Outlaws Start by Climbing to the Top of the Wanted List in the Martial Arts World

Chapter 205 The true identity of the Black Lotus Holy Envoy

[Automatically receive the task: Exposing the Black Lotus Holy Envoy (unfinished!): In the prosperous times, Florida was prosperous, but under this burning fire and blooming flowers, darkness has unknowingly taken root and grown. The Five-Colored Holy Envoy of the White Lotus Sect One of the Black Lotus Holy Envoys, he cut himself off with a knife, cut off his cultivation, and entered Landuo Temple as an ordinary person. He has been a sweeping monk for many years, and has become a very important person in Landuo Temple. Reward: One draw! Note: Black Lotus Holy Envoy: No matter how strong the fortress is, it will collapse from within. 】

As the task emerges, the reminder sounds in my mind.

Dou Changsheng began to read the text carefully. After reading it for the first time, he read it a second time.

A pair of eyes had already revealed a haze, and finally he gave a wry smile.

This time, the Black Lotus Holy Envoy was noticed by the Chaos Society and personally dispatched the Spear King, which is enough to show how troublesome the Black Lotus Holy Envoy is.

Now it has indeed come true.

This Black Lotus Holy Envoy is also a ruthless character who dares to take the initiative to lurk deep into the enemy's lair.

You must know that being an undercover agent is not an easy job. The risks are very high. Even if you succeed, you will be highly suspicious when you return to the base camp afterwards, and you will not be human inside or outside.

Of course, the most difficult thing is that the Black Lotus Holy Envoy has the strength to be able to serve as the five-color Holy Envoy. This is definitely a first-level martial arts realm. Not everyone can give up their cultivation and start over.

This guy is too harsh on himself.

But it succeeded, and now it is the first Landa Temple.

This is a high-level official of Landa Temple, a world-famous big shot.

With such an identity, it would definitely be extremely convenient to start preaching in secret.

If it weren't for the mission reminder, Dou Changsheng would never have thought that Landuo Temple was rotting internally.

The words "Undercover Landa Temple" seem very simple, but to achieve this, I don't know how much danger I have to go through.

Landa Temple is one of the seventeen authentic sects, so there is naturally an internal review process, especially since none of the members of the sect are simple characters.

The Holy Envoy of the Black Lotus is secretly protecting him, and the current Buddha statue of Guanyin in White has only a slight change in facial lines. Not to mention ordinary people, even the master cannot detect it.

You must know that Dou Changsheng now has the [Bodhi Wisdom Eye], so he can see this clue.

The Holy Envoy of Black Lotus is very cautious, and the undercover industry has been understood by the Holy Envoy of Black Lotus.

The task this time is difficult to say, easy to say.

Although the mission introduction did not mention names, it revealed enough information. You must know that there are only four people in the head of Landa Temple.

Landa Temple has four main halls and twelve courtyards.

Among them, the person in charge of the four halls is called the first.

Suddenly, there are only four targets.

And as long as we start comparing one by one based on the origins of these four leaders, it will be easy to lock in the target.

But this does not mean that the task can be completed once the target is determined. Exposing the other party is the most important thing and also the difficulty.

The main thing is evidence.

No one will believe my empty words.

After all, he is a demon, has a bad reputation, and is not worthy of moral trust.

The Black Lotus Holy Envoy did not even need to explain when faced with his own accusations. Countless people raised their eyebrows for the Black Lotus Holy Envoy.

To be able to serve as the head of one of the four halls, he must be an accomplished monk, proficient in Buddhism, have many disciples, and be respected by the world.

Therefore, we must find ironclad evidence to convince Landa Temple to believe what he said.

Dou Changsheng took a look at the reward and saw that it was just a blue lottery.

This seems difficult, but in fact it is not too difficult.

Dou Changsheng hesitated. If he chose the lottery now, he would definitely have clues.

You can get what you want with the blue lottery, but this is really a waste. If you do this, you will play in vain and gain nothing.

No, troubled times will reward you.

But immediately Dou Changsheng shook his head and did not choose to do this. The blue lottery opportunity was not easy. This was enough to reverse the situation and make his wishes come true. It was called a wishing machine.

After taking a look at the green lottery, I saw that a lot of the ten green lottery draws obtained by completing the mission have been used, and now there are not many left.

To be honest, Dou Changsheng is also willing to exchange this blue lottery for twenty green lottery draws.

Although the green lottery is a bit low-level, it cannot stand up to the fact that it is a wishing machine, and everything goes well.

Dou Changsheng did not use the few green lottery tickets.

Today, Dou Changsheng is already a thief. He knows that he has done things too happily recently. He easily exposed the enemy's conspiracy and cracked the trap carefully prepared by the enemy. The impact of this is very bad.

Because when anyone looks at it, they will not think that they performed too well on the spot, but will only think that they prepared in advance.

The final conclusion was that Dou Changsheng was too terrifying.

A trap has been laid long ago to harm them secretly.

But in fact, he is the victim.

This is one of the aspects. There are not many green draws left. Dou Changsheng should cherish it. Why hasn't he investigated yet?

Can't you cheat directly?

This relies too much on plug-ins, which is not good for yourself.

After all, every incident is an experience for yourself.

If the plug-in protects itself too well, wouldn’t it mean that there is no growth?

Dou Changsheng kept nagging, just for some reason, he couldn't let go.

When you are rich, you will win two or three draws without batting an eye, but when you are poor, you will have to break away even ten yuan.

The pure golden color of Dou Changsheng's eyes began to fade away, and the golden color of the parts of his body that were covered by clothes also began to disappear.

During this period of practice, Dou Changsheng's mastery of [Holy Buddha Form] has improved a lot, and he can at least control his entire body from entering [Holy Buddha Form].

Watching a monk begin to preach the Dharma.

Dou Changsheng turned around and left without any intention of approaching him.

Knowing that the Black Lotus Holy Envoy is serving as the leader of Landa Temple, the top priority is to determine the true identity of the other party.

This was very certain. After searching for a remote place, Dou Changsheng directly took out the Heavenly Corpse Token and began to ask the evil girl for information about Landuo Temple.

The information about the four major leaders of Landuo Temple has been passed to Dou Changsheng.

The four main halls of Landa Temple.

They are Prajna Hall, Arhat Hall, Discipline Hall, and Zhike Hall.

Among them, the Precepts Hall controls the precepts. This lineage has always been its own, incompatible with other halls.

The members of the Discipline Hall of the past dynasties are all eminent monks who are famous all over the world. They have excellent character, high moral character and high respect, and are respected by the world.

Prajna Hall and Luohan Hall are much more normal. They are purely about studying martial arts and then practicing martial arts. They are pure martial arts institutions and are the basis for Landa Temple to dominate the world.

The last Zhi Ke Tang, as its name suggests, is responsible for contact with the outside world and has a high sense of presence.

Among them, the first person in the Zhi Ke Hall is an abandoned baby, whose origin is Qingbai. The first person in the Discipline Hall is a former evildoer who was inspired by the abbot of the previous generation of Landa Temple. He realized enlightenment on a snowy night, gave up his martial arts, and vowed never to leave Landa. Temple step.

None of them are consistent, because the former is not in Landa Temple all year round, and the latter never leaves Landa Temple.

Only Luohan Hall and Prajna Hall are difficult to judge.

They were all middle-aged apprentices, not young at all, but late bloomers. They rose from the bottom step by step and eventually became world-famous powerful men.

After careful comparison, Dou Changsheng finally decided on the candidate.

The first seat of Prajna Hall.

Dou Changsheng was amazed.

The Black Lotus Holy Envoy actually became the Double Flower Red Stick of Landa Temple, the strongest thug.

And also researching seals.

It's scary to think about it.

This Landa Temple is going to be finished.

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