Outright Favoritism

Chapter 926: Elder Shang, don't come to nothing

   Chapter 926 Senior Shang, don't come to nothing

  In the evening, Yin Mo went back to the mansion alone.

  She walked into the guest room, and did not come back for a few days, she was faintly empty and strange.

  Yin Mo walked to the bed and sat down, lighting up the phone screen, feeling unspeakably melancholy.

  She sent a WeChat message to He Chen, but after a few hours, he did not reply.

  Perhaps... he is still busy.

  Yin Mo didn't have much time to think about the love of her children. She quietly packed up and saluted, and then walked out of the guest room to look for Li Qiao.


  At the same time, a private flight from Parma arrived at Naybi Airport, the capital of Myanmar.

  Shang Zonghai, wearing a silver-gray Tang suit, plucked the Buddha beads in his hand, stepped down the gangway unhurriedly.

  It is less than a week before the wedding ceremony of the daughter of Prince Wu Lu of Myanmar, but Nayby City is already heavily guarded, and patrol cars from the military and police stations can be seen everywhere to **** the celebration in advance.

   Below the gangway, the guards lined up on both sides, and at the front of the road, standing impressively, Prince Wu Lu who came to meet him in person.

   Seeing Shang Zonghai, Wu Lu paced forward quickly, showing a little excitement in his expression, "Old Shang, long time no see."

  Shang Zonghai shook hands with him, raised his eyes and glanced at the guards behind him, and said with a smile: "It's not that everything is simple, what are you doing in such a big battle?"

  "It is rare for you to return to Burma, so you can't be too shabby." Wu Lu was a little behind and accompanied Shang Zonghai forward, "Besides, in your capacity, you should have come with a guard of honor. This is already very low-key."

  Shang Zonghai tilted his head, raised his hand and patted his arm, "You old boy, always make fuss."

  As the prince of Myanmar, Wu Lu, who has been immersed in a high position all the year round, has an inviolable aura.

  But walking beside Shang Zonghai at this time, his aura was still short.

  Even if the guards did not look sideways, everyone could clearly feel Wu Lu’s humility in deliberately lowering his posture in front of Shang Zonghai.

  Comer, who is it?

  Not only can he get the courtesy of Prince Wu Lu, he is fluent in Burmese and hardly hears any foreign accent.

  Shang Zonghai took Wei Ang and others into the exclusive convoy of Prince Wu Lu. As a row of politicians' cars drove out of the airport, the customs immediately let them go.

  Wu Lu sat next to Shang Zonghai, explaining to him the changes in Myanmar in recent years from time to time on the road.

  Shang Zonghai’s glasses reflected the colorful neon outside the window. He fiddled with the Buddha beads, the clouds were light and breezy, and they showed a bit of depth.

At this time, Wu Lu inadvertently turned the topic to Li Qiao's body, "It's a coincidence that I didn't know Qiao Qiao was your daughter-in-law. After the British emperor and Shaoyan met, they checked and found out that he It's the son of your family."

   "Oh?" Shang Zonghai retracted his gaze from the street and looked at Wu Lu sideways. "Have you seen Shaoyan?"

"Have a fate." Wu Lu said with a long look, recalling: "I thought he was learning Burmese specifically for Qiaoqiao, but since he is your son, it is not surprising that he can speak Burmese. Up."

A faint arc of laughter appeared on Shang Zonghai’s lips. As the neon leaked into the carriage, his cheeks lighted and darkened, "Who else knows about my coming to Myanmar?"

  "Not currently, you did not say to inform everyone, if you need to..."

Shang Zonghai raised his hand, "You don't need to notify yet."

  The lieutenant of the guards who drove, saw Wu Lu nod to Shang Zonghai from the rearview mirror, his posture can be said to be extremely respectful.

  Wu Lu said: "I have prepared the other courtyard for you. If your residence rushes past, I am afraid that you will not be able to hide the fact that you came to Myanmar."

  Shang Zonghai rubbed the Buddha beads and nodded with satisfaction, "Well, according to what you said, then go to the other courtyard."


The grand occasion that Shang Zonghai arrived in Burma and was personally greeted by Wu Lu and his guards was passed back to Nanyang within two hours.

At eight o'clock domestic time, Li Qiao fell into thought after answering the phone.

  Uncle Wu is one of the three remaining princes in Myanmar, and his status is absolutely prominent.

  The last person who can be greeted by Uncle Wu is the supreme leader of Myanmar.

  Li Qiao squinted her eyes, a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

  Not long after she finished dealing with the matter at hand, she looked down at her watch, her eyes stagnated, and her thoughts drifted to Shang Yu's body.

  Li Qiao has put on the latest technology watch, and Shang Yu, who rarely wears a watch, also wears it on her wrist.

  She touched the smooth dial, and in a blink of an eye she opened the drawer in the lower right corner, which contained experimental drugs for anti-psychiatric diseases.

  Small side effects and mild drug properties.

  Last night, she hesitated to communicate with Shang Yu about his condition, but was interrupted several times by him.

  The man seems to know what she wants to say, and always cuts her words narrowly.

  Li Qiao felt helpless, but could not be too straightforward to point out.

  Shang Yu is proud of his heart and nature. He knows his illness better than anyone else, but in front of her, he guards his fragile self-esteem and does not want her to be anxious about it.

  Li Qiao slowly closed the drawer, her eyelids drooped and she couldn't help sighing.


  The next day, Li Qiao returned to Li's villa.

  Li Guangming is not there, only Duan Shuyuan is watching TV series boredly.

  At this moment, when she heard Li Qiao’s words, she was surprised, "Going out on New Year's Day?"

  Li Qiao nodded lightly, "It won't be long, maybe... I'll be back in about a week."

  Duan Shuyuan’s mouth fell down, and she muttered a little bit reluctantly, “This is the first time you are away from home to celebrate New Year’s Day, what about Shaoyan? He will also go with you?”

   "Well, he will go too."

  Duan Shuyuan glanced sideways at the kitchen, and sighed: "Then you should pay more attention to yourself. There are many people traveling on New Year's Day. You are still pregnant. Do you know if you go to places with many people as little as possible?"

  Li Qiao obediently responded, and chatted with Duan Shuyuan for a while before she got up and went to the guest room.

  It was already ten thirty in the morning, and Li Sangang woke up.

  He sits on the corner of the bed with his upper body naked and smokes, his hair is messy, and his expression is a little confused.

  Li Qiao knocked on the door of the room. With a cigarette in the corner of Li San's mouth, he picked up his nightgown and put it on his shoulders. After opening the door, he leaned against the door frame, "Oh, rare guest."

   "Put your clothes on."

  Li Qiao's gaze flicked randomly, and then she turned her gaze away.

   Li San laughed wantonly, biting his cigarette holder and said vaguely: "The group of **** on the border were shirtless every day, and I didn't see you let them wear..."

Before he finished speaking, Li San noticed that Li Qiaowen's faint gaze glanced at his chest.

  Li San looked down and fell silent.

  He turned his back here without money, put on his nightgown and tied the belt, and very deliberately closed his shirt, turned around and changed the subject, "Tomorrow?"

  Li Qiao looked at him with a non-smiling smile, and asked instead, "Nan Yu is in there?"

   Li San frowned, "No, are you looking for me or her?"

  Li Qiao didn't speak, don't look deeply at his covered chest.

  The three scratches are very eye-catching.

  Not long after, Li San finished washing, changed his shirt and trousers, and went to the sun room on the second floor to look for Li Qiao.

  (End of this chapter)

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