Outright Favoritism

Chapter 964: Is he worthy?

   Chapter 964, is he worthy?

Xiao Hongdao put the cup back on the tray in Yin Zhihong's hands. After a while, his expression has already recovered his calmness, "How can I be considered sad, at most it was calculated by others, and the root of the disease. But it is you, after my wife's dissolution, It was really depressed for a while."

The four words   Zi Ion San were emphasized by him.

  Li Qiao observes Xiao Hongdao calmly, always feeling that his performance is very unusual.

  Mingming has deep hatred, and strangely restrained emotions.

  Similar... deliberately.

  With Shang Zonghai and Xiao Hongdao’s city government, it is easy for them to control their emotions.

  Duan can’t show his feet just because of a few words.

  Here, Li Qiao was still trying to figure it out, and at the entrance of the back garden, two people came together.

  Ming Dailan looked at the royal knight beside her with doubts, "Isn't he unable to tell?"

  The knight didn't dare to say anything, and only stretched his hands forward, "Ms. Hui, the subordinates are not sure, but the gentleman is indeed here."

  Ming Dailan pursed her lips impatiently, knowing that she could not ask any useful information, and she speeded up her pace.

  These royal knights are the confidants of Xiao Hongdao's thousands of choices, even if it is useless to ask.


  About three minutes later, Yin Zhihong walked out of the pagoda again with a plate of white jade cakes in his hand.

  Xiao Hongdao took a sip of tea, "Junior brother, your grievances and my grievances don’t need to involve others. Why don’t you let Xiao Yeyan go, and I... also let go of your girl’s teacher?"

  At this time, Shang Zonghai held the water glass and handed it to Li Qiao, and said tepidly: "You don't even care about your son, but you can't bear a chess piece?"

   "Since it is a chess piece, it is naturally useful."

  Shang Zonghai signaled Li Qiao to drink tea, and then moved his gaze back to look at the opposite side, “If you are inferior in skill, you must accept reality. There is no reason to replace human life.”

  Xiao Hongdao pressed the corners of his lips and looked at Li Qiao quite deeply, "Little girl, what do you think?"

   "Dad is right." Li Qiao said kindly, standing beside Shang Zonghai.

  Xiao Hongdao sighed in disappointment, "It seems that I overestimated the importance of those old men to you, but there is no need to stay."

  Li Qiao’s face didn’t change her face, her tone was calm, "You are free."

Shang Zonghai calmly said, "Xiao Yeyan and Xiao Yening are buried with them, it's not too wronged."

  Li Qiao's eyes burned slightly, and the corners of her lips curled up, "Dad is right."

  Xiao Hongdao looked at the two people who seemed to sing double reeds, and his eyes fell leisurely behind Li Qiao.

   Immediately afterwards, Ming Dailan's incredible voice sounded, "Shang Zonghai, what did you just say?"

  Li Qiao looked down, and instantly understood.

  Xiao Hongdao is really well-intentioned.

   looks like a bickering, but in fact it has no ulterior motives.

The emergence of Ming Dailan was unexpected and reasonable.

  She heard the phrase "Xiao Yeyan and Xiao Yening will be buried with them." As a mother, she once again lost the ability to think.

  At this moment, Li Qiao suddenly felt a little sympathetic to her.

   is sad, pitiful, and even more hateful.

  Ming Dailan walked quickly to Shang Zonghai’s side, stunned and nervous, "Ling Ning..."

  "Not dead yet." Shang Zonghai raised his eyelids, "You are a coincidence, you can always hear the point."

  If Ming Dailan is a bit sensible, he will not miss Shang Zonghai’s suggestive reminder.

  Unfortunately, her biggest drawback and weakness is that she believes too much in coincidences.

  Ming Dailan stretched her hands on her side, no matter how gorgeous clothes and makeup looked like, she couldn’t hide the haggard and old look of her eyebrows, “Shang Zonghai, Ning Ning is just a child, what are you going to do?”

   "Mrs. Xiao, Shaoyan 11 years ago is also a child." Li Qiao said this.

  Ming Dailan was angry but dumb, she quickly looked at Xiao Hongdao, wriggling the corners of her mouth, as if she wanted to say something.


   "Look at what I did. It was your ex-husband who caught your daughter." Xiao Hongdao sipped tea comfortably. The three words'your daughter' revealed a distinct estrangement.

  Ming Dailan was short of breath, and she was out of anger. She waved off the teacup in Xiao Hongdao's hand with difficulty, "Xiao Hongdao, are you talking human? Ning Ning is also your daughter."

  The purple sand cup fell on the ground, making a crisp crashing sound.

  The torn teacup seemed to indicate something.

  Xiao Hongdao picked up the towel by the table and wiped his hands. He squinted at Ming Dailan, saying surprisingly, "When you were calculating Xiaoyan, why didn't you think that he also called you your mother for many years."

  Ming Dailan panicked, as if struck by lightning.

  He knows, he knows everything.

  Xiao Hongdao wiped the tea stains on the cuffs, and joked in a relaxed tone: "Junior brother, just laughed. But it turns out that you really don't have a good vision for choosing a woman."

  Ming Dailan thought all her life that the incumbent would openly slander her in front of her predecessor.

  Furthermore, he is unrelenting and unsympathetic.

  Ming Dailan stood on the spot in a daze, glaring at him, "Xiao! Hong! Dao!"

   "It's alright." Xiao Hongdao patiently ran out, frowned and looked bored, "Isn't it enough to act in front of me for so long?"

  Xiao Hongdao's frowning eyebrows made the slightly gloomy hanging needle pattern extremely conspicuous.

  In contrast, Shang Zonghai and Li Qiao, their expressions are surprisingly similar, and they both watched this scene calmly and indifferently.

  At this time, Ming Dailan shook her body and remained silent for a long time before taking any action.

  She grabbed Xiao Hongdao by the collar and gritted her teeth, "You are not a human being, you are all you, and you harmed my son. Now even Ning Ning will not let it go..."

  Xiao Hongdao lowered his eyes to watch her movements, squeezed her wrist slowly, waved his hand, and easily removed her movements.

  Ming Dailan, who has been pampered all the year round, retreats before he can react.

  The ground is a blue brick path. Wearing high heels, she stepped into the cracks in the bricks and fell to the ground embarrassingly.

  Ming Dailan's hair is loose, her skirt is stained with dust, her eyes are dull and blank.

  In just a few seconds, Xiao Hongdao's indifferent irony again sounded in his ears: "You are irrelevant, and there is no self-knowledge. Even if it is still useful, it is worthless now."

  Ming Dailan was embarrassed, only to feel a surge of blood, and her eyes turned black.

  She is loved by countless people and enjoys the highest honor. No one has ever dared to speak rudely to her.

  Xiao Hongdao said that she was worthless, and Shang Zonghai was watching coldly.

  Why did she get to where she is today?

  Ming Dailan looked in a trance, angry and angry, and burst into tears in the blink of an eye.

  She stared at Xiao Hongdao stiffly, and snarled in a low voice, "Tiger poison does not eat seeds, you are not as good as a beast!"

"Speaking of this, you don't want to give too much." Xiao Hongdao picked up the teacup again and sipped tea, and said the most damning words in the softest tone, "Shang Shaoyan has been poisoned by you for ten years, if you are really guilty Don't you apologize with death? Alan, you are always so naive, and you still want to make your son a hereditary duke. You don't want to think about him, is he worthy?"

  (End of this chapter)

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