Outright Favoritism

Chapter 927: Unlike Shang Shaoyan's style

   Chapter 927 Not Like Shang Shaoyan's Style

  The strong coffee aroma flowed around, Li San sank down and sat down, "How many people are going to this time?"

   "A lot." Li Qiao did not count, but arranged in a low voice: "When I go to Myanmar, Yin Mo will follow you and protect her."

  Li San took a sip of black coffee, slapped his tongue with the bitter aroma, "Yin's second child is already so useless? I have to protect me when I travel, so what is she going to do?"

  Li Qiao looked out the window indifferently, “Instead of making her go to the doctor in a hurry, it’s better to follow you and help.”

  Yin Mo went back to the mansion yesterday, and expressed very solemnly that he wanted to go to Myanmar together.

  Li Qiao has no reason to refuse, because Yin Zhihong will also accompany this time.

  Furthermore, no matter how difficult the wedding of the seventh son Su and the fourth child, they will have to overcome it.

  Li San looked at Li Qiao’s almost expressionless side face, licked her posterior teeth, and chuckled, “When can you think about yourself? Look at your face, it’s all thinner.”

  Li Qiao looked at the coffee on the table, and finally resisted drinking it.

  She stood up and whispered, "Tomorrow at eight o'clock, don’t be late."

   Li San looked sideways at her back, and said, “When you encounter difficulties, tell me, don’t hold everything in your heart.”

  Li Qiao waved her hand, and disappeared at the corner of the stairs in a blink of an eye.

  Li San is the person who knows Li Qiao best in the family, and she always feels that her whole state is heavy.

   seems to be tied with hands and feet, and his body is heavy.


   In the afternoon, Xia Siyu came to Nanyang as scheduled.

  She hurried to the hotel, opened the door and entered, seeing the scene inside, her hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

  There are a lot of people in the suite, and Li Qiao is also there. She is standing by the window opposite, seeming to be talking on the phone.

  Xia Siyu put down the luggage in her hand, greeted Shen Qingye perfunctorily, and then walked to Yun Li, "Isn't you sick?"

   Yunli leaned his forehead with one hand, raised his eyes and looked at her, speechless.

  Xia Siyu also suddenly felt that her problem was a bit strange, so she coughed without embarrassment, and found a place to sit down, "Shang Lu said that she would drink a bag every four hours for that medicine."

  Yun Li leaned over and picked up the mineral water from the table, unscrewed the lid and handed it to Xia Siyu, raised his chin, "Drink more water and talk less."

  At this moment, Li Qiao just finished the conversation with Shang Yu. She turned around, leaning back on the window sill, "Is the family affairs finished?"

  Xia Siyu's action of drinking water, her eyes flickered slightly, "It's finished, there is nothing in fact, my dad is free, so I have to go back and play golf with him."

  By the way... introduce her some young talents.

  This kind of thing is not happening once or twice. Her father is usually outspoken, but this time he doesn’t know what to think. He has learned to curve and save the country.

  Li Qiao saw Xia Siyu's evasive words, bending her lips, and stopped the topic.

  Four seven sons gathered in Nanyang. Yin Mo and Xia Siyu met head-on, and the two inevitably had a long conversation and reminiscence.

   is going to leave tomorrow, but Li Qiao seems to be very busy, her mobile phone rings from time to time, and even chatting can only respond with one heart and two minds.

  At six o'clock in the evening, everyone moved to the box downstairs for dinner.

   Yun Li answered the phone in the corridor, and met Li Qiao on the way back.

  He stood still, smiled gently and asked, "When will Shang Shaoyan arrive?"

  Li Qiao looked up from the screen, there was no wave in her dark eyes, "He has something to do, so he won’t come."

  "Not coming?" Yun Li raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, unable to hide his surprise.

  This is not like Shang Shaoyan's style.

  No matter how busy he is, he will find a way to come even if the clone is lacking.

  Li Qiao did not give too much explanation, the two returned to the box, and arranged for the waiter to serve the food.

  Shang Yu was absent for some reason. Although no one spoke a lot, everyone smelled something abnormal.

  The atmosphere of the dinner party has also become a bit subtle.

  After dinner, Li Qiao took Luoyu and prepared to go home.

  Xia Siyu, on Shen Qingye’s suggestion, also decided to stay at the Royal Hotel and go to the airport together tomorrow morning.

   sent away Li Qiao, several people looked at each other, and then they looked at Yin Mo in unison.

   "Yin Lao Er, you have been with Qiao Qiao, what happened to her, is she in trouble?"

  Xia Siyu's face was worried. She has known Li Qiao for so long, and this is the second time she has appeared in this state.

  The last time it was Xiao Yehui's death.

   Yin Mo pursed her lips and shook her head, "I don’t know, in the last few days... I was not in the mansion, and I had a few questions with Luo Yu, but she said everything was normal and nothing happened."

   "This is weird." Shen Qingye said in a low voice with a thoughtful expression: "How do I feel that Little Seven is tired? What is she up to?"

  No one knows about this issue.


  Downstairs, Li Qiao lowered her head and paced forward slowly.

  Luo Yu followed her, taking advantage of her height to secretly look at her profile.

  Walking to the lobby, Luoyu realized that it was snowing outside.

  She lowered her voice subconsciously, for fear that she might be surprised by Li Qiao, "Madam, it's cold outside, you wait for me here, I'll go to the hot car first."

   "No, let's go." Li Qiaoqing faintly declined her proposal, and added, "Shao Yan is here."

   "No, right?" Luo Yu took out his cell phone, and did not see any prompts, "Liu Yun said that the boss initiated the meeting temporarily in the evening, and it is estimated that it will not be over in a short while."

  Li Qiao slightly curled her lips and walked towards the revolving door of the lobby without saying a word.

  The meeting he initiated temporarily is just to make her gather at ease.

  Now that the party is over, he will come to pick her up.

  Shang Yu...

  He is just giving her free space in his own way.

  What Li Qiao said was true. Luo Yu followed her out of the lobby, patrolling the surroundings, and she saw a familiar black business car under the steps.

  A thin layer of snow has fallen on the roof of the car, and it has obviously been stopped for a while.

  Snow and Christmas are always perfectly combined.

   Directly in front of the hotel, a Christmas tree full of glazed lights reflects the snow on the ground into brilliant colors.

  Li Qiao looked at the commercial vehicle with a small smile.

  The door of the car opened, and a black silk umbrella took the lead, and then the stalwart figure of the man stepped onto the snow under the umbrella.

  Li Qiao stood there, waiting for him to get closer.

  Under the umbrella, the light was dim, Li Qiao raised her head and looked at Shang Yu, "When did you come?"

   "Just arrived." The man's eyes were deep, calm and distant, with a faint smile between his warm voice, "Go home?"

  Li Qiao hooked his palm and glanced at the snow on the commercial vehicle without showing any expression, "Well, let’s go back, I’m not full, can you eat some more with me?"

   "Okay." Shang Yu took her shoulders to pick up the level, his behavior was natural and he could not see any abnormalities.

  Liuyu followed their footsteps under the heavy snow of goose feathers, feeling that he was more than a lot.

  Sure enough, it is the wife who knows the boss best.


  The next day, at eight o'clock in the morning, Nanyang International Airport.

The   FA312 route received the takeoff instruction from the tower.

  Destination: Myanmar.

    To add a digression, the process of two people's final running-in is to cure the disease, without asking whether or not to abuse (all put the knife down).

     Spilling dog-blood sadomasochism does not exist, but there is a cure, the doctor said so. (Thank your hand)



  (End of this chapter)

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