Outlaws Start by Climbing to the Top of the Wanted List in the Martial Arts World

Chapter 202: In troubled times, people will act chivalrously and do justice

Yang Si.

This name Dou Changsheng is very unfamiliar.

But as soon as the word "King of Guns" came out, Dou Changsheng already knew who the other party was.

To be able to claim the title of emperor in the world is not to be outstanding, but to be the best.

Especially there is no word in front of this one.

Many strong men who dominate with swordsmanship will obtain the Sword King of the North, a certain divine sword, etc., all with a prefix.

The word "King of Guns" is added in front of it, which also means that the gold content is reduced.

It proves that there are still many equals, but now this one is the well-deserved number one.

With the power of China in the Middle Earth and being able to dominate in marksmanship, there is no doubt that this person is a powerful person.

The gold content of the Troubled Times Association has soared in Dou Changsheng's heart. Although it is not as high as the Evil God Council, its real strength is higher than that of the Evil God Council.

The Council of Evil Gods is full of strength. All the evil gods are immortals, but they can't stand it and all of them have been sealed. The better ones are like the Happy Demon Buddha, and the worst ones are like the Thousand-Armed Evil Lord. None of them are in peak condition. All of them are in peak condition. It's like a crooked melon and a cracked jujube, but it doesn't look like everyone is at their peak in troubled times.

Dou Changsheng was secretly speechless for someone like the Gun King to be driven by the Troubled Times Society.

Has his scapegoating body evolved again? He has successfully rebelled against his innate nature and become an innate scapegoating body.

Why do we always attract these chaotic forces, each one stronger than the other?


This chaotic world is not a good thing at first glance.

Dou Changsheng wanted to refuse loudly, but he thought of what the other party said.

Rewards from the king.

Is this normal?

It's definitely not normal.

The other party just told him that if he didn't want to participate in the Chaos Society, then the Chaos Society would kill people and silence him in order to keep it secret, so he would give him a reward.

The other party keeps nodding at me.

It is said that most people are afraid of Yashiro and the Heavenly Corpse Sect.

But with the Gun King's ability, he would be wary of Yashiro, but he couldn't be called afraid.

In particular, Dou Changsheng had no confidence. If he died, he would desperately avenge himself and fight with the Gun King.

I just wanted to say it when I read the novel in my last life. You don't know which grandson killed the other grandson. Why would you think that the extremely powerful grandpa would go all out and fight with both sides?

That's your grandfather, not your slave.

The weak serve around the strong, rather than the strong serving as slaves or nannies, surrounding you.

The game between the strong is a matter of death and injury. Little brother, you have to fight below. They sit firmly on the high platform. Whoever wins or loses does not hurt the foundation. They live healthy and healthy. The meaning of the existence of power is to serve themselves.


Still silent.

The spear king on the other side was not in a hurry at all.

He took another sip of wine while raising his hand, swallowing the wine as his Adam's apple continued to move.

quite a while.

Dou Changsheng raised his eyes and glanced at the sky, feeling helpless.

I really don't want to come into contact with such restless and extremely dangerous people, but these people are like dog-skin plaster, constantly entangled with me.

Finally, Dou Changsheng sighed and said helplessly: "I never work in vain?"

The Gun King wiped the corners of his mouth before speaking: "There are no outsiders here, so stop pretending."

"This expression of reluctance will wait until someone else performs it."

"We are all people who want chaos in this world."

“We’re all kindred spirits, and to the good guys, we’re all bad guys.”

"The eldest brother doesn't laugh at the second brother."

Dou Changsheng wanted to say loudly, "I am a good person, and whoever is the same as you", but he knew that it would be useless to say such words, the other party would not believe it, especially when the enemy is strong and we are weak, we must be honest and responsible. .

The Gun King looked into the distance, his eyes gradually deepened and said: "If you are determined to join the Chaos Society, the first benefit is that when you go to Florida this time, there will be no more peepers along the way."

"Landa Temple seems to be fair and impartial, and has fixed the list, but in fact it has no good intentions and leaked your situation in advance, which has attracted the attention of many caring people."

"But I see you today, I believe no one will bother you anymore."

"Other benefits will have to wait until you pass the test."

"But the test also comes with rewards, so you can rest assured on this aspect."

"We are inviting like-minded people. It is understandable that you are weak now and need some benefits."

"After all, the biggest benefit is of no use to you, but I believe that when your strength catches up, you will become the most positive person among us. Mere mundane things will no longer be in your eyes."

The Gun King threw away the empty wine bottle, and then took out a token from his wide sleeves. It was completely purple and gold, with no words on it. The front and back were smooth, but it was filled with a mysterious aura. .

The Gun King stretched out his hand and Dou Changsheng grabbed it. He lowered his head and began to look at it. The Gun King introduced it and said: "This is the token of the Troubled Times Society."

"When you pass the test, you will be fully activated."

"And this test is difficult to say, easy to say."

"Although we call it Troubled Times, what is in chaos is the country, the country, and the country, not the order of China."

"It seems very contradictory, but in fact, in summary, it is to eliminate hidden dangers, not to liberate the evil god by any means necessary for the purpose."

"On the contrary, we must suppress evil gods, contain rare objects, and work hard for peace on earth."

"Buddhism has flourished in Florida since ancient times, and it has reached its peak since King Nagarjuna became enlightened."

"But it also attracted many demonic Buddhas from outside the territory, and the Demonic Buddha of Joy is one of them. On the surface of the Landa Temple in Florida, but secretly there is the lair of the Demonic Buddha of Joy. Especially the tree is big and attracts the wind. There are many evil forces from outside the territory entrenched."

"When it comes to deceiving people's minds, the Happy Demon Buddha is not the strongest."

"The real strongest one is the silent old mother, Vacuum Hometown."

"The killing is endless. As long as it doesn't die for a day, it will revive, but the immortal is immortal, so this is already a cancer and a chronic disease of the world."

"This time there is news that the Black Lotus Holy Messenger among the Five Colored Holy Messengers has preached in Florida and has many believers."

"Just find their lair and destroy the statues they have erected. As long as the Black Lotus Holy Envoy appears, you don't need to take action. I will personally deal with such a powerful person in the Heavenly Realm."

"We are not evil people. We are seeking truth, but we will also do our best to protect the people of the world."

"Okay, enough nonsense."

"Start talking humanly."

"Our society in troubled times cannot become the public enemy of the world. This will scare away many strong people with faith."

"So we have to do some good things and win over those strong neutrals."

"Otherwise, this troubled world will become a demonic organization, which will defeat the original intention."

These words were like a basin of cold water poured on the hot-blooded Dou Changsheng.

Just ignited.

The flame was extinguished.

Why do I deal with people?

They are all such hypocrites, scum, and villains.

It’s so difficult for me, Dou Changsheng.

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