Outright Favoritism

Chapter 962: Li Qiao meets Xiao Hongdao

   Chapter 962 Li Qiao meets Xiao Hongdao

  Five minutes before the opening of the wedding banquet, Shang Zonghai and Xiao Hongdao never showed up.

  At this time, the injured Xia Siyu came. She was wearing a skirt with a buttoned tube top cape, which cleverly covered the gauze on her right arm.

   Entering the hall, Xia Siyu followed Li Qiao's figure and walked over.

  In the middle, Xiao Yehui strolled in front of her.

  Xia Siyu stood still, raised his eyes, "Something?"

  Xiao Yehui's gaze swept across her right arm, his eyebrows were as warm as ever, "Injured?"

   "You knowingly ask?" Xia Siyu was impatiently staggered and planned to walk around, "This time I didn't die, I disappointed you."

   "The fifth..." Seeing Xia Siyu's footsteps, Xiao Yehui couldn't help sighing, "Thank you Xiaoqi for me."

  Xia Siyu didn't look back, "I have to say it to myself, my old lady is Jinkouyuyan, and I don't help beasts."

  Xiao Yehui stared at her back with complicated eyes, closed his eyes, his expression was slightly cool.


  When the wedding began, all guests were invited to watch the ceremony in front of the red carpet on the promenade.

  Su Moshi and Wu Minmin, wearing Myanmar's unique ethnic wedding costumes, slowly stepped onto the red carpet under the path of the flower girl and the guard of honor.

  In the front row, the five border children stand side by side, looking at Su Mo from far and near, everyone is smiling, and there are full of blessings hidden in the smile.

  Yin Mo is dressed as a waiter, dressed in disguise with her brows and eyes, wearing a thin veil, and inconspicuous in the crowd.

  Only the six sons knew that on the day of Su Moshi’s wedding, everyone was there.

  The opposite of Li Qiao is Xiao Yehui.

  The six sons of the past fit together in this way, which is extremely ironic.

  The traditional wedding process in Myanmar is extremely cumbersome. After walking through the red carpet, Xi Niang will take care of the fortune.

  In the state banquet hall at this moment, the guests are fully absorbed.

  Only Li Qiao glanced vaguely at the mobile phone message, and the moment she raised her eyes, she heard someone behind her suddenly say: "Tan Sri, Prince Wu Lu wants you to go to the back garden."

  Prince Wu Lu was indeed not at the scene of the ceremony.

  Li Qiao looked back, remained silent for three seconds, raised her eyebrows, "Lead the way."

  In a blink of an eye, the two of them were annihilated in the shadows.


  The wedding is still going on in full swing. After Li Qiao left, the queue on the scene has also undergone subtle changes.

  The place where the five sons of the border were originally standing. At this time, a group of people had been changed, and Shen Qingye and others had disappeared.

  Back garden, Li Qiao unhurriedly followed the waiter to pace forward.

  As it goes deeper, the air around the garden seems to be still, silent and hidden.

  The pace of the waiter is getting faster and faster, as if he has done something wrong.

  Li Qiao followed calmly, as if not seeing these.

  Finally, at the end of the garden, near a decorated pagoda, a table and two chairs, the fragrance of tea is overflowing, and a person is sitting.

  This is Li Qiao’s first meeting with Xiao Hongdao.

  The other party is extremely restrained, sitting under the pagoda, just like an ordinary old man.

  But the hanging needle pattern, eagle eyes, and the aura that has been immersed in a high position for a long time still can't restrain.

  Li Qiao ignored the guilty waiter and wandered down the path with her skirt.

  Under the pagoda, there is Buddha's incense, but it can't conceal the sins of Xiao Hongdao.

  Li Qiao took the seat, and nodded calmly, "As you are like you, why bother to spend a lot of time, as long as you greet me, I will not come."

  Xiao Hongdao took a sip of tea, his eyebrows stretched, showing kindness, "It seems that the waiter used the wrong method."

  Li Qiao was noncommittal, and looked at him across the table.

  Xiao Hongdao lightly sighed, turned his head to a corner where there was no one, and gave an order like talking and laughing, "The first time we meet, I will leave a bad impression on this little girl. Go and deal with it."

  Although no one responded, Li Qiao could feel a shadow passing by in the dark.

  Li Qiao leaned back against the back of her chair, calm and calm.

   "Little girl, she is very courageous, she is indeed a rare and good seedling." Xiao Hongdao's praise was met with a careless response from Li Qiaoman, "You thank you."

  The honorific words that should be used, the politeness that should be used, and Li Qiao's performance is decent.

   is probably a consistent routine of first courtesy and then soldiers, and Xiao Hongdao is also the same.

  The two sat quietly for a while, Xiao Hongdao drank half a cup of tea, and said to the point, "Little girl, tell me, where did Xiao Yeyan offend you?"

  Li Qiao raised her eyes, calmly, "If you know it with your heart, it's not difficult to find out."

   "Hahaha." Xiao Hongdao laughed loudly, pointed at Li Qiao, and said with emotion: "No wonder Shang Zonghai values ​​you so much. Not only is he courageous, he is also very clever. You are much better than your mother."

  Li Qiao held her lips in an unchanging posture, slightly curling her lips, "Sometimes, being good doesn't necessarily save your life."

  Xiao Hongdao raised his eyebrows, lowered his head and sipped tea, looking at her through the rim of the cup, "Oh? Then you might as well talk about how to save your life?"

   "It's all my humble opinion, not suitable for making a fuss in front of you."

  There are waves in Xiao Hongdao's eyes, putting down the tea cup with no weight, and chuckling: "Although it is a good strategy to retreat, but if you use it too much, it will seem lack of confidence."

  Li Qiao nodded in agreement, "You are right."

  Xiao Hongdao's eyes were dim, and the peace between his eyebrows was narrowed, and his voice became much lower, "Little girl, what can I gain from fighting against Childman?"

   "Naturally." Li Qiao keenly caught his every move, with the same tone as before, "Mr. Xiao is clever, I still need to learn more."

  Xiao Hongdao shook his head, with a weird pity in his eyes, "Child, it's important for a person to have self-knowledge. If I move one of my sons, I really think I can bring down Zellman?"

Li Qiao picked up the upside-down tea cup on the table and took the lead in refilling Xiao Hongdao with the teapot. "My dad always teaches me that I must be aware of current affairs and have to do my best. I have always kept it in mind, so...I Never have a good eye and a low hand."

  The implication was that to bring down Zellman, it was all within his power.

  Xiao Hongdao has seen a lot of talkers, and he has also seen people who try to become a car, but Li Qiao's so stubborn rhetoric finally made him chuckle again.

   "Too confident." Xiao Hongdao watched Li Qiao's actions of pouring tea, and his expression was darkened silently.

  Li Qiao put down the teapot and poured herself a drink, “It’s not self-confidence, but knowing yourself and the enemy. You really want to move me, you won’t choose the Cabinet Office.”

  Xiao Hongdao squeezed the teacup lightly, and a faint cracking sound came from his palm, "How can you see it?"

  Li Qiao raised a glass to him, "For so many years, you have never left a handle on things, and you haven't found a substitute for the dead, how can you rush to make a move."

  While talking, Li Qiao drank the tea in the teacup. The moment she put the purple sand cup on the table, the cup broke and split into two.

  She smiled and said sorry, and then curled her lips intriguingly, “However, when it comes to replacing the dead ghost, your abandoned son Xiao Yeyan should be a good candidate.”

  (End of this chapter)

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