Outright Favoritism

Chapter 952: I have money

  Chapter 952 I have money

  He Chen stretched out his hand and squeezed her face, "Yin Lao Er, you really make me look at me."

  Yin Mo struggled with her eyebrows twice, "I'll go back and help you dry."

   "To dry?" He Chen let go, raised his leg and lit a cigarette, "I can't wash Lao Tzu's clothes, 300,000 shirts, trousers..."

   "I have money." Yin Mo interrupted him confidently, "I can pay you."

  He Chen squinted at her with a serious expression, "Where did it come from?"

   Yin Mo smiled slightly, "I borrowed it with Qizai."

  He Chen looked at her blankly, turned his head and lowered the car window, and took a puff of cigarette.

  Fuck, trouble.


  Nyby Capital Hospital.

  Xia Siyu has been pushed into the operating room, and Su Moshi personally conducts the surgery as a surgical master.

Yin Mo did not show up, but was forcibly taken back to a remote private apartment on the outskirts of the city by He Chen.

  In the senior ward, Li Qiao chewed slowly and ate the buns, while Shen Qingye and Song Liao watched outside the operating room and waited for the results.

  On the hospital bed, after the examination, Luo Yu was still beating the bottle. She was obviously very tired, but she still insisted on taking a breath and refused to rest.

   "Let's go to bed, the fifth child will be fine." Li Qiao threw the mince into the trash can, biting the bun and quietly soothing.

  Luo Yu’s breathing was sudden, and she turned to look at Li Qiao by the bed, "Madam, Miss Xia is to save me..."

   "No." Li Qiao raised her eyes, her eyes calm, "She is just out of instinct and doesn't want to owe you favors. So, you don't need to have a psychological burden."

  Luoyu doesn’t know exactly what kind of friendship exists between the seven frontiers.

  But as long as Li Qiao said what she said, she was convinced.

  Raoyu lowered his eyelids, and he was relieved with a sigh of relief, "I thought you would blame me for not protecting Miss Xia."

  "What's the blame for you?" Li Qiao took the water glass and handed it to her, with a faint smile on her lips, "The fifth child naturally has her reason to do this, and you have done very well."

  Luo Yu looked out the window with red eyes, before murmured, "Thank you, madam..."


  Two hours later, Su Moshi walked out of the operating room.

  Li Qiao don't lift her head against the wall, watching him raise her eyebrows slightly.

Su Moshi took off his mask, and the long time of concentration made his eyebrows full of fatigue. He said hoarsely: "The bullet has been taken out and it has injured the bones. She has lost too much blood. She has to wait until she wakes up to determine if there is any. It hurts functional nerves."

  Li Qiao pushed her heel against the wall and straightened up, "When can I wake up?"

   "It's hard to say." Su Moshi considered his words, and glanced over Shen Qingye and others, "Maybe soon, maybe a day or two."

  Li Qiao looked down and thought for a few seconds, and then she caught a glimpse of a figure walking slowly across the corridor with a flash of light.

   Yun Li is still here.

  Su Moshi and others also took the opportunity to look over, Shen Qingye quickly waved, "Brother Li, Xia Laowu found it."

  Li Qiao glanced at him, tugged at the corner of his mouth and said nothing.

   On the way to the hospital, she and Shang Yu had already learned all about it.

   Yun Li's physical condition did not allow him, he did not go into the mountain, and kept waiting outside.

  He followed Shang Yu by helicopter and deliberately avoided the air traffic control route above the control area.

  While the five frontiers wear EOD suits, some time was wasted, so the two parties missed it perfectly.

   Yunli walked to the door of the operating room with his head high, and the moment he stood still, the medical staff just pushed out the hospital bed.

  Xia Siyu's eyes were closed tightly, her face was bloodless, and the whole arm wrapped in bandages had blood stains.

  Yun Li stared at her without blinking, with a thickening of emotions in his eyes.

  Su Moshi confessed to the medical staff to send Xia Siyu to the ward, then turned his head to look at Yun Li, and explained a few words about his condition.

   Yunli’s Adam’s apple slipped, and his palm fell on Su Mo’s shoulder and squeezed, "Thank you."


  The other courtyard.

  Wei Angchu was behind Shang Zonghai, reporting everything that happened in the jungle with a serious expression on his face.

   "Did Meng Tao say anything?" Shang Zonghai sipped his tea comfortably.

  Wei Ang thought for a few seconds, “When entering the mountain, his deputy asked us to find someone and evacuate as soon as possible. It is said that Bai Mingyin dispatched a raid team and may plan to enter the mountain today.”

  Shang Zonghai put down the teacup, rubbing the rim of the cup with his fingers thoughtfully, "Since people have been rescued, there is no need to keep that jungle."

"what do you mean……"

  Shang Zonghai took the medical book and turned a page, don’t say deliberately: “Give Meng Tao a phone call, minefields are dangerous places, and continue to have endless troubles.”

   Wei Ang understood, "I will do it now."

  Shang Zonghai looked at his back, and the old **** was instructing him on the ground, "Tell him, it’s better to start first."

   "Yes, Patriarch."

  At ten o'clock in the morning, a large-scale serial explosion suddenly occurred in an uninhabited minefield in the northern part of Liaoshan. This incident alarmed the attention of the government and the military. The military commander headed by Bai Mingyin immediately took people to the site to investigate.

  Fortunately, Liaoshan is far from the urban area and belongs to the military control area, which did not cause public panic.

  However, Bai Mingyin was extremely furious about this, and sent his confidant to contact Naji, but he did not get a response for a long time.

  He said in his ear with a solemn expression on his confidant: "Commander, I guess...the good and the bad are too bad."

   "It's really a waste." Bai Mingyin's eyes are covered with haze, and his eyebrows are particularly hostile. "You quietly take people in and have a look, if you live to see people die or see corpses."

  Just as his confidant was about to speak, there was another explosion in the jungle outside the car window.

  He trembled in his breath, and said, "Commander, Naji may have triggered a series of booby traps. Sending our people in now is tantamount to death."

  At this moment, the jungle trees are dumped, the vegetation is flying, and the unmanned minefield is in a mess.

  Bai Mingyin gloomily looked at the minefield under the cliff, closed his eyes and squeezed his eyebrows, “You go to make a report and say that the recent exercises have been frequent, and the entire area around Liaoshan has been blocked. The release date is to be determined.”

  The confidant replied, just as the phone in Bo Mingyin's pocket rang.

  He looked at the caller ID, frowned, and looked a little impatient.

  But when answering the call, he still showed a respectful smile, "Old Sir, what's your order?"

  "You, say, what, what?" Bo Mingyin paused, his eyes tightly squinted with a raging dark tide.

  In less than three minutes, Bai Mingyin hung up the phone, full of murderous aura, "It's all **** rubbish!"


  It was night, and in the advanced ward, the testing equipment rang evenly.

  The incandescent lamp was shining on Xia Siyu’s bloodless cheeks. The operation was over for nearly ten hours, but she was still not awake.

  The rain in the next ward was already able to walk on the ground. At the moment, I was squatting in the small garden outside the building to smoke.

  This capital hospital is very safe, with bodyguards guarded inside and outside the building closely, and occasionally one or two familiar faces can be seen.

  But Luo Yu was injured and his brain was not working well, and he couldn't remember where those people had met.

  (End of this chapter)

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