Outright Favoritism

Chapter 963: Master tricks

   Chapter 963

  At this time, Xiao Hongdao’s eyes were deep, but the light curve of his lips was a little bit of joy, "I have never seen a child as smart as you in many years."

  He stared at the teapot and raised his head slightly, "Aren't you afraid that I will poison the tea?"

  Li Qiao tapped the tip of her tongue, as if she was aftertaste of the tea fragrance, "You won't."

  Xiao Hong raised her eyebrows and motioned for her to continue.

   Seeing this, Li Qiao raised his eyes and glanced around slowly, “There are four people behind the temple, and no less than ten people in the grass. There may be more in other places. If you set up a net of heaven and earth, it is unnecessary to use drugs.

   "Li Qiao..." Xiao Hongdao shook his head with regret, "If you were not Jing Yilan's daughter, we would definitely not be enemies."

  Li Qiao looked at the broken teacup on the table, raised her eyelids and said, "No matter who I am, the ending will be the same."

   "Really?" At this time, Xiao Hongdao stood up on the edge of the table and sighed, "You have a good plan, and your mind is flexible enough. I heard that you are still a proud student of Academician Jiang Hande."

  A subtle stream of light flashed across Li Qiao's eyes, which was fleeting.

  She got up and said without rush: "I should be...the proud student of many people."

"Young people, it's better not to be too conceited." Xiao Hongdao leaned sideways, smiling slightly, "Nanyang Li family, Duan family, and Renhe laboratory have all sent people to protect secretly. Why don't you know how to use your own teacher? Protect it? Zhong Jiugong, Jiang Hande, and...the poor kilns on the border, are they forgotten or not important?"

  Xiao Hongdao stared at Li Qiao for an instant, "You said you would follow your father's teachings, but it seems that you forgot to respect the teacher and respect the Tao."

  Li Qiao replied with silence, but the dark deer eyes were still calm.

  Xiao Hongdao stood with his hands behind him, and the left light swept over the silent Li Qiao, "Child, what do you want to say to me?"

  Li Qiao moved her lips, revealing a hint of playfulness between her eyebrows.

  She did not respond, but slowly turned around.

  Xiao Hongdao narrowed his eyes, and at the same time, the figure that shouldn't have appeared here was impressive.

   "Old Xiao, take my child away, have you asked me?"

  A low and smiling voice came to his ears, and in front of the path in the back garden, Shang Zonghai walked steadily with his hands behind his back in a brown Tang suit.

  If you believe in Buddhism, Shang Zonghai, who is twisting the beads, is more convincing.

  Two deceased people who are over half a hundred years old meet again in a foreign country, and the atmosphere is inexplicably a sense of urgency.

  Xiao Hongdao did not move like a mountain, and Shang Zonghai came slowly.

  The moment their eyes met, the air seemed to freeze.

  Shang Zonghai walked to Li Qiao’s side and patted her on the shoulder in a soothing manner, "Girl, Shao Yan is behind, go find him."

  Li Qiao glanced at Xiao Hongdao, then slightly curled his lips, "It's okay, I'll accompany you."

A trace of appreciation appeared in Shang Zonghai's eyes, and he leaned forward and whispered: "Aren't you afraid?"

  "Isn't you here?!" Li Qiao took it for granted, causing Shang Zonghai to chuckle, "Okay, then you will be with me."

  Li Qiao followed Shang Zonghai back to the round table. Even without careful observation, she could find the change in Xiao Hongdao's aura.

  Shang Zonghai glanced down at the teacup that had been broken in half on the table, then picked up the teapot and sniffed.

  Xiao Hongdao slowly closed his eyes, shrugged his shoulders back, "Old fox, in front of me, you don't need to put on airs."

  Shang Zonghai casually threw the teapot on the table, staring at him with a deep expression, "You have converged a lot."

  Xiao Hongdao looked sideways, his lips brewing a thin sneer, "Naturally can't compare to you, after so many years, you are still hypocritical as always."

Shang Zonghai took off the buddha beads from his wrists and rubbed them in his palms. The old **** raised his eyebrows on the ground, "Lao Xiao, you and I are not speculative. It's better to be honest and speak straight."

   "What's the point of speaking straight?" Xiao Hongdao turned around and looked at him. The two are similar in height, and the collision of aura is silent and strong. "You might as well let this little girl talk about what she wants to do."

  The master moves, maybe you don’t need real swords and guns.

  Often the winner can be distinguished between conversations.

  Li Qiao has known Shang Zonghai for a long time, and she rarely sees such a sharp side of him.

  It's probably because the hatred goes deep into the bones, so it's troublesome to even try to make a fool of yourself.

  Shang Zonghai looked at Li Qiao with a gentle gaze, the change of momentum was only momentary.

  He smiled, indulging in his tone, "Everything my child does, there is reason for her."

   "But..." Shang Zonghai turned his head faintly, his tone changed suddenly, "You move her, I'm afraid it won't work."

  Xiao Hongdao strolled back to the table and sat down, waved away two broken tea cups, his eyes were covered with gloom, "This is not the first time the person you are protecting, I have moved. Threatening me is meaningless."

  As soon as the words fell, Yin Zhihong walked out from behind the temple, holding a tray in his hand, with a new teapot and three teacups on it.

  At this moment, Li Qiao looked at Yin Zhihong faintly. The latter noticed her gaze, flashed slightly, and quickly looked away.

  Xiao Hongdao picked up the teapot and shook it, “It’s better to replace the things you’ve touched with new ones, right, brother.”

  Shang Zonghai hooked his lips, walked forward and sat down, leaning on the back of his chair and teasing in a deep voice, “Even if it’s not something I’ve touched, it’s not difficult to poison your legs.”

  In an instant, the cup in Xiao Hongdao's hand cracked again.

  This time, it was not deterrence, but anger.

  It is true that Xiao Hongdao’s legs are not good enough, and he is indeed inextricably linked with Shang Zonghai.

  Shang Zonghai looked at the cracked purple sand cup in his hand, and smiled calmly: "What? Does it remind you of sad things?"

    I will post a chapter first, and the others are still being written. Don’t wait, go to bed early, and get up tomorrow to read it.



  (End of this chapter)

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