continuously control public opinion on a large scale. The prince definitely does not want to continue the discussion and will actively suppress the heat. Even the court will cooperate with the prince.

After all, the prince is the prince of the East Palace, the foundation of a country. The prince's status is shaken and his face is lost. This has a great impact on Daqian. What shakes is Daqian's national destiny.

But the struggle between the two forces did not suppress the heat.

The state apparatus failed.

As you can imagine, there are countless borers out there.

Yes, it's a borer.

If the state machinery had been fully activated and everyone was united, this enthusiasm would have disappeared long ago.

It can continue to exist because there are people who defy the rules and appear to abide by the court's decrees, but in fact they are just coping with the problem. For various purposes, these people choose to let the heat continue to exist, even when the heat fades, they Will deliberately create topics and continue to maintain popularity.

There must be many princes among them, as well as the power behind them.

Behind the second prince is the Lanling Xiao family, and the power behind the other princes is not weak at all. This Taoist emperor wanted to save trouble, but he accepted many daughters from wealthy families. Among them, only those who left heirs were among the others who had no heirs. Quite a few.

The standard of his harem is the highest in history.

The Cui family in Honghe and the Baili family in Sishui are each more prominent than the other.

But compared to the Lanling Xiao family, they were even worse.

The simplest example is that the biological mother of the second prince is one of the twin sisters of the Xiao family.

They are famous beauties in the world. They are famous not only because of their family background, but also because of their strength.

All of them are at the first level of martial arts, heaven and human realm.

This is the gold content of the harem today, and there is really no weak person.

This gold content also shows the power of the imperial court. Without such powerful power, how could all the prominent families and sects in the world offer their daughters to the emperor.

These prominent families are making trouble, and many careerists are promoting it, which has resulted in the current situation.

In particular, a man named Lin Yucheng is now making waves and has become the vanguard of the overthrow of the prince.

Just when he thought of Lin Yucheng, Dou Changsheng saw a strange figure walking slowly towards him. The person's long black hair was scattered, and he was holding a white porcelain wine bottle with light cyan lines on it, and the bottle mouth had a gold rim. It brings out the luxury.

After taking a sip of wine, the man in white clothes smiled and said, "Dou Changsheng."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Dou Changsheng felt numb.

This [Thousand Faces] strange object is completely useless, no matter whether it is a human or a ghost, everyone can recognize itself.

Think again.

Dou Changsheng also accepted it.

After all, [Thousand Faces] is only a mysterious-level rare item, and its target is the third-level item.

The person in front of me is a strong person of the third level.

The only thing to blame is that I haven't played low-end games, and all I've come into contact with are masters.

Looking at the silent Dou Changsheng, the man in white took another sip of wine before continuing: "The Buddha Bathing Festival is about to begin."

"Landa Temple announced the participation quota."

"So don't misunderstand me and think that I spy on your whereabouts."

"This is the only way to enter Florida. As long as I wait for you here, I can definitely wait for you."

"Don't worry too much. Although the temptation to become king is not small, those who dare to take action are not qualified to know the quota for the Buddha Bathing Festival. Those who know will definitely be cautious."

"After all, you are not alone, you are a disciple of the Heavenly Corpse Sect."

"Especially when you catch up with the good times, the Eighth Generation Heavenly Corpse Master dominates the world. The stronger the people, the more afraid of him."

"The old ghost from Wangui Sect, who died in the Heavenly Realm, just shouted a few words and sent out those two losers in black robes. From the beginning to the end, he didn't expect them to succeed."

"After all, Hei Pao is such a waste, and the old ghost knows it very well."


"It's time to get down to business."

"I am here just to invite you to join the Chaos Society."

"As long as you do one thing for the Chaos Society, you will become a formal member."

"Don't think this is a bad thing. You must know that even I will be driven by troubled times."


"I haven't introduced myself yet."

"My name is Yang Si!"

"But few people in the world call me that."

"They all call me the Gun King!"

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