Outright Favoritism

Chapter 951: no next time

   Chapter 951

  At the same time, at the intersection of the southwestern side of the jungle and the national highway, 50 meters outside the jurisdiction, a civilian helicopter and several military jeeps parked.

  Not far from the helicopter, there were a few tall and slender figures standing.

  Bo Tingxiao was wearing a special execution team's combat uniform with a walkie-talkie pinned to his waist. He raised his eyes to look at the exhausted man on the opposite side, "I haven't seen you for a while, why did you make yourself like this?"

   Yun Li is still the same gray shirt and trousers, with a few scraps of grass hanging on his shoulders, and his figure looks a little thin.

  He put his hands in his pockets, he looked into the distance, and his tone was somewhat self-deprecating, "I walk a lot at night, and I can always see ghosts."

  The words fell, Yun Li looked at Bo Tingxiao, "Did Qiao Qiao call you?"

  Bo Tingxiao looked at him deeply, then shook his head, took out the cigarette case and handed it out, “It’s Minmin.”

   Yun Li hesitated looking at the cigarette case for two seconds, but still took one out and delivered it to his mouth.

  He hasn’t smoked for a long time, and the smell of tobacco always reminds him of the numbness.

  The white mist drifted freely around the two of them, and Yun Li rolled his Adam's apple, "Have you been in Burma?"

   "Hmm." Bo Tingxiao glanced at the distant jungle, shook his head and sighed, "It's been a long time since I came back."

  Just finished speaking, three people walked out slowly near the restricted area on the southwest side of the jungle.

  Bo Tingxiao stepped on his army boots to greet him, "Counsel Meng, this time is in trouble."

  The middle-aged man, known as Staff Officer Meng, has a very restrained temperament. Even though he is not as tall as Bo Tingxiao, he is dressed in military uniforms and looks righteous.

  Counselor Meng was not good at words, and just waved his hand casually, "No trouble. The person from the front to report that Bo Mingyin has entered the mountain, in case you bump into it, it is better to leave as soon as possible."

   "Leave right away." Bo Tingxiao nodded slightly, his eyes revealing respect and humility.

   Staff Officer Meng glanced at Yun Li again, and immediately took the two lieutenants behind him into the car.

  When the military vehicle drove away, Bo Tingxiao walked back to Yun Li, but looked at the sky, as if thoughtful.

   Yun dusted the soot, and just about to speak, he saw Bo Tingxiao snarling at the intersection in front of him, "Shang Shaoyan knows Meng Tao?"

   "You didn't call him?"

Bo Tingxiao smiled and took a sip of his cigarette. "Meng Tao is the first staff officer under the deputy commander, the chief bomb disposal expert in Myanmar. I have met him in the Cabinet Office, but there is no friendship. I guess I can't ask him. "

  And the landmine at Xia Siyu's feet was removed by Meng Tao.

  Even though...Bo Tingxiao came here to remove mines and save people, but he was a step late.

   Yunli narrowed his eyes deeply, without saying much.

   Soon, a cigarette burned out, and Bo Tingxiao looked back at the helicopter, "You won’t go to the cliff to see?"

   Yun Li pursed his lips, "How about you? Don't plan to see Li Qiao?"

"I won't go now. The execution team has had a lot of things lately. I want to rush back." Bo Tingxiao ran his cigarette **** with his heel, and cast his eyes down to cover the waves of his eyes. "

   Yun Li patted him on the shoulder, "Well, see you then."

  He never answered Bo Tingxiao’s question, and after saying goodbye, he stepped onto the helicopter.

  In the cockpit, Wei Ang is impressive.

  Yun Li leaned on the leather chair, slowly closed his eyes, and whispered: "Go back to the hotel."

  Weiang started the helicopter, and the harsh noise of the propellers instantly filled his ears.

   Yun Li picked up the noise-canceling headphones, but accidentally bumped into an oil paper bag.

  He opened his eyes, looked sideways, his pupils tightened, "What is this?"

  Wei Ang turned his head and said loudly for him to clarify: "I found it in the jungle. Luo Yu said it was Miss Xia's thing. Let me put it away."

   Yun Li picked up the **** oil-paper bag, and one corner was stained with dirt, which seemed to confirm Wei Ang's words.


  On the other side, two cars came again near the cliff.

  Xia Siyu is in poor condition and needs to be sent to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

  In the carriage, Li Qiao pursed his lips and looked at the man beside her, and took the initiative to hook his palm like a guilty heart, "How did you come here?"

  Shang Yu pressed his thin lips in silence, slowly folded his legs, tilted his head and handed her a dark gaze.

  Li Qiao swallowed and nodded kindly, "Well, I did not do it right, you should be angry."

  The attitude of admitting mistakes can be said to be very good.

  The man’s tense silhouette eased a little, and then Li Qiao explained, “Even if it’s wrong, I have to go. Xia Laowu is because of me, so I can’t just ignore it.”

  Shang Yu lowered his eyes, and sighed from the depths of his throat.

  Li Qiao did not answer directly, but instead retreated and raised another question, “If He Chen takes risks for you, can you stand by?”

  The man was silent.

  The answer to this question, they all know each other well.

  Because of too much empathy, so who changed, the result is the same.

Shang Yu sighed silently and hugged her into his arms, and squeezed her shoulder like punishment, "Next time, remember to discuss with me."

  "Will you agree?" Li Qiao raised her eyebrows. Seeing the man's eyes narrowed unhappily, she nodded her head obediently when she thought that she was still a ‘guilty body’, "Okay, for sure."

  Shang Yu embraced her slender shoulders, bowed his head and bit her earlobe like a lingering fear, "It's really bold."

  Li Qiao bent her lips, raised her head and pecked on the man’s face, and whispered: “I have demolished mines in unmanned minefields before, and no one knows better than me what’s inside.”

  What's more, even if she wanted to save Xia Siyu, she wouldn't make fun of her life.

  Shang Yu looked at Li Qiao deeply, pinched her hand to the position of his heart, and exclaimed in a deep tone, "No next time."

  Li Qiaoyan laughed, Yan Yan nodded, and changed the conversation, "He Chen is wearing your clothes?"


  The second car behind, Zuo Xuan looked at the road without squinting, trying to get rid of distractions as much as possible to prevent the two people in the back seat from affecting him.

  At this time, He Chen had a rare stinky face, and he kept blowing cold air all over.

  The handsome and frivolous face is full of the characters ‘I’m not happy’.

   Yin Mo sat on the right side close to the car door, a considerable distance between the two.

  She secretly looked at He Chen from time to time, the corners of her mouth moved, but she didn't say a word.

  After a while, Yin Mo's gaze fell, looking at the black shirt that didn't fit his style, and he found the topic after considering, "You wear a black shirt..." It doesn't look good.

  However, before she could finish her words, He Chen's gloomy handsome face turned around, "Where are the clothes hidden?"

   Yin Mo flashed, and replied in a weak voice: "In the bathtub..."

  She was worried that He Chen would prevent her from going out, so she soaked all his clothes in the bathtub while he was asleep last night.

  Yin Mo felt that she could not be blamed for this. It was He Chenlai who stayed in her room and did not leave, otherwise she would not make such bad decisions.

   "Leather shoes?" He Chen asked gloomily after jumping his temple twice.

   Yin Mo glanced at him, then hurriedly turned away, "The leather shoes are in... the wine cabinet."

  (End of this chapter)

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