Dahuang Village.

Dou Changsheng was bidding farewell to the caravan.

The two parties only walked together for three days, but I have to say that the other party took good care of themselves.

After leaving, Dou Changsheng did not continue moving forward, but planned to rest for a day at Dahuang Village before setting off on his journey again.

The distance from here to Landa Temple is only three days if I go all out. If I take the carriage just now, I won't be able to reach it in a month.

However, the place where the Buddha Bathing Festival is held this time is not at Landa Temple.

This important festival, especially being blessed by the Buddha, is not that simple.

This festival celebration is also a sealing operation. The Landa Temple strengthens the seal, and King Nagarjuna sends blessings. It also replenishes the power of the seal. Although this cannot completely prevent the suppressed people from escaping, it can delay the time.

For Landa Temple, as long as this hidden danger does not break out in his own generation, it will be fine.

The evil gods from outside the realm will eventually get out of trouble, they are immortals after all.

Immortal and immortal, there will eventually be a day when freedom can be restored. This is destiny.

But if you escape from trouble after death, it has something to do with you.

People are extremely realistic animals. Although they are not aware of this, they have already started to do this instinctively.

The location of this Buddha Bathing Festival is Fahua Mountain, thousands of miles away from Dahuang Village.

Therefore, Dou Changsheng is not in a hurry. If he travels with all his strength, he can arrive today. If he travels slowly, it will only take a few days.

He chose a restaurant at random. Dou Changsheng did not go deep into Dahuang Village. This place was considered to be outside the city. Florida had not experienced war for thousands of years. The city here did not have the concept of city walls. Although there were vendettas, they were all fought alone. , there is no fighting on a scale of tens of thousands, so the buildings are relatively scattered.

After opening the door, Dou Changsheng saw a Buddha statue being enshrined.

This is Guanyin dressed in white as white as snow, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, holding a jade purification bottle.

This white-clad Guanyin is about one meter in size. There is an incense burner in front of it, with incense candles on it, and the smoke is rising.

After hearing the footsteps, someone came over immediately. When he saw Dou Changsheng, he quickly asked: "Do you want to stay in the hotel?"

Dou Changsheng looked away from Guanyin in white, nodded and said, "Stay one night."

"Prepare some more meals."

Dou Changsheng took out the spiritual stone from his arms and threw it to the other party. At the same time, he asked: "Every household in Florida worships Buddha, but the Buddha statues worshiped are not mainly Buddha, followed by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva."

"Why is the incense of Guanyin Bodhisattva so strong, especially this Guanyin in white?"

Seeing this Guanyin in white one after another, Dou Changsheng always felt that something was wrong.

Of course, Dou Changsheng also admitted that this might be because of the Spear King's reminder, so he always thought about the Black Lotus Holy Envoy. After all, that person was his master.

Known as the White Lotus Virgin Guanyin.

Although similar, the other person is not among the thirty-three transformations of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Of course, the world is different, and my perceptions in the previous life may have been different as well.

I don’t know the specific inside story, but the two worlds have nothing to do with each other. After all, if they have the same origin, the related beliefs cannot be promoted. Although the foreign evil gods are not as strict as they were at the beginning, they will not allow the other party to promote their beliefs.

It’s just preconceptions, so we always have doubts.

The waiter collected the spirit stone and replied: "Guanyin Bodhisattva, great mercy and compassion."

"We sincerely believe in it, but what's the reason?"

The guy was confused, but since he was a guest, he didn't care.

Dou Changsheng was lonely after hearing this. It was obvious that the other party didn't know either. Everyone believed in Guanyin, so they all believed in it, and they had a herd mentality.

Dou Changsheng took another look at Guanyin in White. This Buddha statue is valuable. It is very valuable in the ordinary world, but it is even more valuable in the extraordinary world because it is filled with spiritual light and cannot be faked.

This has been worshiped as incense for many years and has become spiritual. Coupled with the innate quality of the material, it already has many good effects.

Such as eliminating disasters, praying for blessings, warding off evil spirits, etc.

But the effect is not too strong, but it is enough for ordinary people.

This is the characteristic of Florida. Every family worships the Buddha. If the Buddha is real and true, power will be born.

Dou Changsheng exclaimed in his heart, this accumulated power of faith was truly terrifying.

Although this is only one state and is far inferior to the Central Plains, the Central Plains is a large country, but it is a piece of scattered sand and is not as cohesive as Florida.

For Buddhism, this is too weak, but for Nagarjuna King Buddha, this power is earth-shattering.

After having lunch, Dou Changsheng took the initiative to walk onto the street. He did not go deep into Dahuang Village, but walked toward the countryside, intending to take a stroll.

Noisy sounds continued to reach his ears. Dou Changsheng walked closer and could see a large number of people gathering together. There was a Buddha statue here.

The stone platform was carved into a lotus platform with twelve petals. It was dressed in white, wearing a crown on its head and holding a lotus.

This is the classic image of Avalokitesvara in white. The image of the one holding a jade purification bottle is somewhat deviated, which is fine. After all, it is Avalokitesvara in white, but the things in his hands are also all kinds of strange.

A monk is sitting under the lotus platform and is constantly preaching the Dharma.

Monks giving lectures are very common in Florida.

This practice created the worship of Buddhism in Florida.

He is also looking for people with wisdom roots, leading them to escape into Buddhism and become Buddhist disciples.

Dou Changsheng looked at the Buddha statue first and raised his eyebrows. This was like stabbing the white-clothed Guanyin in the nest. She was everywhere.

Normally, Guanyin is the most popular.

A pair of eyes gradually turned golden, and the black pupils were disappearing. The last pair of eyes were completely pure gold, like golden gems inlaid.

[Unparalleled Overlord Body-Holy Buddha Form].

This form not only brings defense, but also brings various abilities.

The most obvious change is the Bodhi Wisdom Eye.

This pair of eyes can't be said to see through everything, but at least they can see the reality.

Of course, this is due to the current low strength, which drags down the [Holy Buddha Form], otherwise Dou Changsheng would dare to say that everything in the world has nothing to hide.

With the opening of [Bodhi Wisdom Eye], the tall white-clothed Guanyin Buddha statue in front did not show any changes, no distortion, and was filled with black energy.

Pure Buddha light can vaguely hear countless Sanskrit sounds. This is the purest power of faith.

Dou Changsheng kept raising his head, and finally looked at the face of the Buddha statue.

This look.

Dou Changsheng frowned.

Because the appearance of compassion is exactly the same.

But I don’t know why?

Always feeling inconsistent?


Dou Changsheng had a clear understanding.

Finally I knew something was wrong.

The facial lines are a little softer, and they look exactly the same, but in fact they give people the impression of two people.

A mixed bag?

If you are undecided, start a task,

As a cheater.

You need to have the awareness to hang out.

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